【docker】Windows10安装Docker Desktop - WSL update failed

Docker Desktop - WSL update failed

An error occurred while updating WSL.

You can manually update using wsl --update.

If the issue persists, collect diagnostics and submit an issue⁠.

wsl update failed: update failed: updating wsl: exit code: 4294967295: running WSL command wsl.exe C:\WINDOWS\System32\wsl.exe --update --web-download: ���: 0x80072f7d

: exit status 0xffffffff


  1. 确保您的 Windows 10 版本支持 WSL 2。WSL 2 需要 Windows 10 版本 2004 或更高版本。您可以在 Windows 设置中检查您的 Windows 10 版本。

  2. 启用 WSL 2。在 Windows 10 上启用 WSL 2 需要运行一些命令。您可以在 PowerShell 中运行以下命令:

wsl --set-default-version 2

这将把 WSL 2 设置为默认版本。如果您的系统中没有安装 WSL 2 内核,则会自动下载并安装。

  1. 更新 WSL 2 内核。如果 WSL 2 内核更新失败,您可以尝试手动更新。您可以在 PowerShell 中运行以下命令:

wsl --update

这将下载并安装最新的 WSL 2 内核。

  1. 重新启动 Docker Desktop。在更新 WSL 2 内核后,您需要重新启动 Docker Desktop。在 Docker Desktop 中,单击设置图标,然后选择“重启”。


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Docker Desktop with WSL (Windows Subsystem for Linux) allows you to run Docker containers on Windows using a Linux distribution. By integrating Docker with WSL, you can leverage the benefits of both Docker and WSL to develop and run containerized applications on your Windows machine. To get started with Docker Desktop and WSL, you need to follow these steps: 1. Install Docker Desktop: Download and install Docker Desktop for Windows from the Docker website. Make sure to enable the WSL 2 backend during installation. 2. Enable WSL: Open PowerShell as an administrator and run the following command to enable WSL: ``` wsl --install ``` This command will install WSL and Linux kernel updates on your Windows machine. 3. Choose a Linux distribution: Open the Microsoft Store, search for your preferred Linux distribution (e.g., Ubuntu, Debian), and install it. This distribution will be used by Docker to run containers. 4. Set WSL version: Open PowerShell as an administrator and run the following command to set WSL version 2 as default: ``` wsl --set-default-version 2 ``` 5. Configure Docker to use WSL: Open Docker Desktop, go to "Settings," select "General," and check the "Use the WSL 2 based engine" option. Then, select the WSL default distribution you installed in step 3. 6. Test Docker: Open a terminal (WSL) and run the following command to verify that Docker is working: ``` docker run hello-world ``` If everything is set up correctly, you should see a "Hello from Docker!" message. That's it! Now you can start running Docker containers using the Linux distribution installed through WSL. Remember that you can also access files and directories on your Windows machine from within the Linux environment to build and run your containerized applications.
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