(1)topmargins: The top margin is 0.61 in on page 4, which is below the required margin of 0.75 in. 这是第四页上方空白太小造成的。
bottommargins: The bottom margin is 0.92 in on pages 1, 3, 4 and 5, which is below the required margin of 1 in. 这是第1,3,4,5页下方空白太小造成。
(2)gutter: The gutter between columns is 0.166 inches wide (on page 1), but should be at least 0.24 inches. 这是双栏之间的间距太小导致。
\setlength{\columnsep}{0.241 in}
这里我需要0.24 in,但最好稍微设大一点点,如0.241 in。