
体系结构基础知识: 六-体系结构 Architecture_华仔142的博客-CSDN博客



输出:二进制或十六进制文件,采用Xilinx Vivado的COE文件格式


# 这是注释
addi $t1, $0, 100 #这也是注释,空行应该能够顺利跳过
addi $t2, $0, 200
add $t3, $t1, $t2 # #符号后面的是注释
addi $t4, $0, 400
and $t5, $t1, $t4
sub $t2, $t3, $t4


;This .COE file specifies the content for a block memory of depth=6, and width=32






1. 最顶层部分:assembler_MISP.py

import re
from functions import*

# 处理一行指令
def process_text(op, param, row, label2addr, address):
    # input a line of instruction, output its hexcode
    func = functions.get(op, "error")
    if func == "error":
        raise Exception('Line %d : No such operator.' % row)
    bicodestr = func(param, row, label2addr, address)
    return bicodestr

# def process(aline):
#     line, op = process_text(aline, 1, {}, 0)
#     if op == 'li':
#         line1 = line[0:31]
#         line2 = line[33:64]
#         line1 = hex(int(line1, 2))[2:].zfill(8).upper()
#         line2 = hex(int(line2, 2))[2:].zfill(8).upper()
#         return line1 + '\n' + line2
#     else:
#         line = hex(int(line, 2))[2:].zfill(8).upper()
#         return line

def check_report_error(op, param, labels, line):
    instructions_with_labels = ['bltz', 'blez', 'j', 'jal', 'beq', 'bne']
    R_instructions = ['sll', 'srl', 'sra', 'add', 'sub', 'and', 'or', 'xor', 'nor', 'slt']
    imm_instructions = ['addi', 'slti', 'andi','ori', 'xori', 'lui']

    if op not in functions.keys():
        print("in line %d, No such instruction"%(line))
        return False

    if op in R_instructions:
        for i in range(len(param)):
                param[i] = int(param[i])
                if op in ['sll', 'srl', 'sra'] and i == 2:
                    if param[i] > 31 or param[i] < -32:
                        print("in line %d:The shamt out of limit" %(line))
                        return False
                print("in line %d:The R_instructions don't accept imm" %(line))
                return False

    if op in imm_instructions:
        if op == 'lui':
            imm = param[1]
        else: imm = param[2]
            imm = int(imm)
            print("in line %d:require imm" %(line))
            return False
        if imm > 32767 or imm<-32768:
            print("in line %d:the imm out of limit" %(line))
            return False

    if op in instructions_with_labels:
        if op in ['blez', 'bltz']:
            label = param[1]
        elif op in ['j', 'jal']:
            label = param[0]
        else: label = param[2]

        if label not in labels.keys():
            print("in line %d:no such label" %(line))
            return False

    if op in ['jr', 'jalr']:
        rs = param[0]
        if rs not in register:
            print("in line %d:no such register" %(line))
            return False
    return True

def process_file(infname, outfname):
    with open(infname, 'r',encoding='utf-8' ) as file:
        instructions = file.readlines()
    label_lines = first_scan(instructions)
    label2addr, processed_instructions = second_scan(instructions, label_lines)
    mcode_list = third_scan(processed_instructions, label_lines, label2addr)

    with open(outfname, 'w') as out:
        out.write(";This .COE file specifies the content for a block memory of depth=%d, and width=32\n"%(len(mcode_list)))
        for i, line in enumerate(mcode_list[0:-1]):
            #line = str(i*4) + ' ' + hex(int(line, 2))[2:].zfill(8).upper()
            line =  hex(int(line, 2))[2:].zfill(8).upper()
        line = mcode_list[len(mcode_list) - 1]
        line =  hex(int(line, 2))[2:].zfill(8).upper()
        out.write(line + ';')

def first_scan(rows):
    labels_line = {}
    for i, row in enumerate(rows, 1):
        row = row.strip()
        if row == '':
        if re.search('#', row):                 
            pos = re.search('#', row).span()[0]
            if row[0: pos].strip() == '':
            row = row[0: pos]
        if re.search(':', row):
            pos = re.search(':', row).span()[0]
            label_name = row[0: pos].strip()
            labels_line[label_name] = i
            #label2addr[label_name] = addr
    return labels_line 

