Operator接口表示传入的参数类型和返回值类型一致,分为一元操作和二元操作两种,BinaryOperator、UnaryOperator 。
UnaryOperator是一元操作接口,也就是只能接收一个参数。UnaryOperator继承了Function接口。所以在操作上可以使用Function中的方法。@FunctionalInterface public interface UnaryOperator<T> extends Function<T, T> { /** * Returns a unary operator that always returns its input argument. * * @param <T> the type of the input and output of the operator * @return a unary operator that always returns its input argument */ static <T> UnaryOperator<T> identity() { return t -> t; } }
public class TestUnaryOperator { public static void main(String[] args) { test(100, val -> val * 5); testAndThen1("test", str -> str.replaceAll("t", " operator "), a -> a.toUpperCase()); testAndThen2("test UnaryOperator of andThen", obj -> obj.toUpperCase(), str -> str.contains("UnaryOperator")); testCompose(new User("张三", 33, "北京市朝阳区"), User::getAddress, str -> { if (str.contains("北京市")) { return str; } else if (str.contains("上海市")) { return "外地"; } else { return "未知"; } }); } // 测试apply方法 public static void test(int val, UnaryOperator<Integer> operator) { Integer apply = operator.apply(val); System.out.println(apply); } // 测试andThen方法,注意传参 public static void testAndThen1(String val, UnaryOperator<String> operator, UnaryOperator<String> after) { Function<String, String> andThen = operator.andThen(after); String apply = andThen.apply(val); System.out.println(apply); } // 测试andThen方法,注意传参 public static void testAndThen2(String val, UnaryOperator<String> operator, Function<String, Boolean> after) { Function<String, Boolean> andThen = operator.andThen(after); Boolean apply = andThen.apply(val); System.out.println(apply); } // 测试compose方法,参数为Function<T,U> public static void testCompose(User user, Function<User, String> before, UnaryOperator<String> operator) { Function<User, String> compose = operator.compose(before); String apply = compose.apply(user); System.out.println(apply); } }
这个函数式接口操作的参数只能是int类型,而且只能是一个参数,并返回int类型的结果值。首先看一下源码@FunctionalInterface public interface IntUnaryOperator { /** * 将此方法应用于给定的参数 */ int applyAsInt(int operand); /** * 先用before对象执行给定的参数,然后将其结果对象执行applyAsInt方法。 */ default IntUnaryOperator compose(IntUnaryOperator before) { Objects.requireNonNull(before); return (int v) -> applyAsInt(before.applyAsInt(v)); } /** * 先用当前的IntUnaryOperator对象执行传入的参数,然后再用after对象执行其结果。 */ default IntUnaryOperator andThen(IntUnaryOperator after) { Objects.requireNonNull(after); return (int t) -> after.applyAsInt(applyAsInt(t)); } /** * 返回一元运算符,该运算符始终返回其输入参数。 */ static IntUnaryOperator identity() { return t -> t; } }
public class TestIntUnaryOperator { public static void main(String[] args) { // 将参数乘以2再减去1。最后结果:199 testApply(100, val -> val * 2 - 1); // 先将参数乘以2,然后其结果再加上2 。最后结果:220 testAndThen(100, val -> val * 2, a -> a + 2); // 先将参数减去10,然后将其结果乘以2。最后结果:180 testCompose(100, a -> a - 10, val -> val * 2); } public static void testApply(int val, IntUnaryOperator operator) { int apply = operator.applyAsInt(val); System.out.println(apply); } public static void testAndThen(int val, IntUnaryOperator operator, IntUnaryOperator after) { IntUnaryOperator andThen = operator.andThen(after); int apply = andThen.applyAsInt(val); System.out.println(apply); } public static void testCompose(int val, IntUnaryOperator before, IntUnaryOperator operator) { IntUnaryOperator compose = operator.compose(before); int apply = compose.applyAsInt(val); System.out.println(apply); } }
操作的参数类型是Long类型的,返回值也是Long类型,参考IntUnaryOperator接口的使用。 -
操作的参数类型是Double类型的,返回值也是Double类型,参考IntUnaryOperator接口的使用。 -
BinaryOperator是二元函数接口,可以操作两个参数进行计算。继承了BiFunction接口,源码如下:@FunctionalInterface public interface BinaryOperator<T> extends BiFunction<T,T,T> { /** * 注意:这是个静态方法。用来返回两个参数中小的那个 */ public static <T> BinaryOperator<T> minBy(Comparator<? super T> comparator) { Objects.requireNonNull(comparator); return (a, b) -> comparator.compare(a, b) <= 0 ? a : b; } /** * 注意:这是个静态方法。用来返回两个参数中大的那个 */ public static <T> BinaryOperator<T> maxBy(Comparator<? super T> comparator) { Objects.requireNonNull(comparator); return (a, b) -> comparator.compare(a, b) >= 0 ? a : b; } }
R apply(T t, U u)和default <V> BiFunction<T, U, V> andThen(Function<? super R, ? extends V> after)两个方法。public class TestBinaryOperator { public static void main(String[] args) { // 将两个参数相加 test(100, 200, (a, b) -> a + b); // 先让两个参数相加,然后再乘以2 testAndThen(100, 200, (a, b) -> a + b, val -> val * 2); // 找出两个参数中小的那个 testMinBy(100, 200, Integer::compareTo); // 找出两个参数中大的值 testMayBy(100, 200, (x, y) -> (x < y) ? -1 : ((x == y) ? 0 : 1)); } public static void test(int val1, int val2, BinaryOperator<Integer> operator) { Integer apply = operator.apply(val1, val2); System.out.println(apply); } public static void testAndThen(int val1, int val2, BinaryOperator<Integer> operator, Function<Integer, Integer> after) { BiFunction<Integer, Integer, Integer> andThen = operator.andThen(after); Integer apply = andThen.apply(val1, val2); System.out.println(apply); } public static void testMinBy(int val1, int val2, Comparator<Integer> comparator) { BinaryOperator<Integer> minBy = BinaryOperator.minBy(comparator); Object apply = minBy.apply(val1, val2); System.out.println(apply); } public static void testMayBy(int val1, int val2, Comparator<Integer> comparato) { BinaryOperator<Integer> maxBy = BinaryOperator.maxBy(comparato); Integer apply = maxBy.apply(val1, val2); System.out.println(apply); } }
对两个int类型的参数进行操作,只有一个方法,如下:@FunctionalInterface public interface IntBinaryOperator { int applyAsInt(int left, int right); }
public class TestIntBinaryOperator { public static void main(String[] args) { test(100, 200, (x, y) -> x * y); } public static void test(int val1, int val2, IntBinaryOperator operator) { int apply = operator.applyAsInt(val1, val2); System.out.println(apply); } }
操作的参数为Long类型,用法参考IntBinaryOperator。 -
- 操作的参数为Double类型,用法参考IntBinaryOperator。