

首先从网上下载SkinEngine控件的安装包,我下载的是3.4.7版本,下载以后发现这个控件的安装竟然是windows的软件安装方式(而不是delphi安装第三方控件的安装包方式),安装后发现系统的程序菜单多了一项SkinEngine,里面只有一项内容,就是它的Help文件.什么也不管兴冲冲的打开delphi 7,什么也没有发生?所以打开SkinEngine程序的那个Help文件一看,原来要使用这个控件组还需要进一步的安装.


打开delphi 7,然后文件--->open,找到SkinEngine的安装目录(默认是ksdev),进一步到/sources/packages目录下面,首先找到se_dsgn_d6.dpk 文件,先编译后安装;然后再找到se_db_dsgn_d6.dpk文件,同样处理,此时delphi的控件组中多出来两组:SkinEngine和SkinEngine DB.前者用于delphi程序普通界面的设计,后者用于数据库及其数据表相关内容的界面的设计,每一个组件的使用基本上都有一个delphi组件与之相对应,因此使用起来很方便.


SkinEngine 3.4.7 安装SkinEngine控件是一组用于优化界面设计可视化控件,它重写了大部分可视化组件的源代码,使其外观更为美观漂亮,美化了程序界面的设计,使得程序员可以把更多的精力放在系统软件功能的设计上.首先从网上下载SkinEngine控件安装包,我下载的是3.4.7版本,下载以后发现这个控件安装竟然是windows的软件安装方式(而不是delphi安装第三方控件安装包方式),安装后发现系统的程序菜单多了一项SkinEngine,里面只有一项内容,就是它的Help文件.什么也不管兴冲冲的打开delphi 7,什么也没有发生?所以打开SkinEngine程序的那个Help文件一看,原来要使用这个控件组还需要进一步的安装.安装顺序如下:打开delphi 6,然后文件--->open,找到SkinEngine安装目录(默认是ksdev),进一步到\sources\packages目录下面,首先找到se_dsgn_d6.dpk 文件,先编译后安装;然后再找到se_db_dsgn_d6.dpk文件,同样处理,此时delphi控件组中多出来两组:SkinEngineSkinEngine DB.前者用于delphi程序普通界面的设计,后者用于数据库及其数据表相关内容的界面的设计,每一个组件的使用基本上都有一个delphi组件与之相对应,因此使用起来很方便.然后将“F:\DelphiProjects\VCL\SkinEngine 3.4.7 汉化版”放入Library path中。拖一个button到页面上,编译,通不过,提示找不到相关的DCU文件,没办法,重新回到SkinEngine安装目录中,把sources目录中的所有文件拷贝到delphi6/lib目录下面,再次编译通过了.具体为什么会这样我也不是很清楚.希望能有高手指点一下.现在就可以安全的享用SkinEngine这道美餐了,合理的搭配好各个部件的使用,可以很轻松的编出来漂亮得不是一般的程序界面.卸载过程:菜单project->options->packages->在design packages下选择要删除的-〉remove按钮
SkinEngine3.4.7 SkinEngine is an VCL library that allows you to dynamically change almost any aspect of the visual appearance your project's forms or controls. SkinEngine provides you with full support for application skins. Skins support for forms, menus and controls. SkinEngine using the internal skin files for provide new visual appearance for your project's. Also SkinEngine include powerful tools for create your own skins - SkinBuilder. # What's New in SkinEngine 3.4.7 # + Fixed: GDI resource leaks on TSeCustomForm + Fixed: SeBitmapLink memory leaks + Fixed: Scrollbars not hide in Memo, ListView, TreeView, ScrollBox # Technical Support # Technical support for KSDev software is provided through email and newsgroups on our news server. For latest news and support visit KSDev's <EXTLINK>newsgroups</EXTLINK>. Please, address general questions to the newsgroup. To obtain technical support for any of the KSDev's products, please send an electronic mail message to <EXTLINK></EXTLINK>. Be sure to include a detailed description of the problem you are having in addition to the following information: * Version number of KSDev software * Name and version number of development tool (i.e. Delphi 4.01) * Windows 95/98/Me/NT/2000/XP version (including service packs and other fixes installed), US or international, OEM or not computer information: CPU type and speed, amount of memory installed description of your problem (as much information as possible to retrieve the problem) We'll try to help you as fast as possible, usually in one or two business days. # KSDev's Products # # FXLib # FXLib is an easy-to-use set of components that enables you to create amazing splash screens, form and image transition effects, using all the power of its advanced rendering engine. Over 70 families of animation and transition effects with hundreds of variations. Real-time rendering. WYSIWYG editing in both design-time and run-time, preview. # ThemeEngine # ThemeEngine is an VCL library that allows you to change almost any aspect of the visual appearance your project's forms, menus and controls. ThemeEngine provides you application full themes support. ThemeEngine support new Windows XP style and simulation for other Windows platform. # MediaPack # MediaPack allows to you create of application with cool GUI. Forms of any shape, background with bitmaps tile, gradient or plasma fill, original border with bitmaps or solid fill. Advanced multimedia controls with cool background and borders. MediaPack is a over 70 advanced multimedia components and controls. # FreeSkinEngine # SkinEngine is an VCL library that allows you to dynamically change almost any aspect of the visual appearance your project's forms or controls. In short, it provides you with full support for application skins. It's even possible to make your program look like an application from any other OS, or create your own user WindowBlinds-like or NeoPlanet-like "skinned" interface. # FreeVCL # FreeVCL is a library of almost 20 visual components mostly Office 2k simulation
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