def second_scan(rows, label_line):
    label2addr = {}
    proecess_instructions = []
    addr = 0
    for line, row in enumerate(rows, 1):
        row = row.strip()
        if row == '':
        if re.search('#', row):                 
            pos = re.search('#', row).span()[0]
            if row[0: pos].strip() == '':
            row = row[0: pos]
        if re.search(':', row):
            pos = re.search(':', row).span()[0]
            label_name = row[0: pos].strip()
            label2addr[label_name] = addr
        param = row.split(' ')
        for i in range(len(param)):
            if re.search("[(]",param[i]):
                pos = re.search("[(]",param[i]).span()[0]
                param[i] = param[i][0:pos]

                param[i] = eval(param[i])
        for i in range(len(param)-1,-1,-1):
            if param[i] == '':
                del param[i]
        op  = param[0]
        del param[0]
        #print(op, param, line)
        if check_report_error(op, param, label_line, line) == True:    #当前指令没有报错
            addr += 4
        else: continue
    return label2addr, proecess_instructions

def third_scan(rows, label_line, label2addr):
    addr = 0
    mcode_list = []
    for line, row in enumerate(rows, 1):
        row = row.strip()
        if row == '':
        if re.search('#', row):                 
            pos = re.search('#', row).span()[0]
            if row[0: pos].strip() == '':
            row = row[0: pos]
        if re.search(':', row):
        param = row.split(' ')
        for i in range(len(param)):
            if re.search("[(]",param[i]):
                pos = re.search("[(]",param[i]).span()[0]
                param[i] = param[i][0:pos]

                param[i] = eval(param[i])
        for i in range(len(param)-1,-1,-1):
            if param[i] == '':
                del param[i]
        op  = param[0]
        del param[0]
        #if check_report_error(op, param, label_line, line) == True:    #当前指令没有报错
        machinecode = process_text(op, param, line, label2addr, addr)
            #print(addr, op, param, machinecode)
            #print("the mcode is", end=" ")
        addr += 4
        #else: continue
    return mcode_list

2.  处理指令的函数:functions.py

from resourses import *
import re

def num2bin(num,length):
    if(num >= 0):
        temp = bin(num).replace('0b','')
        while(len(temp) < length):
            temp = '0' + temp
        return temp
        num = 2**length+num
        res = bin(num).replace('0b','')
        return res
# opRS

# def asm_bltz(param, line, symbol_table, address):
    # rs = regiser.get(param[0], 'error')
    # label= regiser.get(param[1], 'error')
    # return IS['bltz']['opcode'] + rs

def asm_j(param, line, symbol_table, address):
    # result = IS['j']['opcode']
    place = symbol_table.get(param[0], 'error')
    # print('\n')
    # print(place)
    # print('\n')
        raise Exception('Line %d : No such symbol.' % line)
    return num2bin(IS['j']['opcode'],6) + num2bin(int(place/4), 26)

def asm_jal(param, line, symbol_table, address):
    place = symbol_table.get(param[0], 'error')
    # print('\n')
    # print(place)
    # print('\n')
        raise Exception('Line %d : No such symbol.' % line)
    return num2bin(IS['jal']['opcode'], 6) + num2bin(int(place/4), 26)
def asm_jalr(param, line, symbol_table, address):
    rs = register.get(param[0], 'error')
    if rs =='error' :
        raise Exception('Line %d : No such register.' % line)
    return num2bin(IS['jalr']['opcode'], 6) + rs + '000001111100000' + num2bin(IS['jalr']['func'], 6)

def asm_beq(param, line, symbol_table, address):
    rs = register.get(param[0], 'error')
    rt = register.get(param[1], 'error')
    place = symbol_table.get(param[2], 'error')
    diff = place - address - 4
        raise Exception('Line %d : No such symbol.' % line)
    return num2bin(IS['beq']['opcode'],6) + rs + rt + num2bin(int(diff/4), 16)

def asm_bne(param, line, symbol_table, address):
    rs = register.get(param[0], 'error')
    rt = register.get(param[1], 'error')
    place = symbol_table.get(param[2], 'error')
    if(place == 'error'):
        raise Exception('Line %d : No such symbol.' % line)
    return num2bin(IS['bne']['opcode'],6) + num2bin(int(place/4), 26)

