


而 n, nvm就是这个有效的工具。


NVM, 即 NodeJS Version Management, 存在2个nodeJS的版本管理工具,分别是:

  • n
  • nvm

工具 n


Note: 其实,n执行文件是一个bash脚本文件。感兴趣可以直接查看脚步。


% brew install n


% ls -l /usr/local/bin/n
lrwxr-xr-x  1 david  admin  23  8 18 09:04 /usr/local/bin/n -> ../Cellar/n/8.0.1/bin/n


% n -h

Usage: n [options] [COMMAND] [args]


  n                              Display downloaded Node.js versions and install selection
  n latest                       Install the latest Node.js release (downloading if necessary)
  n lts                          Install the latest LTS Node.js release (downloading if necessary)
  n <version>                    Install Node.js <version> (downloading if necessary)
  n install <version>            Install Node.js <version> (downloading if necessary)
  n run <version> [args ...]     Execute downloaded Node.js <version> with [args ...]
  n which <version>              Output path for downloaded node <version>
  n exec <vers> <cmd> [args...]  Execute command with modified PATH, so downloaded node <version> and npm first
  n rm <version ...>             Remove the given downloaded version(s)
  n prune                        Remove all downloaded versions except the installed version
  n --latest                     Output the latest Node.js version available
  n --lts                        Output the latest LTS Node.js version available
  n ls                           Output downloaded versions
  n ls-remote [version]          Output matching versions available for download
  n uninstall                    Remove the installed Node.js


  -V, --version         Output version of n
  -h, --help            Display help information
  -p, --preserve        Preserve npm and npx during install of Node.js
  -q, --quiet           Disable curl output. Disable log messages processing "auto" and "engine" labels.
  -d, --download        Download if necessary, and don't make active
  -a, --arch            Override system architecture
  --all                 ls-remote displays all matches instead of last 20
  --insecure            Turn off certificate checking for https requests (may be needed from behind a proxy server)
  --use-xz/--no-use-xz  Override automatic detection of xz support and enable/disable use of xz compressed node downloads.


  install: i
  latest: current
  ls: list
  lsr: ls-remote
  lts: stable
  rm: -
  run: use, as
  which: bin


  Numeric version numbers can be complete or incomplete, with an optional leading 'v'.
  Versions can also be specified by label, or codename,
  and other downloadable releases by <remote-folder>/<version>

    4.9.1, 8, v6.1    Numeric versions
    lts               Newest Long Term Support official release
    latest, current   Newest official release
    auto              Read version from file: .n-node-version, .node-version, .nvmrc, or package.json
    engine            Read version from package.json
    boron, carbon     Codenames for release streams
    lts_latest        Node.js support aliases

    and nightly, rc/10 et al


工具 nvm

上面n是macOS内最简单的nodeJS工具了,还有nvm,它就是nodejs version management的缩写。项目的git地址: https://github.com/nvm-sh/nvm



nvm 文档介绍执行下面的命令之一来进行安装

curl -o- https://raw.githubusercontent.com/nvm-sh/nvm/v0.39.1/install.sh | bash
wget -qO- https://raw.githubusercontent.com/nvm-sh/nvm/v0.39.1/install.sh | bash

但因为网络稳定方面的原因,并不好用,最好先 git clone 或者下载下来再执行脚本更可靠些。

Note: 下载或clone到本地后,执行install.sh 之前,先对脚本文件 chmod +x。感兴趣可以看一下脚本文件。

nvm需要设置NVM目录环境变量,官方推荐在. ~/.nvm

  • 创建一下这个目录,sudo mkdir ~/.nvm
  • 修改shell的环境变量, 注意max OS使用的是zsh, 对于~/.zshrc配置文件, 按照介绍文档,添加:
# >>> nvm init
export NVM_DIR="$HOME/.nvm"
[ -s "$NVM_DIR/nvm.sh" ] && \. "$NVM_DIR/nvm.sh"  # This loads nvm
[ -s "$NVM_DIR/bash_completion" ] && \. "$NVM_DIR/bash_completion"  # This loads nvm bash_completion
# <<< nvm init
  • 更新一些环境,执行source ~/.zshrc
  • 执行脚本 sudo install.sh

% nvm 

Node Version Manager (v0.39.1)

Note: <version> refers to any version-like string nvm understands. This includes:
  - full or partial version numbers, starting with an optional "v" (0.10, v0.1.2, v1)
  - default (built-in) aliases: node, stable, unstable, iojs, system
  - custom aliases you define with `nvm alias foo`

 Any options that produce colorized output should respect the `--no-colors` option.

