linux nDPI 协议检测 源码分析







  • 首先是从网络上抓包,不同系统下数据包的格式可能不尽相同,在Linux下数据格式为sk_buff;
  • 抓取到数据包后,搜集其layer3、layer4这两层的报头信息;
  • 查看链接跟踪(如果是之前已经标示过的流,我们可以直接获取其数据包所属的协议类型,更新协议包的数量);
  • 如果从链接跟踪中没有获取到流的协议类型,表示之前未标示,即这是第一次检测到该类型的数据包,下面进入ndpi的深度报文检测过程;
  • 首先是对数据包进行协议猜测,调用相应的协议分析器进行分析,成功后可返回其协议类型;
  • 猜测协议错误、此时ndpi将会分类遍历所有相关的协议分析器进行分析,直至分析出结果或者遍历完所有协议分析器停止;
  • 将分析出的协议类型标记到链接跟踪中,这样便于之后直接从连接跟踪的数据包中获取其协议类型。


static ndpi_network host_protocol_list[] = {
  { 0x23A06456 /* */, 32, NDPI_PROTOCOL_SOUNDCLOUD },
  { 0x36C0CA58 /* */, 32, NDPI_PROTOCOL_SOUNDCLOUD },
  ... ...
    origin AS132203, AS132591, AS45090
   { 0xCBCD93AB /* */, 32, NDPI_PROTOCOL_WECHAT },
   { 0xCBCD93AD /* */, 32, NDPI_PROTOCOL_WECHAT },
   { 0xCBCD97A2 /* */, 32, NDPI_PROTOCOL_WECHAT },
   { 0x67071E25 /* */, 32, NDPI_PROTOCOL_WECHAT },
   ... ...
    GitHub, Inc.
    origin AS36459
  { 0xC01EFC00 /* */, 22, NDPI_PROTOCOL_GITHUB },
  ... ...
ndpi_protocol_match host_match[] = {
  { "amazon.",                  "Amazon",           NDPI_PROTOCOL_AMAZON, NDPI_PROTOCOL_CATEGORY_WEB, NDPI_PROTOCOL_SAFE },
  { "",      "Amazon",           NDPI_PROTOCOL_AMAZON, 
  ... ...
ndpi_protocol_match content_match[] = {
  { "audio/mpeg",                   NULL,           NDPI_CONTENT_MPEG, NDPI_PROTOCOL_CATEGORY_MEDIA, NDPI_PROTOCOL_FUN },
  { "audio/x-mpeg",                 NULL,           NDPI_CONTENT_MPEG, NDPI_PROTOCOL_CATEGORY_MEDIA, NDPI_PROTOCOL_FUN },
  { "audio/mpeg3",                  NULL,           NDPI_CONTENT_MPEG, NDPI_PROTOCOL_CATEGORY_MEDIA, NDPI_PROTOCOL_FUN },
  { "audio/mp4a",                   NULL,           NDPI_CONTENT_MPEG, 
  ... ...





1.1、ndpi_ethdr 对应的是数据链路层(以太网)头信息:

/* +++++++++++++++ Ethernet header (IEEE 802.3) +++++++++++++++ */
struct ndpi_ethhdr
  u_char h_dest[6];       /* 目的以太网地址*/
  u_char h_source[6];     /* 源以太网地址   */
  u_int16_t h_proto;      /* 数据长度 (<= 1500) or ID协议类型 (>=1536) */

1.2、ndpi_iphdr layer2(IP层)报头信息:

/* ++++++++++++++++++++++++ IP header ++++++++++++++++++++++++ */
struct ndpi_iphdr {
#if defined(__LITTLE_ENDIAN__)
  u_int8_t ihl:4, version:4;
#elif defined(__BIG_ENDIAN__)
  u_int8_t version:4, ihl:4;
# error "Byte order must be defined"
  u_int8_t tos;         //用于服务的区分
  u_int16_t tot_len;   //总长度
  u_int16_t id;         //ID标志
  u_int16_t frag_off;  //片偏移 
  u_int8_t ttl;        //当前跳数
  u_int8_t protocol;   //协议
  u_int16_t check;     //检查
  u_int32_t saddr;    //源IP
  u_int32_t daddr;    //目的IP

1.3、ndpi_tcphdr 、ndpi_udphdr   针对第三层协议报头信息

/* +++++++++++++++++++++++ TCP header +++++++++++++++++++++++ */
struct ndpi_tcphdr
  u_int16_t source;   //源端口
  u_int16_t dest;     //目的端口
  u_int32_t seq;   //发送数据包的第一字节序列号   
  u_int32_t ack_seq;//确认序列号
#if defined(__LITTLE_ENDIAN__)
  u_int16_t res1:4, doff:4, fin:1, syn:1, rst:1, psh:1, ack:1, urg:1, ece:1, cwr:1;
#elif defined(__BIG_ENDIAN__)
  u_int16_t doff:4, res1:4, cwr:1, ece:1, urg:1, ack:1, psh:1, rst:1, syn:1, fin:1;
# error "Byte order must be defined"
  u_int16_t window;   //接受缓冲区的空闲空间
  u_int16_t check;    
  u_int16_t urg_ptr;  //紧急指针
/* +++++++++++++++++++++++ UDP header +++++++++++++++++++++++ */
struct ndpi_udphdr
  u_int16_t source;//源端口
  u_int16_t dest;  //目的端口
  u_int16_t len;   //数据传输长度
  u_int16_t check;