def blez(param, line, symbol_table, address):
    rs = register.get(param[0], 'error')
    place = symbol_table.get(param[1], 'error')
    if(place == 'error'):
        raise Exception('Line %d : No such symbol.' % line)
    return num2bin(IS['blez']['opcode'], 6) + rs + '000000000000000' + num2bin(IS['blez']['opcode', 6])

def blzt(param, line, symbol_table, address):
    rs = register.get(param[0], 'error')
    place = symbol_table.get(param[1], 'error')
    if(place == 'error'):
        raise Exception('Line %d : No such symbol.' % line)
    return num2bin(IS['blzt']['opcode'], 6) + rs + '000000000000000' + num2bin(IS['blzt']['opcode', 6])

def asm_addi(param, line, symbol_table, address):
    rt = register.get(param[0], 'error')
    rs = register.get(param[1], 'error')
    imm = param[2]
    if rs =='error' or rt == 'error':
        raise Exception('Line %d : No such register.' % line)
    return num2bin(IS['addi']['opcode'], 6) + rs + rt  + num2bin(int(imm), 16)

def asm_slti(param, line, symbol_table, address):
    rt = register.get(param[0], 'error')
    rs = register.get(param[1], 'error')
    imm = param[2]
    if rs =='error' or rt == 'error':
        raise Exception('Line %d : No such register.' % line)
    return num2bin(IS['slti']['opcode'], 6) + rs + rt  + num2bin(int(imm), 16)

def asm_andi(param, line, symbol_table, address):
    rt = register.get(param[0], 'error')
    rs = register.get(param[1], 'error')
    imm = param[2]
    if rs =='error' or rt == 'error':
        raise Exception('Line %d : No such register.' % line)
    return num2bin(IS['andi']['opcode'], 6) + rs + rt  + num2bin(int(imm), 16)

def asm_ori(param, line, symbol_table, address):
    rt = register.get(param[0], 'error')
    rs = register.get(param[1], 'error')
    imm = param[2]
    if rs =='error' or rt == 'error':
        raise Exception('Line %d : No such register.' % line)
    return num2bin(IS['ori']['opcode'], 6) + rs + rt  + num2bin(int(imm), 16)

def asm_xori(param, line, symbol_table, address):
    rt = register.get(param[0], 'error')
    rs = register.get(param[1], 'error')
    imm = param[2]
    if rs =='error' or rt == 'error':
        raise Exception('Line %d : No such register.' % line)
    return num2bin(IS['xori']['opcode'], 6) + rs + rt  + num2bin(int(imm), 16)

def asm_lui(param, line, symbol_table, address):
    rt = register.get(param[0], 'error')
    imm = param[1]
    if rt =='error':
        raise Exception('Line %d : No such register.' % line)
    return num2bin(IS['lui']['opcode'], 6) + '00000' + rt  + num2bin(int(imm), 16)

def asm_lb(param, line, symbol_table, address):
    rt = register.get(param[0], 'error')
    imm = param[1][0]
    rs = register.get(param[1][2:-1], 'error')
    if rs =='error' or rt == 'error':
        raise Exception('Line %d : No such register.' % line)
    return num2bin(IS['lb']['opcode'], 6) + rs + rt  + num2bin(int(imm), 16)

def asm_lh(param, line, symbol_table, address):
    rt = register.get(param[0], 'error')
    imm = param[1][0]
    rs = register.get(param[1][2:-1], 'error')
    if rs =='error' or rt == 'error':
        raise Exception('Line %d : No such register.' % line)
    return num2bin(IS['lh']['opcode'], 6) + rs + rt  + num2bin(int(imm), 16)

def asm_lw(param, line, symbol_table, address):
    rt = register.get(param[0], 'error')
    imm = param[1]
    rs = register.get(param[2], 'error')

    if rt == 'error' or rs == 'error':
        raise Exception('Line %d : No such register.' % line)
    return num2bin(IS['lw']['opcode'], 6) + rs + rt  + num2bin(int(imm), 16)

