【Temporal Segment Networks】 pytorch代码总结

[github]: https://github.com/yjxiong/tsn-pytorch

1. @property

class VideoRecord(object):
    def __init__(self, row):
        self._data = row
    @property  #@prproperty的用法 将一个类方法转变成一个类属性 
    def path(self):
        return self._data[0]

    def num_frames(self):
        return int(self._data[1])

    def label(self):
        return int(self._data[2])

2. np.multiply

if average_duration > 0: # np.multiply 的使用 np.multiply([0, 1, 2], x) = [0, x, 2x]
            offsets = np.multiply(list(range(self.num_segments)), average_duration) + randint(average_duration, size=self.num_segments)

3. topk

# 计算top1 top5正确率
# topk=(1,5)
def accuracy(output, target, topk=(1,)):
    """Computes the precision@k for the specified values of k"""
    maxk = max(topk)
    batch_size = target.size(0)

    _, pred = output.topk(maxk, 1, True, True)
    pred = pred.t()
    correct = pred.eq(target.view(1, -1).expand_as(pred))

    res = []
    for k in topk:
        correct_k = correct[:k].view(-1).float().sum(0)
        res.append(correct_k.mul_(100.0 / batch_size))
    return res

4. getattr & setattr

if 'resnet' in base_model or 'vgg' in base_model:
            #getattr() 函数用于返回一个对象属性值。
            #torchvision.model pytorch 自带的复现模型 
            #这句话相当于 models.resnet101(pretrained=True)
            self.base_model = getattr(torchvision.models, base_model)(True)

5. Freeze BN layers

if self._enable_pbn:
    print("Freezing BatchNorm2D except the first one.")
    for m in self.base_model.modules():
        if isinstance(m, nn.BatchNorm2d):
            count += 1
            if count >= (2 if self._enable_pbn else 1):
                # shutdown update in frozen mode
                m.weight.requires_grad = False
                m.bias.requires_grad = False
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This book covers construction, exploration, analysis, and visualization of complex networks using NetworkX (a Python library), as well as several other Python modules, and Gephi, an interactive environment for network analysts. The book is not an introduction to Python. I assume that you already know the language, at least at the level of a freshman programming course. The book consists of five parts, each covering specific aspects of complex networks. Each part comes with one or more detailed case studies. Part I presents an overview of the main Python CNA modules: NetworkX, iGraph, graph-tool, and networkit. It then goes over the construction of very simple networks both programmatically (using NetworkX) and interactively (in Gephi), and it concludes by presenting a network of Wikipedia pages related to complex networks. In Part II, you’ll look into networks based on explicit relationships (such as social networks and communication networks). This part addresses advanced network construction and measurement techniques. The capstone case study—a network of “Panama papers”—illustrates possible money-laundering patterns in Central Asia. Networks based on spatial and temporal co-occurrences—such as semantic and product networks—are the subject of Part III. The third part also explores macroscopic and mesoscopic complex network structure. It paves the way to network-based cultural domain analysis and a marketing study of Sephora cosmetic products. If you cannot find any direct or indirect relationships between the items, but still would like to build a network of them, the contents of Part IV come to the rescue. You will learn how to find out if items are similar, and you will convert quantitative similarities into network edges. A network of psychological trauma types is one of the outcomes of the fourth part. The book concludes with Part V: directed networks with plenty of examples, including a network of qualitative adjectives that you could use in computer games or
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