struct ndpi_flow_struct {
  u_int16_t detected_protocol_stack[NDPI_PROTOCOL_SIZE];//协议识别结果
#ifndef WIN32
  __attribute__ ((__packed__))
  u_int16_t protocol_stack_info;
  /* 初始化参数, 用于设置时间戳,... */
  u_int16_t guessed_protocol_id, guessed_host_protocol_id, guessed_category, guessed_header_category;      //用于协议猜测的变量
  u_int8_t protocol_id_already_guessed:1, host_already_guessed:1, init_finished:1, setup_packet_direction:1, packet_direction:1, check_extra_packets:1;
    如果 ndpi_struct->direction_detect_disable == 1
    tcp 序列号链接跟踪
  u_int32_t next_tcp_seq_nr[2];  
  u_int8_t max_extra_packets_to_check;
  u_int8_t num_extra_packets_checked;
  u_int8_t num_processed_pkts; /* <= WARNING it can wrap but we do expect people to giveup earlier */
  int (*extra_packets_func) (struct ndpi_detection_module_struct *, struct ndpi_flow_struct *flow);
    the tcp / udp / other l4 value 共用体
  union {
    struct ndpi_flow_tcp_struct tcp;
    struct ndpi_flow_udp_struct udp;
  } l4;
  struct ndpi_id_struct *server_id;  //id
  /* HTTP主机or DNS 请求*/
  u_char host_server_name[256];  
  struct {
    ndpi_http_method method;
    char *url, *content_type;
    u_int8_t num_request_headers, num_response_headers;
    u_int8_t request_version; /* 0=1.0 and 1=1.1. Create an enum for this? */
    u_int16_t response_status_code; /* 200, 404, etc. */
  } http;
  union {
    /* 仅有的一些字段,被nDPI and ntopng所使用*/
    struct {
      u_int8_t num_queries, num_answers, reply_code;
      u_int16_t query_type, query_class, rsp_type;
      ndpi_ip_addr_t rsp_addr; /* The first address in a DNS response packet */
    } dns;
    struct {
      u_int8_t request_code;
      u_int8_t version;
    } ntp;
    struct {
      struct {
	char client_certificate[64], server_certificate[64], server_organization[64];
      } ssl;
      struct {
	u_int8_t num_udp_pkts, num_processed_pkts, num_binding_requests, is_skype;
      } stun;
    } stun_ssl;  
    struct {
      char client_signature[48], server_signature[48];
    } ssh;
    struct {
      char answer[96];
    } mdns;
    struct {
      char version[96];
    } ubntac2;
    struct {
      /* Via HTTP User-Agent */
      u_char detected_os[32];
      /* Via HTTP X-Forwarded-For ,可以获得IP地址*/
      u_char nat_ip[24];
    } http;
    struct {
      /* Bittorrent hash 比特流散列 */
      u_char hash[20];
    } bittorrent;
    struct {
      char fingerprint[48];
      char class_ident[48];
    } dhcp;
  } protos;
  /*** ALL protocol specific 64 bit variables here ***/
  /* 标识连接的协议不能表示为“protocol xxx” protocols which have marked a connection as this connection cannot be protocol XXX, multiple u_int64_t */
  NDPI_PROTOCOL_BITMASK excluded_protocol_bitmask;
  ndpi_protocol_category_t category;
  u_int8_t redis_s2d_first_char, redis_d2s_first_char;
  u_int16_t packet_counter;		      // can be 0 - 65000
  u_int16_t packet_direction_counter[2];
  u_int16_t byte_counter[2];
  u_int8_t bittorrent_stage;		      // can be 0 - 255
  /* NDPI_PROTOCOL_CSGO  csgo协议标识*/
  u_int8_t csgo_strid[18],csgo_state,csgo_s2;
  u_int32_t csgo_id2;
  u_int16_t kxun_counter, iqiyi_counter;
  struct ndpi_packet_struct packet;
  struct ndpi_flow_struct *flow;
  struct ndpi_id_struct *src;
  struct ndpi_id_struct *dst;


struct ndpi_packet_struct {
  const struct ndpi_iphdr *iph;  //IP报头信息
  const struct ndpi_ipv6hdr *iphv6; //IPV6报头
  const struct ndpi_tcphdr *tcp;    //tcp协议报头
  const struct ndpi_udphdr *udp;    //udp头
  const u_int8_t *generic_l4_ptr;	/* is set only for non tcp-udp traffic */
  const u_int8_t *payload;          //数据包中的负载信息
  u_int32_t tick_timestamp;         //时间戳
  u_int64_t tick_timestamp_l;
  u_int16_t detected_protocol_stack[NDPI_PROTOCOL_SIZE];
  u_int8_t detected_subprotocol_stack[NDPI_PROTOCOL_SIZE];
#ifndef WIN32
  __attribute__ ((__packed__))
  u_int16_t protocol_stack_info;
  struct ndpi_int_one_line_struct line[NDPI_MAX_PARSE_LINES_PER_PACKET];
  /* HTTP headers */
  struct ndpi_int_one_line_struct host_line;
  u_int16_t l3_packet_len;    //三层
  u_int16_t l4_packet_len;    //四层
  u_int16_t payload_packet_len;
  u_int16_t actual_payload_len;
  u_int16_t num_retried_bytes;
  u_int16_t parsed_lines;
  u_int16_t parsed_unix_lines;
  u_int16_t empty_line_position;
  u_int8_t tcp_retransmission;
  u_int8_t l4_protocol;
  u_int8_t ssl_certificate_detected:4, ssl_certificate_num_checks:4;
  u_int8_t packet_lines_parsed_complete:1,
    packet_direction:1,  //数据包传输方向