def asm_sb(param, line, symbol_table, address):
    rt = register.get(param[0], 'error')
    imm = param[1][0]
    rs = register.get(param[1][2:-1], 'error')
    if rs =='error' or rt == 'error':
        raise Exception('Line %d : No such register.' % line)
    return num2bin(IS['sb']['opcode'], 6) + rs + rt  + num2bin(int(imm), 16)

def asm_sh(param, line, symbol_table, address):
    rt = register.get(param[0], 'error')
    imm = param[1][0]
    rs = register.get(param[1][2:-1], 'error')
    if rs =='error' or rt == 'error':
        raise Exception('Line %d : No such register.' % line)
    return num2bin(IS['sh']['opcode'], 6) + rs + rt  + num2bin(int(imm), 16)

def asm_sw(param, line, symbol_table, address):
    rt = register.get(param[0], 'error')
    imm = param[1]
    rs = register.get(param[2], 'error')

    if rt == 'error' or rs == 'error':
        raise Exception('Line %d : No such register.' % line)
    return num2bin(IS['sw']['opcode'], 6) + rs + rt  + num2bin(int(imm), 16)


def asm_sll(param, line, symbol_table, address):
    rd = register.get(param[0], 'error')
    rt = register.get(param[1], 'error')
    shamt = param[2]
    if rd =='error' or rt == 'error':
        raise Exception('Line %d : No such register.' % line)
    return num2bin(IS['sll']['opcode'], 6) + '00000' + rt + rd + num2bin(int(shamt), 5) + num2bin(IS['sll']['func'], 6)

def asm_srl(param, line, symbol_table, address):
    rd = register.get(param[0], 'error')
    rt = register.get(param[1], 'error')
    shamt = param[2]
    if rd =='error' or rt == 'error':
        raise Exception('Line %d : No such register.' % line)
    return num2bin(IS['srl']['opcode'], 6) + '00000' + rt + rd + num2bin(int(shamt), 5) + num2bin(IS['srl']['func'], 6)

def asm_sra(param, line, symbol_table, address):
    rd = register.get(param[0], 'error')
    rt = register.get(param[1], 'error')
    shamt = param[2]
    if rd =='error' or rt == 'error':
        raise Exception('Line %d : No such register.' % line)
    return num2bin(IS['sra']['opcode'], 6) + '00000' + rt + rd + num2bin(int(shamt), 5) + num2bin(IS['sra']['func'], 6)

def asm_sllv(param, line, symbol_table, address):
    rd = register.get(param[0], 'error')
    rt = register.get(param[1], 'error')
    rs = register.get(param[2], 'error')
    if rd =='error' or rs == 'error' or rt =='error':
        raise Exception('Line %d : No such register.' % line)
    return num2bin(IS['sllv']['opcode'],6) + rs + rt + rd + '00000' + num2bin(IS['sllv']['func'],6)

def asm_srlv(param, line, symbol_table, address):
    rd = register.get(param[0], 'error')
    rt = register.get(param[1], 'error')
    rs = register.get(param[2], 'error')
    if rd =='error' or rs == 'error' or rt =='error':
        raise Exception('Line %d : No such register.' % line)
    return num2bin(IS['srlv']['opcode'],6) + rs + rt + rd + '00000' + num2bin(IS['srlv']['func'],6)

def asm_srav(param, line, symbol_table, address):
    rd = register.get(param[0], 'error')
    rt = register.get(param[1], 'error')
    rs = register.get(param[2], 'error')
    if rd =='error' or rs == 'error' or rt =='error':
        raise Exception('Line %d : No such register.' % line)
    return num2bin(IS['srav']['opcode'],6) + rs + rt + rd + '00000' + num2bin(IS['srav']['func'],6)

def asm_jr(param, line, symbol_table, address):
    rs = register.get(param[0], 'error')
    if rs == 'error':
        raise Exception('Line %d : No such register.' % line)
    return num2bin(IS['jr']['opcode'], 6) + rs + '000000000000000' + num2bin(IS['jr']['func'], 6)

def asm_add(param, line, symbol_table, address):
    rd = register.get(param[0], 'error')
    rs = register.get(param[1], 'error')
    rt = register.get(param[2], 'error')
    if rd =='error' or rs == 'error' or rt =='error':
        raise Exception('Line %d : No such register.' % line)
    return num2bin(IS['add']['opcode'],6) + rs + rt + rd + '00000' + num2bin(IS['add']['func'],6)

