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● 题目:Robust Drone Delivery with Weather Information



● 作者:Chun Cheng , Yossiri Adulyasak , Louis-Martin Rousseau

● 发布时间


● 摘要

Problem definition: Drone delivery has recently garnered significant attention due to its potential for faster delivery at a lower cost than other delivery options. When scheduling drones from a depot for delivery to various destinations, the dispatcher must take into account the uncertain wind conditions, which affect the delivery times of drones to their destinations, leading to late deliveries.

Methodology/results: To mitigate the risk of delivery delays caused by wind uncertainty, we propose a two-period drone scheduling model to robustly optimize the delivery schedule. In this framework, the scheduling decisions are made in the morning, with the provision for different delivery schedules in the afternoon that adapt to updated weather information available by midday. Our approach minimizes the essential riskiness index, which can simultaneously account for the probability of tardy delivery and the magnitude of lateness. Using wind observation data, we characterize the uncertain flight times via a cluster-wise ambiguity set, which has the benefit of tractability while avoiding overfitting the empirical distribution. A branch-and-cut (B&C) algorithm is developed for this adaptive distributionally framework to improve its scalability. Our adaptive distributionally robust model can effectively reduce lateness in out-of-sample tests compared with other classical models. The proposed B&C algorithm can solve instances to optimality within a shorter time frame than a general modeling toolbox.

Managerial implications: Decision makers can use the adaptive robust model together with the cluster-wise ambiguity set to effectively reduce service lateness at customers for drone delivery systems.


方法论/结论:为了减少由风力不确定性引起的送货延误风险,我们提出了一个两阶段的无人机调度模型,从而鲁棒性地优化送货时间表。在这个框架中,早晨做出调度决策,并预留不同的下午送货时间表,以适应中午更新的天气信息。我们的方法最小化了一个重要的风险指数,该指数可以同时考虑送货迟延的概率和迟延的程度。利用风力观测数据,我们通过集群模糊集来描述不确定的飞行时间,这样可以在避免过度拟合经验分布的同时保持可处理性。我们开发了一个Branch & Cut算法来提高这个自适应分布鲁棒框架的可扩展性。在样本外测试中,我们的自适应分布鲁棒模型相比其他传统模型能有效减少延迟。我们提出的B&C算法可以在比一般建模工具更短的时间内求解到最优解。



● 题目:Frontiers in Operations: Valuing Nursing Productivity in Emergency Departments


● 发布时间:2024.05.08


● 作者:Hao Ding , Sokol Tushe , Diwas Singh KC , Donald K. K. Lee

● 摘要

Problem definition: We quantify the increase in productivity in emergency departments (EDs) from increasing nurse staff. We then estimate the associated revenue gains for the hospital and the associated welfare gains for society. The United States is over a decade into the worst nursing shortage crisis in history fueled by chronic underinvestment. To demonstrate to hospital managers and policymakers the benefits of investing in nursing, we clarify the positive downstream effects of doing so in the ED setting.

Methodology/results: We use a high-resolution data set of patient visits to the ED of a major U.S. academic hospital. Time-dependent hazard estimation methods (nonparametric and parametric) are used to study how the real-time service speed of a patient varies with the state of the ED, including the time-varying workloads of the assigned nurse. A counterfactual simulation is used to estimate the gains from increasing nursing staff in the ED. We find that lightening a nurse’s workload by one patient is associated with a 14% service speedup for every patient under the nurse’s care. Simulation studies suggest that adding one more nurse to the busiest 12-hour shift of each day can shorten stays and avert $160,000 in lost patient wages per 10,000 visits. The reduction in service times also frees up capacity for treating more patients and generates $470,000 in additional net revenues for the hospital per 10,000 visits. Extensive sensitivity analyses suggest that our key message—that investing in nursing will more than pay for itself — is likely to hold across a wide range of EDs.