struct ndpi_detection_module_struct {
  NDPI_PROTOCOL_BITMASK detection_bitmask;  //位掩码,可以用于标识不同的协议
  NDPI_PROTOCOL_BITMASK generic_http_packet_bitmask;
  u_int32_t current_ts;           //时间戳
  u_int32_t ticks_per_second;     
  void *user_data;
  /* callback function buffer 回调函数数组,每个协议都会有其对应的回调函数,为每个协议绑定具体的处理函数,当进行协议检测时会逐个进行遍历,调用相应的协议检测函数*/
  struct ndpi_call_function_struct callback_buffer[NDPI_MAX_SUPPORTED_PROTOCOLS + 1];
  u_int32_t callback_buffer_size;   //回调函数数,也是支持的协议数
  struct ndpi_call_function_struct callback_buffer_tcp_no_payload[NDPI_MAX_SUPPORTED_PROTOCOLS + 1];
  u_int32_t callback_buffer_size_tcp_no_payload;
  struct ndpi_call_function_struct callback_buffer_tcp_payload[NDPI_MAX_SUPPORTED_PROTOCOLS + 1];
  u_int32_t callback_buffer_size_tcp_payload;
  struct ndpi_call_function_struct callback_buffer_udp[NDPI_MAX_SUPPORTED_PROTOCOLS + 1];
  u_int32_t callback_buffer_size_udp;
  struct ndpi_call_function_struct callback_buffer_non_tcp_udp[NDPI_MAX_SUPPORTED_PROTOCOLS + 1];
  u_int32_t callback_buffer_size_non_tcp_udp;
  ndpi_default_ports_tree_node_t *tcpRoot, *udpRoot; 
  ndpi_log_level_t ndpi_log_level; /* default error */
  /* debug callback, only set when debug is used */
  ndpi_debug_function_ptr ndpi_debug_printf;
  const char *ndpi_debug_print_file;
  const char *ndpi_debug_print_function;
  u_int32_t ndpi_debug_print_line;
  NDPI_PROTOCOL_BITMASK debug_bitmask;
  /* misc parameters */
  u_int32_t tcp_max_retransmission_window_size;
  u_int32_t directconnect_connection_ip_tick_timeout;
  /* subprotocol registration handler 注册子协议处理函数数组*/
  struct ndpi_subprotocol_conf_struct subprotocol_conf[NDPI_MAX_SUPPORTED_PROTOCOLS + 1];
  u_int ndpi_num_supported_protocols;
  u_int ndpi_num_custom_protocols;   //自定义协议数量
  /* HTTP/DNS/HTTPS host 匹配,此处在ndpi_content_match.c和proto.txt中定义 */
  ndpi_automa host_automa,                     /* Used for DNS/HTTPS域名匹配 */
    content_automa,                            /* Used for HTTP subprotocol_detection ,内容类型匹配,例如:NDPI_CONTENT_MPEG*/
    subprotocol_automa,                        /* Used for HTTP subprotocol_detection 文档自定义proto.txt的匹配*/
    bigrams_automa, impossible_bigrams_automa; /* TOR双字节的匹配 */
  struct {
    struct hs *hostnames;
    unsigned int num_to_load;
    struct hs_list *to_load;
    ndpi_automa hostnames, hostnames_shadow;
    void *hostnames_hash;
    void *ipAddresses, *ipAddresses_shadow; /* Patricia */
    u_int8_t categories_loaded;
  } custom_categories;
  /* IP-based protocol detection */
  void *protocols_ptree;//此处是IP匹配的树
  /* irc parameters */
  u_int32_t irc_timeout;
  /* gnutella parameters */
  u_int32_t gnutella_timeout;
  /* battlefield parameters */
  u_int32_t battlefield_timeout;
  /* thunder parameters */
  u_int32_t thunder_timeout;
  /* SoulSeek parameters */
  u_int32_t soulseek_connection_ip_tick_timeout;
  /* rtsp parameters */
  u_int32_t rtsp_connection_timeout;
  /* tvants parameters */
  u_int32_t tvants_connection_timeout;
  /* rstp */
  u_int32_t orb_rstp_ts_timeout;
  /* yahoo */
  u_int8_t yahoo_detect_http_connections;
  u_int32_t yahoo_lan_video_timeout;
  u_int32_t zattoo_connection_timeout;
  u_int32_t jabber_stun_timeout;
  u_int32_t jabber_file_transfer_timeout;
  char ip_string[NDPI_IP_STRING_SIZE];
  u_int8_t ip_version_limit;
  struct hash_ip4p_table *bt_ht;
  struct hash_ip4p_table *bt6_ht;
  struct bt_announce *bt_ann;
  int    bt_ann_len;
  struct ndpi_lru_cache *ookla_cache;
  struct cache *tinc_cache;
  u_int8_t http_dont_dissect_response:1, dns_dont_dissect_response:1,
    direction_detect_disable:1, /* disable internal detection of packet direction */
    disable_metadata_export:1, /* No metadata is exported */
    enable_category_substring_match:1 /* Default is perfect match */
  void *hyperscan; /* Intel Hyperscan */

