The Compression Book一书中自适应哈夫曼编码源代码及笔记

/*************************** Start of AHUFF.C *************************/

#include <stdio.h>
#include <stdlib.h>
#include <string.h>
#include <ctype.h>
#include "bitio.h"
#include "errhand.h"

char *CompressionName = "Adaptive Huffman coding, with escape codes";
char *Usage     = "infile outfile";

#define END_OF_STREAM  256
#define ESCAPE    257
#define SYMBOL_COUNT  258
#define NODE_TABLE_COUNT ( ( SYMBOL_COUNT*2 ) - 1 )
#define ROOT_NODE   0
#define MAX_WEIGHT   0x8000
#define TRUE    1
#define FALSE    0

 * This data structure is all that is needed to maintain an adaptive
 * Huffman tree for both encoding and decoding.  The leaf array is a
 * set of indices into the nodes that indicate which node is the
 * parent of a symbol.  For example, to encode 'A', we would find the
 * leaf node by way of leaf[ 'A' ].  The next_free_node index is used
 * to tell which node is the next one in the array that can be used.
 * Since nodes are allocated when characters are read in for the first
 * time, this pointer keeps track of where we are in the node array.
 * Finally, the array of nodes is the actual Huffman tree.  The child
 * index is either an index pointing to a pair of children, or an
 * actual symbol value, depending on whether 'child_is_leaf' is true
 * or false.

typedef struct tree{
 int leaf[ SYMBOL_COUNT ];
 int next_free_node;
 struct node{
  unsigned int weight;
  int parent;
  int child_is_leaf;
  int child;
 }nodes[ NODE_TABLE_COUNT ];

 * The Tree used in this program is a global structure.  Under other
 * circumstances it could just as well be a dynamically allocated
 * structure built when needed, since all routines here take a TREE
 * pointer as an argument.

TREE Tree;

 * Function prototypes for both ANSI C compilers and their K&R breth-
 * ren.

#ifdef __STDC__
void CompressFile( FILE *input, BIT_FILE *output, int argc,
       char *argv[] );
void ExpandFile( BIT_FILE *input, FILE *output, int argc,
     char *argv[] );
void InitializeTree( TREE *tree );
void EncodeSymbol( TREE *tree, unsigned int c, BIT_FILE *output );
int DecodeSymbol( TREE *tree, BIT_FILE *input );
void UpdateModel( TREE *tree, int c );
void RebuildTree( TREE *tree );
void swap_nodes( TREE *tree, int i, int j );
void add_new_node( TREE *tree, int c);
void PrintTree( TREE *tree );
void print_codes( TREE *tree );
void print_code( TREE *tree, int c );
void calculate_rows( TREE *tree, int node, int level );
int calculate_columns( TREE *tree, int node, int starting_guess );
int find_minimum_column( TREE *tree, int node, int max_row );
void rescale_columns( int factor );


void CompressFile();
void ExpandFile();
void InitializeTree();
void EncodeSymbol();
int DecodeSymbol();
void UpdateModel();
void RebuildTree();
void swap_nodes();
void add_new_node();
void PrintTree();
void print_codes();
void print_code();
void calculate_rows();
int calculate_columns();
int find_minimum_column();
void rescale_columns();


 * The high level view of the compression routine is very simple.
 * First, we initialize the Huffman tree, with just the ESCAPE and
 * END_OF_STREAM symbols.  Then, we sit in a loop, encoding symbols,
 * and adding them to the model.  When there are no more characters
 * to send, the special END_OF_STREAM symbol is encoded.  The decoder
 * will later be able to use this symbol to know when to quit.

void CompressFile( input, output, argc, argv )
FILE *input;
BIT_FILE *output;
int argc;
char *argv[];
 int c;

 InitializeTree( &Tree );
 while( ( c = getc( input ) ) != EOF ){
  EncodeSymbol( &Tree, c, output );
  UpdateModel( &Tree, c );
 EncodeSymbol( &Tree, END_OF_STREAM, output );
 while( argc-- > 0 ){
  printf( "Unused argument: %s/n", *argv );

 * The Expansion routine looks very much like the compression routine.
 * It first initializes the Huffman tree, using the same routine as
 * the compressor did.  It then sits in a loop, decoding characters and
 * updating the model until it reads in an END_OF_STREAM symbol.  At
 * that point, it is time to quit.

void ExpandFile( input, output, argc, argv )
BIT_FILE *input;
FILE *output;
int argc;
char *argv[];
 int c;
 while ( argc-- > 0 )
   printf( "Unused argument: %s/n", *argv++ );
 InitializeTree( &Tree );
 while ( ( c = DecodeSymbol( &Tree, input ) ) != END_OF_STREAM ){
  if ( putc( c, output ) == EOF )
   fatal_error( "Error writing character" );
  UpdateModel( &Tree, c );