Managerial implications: In determining whether to invest in more nursing resources, hospital managers need to look beyond whether payer reimbursements alone are sufficient to cover the up-front costs to also account for the resulting downstream benefits.





● 题目:The Effects of Selling Formats and Upstream Competition on Product Pricing and Quality Design


● 发布时间:2024.05.14


● 作者:Lu Hsiao , Xin Ma , Ying-Ju Chen

● 摘要

Problem definition: In practice, consumers are directly or indirectly connected with branded manufacturers through intermediaries across industries. In this paper, we explore the effects of different selling formats on product quality and price depending on consumer valuations in a market. We employ a distribution family to comprehensively capture the heterogeneity of consumer valuations. Motivated by realistic phenomena, consumer valuations are used to investigate strategic decisions under different selling formats that are not trivial to analyze.

Methodology/results: We develop game-theoretical models to examine the equilibrium decisions of stakeholders. The impact of consumer valuations is investigated and validated using sensitivity analysis, and the results are connected to practice. First, we find that agency selling induces a premium quality and maximizes the channel profit; remarkably, a nonmonotonic (approximate U-shaped) relationship exists between the agency fee and consumer valuations. A higher consumer surplus can be achieved in an agency selling channel compared with a reselling channel, particularly when targeting a mass of high-end consumers. Second, by examining distinct consumer valuations, maintaining top-notch quality and the highest price in an agency selling channel is not universally viable under some conditions. Third, in the case of production-level competition, an agency selling format tends to cause product quality to vary noticeably. Moreover, in the hybrid selling channel, in contrast to agency selling, the high-type manufacturer reduces both quality and price, which bolsters the overall profits of the channel and the consumer surplus.

Managerial implications: Branded manufacturers can efficiently respond to individualized consumer needs in a centralized distribution channel. In contrast, for selling basic products, the reselling channel could contribute to achieving economies of scale and offering competitive prices. In the agency selling channel, standardized pricing determined by branded manufacturers can create a consistent perception of product quality throughout the distribution network.





● 题目:Frontiers in Operations: Employees vs. Contractors: An Operational Perspective


● 发布时间:2024.05.17


● 作者:Ilan Lobel , Sébastien Martin , Haotian Song

● 摘要

Problem definition: We consider a platform’s problem of how to staff its operations given the possibilities of hiring employees and setting up a contractor marketplace. We aim to understand the operational difference between these two work arrangement models.

Methodology/results: We consider a model where demand is not only stochastic but also evolving over time, which we capture via a state of the world that determines the demand distribution. In the case of employees, the platform controls the number of employee hours it uses for serving demand, whereas in the case of contractors, it sets the wage paid to them per utilized hour. We show that although the employee problem is equivalent to a standard newsvendor, the contractor one corresponds to an unusual version of the newsvendor model where utilization is the control variable.

Managerial implications: This distinction makes the contractor model more flexible, allowing us to prove that it performs significantly better, especially if the order of magnitude of demand is unknown. Meanwhile, hybrid solutions that combine both employees and contractors have complex optimal solutions and offer relatively limited benefits relative to a contractor marketplace.





● 题目:Pooling and Boosting for Demand Prediction in Retail: A Transfer Learning Approach


● 发布时间:2024.05.30


● 作者:Dazhou Lei , Yongzhi Qi, Sheng Liu , Dongyang Geng, Jianshen Zhang, Hao Hu, Zuo-Jun Max Shen

● 摘要

Problem definition: How should retailers leverage aggregate (category) sales information for individual product demand prediction? Motivated by inventory risk pooling, we develop a new prediction framework that integrates category-product sales information to exploit the benefit of pooling.

