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jQuery Widgets for PC, Mobile and Touch Devices jQuery Widgets for PC and Mobile What is jQWidgets? jQWidgets represents a framework based on jQuery for building web-based applications that run on PC, Touch and Mobile devices. jQWidgets includes more than 40 UI widgets. jQWidgets is not a modified version of the jQuery UI toolkit. All widgets are designed from ground-up and based on a powerful common core. The framework core provides fundamental capabilities like support for widget extensions and inheritance, widget settings, internal event handling and routing, property change notifications, device and browser compatibility detection and adjustments. Works across devices and browsers jQWidgets takes the JavaScript & HTML UI development to a new level. It is platform independent, cross-browser compatible and works on PC and mobile devices. Don抰 spend time testing on different devices and browsers. Use a reliable, CSS compliant JavaScript library based jQuery, HTML5 and CSS3.The product supports all major desktop and mobile web browsers - Internet Explorer 7.0+, Firefox 2.0+, Safari 3.0+, Opera 9.0+, Google Chrome, IE Mobile, Android, Opera Mini, Mobile Safari(IPhone, IPad). jQuery dependency and compatibility jQWidgets has a dependency on the jQuery library. jQWidgets is tested and compatible with all jQuery versions from jQuery 1.7.0 to jQuery 2.1.1. We are committed to supporting all new versions of jQuery and ensuring the highest level quality. At present, we highly recommend that you use jQuery 1.11.1. This version is stable, high quality, and works well with a large number of popular devices and browsers. It is ideal for enterprise web applications and Internet web sites where the visitors use a mix of mobile devices, PCs, new and older browsers. Important: jQuery team has decided that starting from jQuery version 1.9.0 the project will evolve in two parallel tracks. Versions 1.9.* will support older browsers while versions starting from 2.* will not. This means that if you are looking for the highest possible compatibility across the broadest set of devices and browsers, you should stick with versions earlier than 2.0.0 for some time. On the other hand, if you are using jQWidgets in a mobile application or building a solution where certain older browsers will not be required, feel free to use jQWidgets along with jQuery 2.0.0. It is important to emphasize that the pros and cons of maintaining compatibility with certain older browsers is always changing. If you want to make a good, well informed decision, we recommend you to check the recent browser usage statistics and analyze the browsers and devices used by your website抯 visitors. Optimized for Performance Small footprint, highly responsive, carefully optimized to deliver outstanding experience on a wide range of devices, operating systems and browsers. Theme Builder The Theme Builder is a powerful online tool that helps you to quickly create themes for the user interface of your application based on jQWidgets. Online Theme Builder Download and Installation Download jQWidgets Information about the distribution package The SDK files are located in the jqwidgets directory In general you need to use files from this directory only. Files list & description: Files required in all projects using the SDK jqxcore.js: Core jQWidgets framework Stylesheet files. Include at least one stylesheet Theme file and the images folder: styles/jqx.base.css: Stylesheet for the base Theme. The jqx.base.css file should be always included in your project. styles/jqx.arctic.css: Stylesheet for the Arctic Theme styles/jqx.web.css: Stylesheet for the Web Theme styles/jqx.bootstrap.css: Stylesheet for the Bootstrap Theme