Editors (Vim)基本操作


Modal editing

  • Normal: for moving around a file and making edits
  • Insert: for inserting text
  • Replace: for replacing text
  • Visual (plain, line, or block): for selecting blocks of text
  • Command-line: for running a command
Normal Insert Replace Visual Command-line i:直接进入insert mode I:在行首进入insert mode o:新开一行(open a new line),进入insert mode O:在上行新开一行,进入insert mode <Esc> R <Esc> v:Regular Visual Mode V:Visual Line Mode Ctrl+v:Visual Block Mode <Esc> : <Esc> Normal Insert Replace Visual Command-line

Normal mode


  • h j k l 左下上右
  • w 光标向后移动一个单词(word)
  • b 光标向前移动一个单词(before)
  • e 跳转到单词的结尾(end)
  • a 在单词的结尾进入insert mode。(append)
  • A 在整行的结尾进入insert mode。
  • ^ 跳转到行首第一个非空字符
  • 0 跳转到行首
  • $ 跳转到行尾
  • % 再附近匹配的前后括号() [] {}间来回跳转
  • ctrl+b(before)或PgUp 向上翻页
  • ctrl+f(after)或PgDn 向下翻页
  • ctrl+u 向上翻半屏(up)
  • ctrl+d 向下翻半屏(down)
  • gg 移动光标到首行
  • G 移动光标到末行
  • {数字}G 跳转到特定行。如:500G,跳转到第500行
  • LMH 移动光标到当前屏幕的最下行、中间行、最上行(Lowest、Middle、Highest)
  • f 在本行查找(find)字母,并跳转到第一个查找到的字母前。如:先按f再按w,查找字母w
  • F 类似于f,向前查找 ,并跳转到第一个查找到的字母前
  • t 类似于f,向后查找,并跳转到第一个查找到的字母前一个字母前(to)
  • T 类似于F,向前查找,并跳转到第一个查找到的字母后
  • /{what you want to search} 查找,按回车跳转到搜索处。查找后,再按n搜索下一个,N搜索上一个.
  • ?{what you want to search}/类似,向上查找,按回车跳转到搜索处。


  • d 删除(delete),需要与光标移动键结合操作。如:dd 删除整行,dw 删除光标后的一个单词,d$ 从光标处删除到行尾
  • c 改变(change),需要与光标移动键结合操作。先删除,再进入insert mode。如:cc 清空整行,进入insert mde
  • x 删除一个字符
  • s 删除一个字符(substitute),并进入insert mode
  • r 替换一个字符(replace)。如:先按r再按a,将光标处字符改为a
  • u 撤销(undo) ,U 撤销整行的操作
  • ctrl+r 重做(redo),即撤销撤销
  • y 复制(yank),需要与光标移动键结合操作
  • p 粘贴(paste)
  • . 重复输入之前一行输入的内容
  • ~ 改变大小写(Shift+`)
  • 数字 先按数字键再按其他键表示重复做,比如5j向下移动五行
  • a与i范围修饰作用 a表示around,i表示inside。例如:ci[删除[]内内容,再进入insert mode;da[删除包括[]在内的[]括号内内容

Command-line mode

  • :W 保存write,如::w TEST.txt保存为TEST.txt。可以先在visual mode选择字块,再:w TEST.txt保存字块。
  • :q 退出quit
  • :q! 退出不保存
  • :qa 退出所有层quit all
  • :e {name of file} 打开文件open file for editing
  • :sp 打开一个新窗口
  • :!{command} 执行外部指令。如,:!ls暂时返回到命令行窗口,执行ls命令。注意:!ls:ls的不同
  • :ls show open buffers列出文件。显示当前在编辑器中打开的缓冲区列表,并显示与每个缓冲区相关的文件名。例如:
  1 #  "文件1.txt" 第 1 行
  2 %a   "文件2.txt" 第 0 行
  3  "文件3.txt" 第 0 行

  在每个文件前面的数字表示缓冲区编号,“#” 符号表示该缓冲区是当前缓冲区。“%” 符号表示该缓冲区是一个备用缓冲区,是用于快速在两个文件之间切换的特殊类型的缓冲区。“%” 符号后面的 “a” 表示该缓冲区是当前窗口的备用缓冲区。

  • : s/original/new/ 查找字符串original,把它替换为new。:s/original/new/g查找整行所有的original,把他们替换为new
  • : s?original?new向查找字符串original,把它替换为new。:s?original?new?g查找整行所有的original,把他们替换为new
  • :#,#s/old/new/gwhere #,# are the line numbers of the range of lines where the substitution is to be done.
  • :%s/old/new/g to change every occurrence in the whole file.
  • :%s/old/new/gc to find every occurrence in the whole file,with a prompt whether to substitute or not.
  • :r FILENAME 插入文件内容。:r !ls reads the output of the ls command and puts it below the cursor.
  • :help {topic} 打开帮助
    • :help :w opens help for the :w command
    • :help w opens help for the w movement


  • q{character} to start recording a macro in register {character}
  • q to stop recording
  • @{character} replays the macro
  • Macro execution stops on error
  • {number}@{character} executes a macro {number} times
  • Macros can be recursive
    • first clear the macro with q{character}q
    • record the macro, with @{character} to invoke the macro recursively (will be a no-op until recording is complete)



" Comments in Vimscript start with a `"`.

