Flowable 6.6.0 Eclipse设计器 - 5.扩展Flowable设计器 - 5.2图验证及自定义输出格式

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《Flowable 6.6.0 Eclipse设计器》

1 安装(Installation
2 Flowable 设计器编辑器特性(Flowable Designer editor features)
3 Flowable设计器BPMN 特性(Flowable Designer BPMN features)
4 Flowable设计器部署特性(Flowable Designer deployment features)
5 扩展Flowable设计器(Extending Flowable Designer)

5 扩展Flowable设计器(Extending Flowable Designer)

5.1 定制调色板(Customizing the palette)

5.2 图验证及自定义输出格式(Validating diagrams and exporting to custom output formats)

Besides customizing the palette, you can also create extensions to Flowable Designer that can perform validations and save information from the diagram to custom resources in the Eclipse workspace. There are built-in extension points for doing this and this section explains how to use them.


The ExportMarshaller functions were reintroduced recently. We are still working on the validation functionality. The documentation below details the old behavior and will be updated when the new functionality is available.


Flowable Designer allows you to write extensions that validate diagrams. There are already validations of BPMN constructs in the tool by default, but you can add your own if you want to validate additional items, such as modeling conventions or the values in properties of CustomServiceTasks. These extensions are known as Process Validators.

Flowable设计器允许您编写验证图的扩展。默认情况下,工具中已存在BPMN构造的验证,但是如果您想验证其他项,例如建模约定或CustomServiceTasks属性中的值,您可以添加自己的验证。这些扩展被称为流程验证器(Process Validator)。

You can also customize Flowable Designer to publish to additional formats when saving diagrams. These extensions are called Export Marshallers and are invoked automatically by Flowable Designer on each save action by the user. This behavior can be enabled or disabled by setting a preference in Eclipse’s preferences dialog for each format for which there is an extension detected. Designer will make sure your ExportMarshaller is invoked when saving the diagram, depending on the user’s preference.

您还可以自定义Flowable设计器,以便在保存图表时发布为其他格式。这些扩展称为Export Marshaller,并在用户的每个保存操作上由Flowable设计器自动调用。通过在Eclipse的preferences对话框中为每个检测到扩展的格式设置一个首选项,可以启用或禁用此行为。设计器将确保在保存图时调用ExportMarshaller,具体取决于用户的首选项。

Often, you will want to combine a ProcessValidator and an ExportMarshaller. Let’s say you have a number of CustomServiceTasks in use that have properties you would like to use in the process that gets generated. However, before the process is generated, you want to validate some of those values first. Combining a ProcessValidator and ExportMarshaller is the best way to accomplish this and Flowable Designer enables you to plug your extensions into the tool seamlessly.

通常,您需要组合ProcessValidator和ExportMarshaller。假设您正在使用许多CustomServiceTasks,这些任务具有您希望在生成的流程中使用的属性。但是,在生成流程之前,您需要首先验证其中的一些值。结合ProcessValidator和ExportMarshaller是实现这一点的最佳方法,而Flowable 设计器使您能够无缝地将扩展插入到工具中。

To create a ProcessValidator or an ExportMarshaller, you need to create a different kind of extension than for extending the palette. The reason for this is simple: from your code you will need access to more APIs than those that are offered by the integration library. In particular, you will need classes that are available in Eclipse itself. So to get started, you should create an Eclipse plugin (which you can do by using Eclipse’s PDE support) and package it in a custom Eclipse product or feature. It’s beyond the scope of this user guide to explain all the details involved in developing Eclipse plugins, so the instructions below are limited to the functionality for extending Flowable Designer.


Your bundle should be dependent on the following libraries:


  • org.eclipse.core.runtime
  • org.eclipse.core.resources
  • org.flowable.designer.eclipse
  • org.flowable.designer.libs
  • org.flowable.designer.util

Optionally, the org.apache.commons.lang bundle is available through Designer if you’d like to use that in your extension.


Both ProcessValidators and ExportMarshallers are created by extending a base class. These base classes inherit some useful methods from their superclass, the AbstractDiagramWorker class. Using these methods you can create information, warning and error markers that show up in Eclipse’s problems view for the user to figure out what’s wrong or important. You can get to information about the diagram in the form of Resources and InputStreams. This information is provided from the DiagramWorkerContext, which is available from the AbstractDiagramWorker class.

ProcessValidator和ExportMarshaller都是通过扩展基类创建的。这些基类从它们的超类AbstractDiagramWorker类继承一些有用的方法。使用这些方法,您可以创建在Eclipse的problems视图中显示的信息、警告和错误标记(information, warning and error marker),以便用户找出哪些是错误的或哪些是重要的。您可以以Resources和InputStreams的形式获取有关图的信息。此信息从DiagramWorkerContext提供,可从AbstractDiagramWorker类获得。

It’s probably a good idea to invoke clearMarkers() as one of the first things you do in either a ProcessValidator or an ExportMarshaller; this will clear any previous markers for your worker (markers are automatically linked to the worker and clearing markers for one worker leaves other markers untouched). For example:


// Clear markers for this diagram first

You should also use the progress monitor provided (in the DiagramWorkerContext) to report your progress back to the user, because validations and marshalling actions can take up some time during which the user is forced to wait. Reporting progress requires some knowledge of how you should use Eclipse’s features. Take a look at this article for a thorough explanation of the concepts and usage.

