【EI会议征稿通知】2024年智慧教育与计算机技术国际学术会议(IECT 2024)

2024年智慧教育与计算机技术国际学术会议(IECT 2024)

2024 International Conference on Intelligent Education and Computer Technology


       2024年智慧教育与计算机技术国际学术会议(IECT 2024)将于2024年6月28日-30日在广西桂林召开。本会议旨在汇集该领域的研究人员、学者和实践者,探讨最新的研究成果和技术创新。会议涵盖了智慧教育、教育信息化、智能学习环境、数据挖掘等多个主题。通过技术创新满足各级教育的技术需求,加速推进智慧教育的发展转型,打造真正能落地的智慧教育新生态。


大会官网:​ www.iciect.org ​(点击参会/投稿/了解会议详情)












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IEEE Fellow, ACM Fellow, AAAS Fellow 香港中文大学,中国 

华云生是香港中文大学的研究教授,也是伊利诺伊大学厄巴纳-香槟分校电气与计算机工程的Franklin W. weltge名誉教授。在此之前,他曾担任香港中文大学教务长和计算机科学与工程韦伦教授,以及美国伊利诺伊大学厄巴纳-香槟分校Franklin W. Woeltge电气与计算机工程特聘教授和协调科学实验室教授。他于1979年在加州大学伯克利分校获得计算机科学博士学位。他曾因其研究和服务贡献获得多项奖项,包括IEEE-CS W. Wallace-McDowell奖(2006年)、IEEE-CS Richard E. Merwin奖(2007年)、IEEE-CS Tsutomu Kanai奖(2009年)、加州大学伯克利分校杰出校友奖(2011年)和香港特区铜紫荆星章(2021年)。主要研究方向为非线性搜索与优化、多媒体技术、人工智能等。他于1988年共同创立了IEEE知识与数据工程学报,并于1993年至1996年担任主编。他是《计算机与教育:人工智能》的主编,《知识与信息系统》的荣誉主编。此外,他还担任过IEEE计算机协会的各种职务,包括出版副主席(1998年和1999年)和主席(2001年)。他是美国科学促进会(AAAS)、ACM和IEEE的会员。



湖南师范大学跨学科研究所,EAI Fellow,中国

刘帅博士,博士生导师。主要研究方向为智能教育技术、教育信息处理等。刘帅教授主持和参与完成多项国家科社基金,在Inf Fus、Inf Sci、IEEE TFS/TMM/TITS/Re、IEEE IOTJ等期刊发表高水平论文80余篇,总被引6000余次。入选2021-2023年世界前2%科学家名单(斯坦福大学),论文被评为2021年中国100篇最具影响力国际期刊论文(中国科学技术信息研究所,2022)等。刘帅教授是EAI Fellow,中国计算机联合会杰出会员,中国电子学会高级会员,CCF教育专委会委员,湖南省计算机学会/人工智能学会理事,湖南省人工智能学会教育工作委员会副主任。


Eric Y.H. TSUI教授


Eric Y.H. TSUI教授为香港理工大学工业及系统工程系教授,并兼任香港理工大学知识管理及创新研究中心副主任。Eric Y.H. TSUI在自动化知识获取、自然语言处理、基于案例的推理和知识工程与工具方面从事了多年的学术研究,于1989年加入CSC。他的研究得到了Arthur Young、Rank Xerox、CSC、Graphic Directions和澳大利亚研究委员会的资助和奖学金。2000年2月,他还免费访问了微软研究院。2000年8月至2005年1月,他担任CSC亚太区首席研究官以及Australian Mutual Provident(澳大利亚)和Maybank(马来西亚)的创新经理。在CSC任职期间,他为CSC的专家系统产品、应用研究和创新项目做出了重大贡献。Eric Y.H. TSUI教授曾获多项国际知识管理及电子学习奖项,并拥有学士(荣誉)学位、博士学位及工商管理硕士学位。