5.ndpi_api.h 源代码分析及注释

#ifndef __NDPI_API_H__
#define __NDPI_API_H__
#include "ndpi_main.h"
#ifdef __cplusplus
extern "C" {
  /* 与nDPI动态链接的app可以通过使用下面的宏定义来确认数据结构,跨版本适配。
#define NDPI_API_VERSION                      1
#define SIZEOF_ID_STRUCT                      ( sizeof(struct ndpi_id_struct)   )
#define SIZEOF_FLOW_STRUCT                    ( sizeof(struct ndpi_flow_struct) )
#define NDPI_DETECTION_ONLY_IPV4              ( 1 << 0 )
#define NDPI_DETECTION_ONLY_IPV6              ( 1 << 1 )
#define ADD_TO_DETECTION_BITMASK              1
#define NO_ADD_TO_DETECTION_BITMASK           0
   * ( )
   *   参数含义:
   * @par    buff = 指向检查的字符串的指针
   * @par    len  = 字符串长度
   * @return 1 如果这个字符串是域名码;
   *         else 0
  int check_punycode_string(char *buff, int len);
   * 获得流结构的长度大小
   * @返回ndpi_flow_struct长度大小
  u_int32_t ndpi_detection_get_sizeof_ndpi_flow_struct(void);
   * 获得id struct长度大小
   * @返回其长度大小
  u_int32_t ndpi_detection_get_sizeof_ndpi_id_struct(void);
   * nDPI 分配内存跟释放函数
  void * ndpi_malloc(size_t size);//动态分配长度为size的内存空间,返回指向这块内存的指针
  void * ndpi_calloc(unsigned long count, size_t size);  //分配内存,初始化,用于存数组
  void * ndpi_realloc(void *ptr, size_t old_size, size_t new_size);//增加内存大小
  char * ndpi_strdup(const char *s);   //拷贝字符串
  void   ndpi_free(void *ptr);//释放内存
  void * ndpi_flow_malloc(size_t size);
  void   ndpi_flow_free(void *ptr);
   * 搜索子字符串第一次出现的地方 -find- in -s-
   * 搜索仅限于字符串的第一个-slen-字符
   * @par    s     = 解析字符串
   * @par    find  = 要与-s匹配的字符串
   * @par    slen  =匹配 -s- and -find-的最大长度
   * @返回一个指针,指向定位到的子字符串;
   *        返回空指针则表示子字符串未找到
  char* ndpi_strnstr(const char *s, const char *find, size_t slen);
   * 与 ndpi_strnstr函数功能相似但是不区分大小写
   * @par    s     =解析的字符串
   * @par    find  = 要与 -s-匹配的字符串
   * @par    slen  = max length to match between -s- and -find-
   * @返回一个指针,指向定位到的子字符串;
   *        返回空指针则表示子字符串未找到
  char* ndpi_strncasestr(const char *s, const char *find, size_t slen);
   * @par    ndpi_struct  = 创建这个结构体用于协议检测
   * @par    pin          =IP主机地址(必须按网络字节顺序):
   * @返回nDPI协议ID
  u_int16_t ndpi_network_ptree_match(struct ndpi_detection_module_struct *ndpi_struct,struct in_addr *pin);
   * 初始化单个协议的匹配
   * @par ndpi_mod  = 创建这个结构体用于协议检测
   * @par match     = 结构传递进函数,用于协议匹配
  void ndpi_init_protocol_match(struct ndpi_detection_module_struct *ndpi_mod,
				ndpi_protocol_match *match);
   * 模块初始化函数,返回一个新的初始化过的检测模块
   * @返回一个初始化的检测检测模块
  struct ndpi_detection_module_struct *ndpi_init_detection_module(void);
   * 释放指定流中分配的内存
   * @par flow  = 需要被释放内存的流
  void ndpi_free_flow(struct ndpi_flow_struct *flow);
   * In nDPI is used for some protocol用于支持一些协议 (i.e. Skype)
   * @par ndpi_mod  =用于协议检测的结构体
   * @par host      = 域(主机)名字符串
   * @par port      = 端口名(无符号整型)
  void ndpi_enable_cache(struct ndpi_detection_module_struct *ndpi_mod,
			 char* host, u_int port);
   * 清除检测模块
   * @par ndpi_struct  = 需要清除的检测模块
  void ndpi_exit_detection_module(struct ndpi_detection_module_struct *ndpi_struct);
   * 设置单个协议的位掩码
   * 此函数不会增加回调缓冲区的索引
   * @par label                    = 协议名字符串
   * @par ndpi_struct              = 检测模块
   * @par detection_bitmask        = 检测位掩码
   * @par idx                      = 每个协议的回调函数的索引
   * @par func                     = 协议搜索的函数指针
   * @par ndpi_selection_bitmask   = 被选择的位掩码
   * @par b_save_bitmask_unknow    = 如果被设置为“true”,将检测的位掩码保存为unknown
   * @par b_add_detection_bitmask  = 如果被设置为“true”添加这个协议的bitmask到detection bitmask中
  void ndpi_set_bitmask_protocol_detection(char *label,
					   struct ndpi_detection_module_struct *ndpi_struct,
					   const NDPI_PROTOCOL_BITMASK *detection_bitmask,
					   const u_int32_t idx,
					   u_int16_t ndpi_protocol_id,
					   void (*func) (struct ndpi_detection_module_struct *,
							 struct ndpi_flow_struct *flow),
					   const NDPI_SELECTION_BITMASK_PROTOCOL_SIZE ndpi_selection_bitmask,
					   u_int8_t b_save_bitmask_unknow,
					   u_int8_t b_add_detection_bitmask);
   *设置协议的 bitmask2
   * @par ndpi_struct        =检测模块
   * @par detection_bitmask  = the protocol bitmask to set
  void ndpi_set_protocol_detection_bitmask2(struct ndpi_detection_module_struct *ndpi_struct,const NDPI_PROTOCOL_BITMASK * detection_bitmask);
   * 在未知匹配的情况下要调用的函数,以查看当前ndpi首选项配置是否阻止了部分匹配
   * @par    ndpi_struct  = 检测模块
   * @par    flow         = 检测模块检测的流
   * 即使流不是完整的,也返回检测到的协议;
  ndpi_protocol ndpi_get_partial_detection(struct ndpi_detection_module_struct *ndpi_struct,
                struct ndpi_flow_struct *flow);
   *  在放弃对给定流的检测之前要调用的函数
   *  这个函数减少了对NDPI_UNKNOWN_PROTOCOL未知协议的检测
   * @par    ndpi_struct  = the detection module
   * @par    flow         = the flow given for the detection module
   * @par    enable_guess = 如果协议未知,猜测协议
   * @即使流不是完整的,也返回检测到的协议
  ndpi_protocol ndpi_detection_giveup(struct ndpi_detection_module_struct *ndpi_struct,
				      struct ndpi_flow_struct *flow,
				      u_int8_t enable_guess);
   * 处理一个额外的数据包,以便获得给定协议的更多信息
   * (就像ssl获取客户端和服务器证书一样,即使在看到客户端证书之后我们已经知道这个协议是什么。)
   * @par    ndpi_struct   = the detection module
   * @par    flow          = pointer to the connection state machine指向连接状态机的指针。
