FIN 301 Midterm 1 Review QuestionsStatistics

Java Python FIN 301

Midterm 1, Review Questions

1. The interest rate on a $10,000 loan is 8% APR compounded quarterly. What is the EAR on this loan? Suppose the loan is to be repaid in three equal installments due 2, 4 and 8 years after the date of the loan. Calculate the size of each payment.

2. J. Peterman Inc. issued a ten-year bond three years ago with a face value of $1,000. The bond makes semi-annual coupon payments, and its coupon rate is 8%. One year ago the yield to maturity on eight-year bonds with the same credit rating was 8%. The current yield to maturity on seven-year bonds with the same risk as the J. Peterman bonds is 10%. What is the current price of J Peterman bonds? If you bought J Peterman bonds one year ago and sold it today, what is your percentage gain (or loss) from the price change?

3. When C FIN 301 Midterm 1, Review QuestionsStatistics elia was born, her dear old Aunt Minnie promised to deposit $1,000 into a savings account bearing a 5% compounded annual rate on each birthday, beginning with her first and ending on the 22nd. Celia has just turned 22 and wants the dough. However, it turns out that dear old (forgetful) Aunt Minnie made no deposits on Celia’s third, fifth, and eleventh birthdays. How much is in the account right now?

4. The interest rate on a $190,000 mortgage loan equals 8.5% APR compounded semi-annually. Monthly payments are calculated using 15-year amortization and the original mortgage term equals five years.

a. What is the monthly payment over the term of the mortgage?

b. What will the outstanding principal balance be at the end of the mortgage term of five years?

c. What will the monthly payments be if, at the end of five years, the loan is renewed at 7         

FIN_WAIT1 是 TCP 连接的一种状态,它表示连接关闭的阶段之一。当一方发送了 FIN(终止连接)报文后,进入 FIN_WAIT1 状态,等待对方的确认。 在 FIN_WAIT1 状态下,发送方仍然可以接收对方发送的数据。它等待对方发送 ACK(确认)报文作为对 FIN 报文的确认。如果接收到对方的 ACK 报文,连接将进入 FIN_WAIT2 状态。如果在一定时间内没有收到对方的 ACK 报文,或者收到了对方的 RST(复位)报文,则连接会直接关闭。 FIN_WAIT1 状态通常是一个短暂的状态,在正常情况下不会停留太久。如果连接长时间停留在 FIN_WAIT1 状态,可能是由于以下原因之一: 1. 对方没有发送 ACK 报文:对方可能由于某种原因未正确处理并发送 ACK 报文,导致连接无法继续进入 FIN_WAIT2 状态。可以通过网络抓包或日志来确认是否有 ACK 报文被丢失或未发送。 2. 对方在接收到 FIN 报文后长时间未响应:如果对方在接收到 FIN 报文后长时间没有响应,可能是由于对方应用程序的问题,导致无法及时发送 ACK 报文。 请注意,如果应用程序频繁地打开和关闭连接,并且使用相同的本地 IP 地址和端口号,可能会导致连接在 TIME_WAIT 状态下保持较长时间,进而导致 FIN_WAIT1 状态的持续时间延长。在这种情况下,可以尝试使用不同的本地 IP 地址和端口号来避免连接复用。 如果长时间停留在 FIN_WAIT1 状态引起了问题,可以考虑调整操作系统的参数或检查应用程序的代码逻辑,以确保连接能够正常关闭。




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