J. Craig Venter Institute creates first synthetic life form

By Stuart Fox, LiveScience Staff Writer / May 21, 2010


After almost 15 years of work and $40 million, a team of scientists at the J. Craig Venter Institute says they have succeeded in creating the first living organism(有机体) with a completely synthetic(人造的) genome(基因组). This advance could be proof that genomes designed in a computer and assembled in a lab can function in a donor(供体) cell, eventually reproducing fully functional living creatures, that is, artificial life.


This undated handout image provided by the J. Craig Venter Institute shows negatively stained transmission electron micrographs of aggregated M. mycoides. Scientists at the institute announced that they have successfully created a living organism with a completely synthetic genome.


J. Craig Venter Institute/AP


As described today in the journal Science, the study scientists constructed the genome of the bacterium(细菌) Mycoplasma (支原体)mycoides from more than 1,000 sections of preassembled units of DNA. Researchers then transplanted the artificially assembled genome into a M. capricolum cell that had been emptied of its own genome. Once the DNA "booted up," the bacteria began to function and reproduce in the same manner as naturally occurring M. mycoides.

"It's a culmination of a series of impressive steps," Ron Weiss, an associate professor of biological engineering at MIT who was not associated with the study, told LiveScience.com. "If you look over the last few years, at what they've been able to produce, it's definitely impressive. Being able to create genomes of this scale? That's impressive."

To boot up, the DNA utilized elements of the M. capricolum recipient cells, according to study team member Carole Lartigue of the Venter Institute. The bacterial cells still contained certain "machinery" that let them carry out the process of expressing a gene, or taking the genetic code and using it to build proteins – called transcription. When the artificial genome entered the cell, the cellular machines that run DNA transcription recognized the DNA, and began doing their job, Lartigue said.

"This cell's lineage is the computer, it's not any other genetic code," said Daniel Gibson, lead author of the Science paper, also of Venter Institute.

To create the genomes, Gibson and his colleagues used yeast to glue together thousands of DNA snippets, each containing 1,080 base pairs, which they ordered from another lab. To assist in assembly, each section of DNA contained 80 base pairs at every end that instructed the yeast where to join the two strands.

Slowly, the DNA strands came together in runs of tens of thousands of base pairs, and then hundreds of thousands, until the yeast produced a complete 1,080,000-base-pair synthetic genome.

The scientists then compared the completed genome with two previously sequenced, natural M. mycoides genomes that served as road maps. The two road maps differed slightly, forcing the Venter scientists to commit to following one or the other, without knowing which genome was more accurate.

Even a tiny inaccuracy could prevent the inert DNA from activating into a live bacterium, making accuracy paramount. At one point, a single base pair mistake set the entire program back three months. But DNA sequencing accuracy has become so advanced that at least finding the mistakes took only days, not the months needed a decade ago during the infancy of genetic engineering.

However, the synthesis process still introduced some mutations into the M. mycoides genome. The researchers deliberately inserted four sequences of DNA that serve as watermarks so they could distinguish between the naturally occurring and synthetic bacteria.

The watermarks contain a code that translates DNA into English letters with punctuation, allowing the scientists to literally write messages with the genes. When translated, the watermarks spell out the names of the 46 researchers who helped with the project, quotations from James Joyce, physicist Richard Feynman and J. Robert Oppenheimer, and a URL that anyone who deciphers the code can e-mail.

Synthetic bacteria have tantalized scientists for years with the promise of bacterial cultures with computer designed genomes producing custom enzymes, fuels and medications cheaply and efficiently.

《机器人学导论》是由John J.Craig所著,第三版于2012年由机械工业出版社出版的一本机器人学教材。本书主要介绍了机器人学的基础知识和原理。 本书的内容包括了机器人的定义、结构、运动学、动力学、传感器、控制系统、路径规划等方面的知识。首先,书中介绍了机器人的定义和分类,以及机器人系统的组成部分,包括机械结构、电子电气系统和控制系统。 其次,书中详细讲解了机器人的运动学和动力学。运动学主要研究机器人的位置、速度和加速度之间的关系,而动力学则研究机器人在受到外力作用下的运动规律。这些知识对于设计和控制机器人的运动非常重要。 本书还介绍了机器人的传感器技术,包括视觉传感器、力传感器、触觉传感器等。传感器提供了机器人与外界环境进行交互和感知的能力,是实现智能机器人的重要组成部分。 最后,本书还介绍了机器人的控制系统和路径规划。控制系统包括了机器人的控制方法和算法,以及关于反馈控制和运动控制的知识。路径规划则是研究机器人如何有效地规划运动轨迹以完成特定任务的问题。 总之,John J.Craig的《机器人学导论》是一本全面介绍机器人学基础知识和原理的教材。通过阅读本书,读者可以了解机器人的定义、结构、运动学、动力学、传感器、控制系统和路径规划等重要内容,对机器人技术有一个整体的认识。




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