   * @par    packet        = unsigned char pointer to the Layer 3 (IP header)
   * @par    packetlen     = 数据包长度
   * @par    current_tick  = 包的时间戳
   * @par    src           = pointer to the source subscriber state machine
   *                          指向源订阅状态机
   * @par    dst           = pointer to the destination subscriber state machine
   *                          指向目的订阅状态机
   * @return void
  void ndpi_process_extra_packet(struct ndpi_detection_module_struct *ndpi_struct,
				 struct ndpi_flow_struct *flow,
				 const unsigned char *packet,
				 const unsigned short packetlen,
				 const u_int64_t current_tick,
				 struct ndpi_id_struct *src,
				 struct ndpi_id_struct *dst);
   * 处理一个数据包,并且返回检测到的协议ID
   *            主要的包处理函数,很重要,之后我们会分析到
   * @par    ndpi_struct   = the detection module
   * @par    flow          = pointer to the connection state machine指向连接状态机的指针
   * @par    packet        = unsigned char pointer to the Layer 3 (IP header)
   * @par    packetlen     = the length of the packet
   * @par    current_tick  = the current timestamp for the packet
   * @par    src           = pointer to the source subscriber state machine
   * @par    dst           = pointer to the destination subscriber state machine
   * @return the detected ID of the protocol
  ndpi_protocol ndpi_detection_process_packet(struct ndpi_detection_module_struct *ndpi_struct,
					      struct ndpi_flow_struct *flow,
					      const unsigned char *packet,
					      const unsigned short packetlen,
					      const u_int64_t current_tick,
					      struct ndpi_id_struct *src,
					      struct ndpi_id_struct *dst);
   * 获取检测模块检测到传递流的主协议
   * @par    ndpi_struct  = the detection module
   * @par    flow         = the flow given for the detection module
   * @return the ID of the master protocol detected主协议
  u_int16_t ndpi_get_flow_masterprotocol(struct ndpi_detection_module_struct *ndpi_struct,
					 struct ndpi_flow_struct *flow);
   *ndpi_detection_process_packet函数或应用程序在内部调用的API calls
   * 希望避免调用ndpi_detection_process_packet函数,因为它们已经解析了数据包,因此希望避免这种情况,这说明app在外部并不能调用ndpi_detection_process_packet函数来处理数据包
   * @par    ndpi_struct              = the detection module
   * @par    flow                     = the flow given for the detection module
   * @par    ndpi_selection_bitmask   = the protocol selected bitmask
  void ndpi_check_flow_func(struct ndpi_detection_module_struct *ndpi_struct,
			    struct ndpi_flow_struct *flow,
			    NDPI_SELECTION_BITMASK_PROTOCOL_SIZE *ndpi_selection_packet);
   * 查询指向第4层数据包的指针
   * @par    l3 = pointer to the layer 3 data
   * @par    l3_len = length of the layer 3 data
   * @par    l4_return = address to the pointer of the layer 4 data if return value == 0, else undefined 如果返回值=0,则指向第4层数据指针的地址,否则未定义
   * @par    l4_len_return = length of the layer 4 data if return value == 0, else undefined
   * @par    l4_protocol_return = protocol of the layer 4 data if return value == 0, undefined otherwise
   * @par    flags = limit operation on ipv4 or ipv6 packets. Possible values: NDPI_DETECTION_ONLY_IPV4 - NDPI_DETECTION_ONLY_IPV6 - 0 (any)限制IPV4或者IPV6
   * @return 0 if layer 4 data could be found correctly; 正确找到了第四层数据,返回0,否则不返回0
             else != 0
  u_int8_t ndpi_detection_get_l4(const u_int8_t *l3, u_int16_t l3_len, const u_int8_t **l4_return, u_int16_t *l4_len_return,
				 u_int8_t *l4_protocol_return, u_int32_t flags);
   * 根据匹配的端口搜索并返回协议
   * @par    ndpi_struct  = the detection module
   * @par    shost        = source address in host byte order 主机字节顺序的源地址
   * @par    sport        = source port number
   * @par    dhost        = destination address in host byte order
   * @par    dport        = destination port number
   * @return the struct ndpi_protocol that match the port base protocol
   * 注意此处返回的是一个结构ndpi_protocol
  ndpi_protocol ndpi_find_port_based_protocol(struct ndpi_detection_module_struct *ndpi_struct/* , u_int8_t proto */,
					      u_int32_t shost,
					      u_int16_t sport,
					      u_int32_t dhost,
					      u_int16_t dport);
   * Search and return the protocol guessed that is undetected
   *  搜索并返回未检测出但是被猜测的协议
   * @par    ndpi_struct  = the detection module
   * @par    flow         = the flow we're trying to guess, NULL if not available需要猜测的流
   * @par    proto        = the l4 protocol number
   * @par    shost        = source address in host byte order
   * @par    sport        = source port number
   * @par    dhost        = destination address in host byte order
   * @par    dport        = destination port number
   * @return the struct ndpi_protocol that match the port base protocol
  ndpi_protocol ndpi_guess_undetected_protocol(struct ndpi_detection_module_struct *ndpi_struct,
					       struct ndpi_flow_struct *flow,
					       u_int8_t proto,
					       u_int32_t shost,
					       u_int16_t sport,
					       u_int32_t dhost,
					       u_int16_t dport);
   *检查传递的字符串是否与协议匹配, 用于子协议的检测
   * @par    ndpi_struct         = the detection module
   * @par    string_to_match     = the string to match