您还应该使用提供的进度监视器(在DiagramWorkerContext中)向用户报告您的进度,因为验证(validations)和集结(marshalling)操作可能会占用一些时间,在此期间用户被迫等待。报告进度需要了解如何使用Eclipse的特性。请参阅本文(this article),以获得对概念和用法的全面解释。

5.2.1 创建ProcessValidator 扩展(Creating a ProcessValidator extension)

Create an extension to the org.flowable.designer.eclipse.extension.validation.ProcessValidator extension point in your plugin.xml file. For this extension point, you are required to subclass the AbstractProcessValidator class.

创建一个plugin.xml文件中 org.flowable.designer.eclipse.extension.validation.ProcessValidator扩展点的扩展。对于这个扩展点,您需要创建AbstractProcessValidator类的子类。

<?eclipse version="3.6"?>

public class AcmeProcessValidator extends AbstractProcessValidator {

You have to implement a number of methods. Most importantly, implement getValidatorId() so you return a globally unique ID for your validator. This will enable you to invoke it from an ExportMarshaller, or even let someone else invoke your validator from their ExportMarshaller. Implement getValidatorName() and return a logical name for your validator. This name is shown to the user in dialogs. In getFormatName(), you can return the type of diagram the validator typically validates.


The validation work itself is done in the validateDiagram() method. From this point on, it’s up to your specific functionality as to what you code here. Typically, however, you will want to start by getting hold of the nodes in the diagram’s process, so you can iterate through them, collect, compare and validate data. This snippet shows you how to do this:


final EList<EObject> contents = getResourceForDiagram(diagram).getContents();
for (final EObject object : contents) {
  if (object instanceof StartEvent ) {
  // Perform some validations for StartEvents
  // Other node types and validations

Don’t forget to invoke addProblemToDiagram() and/or addWarningToDiagram(), and so on as you go through your validations. Make sure you return a correct boolean result at the end to indicate whether you consider the validation as having succeeded or failed. This can be used by invoking ExportMarshaller to determine the next course of action.


5.2.2 创建ExportMarshaller 扩展(Creating an ExportMarshaller extension)

Create an extension to the org.flowable.designer.eclipse.extension.ExportMarshaller extension point in your plugin.xml file. For this extension point, you are required to subclass the AbstractExportMarshaller class. This abstract base class provides you with a number of useful methods when marshalling to your own format, but most importantly, it allows you to save resources to the workspace and to invoke validators.


An example implementation is available in Designer’s examples folder. This example shows how to use the methods in the base class to get the basics done, such as accessing the diagram’s InputStream, using its BpmnModel and saving resources to the workspace.


<?eclipse version="3.6"?>

public class AcmeExportMarshaller extends AbstractExportMarshaller {

You are required to implement some methods, such as getMarshallerName() and getFormatName(). These methods are used to display options to the user and to show information in progress dialogs, so make sure the descriptions you return reflect the functionality you are implementing.
The bulk of your work is performed in the doMarshallDiagram() method.

大部分工作是在doMarshallDiagram ()方法中执行的。

If you want to perform a certain validation first, you can invoke the validator directly from your marshaller. You receive a boolean result from the validator, so you know whether validation succeeded. In most cases you won’t want to proceed with marshalling the diagram if it’s not valid, but you might choose to go ahead anyway or even create a different resource if validation fails.


Once you have all the data you need, you should invoke the saveResource() method to create a file containing your data. You can invoke saveResource() as many times as you wish from a single ExportMarshaller; a marshaller can therefore be used to create more than one output file.


You can construct a filename for your output resource(s) by using the saveResource() method in the AbstractDiagramWorker class. There are a couple of useful variables you can have substituted, allowing you to create filenames such as _original-filename__my-format-name.xml. These variables are described in the Javadocs and defined by the ExportMarshaller interface. You can also use resolvePlaceholders() on a string (for example, a path) if you want to substitute the placeholders yourself. getURIRelativeToDiagram() will invoke this for you.

可以使用AbstractDiagramWorker类中的saveResource()方法为您的输出资源构造一个文件名。有几个有用的变量可以替换,允许您创建文件名,例如_original-filename__my-format-name.xml。这些变量在Javadocs中描述,并由ExportMarshaller接口定义。如果要自己替换占位符,也可以对字符串(例如路径)使用resolvePlaceholders ()。getURIRelativeToDiagram ()将为您调用此函数。

You should use the progress monitor provided to report your progress back to the user. How to do this is described in this article.

您应该使用提供的进度监视器向用户报告进度。此文(this article)将介绍如何做到这一点。





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