

熟悉APQP的朋友们都知道,产品先期策划中有10个基本原理。其中,“组建团队(Organize the Team)”这一原则排在这些原则的第1位。


基于此,本人将一本英文书籍(《ADVANCED PRODUCT QUALITY PLANNING,THE ROAD TO SUCCESS》)中关于“团队”的一些内容翻译出来,与您一起分享。



Successful team that last


Hundreds of books and articles have been written about teams, their success and sustainability (See, e.g., Stamatis, 2014, 2015; Llopis, 2012; Heathfield, 2018; Tuckman, 1965; Tuckman et al. 1977; Bales, 1965; Brown, 1999; Forsyth, 1990, 1998, and many others). Here we will summarize some of the most common practices in the literature that build successful teams that last.

关于团队、团队的成功和可持续性,已经有数百本书籍和文章(例如,见Stamatis, 2014, 2015; Llopis, 2012; Heathfield, 2018; Tuckman, 1965; Tuckman et al. 1977; Bales, 1965; Brown, 1999; Forsyth, 1990, 1998,以及其他许多人)。在这里,我们将总结文献中一些最常见的建立成功团队的做法,这些做法能够持久。

We begin with the responsibility of leadership. It takes great leadership to build great teams, leaders who are not afraid to change course, make difficult decisions, and establish standards of performance that are constantly being met—and improving at all times. Whether in the workplace, professional sports, or your local community, team building requires a keen understanding of people, their strengths, and what gets them excited to work with others. Team building requires the management of egos and their constant demands for attention and recognition—not always warranted. Team building is both an art and a science, and the leaders who can consistently build high-performance teams are worth their weight in gold. For a short discussion on leadership as it relates to IATF 16949 see appendix A. For a lengthy discussion of teams as they relate to APQP see Stamatis, 1998 pp. 33—50; Stamatis, 2016 pp. 37—42, 343-344, and 372-374.

我们从领导责任开始。建立优秀的团队需要卓越的领导力,领导者要不畏艰难,勇于改变方向,做出艰难的决定,制定绩效标准,并不断达到和提高这些标准。无论是在工作场所、职业体育还是在当地社区,团队建设都需要敏锐地了解人们、他们的长处以及是什么让他们对与他人合作感到兴奋。团队建设需要管理自我,管理自我不断要求得到的关注和认可--这并不总是合理的。团队建设既是一门艺术,也是一门科学,能够始终如一地建设高绩效团队的领导者才是真正的领导者。有关领导力与 IATF 16949 的简短讨论,请参阅附录 A。关于团队与 APQP 的关系的详细讨论,请参见 Stamatis, 1998 pp. 33-50; Stamatis, 2016 pp. 37-42、343-344 和 372-374。

Building organizations requires the know-how to build long-lasting teams. This is why most managers never become leaders, and why most leaders never reach the highest pinnacle of leadership success. It requires the ability to master the "art of people" and knowing how to maneuver hundreds (if not thousands) of people at the right place and at the right time. It means knowing how each person thinks and how to best utilize their competencies correctly at all times. So, what is the leader's responsibility for success? The following six items seem to be the corner- stones that a leader must practice for excellent team formation (Stamatis, 1997, 2014, 2015; www.smartsheet.com, ND, Llopis, 2012; Heathfield, 2018; Tuckman, 1965; Tuckman et al. 1977; Bales, 1965; Brown, 1999; Forsyth, 1990, 1998).

建立组织需要有建立持久团队的诀窍。这就是为什么大多数管理者从未成为领导者,以及为什么大多数领导者从未达到领导成功的最高峰。它需要掌握“人的艺术”的能力,知道如何在正确的时间和地点操纵数百(如果不是数千)人。这意味着了解每个人的思维方式,以及如何在任何时候都能最好地正确利用他们的能力。那么,领导者对成功的责任是什么?以下六项似乎是领导者必须为优秀团队的形成而实践的基石(Stamatis, 1997, 2014, 2015; www.smartsheet.com, ND, Llopis, 2012; Heathfield, 2018; Tuckman, 1965; Tuckman et al. 1977; Bales, 1965; Brown, 1999; Forsyth, 1990, 1998)。