 * When performing adaptive compression, the Huffman tree starts out
 * very nearly empty.  The only two symbols present initially are the
 * ESCAPE symbol and the END_OF_STREAM symbol.  The ESCAPE symbol has to
 * be included so we can tell the expansion program that we are
 * transmitting a previously unseen symbol.  The END_OF_STREAM symbol
 * is here because it is greater than eight bits, and our ESCAPE
 * sequence only allows for eight bit symbols following the ESCAPE
 * code.
 * In addition to setting up the root node and its two children, this
 * routine also initializes the leaf array.  The ESCAPE and
 * END_OF_STREAM leaves are the only ones initially defined, the rest
 * of the leaf elements are set to -1 to show that they aren't present
 * in the Huffman tree yet.

void InitializeTree( tree )
TREE *tree;
 int i;

 tree->nodes[ ROOT_NODE ].child     = ROOT_NODE + 1;
 tree->nodes[ ROOT_NODE ].child_is_leaf = FALSE;
 tree->nodes[ ROOT_NODE ].weight     = 2;
 tree->nodes[ ROOT_NODE ].parent     = -1;

 tree->nodes[ ROOT_NODE + 1 ].child     = END_OF_STREAM;
 tree->nodes[ ROOT_NODE + 1 ].child_is_leaf = TRUE;
 tree->nodes[ ROOT_NODE + 1 ].weight     = 1;
 tree->nodes[ ROOT_NODE + 1 ].parent     = ROOT_NODE;
 tree->leaf[ END_OF_STREAM ]       = ROOT_NODE + 1;

 tree->nodes[ ROOT_NODE + 2 ].child     = ESCAPE;
 tree->nodes[ ROOT_NODE + 2 ].child_is_leaf = TRUE;
 tree->nodes[ ROOT_NODE + 2 ].weight     = 1;
 tree->nodes[ ROOT_NODE + 2 ].parent     = ROOT_NODE;
 tree->leaf[ ESCAPE ]           = ROOT_NODE + 2;
 tree->next_free_node        = ROOT_NODE + 3;
 for ( i=0; i < END_OF_STREAM; i++ )
  tree->leaf[i] = -1;

 * This routine is responsible for taking a symbol, and converting
 * it into the sequence of bits dictated by the Huffman tree.  The
 * only complication is that we are working our way up from the leaf
 * to the root, and hence are getting the bits in reverse order.  This
 * means we have to rack up the bits in an integer and then send them
 * out after they are all accumulated.  In this version of the program,
 * we keep our codes in a long integer, so the maximum count is set
 * to an arbitrary limit of 0x8000.  It could be set as high as 65535
 * if desired.
void EncodeSymbol( tree, c, output )
TREE *tree;
unsigned int c;
BIT_FILE *output;
 unsigned long code;
 unsigned long current_bit;
 int code_size;
 int current_node;

 code = 0;
 current_bit = 1;
 code_size = 0;
 current_node = tree->leaf[c];
 if ( current_node == -1 )
  current_node = tree->leaf[ ESCAPE ];
 while ( current_node != ROOT_NODE ){
  if ( ( current_node & 1 ) == 0 )
   code |= current_bit;
  current_bit <<= 1;
  current_node = tree->nodes[ current_node ].parent;
 OutputBits( output, code, code_size );
 if ( tree->leaf[ c ] == -1 ){
  OutputBits( output, (unsigned long)c, 8 );
  add_new_node( tree, c );

 * Decoding symbols is easy.  We start at the root node, then go down
 * the tree until we reach a leaf.  At each node, we decide which
 * child to take based on the next input bit.  After getting to the
 * leaf, we check to see if we read in the ESCAPE code.  If we did,
 * it means that the next symbol is going to come through in the next
 * eight bits, unencoded.  If that is the case, we read it in here,
 * and add the new symbol to the table.

int DecodeSymbol( tree, input )
TREE *tree;
BIT_FILE *input;
 int current_node;
 int c;

 current_node = ROOT_NODE;
 while( !tree->nodes[ current_node ].child_is_leaf ){
  current_node = tree->nodes[ current_node ].child;
  current_node += InputBit( input );
 c = tree->nodes[ current_node ].child;
 if ( c == ESCAPE ){
  c = (int) InputBits( input, 8 );
  add_new_node( tree, c );
 return (c);

