#include <iostream>
using namespace std;
class CDate {//创建一个名为CDate的类,用于设置日期
void setDate(int year, int month, int day) {
Year = year;
Month = month;
Day = day;
void showDate();
int show1();
int show2();
int show3();
int Year;
int Month;
int Day;
int CDate::show1()
return Year;
int CDate::show2()
return Month;
int CDate::show3()
return Day;
inline void CDate::showDate()
cout << Year << "/" << Month << "/" << Day << endl;
class Employee {
string bh;//变量编号
string xm;//变量姓名
string xb;//变量性别
CDate riqi;//将CDate看作一个变量的类型,定义该变量
Employee(string BH, string XM, string XB ) :bh(BH), xm(XM), xb(XB), riqi() {
cout << "Calling the constructor." << endl;//调用构造函数后输出 Calling the constructor.
void inputinfo(string bh1, string xm1, string xb1, int Year1, int Month1, int Day1);
void showinfo();//成员函数用于输出
~Employee() {//析构函数,释放内存同时输出 Calling the destructor.
cout << "Calling the destructor." << endl;
inline void Employee::showinfo()
cout << bh << " " << xm << " " << xb << " " << riqi.show1() << "/" << riqi.show2() << "/" << riqi.show3() << endl;
void Employee::inputinfo(string bh1, string xm1, string xb1, int Year1, int Month1, int Day1)
bh = bh1;
xm = xm1;
xb = xb1;
riqi.setDate(Year1, Month1, Day1);//调用CDate类里的setDate函数,将年、月、日的信息输入
int main()
string a, b, c;
int x, y, z;
while (cin >> a >> b >> c >> x >> y >> z)
Employee inf("0", "0", "0");//初始化
inf.inputinfo(a, b, c, x, y, z);
return 0;
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