def asm_sub(param, line, symbol_table, address):
    rd = register.get(param[0], 'error')
    rs = register.get(param[1], 'error')
    rt = register.get(param[2], 'error')
    if rd =='error' or rs == 'error' or rt =='error':
        raise Exception('Line %d : No such register.' % line)
    return num2bin(IS['sub']['opcode'], 6) + rs + rt + rd + '00000' + num2bin(IS['sub']['func'], 6)

def asm_and(param, line, symbol_table, address):
    rd = register.get(param[0], 'error')
    rs = register.get(param[1], 'error')
    rt = register.get(param[2], 'error')
    if rd =='error' or rs == 'error' or rt =='error':
        raise Exception('Line %d : No such register.' % line)
    return num2bin(IS['and']['opcode'], 6) + rs + rt + rd + '00000' + num2bin(IS['and']['func'], 6)

def asm_or(param, line, symbol_table, address):
    rd = register.get(param[0], 'error')
    rs = register.get(param[1], 'error')
    rt = register.get(param[2], 'error')
    if rd =='error' or rs == 'error' or rt =='error':
        raise Exception('Line %d : No such register.' % line)
    return num2bin(IS['or']['opcode'], 6) + rs + rt + rd + '00000' + num2bin(IS['or']['func'], 6)

def asm_xor(param, line, symbol_table, address):
    rd = register.get(param[0], 'error')
    rs = register.get(param[1], 'error')
    rt = register.get(param[2], 'error')
    if rd =='error' or rs == 'error' or rt =='error':
        raise Exception('Line %d : No such register.' % line)
    return num2bin(IS['xor']['opcode'], 6) + rs + rt + rd + '00000' + num2bin(IS['xor']['func'], 6)

def asm_nor(param, line, symbol_table, address):
    rd = register.get(param[0], 'error')
    rs = register.get(param[1], 'error')
    rt = register.get(param[2], 'error')
    if rd =='error' or rs == 'error' or rt =='error':
        raise Exception('Line %d : No such register.' % line)
    return num2bin(IS['nor']['opcode'], 6) + rs + rt + rd + '00000' + num2bin(IS['nor']['func'], 6)

def asm_slt(param, line, symbol_table, address):
    rd = register.get(param[0], 'error')
    rs = register.get(param[1], 'error')
    rt = register.get(param[2], 'error')
    if rd =='error' or rs == 'error' or rt =='error':
        raise Exception('Line %d : No such register.' % line)
    return num2bin(IS['slt']['opcode'], 6) + rs + rt + rd + '00000' + num2bin(IS['slt']['func'], 6)

def asm_nop(param, line, symbol_table, address):
    return '100010000100000000000000000000'

def asm_li(param, line, symbol_table, address):
    rt = register.get(param[0], 'error')
    imm = num2bin(int(param[1]), 32)
    imm_high = imm[0:15]
    imm_low = imm[16:31]
    if rt == 'error':
        raise Exception('Line %d : No such register.' % line)
    c1 = num2bin(IS['lui']['opcode'], 6) + '00000' + rt  + imm_high  
    c2 = num2bin(IS['ori']['opcode'], 6) + rt + rt + imm_low
    return c1 + '\n' + c2

def asm_mv(param, line, symbol_table, address):
    a = param[0]
    b = param[1]
    p = [a, b, 0]
    return asm_addi(p, line, symbol_table, address)

def asm_not(param, line, symbol_table, address):
    a = param[0]
    b = param[1]
    p = [a, b, -1]
    return asm_xori(p, line, symbol_table, address)

def asm_neg(param, line, symbol_table, address):
    rd = param[0]
    rs = '$0'
    rt = param[1]
    p = [rd, rs, rt]
    return asm_sub(p, line, symbol_table, address)