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Rustam Shadiev教授

浙江大学教育学院,IEEE Senior Member

Rustam Shadiev教授于2012年获得国立中央大学网络学习技术博士学位。他目前是中国杭州浙江大学教育学院的终身教授,专门研究语言学习和跨文化教育的先进学习技术。Shadiev教授是英国计算机学会会员,也是电气和电子工程师学会(IEEE)的高级会员。2019年被授予江苏省杰出教授称号。此外,从2020年到2023年,他连续四年被Elsevier、Scopus和Shanghai Rating评为中国教育领域被引用最多的研究者之一。





方旭,南通大学教育科学学院副教授,硕士生导师,从事教育数字化、人工智能教育等方面的研究工作。在国内外刊物上发表学术论文60余篇,其中包括以第一作者发表SSCI来源期刊1篇、CSSCI来源期刊15篇,在《科学出版社》、《人民出版社》、《中国社会科学出版社》、《吉林大学出版社》等出版学术专著6部。已主持国家社科基金一般项目、国家教育考试科研规划课题重点课题、教育部在线教育基金、江苏省社科基金,河南省社科基金、河南省重点研发与推广计划(软科学课题)、甘肃省社科基金等二十余项。获得河南省教育科学规划优秀科研成果奖一等奖、甘肃高校科研优秀成果二等奖等各类奖项11项。现为《开放教育研究》、《现代远程教育研究》、《远程教育杂志》、《Current Psychology》等多本CSSCI与SSCI来源期刊审稿人。










Michael Agyemang Adarkwah,德国耶拿弗里德里希席勒大学教育与文化研究所研究员(博士后)、成人教育主席。曾任北京师范大学智能学习研究院博士后研究员。他在中国西南大学获得教育领导与管理博士学位。他拥有护理学士学位,曾在加纳担任注册Hushi(RGN)。他曾在朴次茅斯大学-卡普兰研讨会和加纳大学就高等教育中的人工智能发表主题演讲。主要研究方向为教与学、动机、评估、数字化、计算机与教育、成人教育、特殊教育、语言学和医疗保健教育。他编辑了三本关于教育设计、教育机器人和教育中的人工智能(AIED)的斯普林格书籍。他是《教育研究与多学科方法杂志》(JESMA)、《国际现代教育研究杂志》(IJONMES)和《社会教育研究》(SER)的编委会成员。他曾担任《国际智能技术与学习杂志》的客座编辑。他是SN社会科学的副主编。