  1. Be aware of how you work and how you are perceived: As the leader of the team, one must be extremely aware of one's leadership style and techniques. Are they as effective as you think? How well are they accepted by the team you are attempting to lead? Evaluate yourself and be critical about where you can improve, especially in areas that will benefit those whom you are leading. Though you may be in charge, how you work may not be appreciated by those who work for you. This implies that a leader must make others feel safe to speak-up: they have to understand that just by their title alone may intimidate. Successful leaders deflect attention away from themselves and encourage others to voice their opinions. Never belittle or embarrass anyone in front of others!意识到你的工作方式和你被认为的方式:作为团队的领导者,必须非常清楚自己的领导风格和技巧。它们是否像你想象的那样有效?你试图领导的团队对它们的接受程度如何?评估你自己,对你可以改进的地方提出批评,特别是在对你所领导的人有利的领域。虽然你可能是负责人,但你的工作方式可能不被那些为你工作的人所欣赏。这意味着,领导者必须让其他人感到安全,可以畅所欲言:他们必须明白,仅凭他们的头衔可能会让人感到害怕。成功的领导者会把注意力从自己身上转移开,并鼓励其他人发表意见。永远不要在别人面前贬低或羞辱任何人!
  2. Get to know the rest of the team: Naturally, leaders must be accountable for their actions, but just as important is to make the time to get to know the team and encourage camaraderie. Leaders must communicate with words and actions that the team is important and the team's function matters for the improvement of the organization. The leader must communicate, facilitate, guide, and coach based on the knowledge of the members. If the leader does not take the time to learn about the members, he or she projects indifference. The more one knows about the team members, the more effective his or her leadership becomes to match unique areas of subject matter expertise and or competencies to solve problems and seek new solutions.了解团队的其他成员:当然,领导者必须对自己的行为负责,但同样重要的是要抽出时间来了解团队,鼓励成员团结友爱。领导者必须用言行来传达团队的重要性,团队的功能对组织的改进很重要。领导者必须根据成员的知识,进行沟通、促进、指导和辅导。如果领导者不花时间了解成员的情况,就会表现出漠不关心的态度。对团队成员了解得越多,领导作用就越有效,以配合独特的专业领域和/或能力,从而解决问题并寻求新的解决方案。
  3. Clearly define roles and responsibilities: Generally, the roles of the team composition are set in the first meeting of the group based on the consensus of the group. However, the selection of the champion, leader, and the participants are the role of the management leader—usually the champion.明确定义角色和责任:一般来说,团队组成的角色是在小组的第一次会议上根据小组的共识来确定的。然而,发起人、领导者和参与者的选择是管理层领导的职责,通常是发起人。
  4. Be proactive with feedback: Feedback is the key to assuring any team is staying on track, but more importantly that it is improving each day. Feedback should be proactive and constant. Many leaders are prone to wait until a problem occurs before they give feedback. Because teams are different the feedback can be both formal and informal. However, keep in mind that too much formality may not communicate authenticity and may not have the expected impact.积极主动地提供反馈:反馈是保证任何团队保持在正轨上的关键,但更重要的是,它每天都在进步。反馈应该是主动的和持续的。许多领导容易等到问题发生后才给予反馈。因为团队各不相同,所以反馈可以是正式和非正式的。然而,请记住,过于正式可能无法传达真实信息,也可能无法产生预期的效果。
  5. Acknowledge and reward: Profoundly important is the notion of acknowledgement and reward. Everybody loves recognition, but is most appreciative of respect. Take the time to give team members the proper accolades they have earned and deserve. (You may consider both individual recognition for exemplary performance and recognition for a combined team effort at the completion of the project.) For the acknowledgement and reward to be effective it must be genuine and timely.认可和奖励:极其重要的是承认和奖励的概念。每个人都喜欢认可,但最欣赏的是尊重。花些时间给团队成员以适当的赞誉,这是他们应得的。(你可以考虑对个人的模范表现进行表彰,以及在项目完成时对团队的共同努力进行表彰)。为了使承认和奖励有效,它必须真诚和及时。
  6. Always celebrate success: When the team is finished with the project, make sure you celebrate the success. This celebration goes beyond acknowledgment—this is about taking a step back and reflecting on what you have accomplished and what you have learned throughout the journey.始终庆祝成功:当团队完成项目后,确保你庆祝成功。这种庆祝不仅仅是表扬 – 要更进一步,反思你所取得的成就和你在整个过程中所学到的知识。

The underlying success characteristic of the above six items is the issue of leadership. Leadership may or may not be management. However, all leaders (management and non-management ranks) are only as successful as their teams, and the great ones know that with the right team dynamics, decisions, and diverse personalities, everyone wins in the end. For this to happen however, leaders must:


(a) Make decisions. This means that their focus is on "making things happen" at all times—decision-making activities that sustain progress.

(a) 做出决策。这意味着他们的重点是在任何时候都要“使事情发生”− 维持进展的决策活动。

(b) Communicate expectations. By doing so, they remind their colleagues of the organization's core values and mission statement—ensuring that their vision is properly translated and actionable objectives are properly executed. Furthermore, in communicating, successful leaders must not focus on protecting their domain-instead they expand it by investing in mutually beneficial relationships. As good relationships develop the probability increases that success will follow.

(b) 沟通期望。通过这样做,他们提醒同事们注意组织的核心价值和公司使命 − 确保他们的愿景得到适当的转化,可行的目标得到正确的执行。此外,在沟通中,成功的领导者不能专注于保护自己的领域上 ─ 相反,他们通过投资于互惠互利的关系来扩大自己的领域。随着良好关系的发展,成功的可能性也会随之增加。

(c) Challenge people to think. This means that successful leaders understand their colleagues' mindsets, capabilities, and areas for improvement. They use this knowledge/insight to challenge their teams to think and stretch them to reach for more. Encourage and enable them to think of "outside of the box" solutions.