def asm_mfhi(param, line, symbol_table, address):
    rd = register.get(param[0], 'error')
    if rd =='error':
        raise Exception('Line %d : No such register.' % line)
    return num2bin(IS['mfhi']['opcode'], 6) + '0000000000' + rd + '00000' + num2bin(IS['mfhi']['func'], 6)
def asm_mflo(param, line, symbol_table, address):
    rd = register.get(param[0], 'error')
    if rd =='error':
        raise Exception('Line %d : No such register.' % line)
    return num2bin(IS['mflo']['opcode'], 6) + '0000000000' + rd + '00000' + num2bin(IS['mflo']['func'], 6)

def asm_mult(param, line, symbol_table, address):
    rs = register.get(param[0], 'error')
    rt = register.get(param[1], 'error')
    if rs =='error' or rt == 'error' :
        raise Exception('Line %d : No such register.' % line)
    return num2bin(IS['mult']['opcode'], 6) + rs + rt + '0000000000' + num2bin(IS['mult']['func'], 6)

def asm_mthi(param, line, symbol_table, address):
    rs = register.get(param[0], 'error')
    if rs =='error':
        raise Exception('Line %d : No such register.' % line)
    return num2bin(IS['mthi']['opcode'], 6) + rs + '0000000000' + '00000' + num2bin(IS['mthi']['func'], 6)

def asm_mtlo(param, line, symbol_table, address):
    rs = register.get(param[0], 'error')
    if rs =='error':
        raise Exception('Line %d : No such register.' % line)
    return num2bin(IS['mtlo']['opcode'], 6) + rs + '0000000000' + '00000' + num2bin(IS['mtlo']['func'], 6)

functions = {
 'add': asm_add,
 'addi': asm_addi,
 'and': asm_and,
 'andi': asm_andi,
 'beq': asm_beq,
 #'bltz': asm_bltz,
 'bne': asm_bne,

 'j': asm_j,
 'jal': asm_jal,
 'jalr': asm_jalr,
 'jr': asm_jr,

 'lb': asm_lb,
 'lui': asm_lui,
 'lw': asm_lw,

 'mthi': asm_mthi,
 'mtlo': asm_mtlo,
 #'mulo': asm_mulo,
 'mult': asm_mult,

 'nop': asm_nop,
 'nor': asm_nor,

 'or': asm_or,
 'ori': asm_ori,

 'sb': asm_sb,
 'sh': asm_sh,
 'sll': asm_sll,
 'sllv': asm_sllv,
 'slt': asm_slt,
 'slti': asm_slti,
 #'sltu': asm_sltu,
 'srl': asm_srl,
 'srlv': asm_srlv,
 'sub': asm_sub,
 'sw': asm_sw,

 'xor': asm_xor,
 'xori': asm_xori,
 # pseudo
 'nop' : asm_nop, 
 'li'  : asm_li,
 'mv'  : asm_mv,
 'not' : asm_not,
 'neg' : asm_neg

3. 资源模块:resources.py

register = {'$a0': '00100', '$t5': '01101', '$gp': '11100',
            '$0' : '00000', '$s3': '10011', '$s2': '10010',
            '$s1': '10001', '$s0': '10000', '$s7': '10111',
            '$s6': '10110', '$s5': '10101', '$s4': '10100',
            '$ra': '11111', '$fp': '11110', '$v0': '00010',
            '$v1': '00011', '$a3': '00111', '$a2': '00110',
            '$a1': '00101', '$t8': '11000', '$t9': '11001',
            '$t6': '01110', '$t7': '01111', '$t4': '01100',
            '$sp': '11101', '$t2': '01010', '$t3': '01011',
            '$t0': '01000', '$t1': '01001', '$at': '00001'}