   * @par    string_to_match_len = the length of the string
   * @par    ret_match           = completed returned match information
   * @par    is_host_match       = value of the second field of struct ndpi_automa
   * @return the ID of the matched subprotocol 返回匹配的子协议ID
  int ndpi_match_string_subprotocol(struct ndpi_detection_module_struct *ndpi_struct,
				    char *string_to_match,
				    u_int string_to_match_len,
				    ndpi_protocol_match_result *ret_match,
				    u_int8_t is_host_match);
   * 检查传递的域名(主机)是否与协议匹配
   * @par    ndpi_struct         = the detection module
   * @par    flow                = the flow where match the host
   * @par    string_to_match     = the string to match 匹配的字符串
   * @par    string_to_match_len = the length of the string
   * @par    ret_match           = completed returned match information 匹配结果信息
   * @par    master_protocol_id  = value of the ID associated to the master protocol detected    主协议ID
   * @return the ID of the matched subprotocol  返回子协议ID
  int ndpi_match_host_subprotocol(struct ndpi_detection_module_struct *ndpi_struct,
				  struct ndpi_flow_struct *flow,
				  char *string_to_match,
				  u_int string_to_match_len,
				  ndpi_protocol_match_result *ret_match,
				  u_int16_t master_protocol_id);
   * 检查传递的字符串内容是否与协议匹配
   * @par    ndpi_struct         = the detection module
   * @par    flow                = the flow where match the host
   * @par    string_to_match     = the string to match
   * @par    string_to_match_len = the length of the string
   * @par    ret_match           = completed returned match information
   * @par    master_protocol_id  = value of the ID associated to the master protocol detected
   * @return the ID of the matched subprotocol
  int ndpi_match_content_subprotocol(struct ndpi_detection_module_struct *ndpi_struct,
				     struct ndpi_flow_struct *flow,
				     char *string_to_match,
				     u_int string_to_match_len,
				     ndpi_protocol_match_result *ret_match,
				     u_int16_t master_protocol_id);
   * 从搜索中排除协议
   * @par    ndpi_struct         = the detection module
   * @par    flow                = the flow where match the host
   * @par    master_protocol_id  = value of the ID associated to the master protocol detected
  void ndpi_exclude_protocol(struct ndpi_detection_module_struct *ndpi_struct,
				  struct ndpi_flow_struct *flow,
				  u_int16_t master_protocol_id,
				  const char *_file, const char *_func,int _line);
   *检查字符串-bigram-to-u是否匹配-automa的bigram- 双字节匹配
   * @par     ndpi_mod         = the detection module
   * @par     automa           = the struct ndpi_automa for the bigram
   * @par     bigram_to_match  = the bigram string to match
   * @return  0
  int ndpi_match_bigram(struct ndpi_detection_module_struct *ndpi_mod,
			ndpi_automa *automa,
			char *bigram_to_match);
   * Write the protocol name in the buffer -buf- as master_protocol.protocol
   *在数组-buf- as master_protocol.protocol中写入协议名
   * @par     ndpi_mod      = the detection module
   * @par     proto         = the struct ndpi_protocol contain the protocols name
   * @par     buf           = the buffer to write the name of the protocols
   * @par     buf_len       = the length of the buffer
   * @return  the buffer contains the master_protocol and protocol name
  char* ndpi_protocol2name(struct ndpi_detection_module_struct *ndpi_mod,
			   ndpi_protocol proto, char *buf, u_int buf_len);
   * Same as ndpi_protocol2name() with the difference that the numeric protocol
   * name is returned  
   * 返回数字协议名
   * @par     ndpi_mod      = the detection module
   * @par     proto         = the struct ndpi_protocol contain the protocols name
   * @par     buf           = the buffer to write the name of the protocols
   * @par     buf_len       = the length of the buffer
   * @return  the buffer contains the master_protocol and protocol name
  char* ndpi_protocol2id(struct ndpi_detection_module_struct *ndpi_mod,
			 ndpi_protocol proto, char *buf, u_int buf_len);
   * 找出给定的类别是否是自定义/用户定义的
   * @par     category      = the category associated to the protocol
   * @return  1 if this is a custom user category, 0 otherwise
   * 如果是自定义则返回1
  int ndpi_is_custom_category(ndpi_protocol_category_t category);
   * 用自定义类型覆盖由NDPI定义的协议类型
   * @par     ndpi_mod      = the detection module
   * @par     protoId       = the protocol identifier to overwrite 用于覆盖的协议分析器
   * @par     breed         = the breed to be associated to the protocol
  void ndpi_set_proto_breed(struct ndpi_detection_module_struct *ndpi_mod,
			    u_int16_t protoId, ndpi_protocol_breed_t breed);
   * 用自定义类别覆盖由NDPI定义的协议类别
   * @par     ndpi_mod      = the detection module
   * @par     protoId       = the protocol identifier to overwrite
   * @par     category      = the category associated to the protocol
  void ndpi_set_proto_category(struct ndpi_detection_module_struct *ndpi_mod,
			       u_int16_t protoId, ndpi_protocol_category_t protoCategory);
   * 检查指定主协议的子协议是否只是信息性的(而不是真实的)