 * UpdateModel is called to increment the count for a given symbol.
 * After incrementing the symbol, this code has to work its way up
 * through the parent nodes, incrementing each one of them.  That is
 * the easy part.  The hard part is that after incrementing each
 * parent node, we have to check to see if it is now out of the proper
 * order.  If it is, it has to be moved up the tree into its proper
 * place.
void UpdateModel( tree, c )
TREE *tree;
int c;
 int current_node;
 int new_node;

 if ( tree->nodes[ ROOT_NODE ].weight == MAX_WEIGHT )
  RebuildTree( tree );
 current_node = tree->leaf[ c ];
 while( current_node != -1 ){
  tree->nodes[ current_node ].weight++;
  for ( new_node = current_node; new_node > ROOT_NODE; new_node-- )
   if ( tree->nodes[ new_node - 1 ].weight >=tree->nodes[ current_node ].weight )
  if ( current_node != new_node ){
   swap_nodes( tree, current_node,new_node );
   current_node = new_node;
  current_node = tree->nodes[ current_node ].parent;

 * Rebuilding the tree takes place when the counts have gone too
 * high.  From a simple point of view, rebuilding the tree just means
 * that we divide every count by two.  Unfortunately, due to truncation
 * effects, this means that the tree's shape might change.  Some nodes
 * might move up due to cumulative increases, while others may move
 * down.
void RebuildTree( tree )
TREE *tree;
 int i;
 int j;
 int k;
 unsigned int weight;
 * To start rebuilding the table, I collect all the leaves of the
 * Huffman tree and put them in the end of the tree.  While I am doing
 * that, I scale the counts down by a factor of 2.
 printf( "R" );
 j = tree->next_free_node - 1;
 for ( i = j; i >= ROOT_NODE; i-- ){
  if ( tree->nodes[ i ].child_is_leaf ){
   tree->nodes[ j ] = tree->nodes[ i ];
   tree->nodes[ j ].weight = ( tree->nodes[ j ].weight+1 )/2;

 * At this point, j points to the first free node.  I now have all the
 * leaves defined, and need to start building the higher nodes on the
 * tree.  I will start adding the new internal nodes at j.  Every time
 * I add a new internal node to the top of the tree, I have to check
 * to see where it really belongs in the tree.  It might stay at the
 * top, but there is a good chance I might have to move it back down.
 * If it does have to go down, I use the memmove() function to scoot
 * everyone bigger up by one node.
 for ( i = tree->next_free_node - 2; j >= ROOT_NODE; i -= 2, j-- ){
  k = i + 1;
  tree->nodes[ j ].weight = tree->nodes[ i ].weight + tree->nodes[ k ].weight;
  weight = tree->nodes[ j ].weight;
  tree->nodes[ j ].child_is_leaf = FALSE;
  for ( k = j+1; weight < tree->nodes[ k ].weight; k++ )
  memmove( &tree->nodes[j], &tree->nodes[j+1], (k-j)*sizeof(struct node));
  tree->nodes[k].weight = weight;
  tree->nodes[k].child = i;
  tree->nodes[k].child_is_leaf = FALSE;
 * The final step in tree reconstruction is to go through and set up
 * all of the leaf and parent members.  This can be safely done now
 * that every node is in its final position in the tree.
 for ( i = tree->next_free_node - 1; i >= ROOT_NODE; i-- ){
  if ( tree->nodes[i].child_is_leaf )
   k = tree->nodes[i].child;
   tree->leaf[k] = i;
   k = tree->nodes[i].child;
   tree->nodes[k].parent = tree->nodes[k+1].parent = i;

 * Swapping nodes takes place when a node has grown too big for its
 * spot in the tree.  When swapping nodes i and j, we rearrange the
 * tree by exchanging the children under i with the children under j.

void swap_nodes( tree, i, j )
TREE *tree;
int i;
int j;
 struct node temp;
 if ( tree->nodes[ i ].child_is_leaf )
  tree->leaf[ tree->nodes[ i ].child ] = j;
  tree->nodes[ tree->nodes[ i ].child ].parent = j;
  tree->nodes[ tree->nodes[ i ].child + 1].parent = j;
 if ( tree->nodes[ j ].child_is_leaf )
  tree->leaf[ tree->nodes[ j ].child ] = i;
  tree->nodes[ tree->nodes[ j ].child ].parent = i;
  tree->nodes[ tree->nodes[ j ].child + 1 ].parent = i;
 temp = tree->nodes[ i ];
 tree->nodes[ i ] = tree->nodes[ j ];
 tree->nodes[ i ].parent = temp.parent;
 temp.parent = tree->nodes[ j ].parent;
 tree->nodes[ j ] = temp;
 * Adding a new node to the tree is pretty simple.  It is just a matter
 * of splitting the lightest-weight node in the tree, which is the
 * highest valued node.  We split it off into two new nodes, one of
 * which is the one being added to the tree.  We assign the new node a
 * weight of 0, so the tree doesn't have to be adjusted.  It will be
 * updated later when the normal update process occurs.  Note that this
 * code assumes that the lightest node has a leaf as a child.  If this
 * is not the case, the tree would be broken.