reverse_register = {0:'$zero',1:'$at',2:'$v0',3:'$v1',4:'$a0',5:'$a1',6:'$a2',7:'$a3',8:'$t0',9:'$t1',10:'$t2',
IS = {
       # 实现成类
       # opcode IS
       'bltz':{'type': 'I', 'opcode': 1, 'form': ['rs', 'label']},
       'j'   :{'type': 'I', 'opcode': 2, 'form': ['label']},
       'jal' :{'type': 'I', 'opcode': 3, 'form': ['label']},
       'beq' :{'type': 'I', 'opcode': 4, 'form': ['rs', 'rt', 'label']},
       'bne' :{'type': 'I', 'opcode': 5, 'form': ['rs', 'rt', 'label']},
       'blez':{'type': 'I', 'opcode': 6, 'form': ['rs', 'label']},
       'addi':{'type': 'I', 'opcode': 8, 'form': ['rt', 'rs', 'imm']},
       'slti':{'type': 'I', 'opcode': 10, 'form': ['rt', 'rs', 'imm']},
       'andi':{'type': 'I', 'opcode': 12, 'form': ['rt', 'rs', 'imm']},
       'ori' :{'type': 'I', 'opcode': 13, 'form': ['rt', 'rs', 'imm']},
       'xori':{'type': 'I', 'opcode': 14, 'form': ['rt', 'rs', 'imm']},
       'lui' :{'type': 'I', 'opcode': 15, 'form': ['rt', 'imm']},
       'lb'  :{'type': 'I', 'opcode': 32, 'form': ['rt', 'imm', 'rs']},
       'lh'  :{'type': 'I', 'opcode': 33, 'form': ['rt', 'imm', 'rs']},
       'lw'  :{'type': 'I', 'opcode': 35, 'form': ['rt', 'imm', 'rs']},
       'sb'  :{'type': 'I', 'opcode': 40, 'form': ['rt', 'imm', 'rs']},
       'sh'  :{'type': 'I', 'opcode': 41, 'form': ['rt', 'imm', 'rs']},
       'sw'  :{'type': 'I', 'opcode': 43, 'form': ['rt', 'imm', 'rs']},
       # R IS
       'sll' :{'type': 'R', 'opcode': 0, 'func': 0, 'form': ['rd', 'rt', 'shamt']},
       'srl' :{'type': 'R', 'opcode': 0, 'func': 2, 'form': ['rd', 'rt', 'shamt']},
       'sra' :{'type': 'R', 'opcode': 0, 'func': 3, 'form': ['rd', 'rt', 'shamt']},
       'sllv':{'type': 'R', 'opcode': 0, 'func': 4, 'form': ['rd', 'rt', 'rs']},
       'srlv':{'type': 'R', 'opcode': 0, 'func': 6, 'form': ['rd', 'rt', 'rs']},
       'srav':{'type': 'R', 'opcode': 0, 'func': 7, 'form': ['rd', 'rt', 'rs']},
       'jr'  :{'type': 'R', 'opcode': 0, 'func': 8, 'form': ['rs']},
       'jalr':{'type': 'R', 'opcode': 0, 'func': 9, 'form': ['rs']},
       'mfhi':{'type': 'R', 'opcode': 0, 'func': 16, 'form': ['rs']},        
       'mthi':{'type': 'R', 'opcode': 0, 'func': 17, 'form': ['rs']}, 
       'mflo':{'type': 'R', 'opcode': 0, 'func': 18, 'form': ['rs']}, 
       'mtlo':{'type': 'R', 'opcode': 0, 'func': 19, 'form': ['rs']},
       'mult':{'type': 'R', 'opcode': 0, 'func': 24, 'form': ['rs']},    
       'add' :{'type': 'R', 'opcode': 0, 'func': 32, 'form': ['rd', 'rs', 'rt']},
       'sub' :{'type': 'R', 'opcode': 0, 'func': 34, 'form': ['rd', 'rs', 'rt']},
       'and' :{'type': 'R', 'opcode': 0, 'func': 36, 'form': ['rd', 'rs', 'rt']},
       'or'  :{'type': 'R', 'opcode': 0, 'func': 37, 'form': ['rd', 'rs', 'rt']},
       'xor' :{'type': 'R', 'opcode': 0, 'func': 38, 'form': ['rd', 'rs', 'rt']},
       'nor' :{'type': 'R', 'opcode': 0, 'func': 39, 'form': ['rd', 'rs', 'rt']},
       'slt' :{'type': 'R', 'opcode': 0, 'func': 42, 'form': ['rd', 'rs', 'rt']},

       'nop' :{'type': 'P', 'instruction': 'addi $0, $0, 0'},             
       'li'  :{'type': 'P', 'instruction': ''},              
       'mv'  :{'type': 'P', 'instruction': ''},              
       'not' :{'type': 'P', 'instruction': ''},             
       'neg' :{'type': 'P', 'instruction': ''},     

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