Methodology/results: We propose to combine data from different aggregation levels in a transfer learning framework. Our approach treats the top-level sales information as a regularization for fitting the bottom-level prediction model. We characterize the error performance of our model in linear cases and demonstrate the benefit of pooling. Moreover, our approach exploits a natural connection to regularized gradient boosting trees that enable a scalable implementation for large-scale applications. Based on an internal study with JD.com on more than 6,000 weekly observations between 2020 and 2021, we evaluate the out-of-sample forecasting performance of our approach against state-of-the-art benchmarks. The result shows that our approach delivers superior forecasting performance consistently with more than 9% improvement over the benchmark method of JD.com. We further validate its generalizability on a Walmart retail data set and through alternative pooling and prediction methods.

Managerial implications: Using aggregate sales information directly may not help with product demand prediction. Our result highlights the value of transfer learning to demand prediction in retail with both theoretical and empirical support. Based on a conservative estimate of JD.com, the improved forecasts can reduce the operating cost by 0.01–0.29 renminbi (RMB) per sold unit on the retail platform, which implies significant cost savings for the low-margin e-retail business.





● 题目:Should Only Popular Products Be Stocked? Warehouse Assortment Selection for E-Commerce Companies


● 发布时间:2024.05.30


● 作者:Xiaobo Li , Hongyuan Lin , Fang Liu

● 摘要

Problem definition: This paper studies the single-warehouse assortment selection problem that aims to minimize the order fulfillment cost under the cardinality constraint. We propose two fulfillment-related cost functions corresponding to spillover fulfillment and order splitting. This problem includes the fill rate maximization problem as a special case. We show that although the objective function is submodular for a broad class of cost functions, the fill rate maximization problem with the largest order size being two is NP-hard.

Methodology/results: To make the problem tractable to solve, we formulate the general warehouse assortment problem under the two types of cost functions as mixed integer linear programs (MILPs). We also provide a dynamic programming algorithm to solve the problem in polynomial time if orders are nonoverlapping. Furthermore, we propose a simple heuristic called the marginal choice indexing (MCI) policy that allows the warehouse to store the most popular products. This policy is easy to compute, and hence, it is scalable to large-size problems. Although the performance of MCI can be arbitrarily bad in some extreme scenarios, we find a general condition under which it is optimal. This condition is satisfied by many multi-purchase choice models.

Managerial implications: Through extensive numerical experiments on a real-world data set from RiRiShun Logistics, we find that the MCI policy is surprisingly near optimal in all the settings we tested. Simply applying the MCI policy, the fill rate is estimated to improve by 9.18% on average compared with the current practice for the local transfer centers on the training data set. More surprisingly, the MCI policy outperforms the MILP optimal solution in 14 of 25 cases on the test data set, illustrating its robustness against demand fluctuations.

问题定义:本文研究了在基数约束下最小化订单履行成本的单一仓库组合选择问题。我们提出了两种与履行相关的成本函数,分别对应于溢出履行和订单拆分。该问题将填充率最大化问题囊括进来作为一种特殊情况。我们证明了尽管目标函数对于广泛类别的成本函数是子模的,但最大订单大小为两个的填充率最大化问题是 NP-Hard的。

方法/结果:为了使问题易于解决,我们将在两种类型的成本函数下的一般仓库组合问题表述为混合整数线性规划(MILP)。如果订单不重叠,我们还提供了一个动态规划算法来在多项式时间内解决该问题。此外,我们提出了一种简单的启发式算法,称为边际选择索引(MCI)策略,允许仓库存储最受欢迎的产品。这个策略易于计算,因此对于大规模问题是可扩展的。尽管在一些极端情况下,MCI 的性能可能会极差,但我们发现了一个一般条件,在该条件下它是最优的,此外这个条件被不少多重选购选择模型所满足。

管理意义:通过对来自日日顺物流的真实数据集进行大量数值实验,我们发现 MCI 策略在我们测试的所有设置中都令人惊讶地接近最优。仅应用 MCI 策略,据估计,与当前实践相比,训练数据集中的地方转运中心的填充率平均提高了 9.18%。更令人惊讶的是,MCI 策略在测试数据集中的 25 个案例中有 14 个超过了 MILP 最优解,说明它对需求波动具有很强的鲁棒性。

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