" If you open this file in Vim, it'll be syntax highlighted for you.

" Vim is based on Vi. Setting `nocompatible` switches from the default
" Vi-compatibility mode and enables useful Vim functionality. This
" configuration option turns out not to be necessary for the file named
" '~/.vimrc', because Vim automatically enters nocompatible mode if that file
" is present. But we're including it here just in case this config file is
" loaded some other way (e.g. saved as `foo`, and then Vim started with
" `vim -u foo`).
set nocompatible

" Turn on syntax highlighting.
syntax on

" Disable the default Vim startup message.
set shortmess+=I

" Show line numbers.
set number

" This enables relative line numbering mode. With both number and
" relativenumber enabled, the current line shows the true line number, while
" all other lines (above and below) are numbered relative to the current line.
" This is useful because you can tell, at a glance, what count is needed to
" jump up or down to a particular line, by {count}k to go up or {count}j to go
" down.
set relativenumber

" Always show the status line at the bottom, even if you only have one window open.
set laststatus=2

" The backspace key has slightly unintuitive behavior by default. For example,
" by default, you can't backspace before the insertion point set with 'i'.
" This configuration makes backspace behave more reasonably, in that you can
" backspace over anything.
set backspace=indent,eol,start

" By default, Vim doesn't let you hide a buffer (i.e. have a buffer that isn't
" shown in any window) that has unsaved changes. This is to prevent you from "
" forgetting about unsaved changes and then quitting e.g. via `:qa!`. We find
" hidden buffers helpful enough to disable this protection. See `:help hidden`
" for more information on this.
set hidden

" This setting makes search case-insensitive when all characters in the string
" being searched are lowercase. However, the search becomes case-sensitive if
" it contains any capital letters. This makes searching more convenient.
set ignorecase
set smartcase

" Enable searching as you type, rather than waiting till you press enter.
set incsearch

" Unbind some useless/annoying default key bindings.
nmap Q <Nop> " 'Q' in normal mode enters Ex mode. You almost never want this.

" Disable audible bell because it's annoying.
set noerrorbells visualbell t_vb=

" Enable mouse support. You should avoid relying on this too much, but it can
" sometimes be convenient.
set mouse+=a

"This option causes the keys being typed in normal mode to be displayed in the command line or bottom line of the Vim window.
set showcmd

" Try to prevent bad habits like using the arrow keys for movement. This is
" not the only possible bad habit. For example, holding down the h/j/k/l keys
" for movement, rather than using more efficient movement commands, is also a
" bad habit. The former is enforceable through a .vimrc, while we don't know
" how to prevent the latter.
" Do this in normal mode...
nnoremap <Left>  :echoe "Use h"<CR>
nnoremap <Right> :echoe "Use l"<CR>
nnoremap <Up>    :echoe "Use k"<CR>
nnoremap <Down>  :echoe "Use j"<CR>
" ...and in insert mode
inoremap <Left>  <ESC>:echoe "Use h"<CR>
inoremap <Right> <ESC>:echoe "Use l"<CR>
inoremap <Up>    <ESC>:echoe "Use k"<CR>
inoremap <Down>  <ESC>:echoe "Use j"<CR>

:set ic 设置使用/ ?搜索时忽略大小写(ignore case)
:set noic 设置使用/ ?搜索时考虑大小写(no ignore case)
:set hls is设置’hlsearch’ and ‘incsearch’ options,用于开启高亮搜索功能。高亮搜索功能会在文本中高亮显示所有与当前搜索模式匹配的文本。

Typing :set xxx sets the option “xxx”. Some options are:
ic ‘ignorecase’ ignore upper/lower case when searching
is ‘incsearch’ show partial matches for a search phrase
hls ‘hlsearch’ highlight all matching phrases
You can either use the long or the short option name.
Prepend no to switch an option off: :set noic



  1. Complete vimtutor. Note: it looks best in a 80x24 (80 columns by 24 lines) terminal window.
  2. Download our basic vimrc and save it to ~/.vimrc. Read through the well-commented file (using Vim!), and observe how Vim looks and behaves slightly differently with the new config.
  3. Install and configure a plugin: ctrlp.vim.
    • Create the plugins directory with mkdir -p ~/.vim/pack/vendor/start
    • Download the plugin: cd ~/.vim/pack/vendor/start; git clone https://github.com/ctrlpvim/ctrlp.vim
    • Read the documentation for the plugin. Try using CtrlP to locate a file by navigating to a project directory, opening Vim, and using the Vim command-line to start :CtrlP.
    • Customize CtrlP by adding configuration to your ~/.vimrc to open CtrlP by pressing Ctrl-P.
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