VOA 2011-2-8

Opposition demonstrations continue in Cairo, Cambodia and Thailand ask for U.N. help with their border dispute, I’m David Forest, reporting from Washington.

Thousands of Egyptian opposition activists are occupying Cairo’s Thrir Square for a 14th day, the press for the ouster of President Hosni Mubarak despite new offers of political concessions from his government, Egypt newly appointed cabinets held its first full meetings since the uprising began. At the meeting comes a day after the Vice Presidents Omar Suleiman held unprecedented talks with Egyptian opposition groups, supporting the largely student-led protests, the groups say the government has failed to satisfy well-called demand from Mr. Mubarak’s immediate resignation. U.S. presidents Barack Obama says he believes Egypt will not go back to what it was before the protests begin, from his spokes interview Sunday; this is U.S. television network fox news.

Sudan’s presidents said today that Khartoum will accept the outcome of the referendum on southern independence, Omar al-Bashir made the announcement just hours before the release of the final results of referendum.

Regional diplomats are stepping up their efforts to end the border fighting between Cambodia and Thailand, both sides are appealing to United Nations Security Council for help, journalists and other witnesses reported the sound of the machine gunfire and artillery explosions today near a historic Hindu temple which is the focus of the dispute.

The Indonesia government has condemned an attack against the members of the Ahmadiyya sect that left 3 people dead, Brian Padden takes a look.

Human Rights Watch obtains a video Sunday’s attack on members of the Ahmadiyah sect, in the west of town, the video shows as many as one thousand Muslim protestors surrounding the house that they said was being used as Ahmadiyah house of worship, in the video the crowd starts throwing rocks, then pursues and beats fleeting Ahmadiyah members, 3 have been reported killed. The Indonesia security minister Djoko Suyanto condemns the violence and promise the full investigation, Brian Padden, VOA news, Jakarta.

Leaders of Obama’s best known opposition party say the want the International community to continue economy concessions despite the recent elections and formations of new government. Senior officials with the National League for Democracy which is led by Nobel Laureate Aung San Suu Kyi, told reporters about the conclusions today, the party is suspected to make an announcement soon as Tuesday on the results of details study into how Burmese citizens are affected by the measures.
Officials from India and Pakistan have met to discuss about the possible resumption of stalled peace talks. The meeting was held Sunday on the sidelines of a regional conference in Bhutan, Anjana Pasricha reports.

India and Pakistan diplomats made no specific announcements, but sounded positive after their late Sunday discussions in the Bhutanese capital, Thimpu. India Foreign Secretary Nirupama Rao expressed optimism on Monday. But she also said government leaders would remain realistic, pointing out the relationship between the two countries is complex.

“We talked about the process to chart the way forward”,It’s the first time in six months that officials representing two countries met to discuss the possibilities of resuming peace talks, Anjana Pasricha for VOA News, New Delhi.

Bangladesh police have used for towns to against demonstrators during one-day nation-wide general strike, it was called by the main opposition party, the BNP, to protest the high food price and various government policies.
U.S Internet Company AOL Inc. says it has agreed to buy news website, the Huffington post, it cost $315 million.

WikiLeaks founder Julian Assange appeared in a London court today, He is fighting an attempt to extraditing him to Sweden, he faces sex crime allegation there.
Iran's president Mahmoud Ahmadinejad has announced that his government plans to launch into orbit several new domestically built satellites in the coming years, Mr. Ahmadinejad’s comments came today at the unveiling ceremony in Tehran for four new satellites.

Briefly looking at markets, On Wall Street, U.S. stock indexes are up; Asia-Pacific markets closed mostly higher today.

From VOA news center, I’m David Forest today, more news on the Internet at voanews.com.

柬埔寨:Cambodia [kæm'bəudjə]
苏丹:Sudan [suː'dæn]
苏丹首都喀土穆:Khartoum [kɑː'tuːm]
联合国安全理事会:United Nations Security Council
艾哈迈迪亚教派/阿赫默德教派:Ahmadiyya/Ahmadiyah sect
VOA记者:Brian Padden 布赖恩•帕登
印尼首都雅加达:Jakarta [dʒə'kɑːtə]
印尼安全部长:佐科•苏延多Djoko Suyanto
全国民主联盟:National League for Democracy
诺贝尔经济学奖得主昂山素季:Nobel Laureate Aung San Suu Kyi
缅甸的,缅甸人,缅甸语:Burmese [bəː'miːz]
巴基斯坦:Pakistan [,pɑːkis'tɑːn]
不丹:Bhutan [buː'tæn] n
不丹首都廷布Thimphu ['θim,puː] n
恢复陷入僵局的和谈:the possible resumption of stalled peace talks
外交大臣:Foreign Secretary
印度首都新德里:New Delhi :The capital of India
孟加拉共和国:Bangladesh ['bɑːŋglə,deʃ]
总罢 工,全国性罢 工:general strike
赫芬顿邮报:Huffington post
伊朗:Iran [i'rɑːn]
伊朗首都德黑兰:Tehran [,tehə'rɑːn]
伊朗总统艾哈迈迪内贾德:Mahmoud Ahmadinejad
股价指数:stock indexes
activist /'æktɪvɪst/ n 积极分子;活跃分子
concession /kən'seʃn/ n 让步;妥协 | 承认;给予;许可;让步
uprising /'ʌpraɪzɪŋ/ n 起义;暴 动;造 反~ (against sth)
unprecedented /ʌn'presɪdentɪd/ adj 前所未有的;空前的;没有先例的
referendum /,refə'rendəm/ n 全民投票;全民公决
artillery /ɑː'tɪləri/ n (统称)火炮 | 炮兵部队
formation /fɔː'meɪʃn/ n 组成;形成 | 组成物;形成物 | 编队;队形
laureate /'lɒriət/ n 荣誉获得者;获奖者
Inc. = Incorporated公司(美国用法,置于公司名称之后)abbreviation
extradite /'ekstrədaɪt/ v 引渡(嫌犯或罪犯)~ sb (to…) (from…) extradition/,ekstrə'dɪʃn/
allegation /,ælə'ɡeɪʃn/ n(无证据的)说法,指控~ (of sth) (against sb) ~ (that…) | ~ (about sb/sth)
unveil /,ʌn'veɪl/ v (首次)展示,介绍,推出;将…公诸于众
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