   * @par     mod           = the detection module
   * @par     protoId       = the (master) protocol identifier to query
   * @return  1 = the subprotocol is informative, 0 otherwise.
  u_int8_t ndpi_is_subprotocol_informative(struct ndpi_detection_module_struct *ndpi_mod,
					   u_int16_t protoId);
   * 将协议类别作为字符串获取
   * @par     mod           = the detection module
   * @par     category      = the category associated to the protocol
   * @return  the string name of the category
  const char* ndpi_category_get_name(struct ndpi_detection_module_struct *ndpi_mod,
				     ndpi_protocol_category_t category);
   * 设置协议类别字符串
   * @par     mod           = the detection module
   * @par     category      = the category associated to the protocol
   * @paw     name          = the string name of the category
  void ndpi_category_set_name(struct ndpi_detection_module_struct *ndpi_mod,
			      ndpi_protocol_category_t category, char *name);
   * 获得协议种类
   * @par     ndpi_mod      = the detection module
   * @par     proto         = the struct ndpi_protocol contain the protocols name
   * @return  the protocol category
  ndpi_protocol_category_t ndpi_get_proto_category(struct ndpi_detection_module_struct *ndpi_mod,
						   ndpi_protocol proto);
   * 获取与ID关联的协议名
   * @par     mod           = the detection module
   * @par     proto_id      = the ID of the protocol
   * @return  the buffer contains the master_protocol and protocol name
  char* ndpi_get_proto_name(struct ndpi_detection_module_struct *mod, u_int16_t proto_id);
   * 返回与协议相关联的协议类型ID
   * @par     ndpi_struct   = the detection module
   * @par     proto         = the ID of the protocol
   * @return  the breed ID associated to the protocol
  ndpi_protocol_breed_t ndpi_get_proto_breed(struct ndpi_detection_module_struct *ndpi_struct,
					     u_int16_t proto);
   * Return the string name of the protocol breed
   * @par     ndpi_struct   = the detection module
   * @par     breed_id      = the breed ID associated to the protocol
   * @return  the string name of the breed ID
  char* ndpi_get_proto_breed_name(struct ndpi_detection_module_struct *ndpi_struct,
				  ndpi_protocol_breed_t breed_id);
   * Return the ID of the protocol返回协议ID,整型
   * @par     ndpi_mod   = the detection module
   * @par     proto      = the protocol name
   * @return  the ID of the protocol
  int ndpi_get_protocol_id(struct ndpi_detection_module_struct *ndpi_mod, char *proto);
   * Return the ID of the category返回类型ID
   * @par     ndpi_mod   = the detection module
   * @par     proto      = the category name
   * @return  the ID of the category
  int ndpi_get_category_id(struct ndpi_detection_module_struct *ndpi_mod, char *cat);
   * 生成子协议列表Write the list of the supported protocols
   * @par  ndpi_mod = the detection module
  void ndpi_dump_protocols(struct ndpi_detection_module_struct *mod);
   * 读文件加载协议 Read a file and load the protocols
   * Format: <tcp|udp>:<port>,<tcp|udp>:<port>,.....@<proto>
   * Example:
   * tcp:80,tcp:3128@HTTP
   * udp:139@NETBIOS
   * @par     ndpi_mod = the detection module
   * @par     path     = the path of the file
   * @return  0 if the file is loaded correctly;
   *          -1 else
  int ndpi_load_protocols_file(struct ndpi_detection_module_struct *ndpi_mod,
			       const char* path);
   * 获得子协议的总数Get the total number of the supported protocols
   * @par     ndpi_mod = the detection module
   * @return  the number of protocols
  u_int ndpi_get_num_supported_protocols(struct ndpi_detection_module_struct *ndpi_mod);
   * Get the nDPI version release 获取 nDPI 版本
   * @return the NDPI_GIT_RELEASE
  char* ndpi_revision(void);
   * 为协议搜索设置自动匹配 Set the automa for the protocol search 
   * @par ndpi_struct = the detection module
   * @par automa      = the automa to match
  void ndpi_set_automa(struct ndpi_detection_module_struct *ndpi_struct,
		       void* automa);
   * 检索HTTP流的信息
   * @par     ndpi_mod = the detection module
   * @par     flow     = the detected flow
   * @return  the HTTP method information about the flow
  ndpi_http_method ndpi_get_http_method(struct ndpi_detection_module_struct *ndpi_mod,
					struct ndpi_flow_struct *flow);
   * Get the HTTP url 获取HTTP URL
   * @par     ndpi_mod = the detection module
   * @par     flow     = the detected flow
   * @return  the HTTP method information about the flow
  char* ndpi_get_http_url(struct ndpi_detection_module_struct *ndpi_mod,
			  struct ndpi_flow_struct *flow);
   * Get the HTTP content-type  内容类型
   * @par     ndpi_mod = the detection module
   * @par     flow     = the detected flow
   * @return  the HTTP method information about the flow
  char* ndpi_get_http_content_type(struct ndpi_detection_module_struct *ndpi_mod,
				   struct ndpi_flow_struct *flow);
   * 检查流是否可以作为Tor协议检测到Check if the flow could be detected as TOR protocol
   * @par     ndpi_struct = the detection module
   * @par     flow = the detected flow
   * @par     certificate = the ssl certificate
   * @return  1 if the flow is TOR;
   *          0 else