  nvm --help                                  Show this message
    --no-colors                               Suppress colored output
  nvm --version                               Print out the installed version of nvm
  nvm install [<version>]                     Download and install a <version>. Uses .nvmrc if available and version is omitted.
   The following optional arguments, if provided, must appear directly after `nvm install`:
    -s                                        Skip binary download, install from source only.
    -b                                        Skip source download, install from binary only.
    --reinstall-packages-from=<version>       When installing, reinstall packages installed in <node|iojs|node version number>
    --lts                                     When installing, only select from LTS (long-term support) versions
    --lts=<LTS name>                          When installing, only select from versions for a specific LTS line
    --skip-default-packages                   When installing, skip the default-packages file if it exists
    --latest-npm                              After installing, attempt to upgrade to the latest working npm on the given node version
    --no-progress                             Disable the progress bar on any downloads
    --alias=<name>                            After installing, set the alias specified to the version specified. (same as: nvm alias <name> <version>)
    --default                                 After installing, set default alias to the version specified. (same as: nvm alias default <version>)
  nvm uninstall <version>                     Uninstall a version
  nvm uninstall --lts                         Uninstall using automatic LTS (long-term support) alias `lts/*`, if available.
  nvm uninstall --lts=<LTS name>              Uninstall using automatic alias for provided LTS line, if available.
  nvm use [<version>]                         Modify PATH to use <version>. Uses .nvmrc if available and version is omitted.
   The following optional arguments, if provided, must appear directly after `nvm use`:
    --silent                                  Silences stdout/stderr output
    --lts                                     Uses automatic LTS (long-term support) alias `lts/*`, if available.
    --lts=<LTS name>                          Uses automatic alias for provided LTS line, if available.
  nvm exec [<version>] [<command>]            Run <command> on <version>. Uses .nvmrc if available and version is omitted.
   The following optional arguments, if provided, must appear directly after `nvm exec`:
    --silent                                  Silences stdout/stderr output
    --lts                                     Uses automatic LTS (long-term support) alias `lts/*`, if available.
    --lts=<LTS name>                          Uses automatic alias for provided LTS line, if available.
  nvm run [<version>] [<args>]                Run `node` on <version> with <args> as arguments. Uses .nvmrc if available and version is omitted.
   The following optional arguments, if provided, must appear directly after `nvm run`:
    --silent                                  Silences stdout/stderr output
    --lts                                     Uses automatic LTS (long-term support) alias `lts/*`, if available.
    --lts=<LTS name>                          Uses automatic alias for provided LTS line, if available.
  nvm current                                 Display currently activated version of Node
  nvm ls [<version>]                          List installed versions, matching a given <version> if provided
    --no-colors                               Suppress colored output
    --no-alias                                Suppress `nvm alias` output
  nvm ls-remote [<version>]                   List remote versions available for install, matching a given <version> if provided
    --lts                                     When listing, only show LTS (long-term support) versions
    --lts=<LTS name>                          When listing, only show versions for a specific LTS line
    --no-colors                               Suppress colored output
  nvm version <version>                       Resolve the given description to a single local version
  nvm version-remote <version>                Resolve the given description to a single remote version
    --lts                                     When listing, only select from LTS (long-term support) versions
    --lts=<LTS name>                          When listing, only select from versions for a specific LTS line
  nvm deactivate                              Undo effects of `nvm` on current shell
    --silent                                  Silences stdout/stderr output
  nvm alias [<pattern>]                       Show all aliases beginning with <pattern>
    --no-colors                               Suppress colored output
  nvm alias <name> <version>                  Set an alias named <name> pointing to <version>
  nvm unalias <name>                          Deletes the alias named <name>
  nvm install-latest-npm                      Attempt to upgrade to the latest working `npm` on the current node version
  nvm reinstall-packages <version>            Reinstall global `npm` packages contained in <version> to current version
  nvm unload                                  Unload `nvm` from shell
  nvm which [current | <version>]             Display path to installed node version. Uses .nvmrc if available and version is omitted.
    --silent                                  Silences stdout/stderr output when a version is omitted
  nvm cache dir                               Display path to the cache directory for nvm
  nvm cache clear                             Empty cache directory for nvm
  nvm set-colors [<color codes>]              Set five text colors using format "yMeBg". Available when supported.
                                               Initial colors are:
                                                   g  b  y  r  e
                                               Color codes:
                                                 r/R = red / bold red
                                                 g/G = green / bold green
                                                 b/B = blue / bold blue
                                                 c/C = cyan / bold cyan
                                                 m/M = magenta / bold magenta
                                                 y/Y = yellow / bold yellow
                                                 k/K = black / bold black
                                                 e/W = light grey / white

  nvm install 8.0.0                     Install a specific version number
  nvm use 8.0                           Use the latest available 8.0.x release
  nvm run 6.10.3 app.js                 Run app.js using node 6.10.3
  nvm exec 4.8.3 node app.js            Run `node app.js` with the PATH pointing to node 4.8.3
  nvm alias default 8.1.0               Set default node version on a shell
  nvm alias default node                Always default to the latest available node version on a shell

  nvm install node                      Install the latest available version
  nvm use node                          Use the latest version
  nvm install --lts                     Install the latest LTS version
  nvm use --lts                         Use the latest LTS version

  nvm set-colors cgYmW                  Set text colors to cyan, green, bold yellow, magenta, and white

  to remove, delete, or uninstall nvm - just remove the `$NVM_DIR` folder (usually `~/.nvm`)

好了, 可以使用nvm来按照,管理,切换nodeJS各个版本。


% nvm ls-remote --lts


% nvm install 16

安装v16最新的版本, 在安装另一个版本:

% nvm install 14
Downloading and installing node v14.20.0...
Downloading https://nodejs.org/dist/v14.20.0/node-v14.20.0-darwin-x64.tar.xz...
############################################################################################################################################################################################################# 100.0%
Computing checksum with shasum -a 256
Checksums matched!
Now using node v14.20.0 (npm v6.14.17)


% nvm list
->     v14.20.0
default -> 16.17 (-> v16.17.0)
iojs -> N/A (default)
unstable -> N/A (default)
node -> stable (-> v16.17.0) (default)
stable -> 16.17 (-> v16.17.0) (default)
lts/* -> lts/gallium (-> v16.17.0)
lts/argon -> v4.9.1 (-> N/A)
lts/boron -> v6.17.1 (-> N/A)
lts/carbon -> v8.17.0 (-> N/A)
lts/dubnium -> v10.24.1 (-> N/A)
lts/erbium -> v12.22.12 (-> N/A)
lts/fermium -> v14.20.0
lts/gallium -> v16.17.0
% node 
Welcome to Node.js v14.20.0.
Type ".help" for more information.

当前版本Node.js v14.20, 切换到v16版本

% nvm use 16
Now using node v16.17.0 (npm v8.15.0)
% node
Welcome to Node.js v16.17.0.
Type ".help" for more information.


评论 1




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