Work assignments Privacy Policy

We take your online privacy very seriously, please read the Privacy Policy below. If you have any questions about this Privacy Policy, please send an email to
1. Sharing and Disclosure of Collected Information
Except as otherwise provided in this Privacy Policy, Work tasks will not use Work tasks and its parent, subsidiary or affiliated companies (for the purposes of this Privacy Policy, including technology subject to this Privacy Policy), without your consent provider) to disclose your personally identifiable information or member profile information, unless we believe such disclosure is necessary:
(1) To comply with legal requirements or to respond to subpoenas, search warrants, or other legal process received by Work tasks, and whether or not such responses are required by applicable law;
(2) At the request of the competent government department;
(3) To protect the safety of the public and service users;
(4) Maintain the legitimate rights and interests of Work tasks. When Work tasks sells Work tasks or all of its assets, Work tasks reserves the right to transfer personally identifiable information and member profile information to its successors.
Work tasks may also transmit your personally identifiable information and member profile information to certain advertising partners to whom you have expressly consented to receive information. Therefore, when collecting personally identifiable information, you will be expressly informed of the applicable privacy policy.
Work tasks provides services to members by partnering with third parties. Therefore, Time Work tasks provides third parties with the personally identifiable information and member profile information you submit to Time Work tasks; but the third party should agree to assume the same responsibilities as Work tasks to protect the privacy of members. In addition, under the premise of not divulging the member's personal identification information and member file information, Work tasks can analyze and commercially use the member's personal identification information and the collected member files.
2. Safety
Work tasks member accounts are protected by a member-created password. You are solely responsible for the confidentiality of your password. Please do not share this information with others. Time Work tasks will take reasonable precautions to ensure the confidentiality of user personally identifiable information and member profile information. We take reasonable steps to protect the user's personally identifiable information and member profile information stored in our databases, as well as our customer service personnel and technical staff who are required to perform their job duties to obtain user personally identifiable information and member profile information. Information is subject to limit. Please note that we cannot guarantee the security of user personally identifiable information and member profile information. Unauthorized access or use, hardware or software failure, and other factors can compromise the security of a user's personally identifiable information at any time.
3. Terms of Use Agreement
Use of the Work tasks service is also governed by our Terms of Use Agreement, which is incorporated by reference into this Privacy Policy.
4. Changes to Privacy Policy
We may revise this Privacy Policy from time to time. If we make any changes, we will post a 30-day notice on the home page to let users know the type of content modified and instruct users to review the updated Privacy Policy. If you continue to use this website after posting any minor revisions to this Privacy Policy, you agree to be bound by any such revisions. If you have any questions about this Privacy Policy, please contact us:

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