  int ndpi_is_ssl_tor(struct ndpi_detection_module_struct *ndpi_struct,
		      struct ndpi_flow_struct *flow, char *certificate);
  /* Wrappers functions */
   * Init Aho-Corasick automata  初始化AC自动机
   * @return  The requested automata, or NULL if an error occurred
  void* ndpi_init_automa(void);
   * Free Aho-Corasick automata allocated with ndpi_init_automa();
   * @par     The automata initialized with ndpi_init_automa();
  void ndpi_free_automa(void *_automa);
   * Add a string to match to an automata
   * @par     The automata initialized with ndpi_init_automa();
   * @par     The (sub)string to search
   * @par     The number associated with this string
   * @return  0 in case of no error, or -1 if an error occurred.
  int ndpi_add_string_value_to_automa(void *_automa, char *str, unsigned long num);
   * Add a string to match to an automata. Same as ndpi_add_string_value_to_automa() with num set to 1
   * @par     The automata initialized with ndpi_init_automa();
   * @par     The (sub)string to search
   * @return  0 in case of no error, or -1 if an error occurred.
  int ndpi_add_string_to_automa(void *_automa, char *str);
   * Finalize the automa (necessary before start searching)开始搜索必须设置好自动机
   * @par     The automata initialized with ndpi_init_automa();
  void ndpi_finalize_automa(void *_automa);
   * Add a string to match to an automata  添加与自动机匹配的字符串
   * @par     The automata initialized with ndpi_init_automa();
   * @par     The (sub)string to search
   * @return  0 in case of match, or -1 if no match, or -2 if an error occurred.
  int ndpi_match_string(void *_automa, char *string_to_match);
  void ndpi_load_ip_category(struct ndpi_detection_module_struct *ndpi_struct,
			     char *ip_address_and_mask, ndpi_protocol_category_t category);
  int ndpi_load_hostname_category(struct ndpi_detection_module_struct *ndpi_struct,
				  char *name, ndpi_protocol_category_t category);
  int ndpi_enable_loaded_categories(struct ndpi_detection_module_struct *ndpi_struct);
  int ndpi_fill_ip_protocol_category(struct ndpi_detection_module_struct *ndpi_struct,
				 u_int32_t saddr,
				 u_int32_t daddr,
				 ndpi_protocol *ret);
  int ndpi_match_custom_category(struct ndpi_detection_module_struct *ndpi_struct,
				      char *name, unsigned long *id);
  void ndpi_fill_protocol_category(struct ndpi_detection_module_struct *ndpi_struct,
				   struct ndpi_flow_struct *flow,
				   ndpi_protocol *ret);
  int ndpi_get_custom_category_match(struct ndpi_detection_module_struct *ndpi_struct,
				      char *name_or_ip, unsigned long *id);
  int ndpi_set_detection_preferences(struct ndpi_detection_module_struct *ndpi_mod,
				     ndpi_detection_preference pref,
				     int value);
  ndpi_proto_defaults_t* ndpi_get_proto_defaults(struct ndpi_detection_module_struct *ndpi_mod);
  u_int ndpi_get_ndpi_num_supported_protocols(struct ndpi_detection_module_struct *ndpi_mod);
  u_int ndpi_get_ndpi_num_custom_protocols(struct ndpi_detection_module_struct *ndpi_mod);
  u_int ndpi_get_ndpi_detection_module_size();
  void ndpi_set_log_level(struct ndpi_detection_module_struct *ndpi_mod, u_int l);
  /* LRU cache */
  struct ndpi_lru_cache* ndpi_lru_cache_init(u_int32_t num_entries);
  void ndpi_lru_free_cache(struct ndpi_lru_cache *c);
  u_int8_t ndpi_lru_find_cache(struct ndpi_lru_cache *c, u_int32_t key, u_int8_t clean_key_when_found);
  void ndpi_lru_add_to_cache(struct ndpi_lru_cache *c, u_int32_t key);
   * Add a string to match to an automata  //ID字符串
   * @par     The automata initialized with ndpi_init_automa();
   * @par     The (sub)string to search
   * @par     The id associated with the matched string or 0 id not found.
   * @return  0 in case of match, or -1 if no match, or -2 if an error occurred.
  int ndpi_match_string_id(void *_automa, char *string_to_match, unsigned long *id);
  /* Utility functions to set ndpi malloc/free/print wrappers
    *设置ndpi malloc/free/print wrappers的实用程序函数 */
  void set_ndpi_malloc(void* (*__ndpi_malloc)(size_t size));
  void set_ndpi_free(void  (*__ndpi_free)(void *ptr));
  void set_ndpi_flow_malloc(void* (*__ndpi_flow_malloc)(size_t size));
  void set_ndpi_flow_free(void  (*__ndpi_flow_free)(void *ptr));
  void set_ndpi_debug_function(struct ndpi_detection_module_struct *ndpi_str,
			       ndpi_debug_function_ptr ndpi_debug_printf);
  void * ndpi_malloc(size_t size);
  void * ndpi_calloc(unsigned long count, size_t size);
  void ndpi_free(void *ptr);
  u_int8_t ndpi_get_api_version();
  /* */
  int ndpi_flowv4_flow_hash(u_int8_t l4_proto, u_int32_t src_ip, u_int32_t dst_ip, u_int16_t src_port, u_int16_t dst_port,
			    u_int8_t icmp_type, u_int8_t icmp_code, u_char *hash_buf, u_int8_t hash_buf_len);
  int ndpi_flowv6_flow_hash(u_int8_t l4_proto, struct ndpi_in6_addr *src_ip, struct ndpi_in6_addr *dst_ip,
			    u_int16_t src_port, u_int16_t dst_port, u_int8_t icmp_type, u_int8_t icmp_code,
			    u_char *hash_buf, u_int8_t hash_buf_len);
#ifdef __cplusplus
#endif	/* __NDPI_API_H__ */



评论 1




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