styles/jqx.classic.css: Stylesheet for the Classic Theme styles/jqx.darkblue.css: Stylesheet for the DarkBlue Theme styles/jqx.energyblue.css: Stylesheet for the EnergyBlue Theme styles/jqx.shinyblack.css: Stylesheet for the ShinyBlack Theme styles/jqx.office.css: Stylesheet for the Office Theme styles/jqx.metro.css: Stylesheet for the Metro Theme styles/jqx.metrodark.css: Stylesheet for the Metro Dark Theme styles/jqx.orange.css: Stylesheet for the Orange Theme styles/jqx.summer.css: Stylesheet for the Summer Theme styles/jqx.black.css: Stylesheet for the Black Theme styles/jqx.fresh.css: Stylesheet for the Fresh Theme styles/jqx.highcontrast.css: Stylesheet for the HighContrast Theme styles/jqx.blackberry.css: Stylesheet for the Blackberry Theme styles/jqx.android.css: Stylesheet for the Android Theme styles/jqx.mobile.css: Stylesheet for the Mobile Theme styles/jqx.windowsphone.css: Stylesheet for the Windows Phone Theme styles/jqx.ui-darkness.css: Stylesheet for the UI Darkness Theme styles/jqx.ui-lightness.css: Stylesheet for the UI Lightness Theme styles/jqx.ui-le-frog.css: Stylesheet for the UI Le Frog Theme styles/jqx.ui-overcast.css: Stylesheet for the UI Overcast Theme styles/jqx.ui-redmond.css: Stylesheet for the UI Redmond Theme styles/jqx.ui-smoothness.css: Stylesheet for the UI Smoothness Theme styles/jqx.ui-start.css: Stylesheet for the UI Start Theme styles/jqx.ui-sunny.css: Stylesheet for the UI Sunny Theme styles/images: contains images referenced in the stylesheet files Files for individual widgets. Include depending on project needs: jqx-all.js: All plug-ins and widgets jqxdata.js: Data Source plug-in jqxchart.js: Chart widget jqxgrid.js: Grid widget jqxgrid.sort.js: Grid Sort plug-in jqxgrid.filter.js: Grid Filter plug-in jqxgrid.grouping.js: Grid Grouping plug-in jqxgrid.selection.js: Grid Selection plug-in jqxgrid.columnsresize.js: Grid Columns Resize plug-in jqxgrid.columnsreorder.js: Grid Columns Reorder plug-in jqxgrid.pager.js: Grid Pager plug-in jqxgrid.edit.js: Grid Editing plug-in jqxgrid.storage.js: Grid Save/Load state plug-in jqxgrid.aggregates.js: Grid Aggregates plug-in jqxgauge.js: Radial and Linear Gauge widget jqxdatatable.js: DataTable widget jqxtreegrid.js: TreeGrid widget jqxrangeselector.js: RangeSelector widget jqxbuttons.js: Button, RepeatButton, SubmitButton & ToggleButton widgets jqxbulletchart.js: BulletChart widget jqxbuttongroup.js: Button group widget jqxswitchbutton.js: Switch Button widget jqxcalendar.js: Calendar widget jqxdatetimeinput.js: DateTimeInput widget jqxdockpanel.js: DockPanel widget jqxdropdownlist.js: DropDownList widget jqxcombobox.js: ComboBox widget jqxtabs.js: Tabs widget jqxtree.js: Tree widget jqxtreemap.js: TreeMap widget jqxcheckbox.js: CheckBox widget jqxradiobutton.js: RadioButton widget jqxexpander.js: Expander widget jqxlistbox.js: ListBox widget jqxmaskedinput.js: Masked TextBox widget jqxmenu.js: Menu widget jqxnavigationbar.js: NavigationBar widget jqxnotification.js: Notification widget jqxnumberinput.js: NumberInput TextBox widget jqxinput.js: TextBox widget jqxpanel.js: Panel widget jqxpopup.js: impements PopUp widget jqxprogressbar.js: ProgressBar widget jqxpasswordinput.js: Password input widget jqxscrollbar.js: ScrollBar widget jqxtooltip.js: ToolTip widget jqxrating.js: Rating widget jqxsplitter.js: Splitter widget jqxslider.js: Slider widget jqxwindow.js: Window widget jqxdocking.js: Docking widget jqxcolorpicker.js: Color Picker widget jqxdropdownbutton.js: DropDown Button widget jqxvalidator.js: Validation plug-in jqxdragdrop.js: DragDrop plug-in jqxknockout.js: Knockout integration plug-in jqxresponse.js: Response plug-in jqxangular.js: AngularJS integration plug-in




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