学习模型教育机器人软计算 电子学习平台和工具
在线/虚拟实验室教育数字化转型云计算 信息技术与学科教学




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Spring.Boot.in.Action.2015.12.pdfFor online information and ordering of this and other manning books, please visit www.manning.com.thepublisheroffersdiscountsonthisbookwhenorderedinquantity For more information, please contact Special sales department Manning publications co 20 Baldwin Road PO BoX 761 Shelter island. ny11964 Emailorders@manning.com @2016 by manning Publications Co. All rights reserved No part of this publication may be reproduced, stored in a retrieval system, or transmitted,in any form or by means electronic, mechanical, photocopying, or otherwise, without prior written permission of the publisher. Many of the designations used by manufacturers and sellers to distinguish their products are claimed as trademarks. Where those designations appear in the book, and manning Publications was aware of a trademark claim, the designations have been printed in initial caps ll Recognizing the importance of preserving what has been written, it is Mannings policy to have the books we publish printed on acid-free paper, and we exert our best efforts to that end Recognizing also our responsibility to conserve the resources of our planet, Manning books are printed on paper that is at least 15 percent recycled and processed without the use of elemental chlorine Manning publications co Development editor: Cynthia Kane 20 Baldwin Road Technical development editor: Robert casazza PO BoX 761 Copyeditor: Andy Carroll Shelter island. ny11964 Proofreader: Corbin Collins Technical p der John Guthrie Typesetter: Gordan Salinovic Cover designer: Marija Tudor ISBN9781617292545 Printed in the united states of america 12345678910-EBM-201918171615 contents reword vii pre eface 2x about this book xii acknowledgments xu Bootstarting Spring I 1. 1 Spring rebooted Taking a fresh look at spring 2. Examining spring Boot essentials 4 What Spring Boot isn't 7 1.2 Getting started with Spring boot 8 Installing the spring boot cli 8 Initializing a spring boot project with Spring Initializr 12 3 Summary 22 Developing your first Spring Boot application 23 2.1 Putting spring boot to work 24 Examining a newly initialized spring boot project 26 Dissecting Bc iect build 30 2.2 USing starter dependencies 33 Specifying facet-based dependencies 34. Overriding starter transitive dependencies 35 CONTENTS 2.8 USing automatic configuration 37 Focusing on application functionality 37. Running the application 45. What just happened? 45 2.4 Summary 48 Customizing configuration 49 8.1 Overriding Spring Boot auto-configuration 50 Securing the application 50. Creating a custom security configuration 51. Taking another peek under the covers of auto-configuration55 8.2 Externalizing configuration with properties 57 Fine-tuning auto-configuration 58. Externally configuring application beans 64. Configuring with profiles 69 8.8 Customizing application error pages 71 3.4 Summary 74 Testing with Spring Boot 76 4.1 Integration testing auto-configuration 77 4.2 Testing web applications 79 Mocking spring MvC 80- Testing web security 83 4.3 Testing a running application 86 Starting the server on a random port 87. Testing HTML pages with selenium 88 4.4 Summary 90 Getting Groovy with the spring Boot CLI 92 5.1 Developing a Spring Boot CLI application 93 Setting up the cli project 93 Eliminating code noise with Groovy 94. What just happened? 98 5.2 Grabbing dependencies 100 Overriding default dependency versions 101. Adding dependency repositories 102 5.8 Running tests with the CLI 102 5.4 Creating a deployable artifact 105 5.5 Summary 106 CONTENTS 6 Applying Grails in Spring Boot 107 1 Using gorm for data persistence 108 2 Defining views with groovy server pages 113 6.3 Mixing spring boot with grails 3 115 Creating a new grails project 116 Defining the domain 118 Writing a grails controller 119. Creating the view 120 6.4 Summary 123 Taking a peek inside with the Actuator 124 7.1 Exploring the actuator's endpoints 125 Viewing configuration details 126. Tapping runtime metrics 133 Shutting down the application 139. Fetching application information 140 7.2 Connecting to the Actuator remote shell 141 Viewing the autoconfig report 142. Listing application beans 143 Watching application metrics 144.Invoking actuator endpoints 145 7. 3 Monitoring your application with JMX 146 7.4 Customizing the Actuator 148 Changing endpoint Ds 148 Enabling and disabling endpoints 149 Adding custom metrics and gauges 149- Creating a custom trace repository 153 Plugging in custom health indicators 155 7.5 Securing Actuator endpoints 156 7.6 Summary 159 8 Deploying Spring Boot applications 160 8.1 Weighing deployment options 161 8.2 Deploying to an application server 162 Building a WaRfile 162 Creating a production profile Enabling database migration 168 8.3 Pushing to the cloud 173 Deploying to Cloud Foundry 173 Deploying to Heroku 177 8. Summary 180 appendix a spring Boot developer Tools 187 appendix b spring Boot starters 188 appendix c Configuration properties 195 appendix d spring boot dependencies 232 index 243 In the spring of 2014, the Delivery Engineering team at Netflix set out to achieve a lofty goal: enable end-to-end global continuous delivery via a software platform that facilitates both extensibility and resiliency. my team had previously built two different applications attempting to address Netflix's delivery and deployment needs, but both were beginning to show the telltale signs of monolith-ness and neither met the goals