(c) 挑战人们的思维。这意味着,成功的领导者了解他们同事的心态、能力和需要改进的地方。他们利用这种知识/洞察力来挑战他们的团队,让他们思考,并让他们达到更高的目标。鼓励并使他们能够思考“跳出框框”的解决方案。

(d) Be accountable to others. This means that leaders understand the inherent power of their position and they are confident in being mentors to their colleagues and employees. This implies that their confidence translates into allowing their colleagues to manage them. Make no mistake about it: this does not mean they allow others to control them, but rather become accountable for assuring they are being proactive to their colleagues' needs. Beyond mentoring and sponsoring selected employees, being accountable to others is a sign that the leader is focused more on the team's success than their own.

(d) 对他人负责。这意味着领导者了解其职位的固有权力,他们有信心成为同事和雇员的导师。这意味着他们的自信转化为允许他们的同事管理他们。不要搞错了:这并不意味着他们允许别人控制他们,而是要负责任地保证他们积极主动地满足同事的需求。除了指导和赞助选定的员工之外,对他人负责是一个迹象,表明领导者更关注团队的成功,而不是自己的成功。

(e) Lead by example. This means that excellent leaders lead by example. Walk the talk! Successful leaders practice what they preach and are mindful of their actions. They know everyone is watching them and therefore are incredibly intuitive about detecting those who are observing their every move, waiting to detect a performance short-fall.

(e) 以身作则。这意味着优秀的领导者要以身作则。言行一致! 成功的领导者言行一致,注意自己的行为。他们知道每个人都在注视着他们,因此对发现那些观察他们一举一动的人有着惊人的直觉,等待着发现业绩的不足之处。

(f) Measure and reward performance. This means performance must be evaluated and rewarded by leaders. Successful leaders never take consistent performers for granted and are mindful of rewarding them.

(f) 衡量和奖励业绩。这意味着领导者必须对绩效进行评估和奖励。成功的领导者从不认为表现稳定的人是理所当然的,并注意对他们进行奖励。

(g) Provide continuous feedback. This means that feedback-positive or negative-is imperative for continual improvement. Therefore, leaders must provide feedback, and they must welcome reciprocal feedback. However, in order for the feedback to be constructive and not threating, it must be free of any intimidation from either partner. In giving feedback leaders become teachers for improvement in specific ways, depending on the project. A good teacher is a mentor.

(g) 提供持续的反馈。这意味着,积极的或消极的反馈都是持续改进的必要条件。因此,领导者必须提供反馈,而且他们必须欢迎对等的反馈。然而,为了使反馈具有建设性而不是威胁性,它必须不受任何一方的恐吓。在提供反馈时,领导者要根据项目的具体情况,以特定的方式成为改进的老师。好的老师就是一个指导者。

(h) Properly allocate and deploy talent. This means that leaders must know their talent pool and how to use it. If they do not, it is imperative that they ask questions, ask for recommendations so that their choices for team participants and priority projects can be identified appropriately.

(h) 正确分配和部署人才。这意味着领导者必须了解他们的人才库以及如何使用它。如果他们不知道,就必须提出问题,征求建议,以便适当地确定他们对团队参与者和优先项目的选择。

(i) Problem solver: avoid procrastination. This means that leaders must be excellent problem solvers and not procrastinate in addressing issues and problems that plague the organization. That knowledge should be passed on to the teams for appropriate action, even if the action may be uncomfortable based on the status quo. Always remember that getting ahead in life is about doing the things that most people don't like doing. That is why successful leaders in all walks of life create a positive energy and attitude around them. They know how to set the tone and bring an attitude that motivates their colleagues to take action. As such, they are likeable, respected, and strong willed. They don't allow failures to disrupt momentum.

(i) 问题解决者:避免拖延。这意味着领导者必须是优秀的问题解决者,在解决困扰组织的问题和难题时不能拖拖拉拉。这种知识应该传递给团队,以便采取适当的行动,即使这种行动可能是基于现状的不舒服的。永远记住,在生活中出人头地就是要做大多数人不喜欢做的事情。这就是为什么各行各业的成功领导人在他们周围创造了一种积极的能量和态度。他们知道如何设定基调,并带来一种激励同事采取行动的态度。因此,他们讨人喜欢,受人尊重,意志力强。他们不允许失败扰乱势头。

(j) Genuinely enjoy responsibilities. This means that leaders must love to be leaders not for the sake of power but for the meaningful and purposeful impact they can create. Because they serve as the enablers of talent, culture, and results, they must always be enthusiastic, proactive, determined, and committed to "true" improvement in all aspects of the organization. They must be totally committed to sustainability, i.e., leaving the organization in a better state than they found it. For more information on the leadership of top management as required by the IATF 16949 see Appendix A.

(j) 真正地享受责任。这意味着,领导者必须热爱成为领导者,而不是为了权力,而是为了他们所能创造的有意义和有目的的影响。因为他们是人才、文化和结果的推动者,所以他们必须始终保持热情、主动、坚定,并致力于在组织的所有方面进行“真正的”改进。他们必须完全致力于可持续发展,也就是说,在离开组织时,要比他们发现时的状态更好。关于IATF 16949所要求的高层管理人员的领导作用的更多信息见附录A。




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