void add_new_node( tree, c )
TREE *tree;
int c;
 int lightest_node;
 int new_node;
 int zero_weight_node;
 lightest_node = tree->next_free_node - 1;
 new_node = tree->next_free_node;
 zero_weight_node = tree->next_free_node + 1;
 tree->next_free_node += 2;
 tree->nodes[ new_node ] = tree->nodes[ lightest_node ];
 tree->nodes[ new_node ].parent = lightest_node;
 tree->leaf[ tree->nodes[ new_node ].child ] = new_node;

 tree->nodes[ lightest_node ].child = new_node;
 tree->nodes[ lightest_node ].child_is_leaf = FALSE;
 tree->nodes[ zero_weight_node ].child =c;
 tree->nodes[ zero_weight_node ].child_is_leaf = TRUE;
 tree->nodes[ zero_weight_node ].weight = 0;
 tree->nodes[ zero_weight_node ].parent = lightest_node;
 tree->leaf[ c ] = zero_weight_node;

/************************** End of AHUFF.C *****************************/



In principle, almost any form of coding can be converted to use an adaptive method.
The high-level C program required to do adaptive compression is shown below.
do {
     c = getc( input );
     encode( c, output );
     update_model( c );
} while ( c != EOF );
The decompressor works in a nearly identical fashion, as shown here:
while ( ( c = decode( input ) ) ! = EOF ) {
    putc( c, output );
    update_model( c );
The tree exhibits the sibling property if the nodes can be listed in order of increasing weight and if every node appears adjacent to its sibling in the list.
A binary tree is a Huffman tree if and only if it obeys the sibling property.
The average number of increment operations required will correspond to the average number of bits needed to encode a symbol.(自适应中增加每个哈夫曼树的结点操作次数与其编码的位数相等,其实位数就是由根到叶子结点的路径长度,就是说深度)
To minimize the amount of work during the shuffle, we want to swap just two nodes. If the newly incremented node has a weight of W + 1, the next higher node will have a weight of W’. There may be more nodes after the next higher one that have a value of W as well. The swap procedure moves up the node list till it finds the last node with a weight of W. That node is swapped with the node with weight W + 1. The new node list will then have a string of 1 or more weight W nodes, followed by the newly incremented node with weight W + 1.
The escape code is a special symbol sent out of the encoder to signify that we are going to `escape’ from the current context.
We can use this mechanism to encode symbols that don’t appear in the currently defined Huffman tree.
The maximum length of a Huffman code is related to the maximum count via a Fibonacci sequence.
From this we can deduce that if the weight at the root node of a Huffman tree equals fib(i), then the longest code for that tree is i - 1.
This means that if the integers used with our Huffman codes are only 16 bits long, a root value of 4181 could potentially introduce an overflow.
When we update the tree, we ought to check for a maximum value. Once we reach that value, we need to rescale all the counts, typically dividing them by a fixed factor, often two.
The properly organized Huffman tree has a drastically different shape from what it had before being rescaled. This happens because rescaling loses some of the precision in our statistical base, introducing errors sometimes reflected in the rescaled tree.
The rescaling operation tends to discount the effect of older symbols, while increasing the importance of recent symbols.
When performing adaptive compression, it is extremely important to use an identical algorithm for both initialization and updating of the compression model.


自适应霍夫曼编码的C++版本简单实现 class AdaptiveTree { public: AdaptiveTree(int rootNum); AdaptiveTree(int rootNum, string str); void swap(int first, int second); // swap two nodes of the tree void initalCode(); // initializing the data string char2code(unsigned char letter); // locate the character in the tree with its corresponding binary string and return the string string char2binary(unsigned char letter); // translating the character to the 8-bit binary string unsigned char binary2char(string bin); // translating the binary string: bin to the corresponding character int spawn(unsigned char letter); // add a new character to the original tree void updateTree(unsigned char newchar); // update the tree int highestInBlock(int count); // return the highest node to be exchanged void setString(string str); // string decodingStr() const; void encoding(); string decoding(); unsigned char code2char(string bincode); static int size(); string binStr() const; // return the binary string of string: tempString private: void run(); int findchar(unsigned char letter ); // locate the letter in the tree string tempString; //temp string to be encoded needed to be stored here string deStr;// used for storing the decoding string string bin; // used for storing the result of encoding process /* Adaptive Tree data members */ HuffmanTree *tree; int root; /* Adaptive Tree constants */ static int ALPH_SIZE; // size of the alphabet static unsigned char none; // not a unsigned character static unsigned char NYT; // Not Yet transmitted code };




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