of flexibility and resiliency. What's more, the most stymieing effect of these monolithic applications was ultimately that we were unable to keep pace with our partner's inno- vation. Users had begun to move around our tools rather than with them It became apparent that if we wanted to provide real value to the company and rap- idly innovate, we needed to break up the monoliths into small, independent services that could be released at will. Embracing a microservice architecture gave us hope that we could also address the twin goals of flexibility and resiliency. but we needed to do it on a credible foundation where we could count on real concurrency, legitimate moni- toring, reliable and easy service discovery, and great runtime performance With the jVM as our bedrock, we looked for a framework that would give us rapid velocity and steadfast operationalization out of the box. We zeroed in on Spring Boot Spring Boot makes it effortless to create Spring-powered, production-ready ser- vices without a lot of code! Indeed, the fact that a simple Spring Boot Hello World application can fit into a tweet is a radical departure from what the same functionality required on the vm only a few short years ago. Out-of-the-box nonfunctional features like security, metrics, health-checks, embedded servers, and externalized configura tion made boot an easy choice for us FOREWORD Yet, when we embarked on our Spring boot journey solid documentation was hard to come by. Relying on source code isnt the most joyful manner of figuring out how to properly leverage a frameworks features It's not surprising to see the author of mannings venerable Spring in Action take on the challenge of concisely distilling the core aspects of working with Spring Boot into another cogent book. Nor is it surprising that Craig and the Manning crew have done another tremendously wonderful job! Spring Boot in Action is an easily readable book, as weve now come to expect from Craig and manning From chapter Is attention-getting introduction to Boot and the now legend ary 9Oish-character tweetable Boot application to an in-depth analysis of Boots Actuator in chapter 7, which enables a host of auto-magical operational features required for any production application, Spring Boot in Action leaves no stone unturned. Indeed, for me, chapter 7's deep dive into the Actuator answered some of the lingering questions I've had in the back of my head since picking up Boot well over a year ago. Chapter 8s thor- ough examination of deployment options opened my eyes to the simplicity of cloud Foundry for cloud deployments. One of my favorite chapters is chapter 4, where Craig explores the many powerful options for easily testing a Boot application. From the get- o, I was pleasantly surprised with some of Springs testing features, and boot takes g advantage of them nicely As I've publicly stated before, Spring Boot is just the kind of framework the Java community has been seeking for over a decade. Its easy-to-use development features and out-of-the-box operationalization make java development fun again I,m pleased to report that Spring and spring boot are the foundation of Netflix's new continuous delivery platform. What's more, other teams at Netflix are following the same path because they too see the myriad benefits of boot It's with equal parts excitement and passion that I absolutely endorse craigs book as the easy-to-digest and fun-to-read Spring boot documentation the Java community has been waiting for since Boot took the community by storm. Craigs accessible writ- ing style and sweeping analysis of boot's core features and functionality will surely leave readers with a solid grasp of Boot(along with a joyful sense of awe for it) Keep up the great work Craig Manning Publications, and all the brilliant develop ers who have made spring boot what it is today each one of you has ensured a bright future for the JV ANDREW GLOVER MANAGER, DELIVERY ENGINEERING AT NETFLIX preface At the 1964 New York World's Fair, Walt Disney introduced three groundbreaking attractions:"“it' s a small world,”“ Great Moments with mr. Lincoln," and the“ Carouse of Progress " All three of these attractions have since moved into disneyland and walt Disney world, and you can still see them today My favorite of these is the Carousel of Progress. Supposedly, it was one of Walt Disneys favorites too. It's part ride and part stage show where the seating area rotates around a center area featuring four stages. Each stage tells the story of a family at different time periods of the 20th century-the early 1900s, the 1920s the 1940s, and recent times-highlighting the technology advances in that time period The story of innovation is told from a hand-cranked washing machine, to electric lighting and radio, to automatic dishwashers and television, to computers and voice-activated appliances In every act, the father (who is also the narrator of the show)talks about the latest inventions and says "It cant get any better only to discover that in fact, it does get better in the next act as technology progresses Although Spring doesn't have quite as long a history as that displayed in the Car- ousel of Progress, I feel the same way about Spring as"Progress Dad felt about the 20th century. Each and every Spring application seems to make the lives of developers so much better. Just looking at how Spring components are declared and wired together, we can see the following progression over the history of Spring


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