0x0 YOLACT实例分割
0x1 缘由
然而,就是没有找到实例分割的例子,以至于有人发了个issue,并点名要求搞个 YOLACT 实例分割 https://github.com/Tencent/ncnn/issues/1679
0x2 pytorch测试
YOLACT项目里有YOLACT++模型,速度更快,效果更好,不过YOLACT++用了个对部署不友好的经典骚操作deformable convolution
新建weights文件夹,下载 yolact_resnet50_54_800000.pth
根据 README 指示,先拿张图试试看效果
$ python eval.py --trained_model=weights/yolact_resnet50_54_800000.pth --score_threshold=0.15 --top_k=15 --image=test.jpg
0x3 去掉后处理导出onnx
直接修改 eval.py 的 evalimage,把结果展示换成 onnx export
def evalimage(net:Yolact, path:str, save_path:str=None):
frame = torch.from_numpy(cv2.imread(path)).cuda().float()
batch = FastBaseTransform()(frame.unsqueeze(0))
preds = net(batch)
torch.onnx._export(net, batch, "yolact.onnx", export_params=True, keep_initializers_as_inputs=True, opset_version=11)
根据YOLACT issue中的信息,yolact.py开头的JIT要关掉才能导出onnx
# As of March 10, 2019, Pytorch DataParallel still doesn't support JIT Script Modules
use_jit = False
YOLACT后处理部分写得非常 pythonic,这样直接导出不行,要把后处理从模型剔除,方便导出转换
因此,去掉后处理导出onnx,是正确转换 pytorch ssd 等类似模型的通常做法
打开yolact.py,找到 class Yolact 的 forward 方法,把 detect 过程去掉,直接返回模型的 pred_outs 输出
# return self.detect(pred_outs, self)
return pred_outs;
再一次跑一遍图片测试,不包含后处理的 yolact.onnx 出现了
$ python eval.py --trained_model=weights/yolact_resnet50_54_800000.pth --score_threshold=0.15 --top_k=15 --image=test.jpg
0x4 简化onnx
$ pip install -U onnx --user
$ pip install -U onnxruntime --user
$ pip install -U onnx-simplifier --user
$ python -m onnxsim yolact.onnx yolact-sim.onnx
Graph must be in single static assignment (SSA) form, however '523' has been used as output names multiple times
经过在github翻看issue,确认这是 onnx bug
幸好 onnx-simplifier 已提供办法绕过
$ python -m onnxsim --skip-fuse-bn yolact.onnx yolact-sim.onnx
0x5 ncnn模型转换和优化
前面简化onnx的时候,--skip-fuse-bn 跳过了 batchnorm 合并,不过没关系,ncnn 也有这个功能
ncnnoptimize 工具实现了很多种算子融合,比如常见的 convolution-batchnorm-relu 等等
最后的参数 0 表示fp32模型,65536 表示精简为fp16模型,能减少模型二进制体积
$ ./onnx2ncnn yolact-sim.onnx yolact.param yolact.bin
$ ./ncnnoptimize yolact.param yolact.bin yolact-opt.param yolact-opt.bin 0
0x6 手工微调模型
Convolution Conv_263 1 1 617 619 0=32 1=1 5=1 6=8192 9=1
Permute Transpose_265 1 1 619 620 0=3
UnaryOp Tanh_400 1 1 814 815 0=16
Concat Concat_401 5 1 634 673 712 751 790 816 0=-3
Concat Concat_402 5 1 646 685 724 763 802 817 0=-3
Concat Concat_403 5 1 659 698 737 776 815 818 0=-3
Softmax Softmax_405 1 1 817 820 0=1 1=1
YOLACT 的后处理需要 loc conf prior mask maskdim 这些东西
ncnn::Extractor ex = yolact.create_extractor();
ncnn::Mat in(550, 550, 3);
ex.input("input.1", in);
ncnn::Mat b620;
ncnn::Mat b816;
ncnn::Mat b818;
ncnn::Mat b820;
ex.extract("620", b620);// 32 x 138x138
ex.extract("816", b816);// 4 x 19248
ex.extract("818", b818);// 32 x 19248
ex.extract("820", b820);// 81 x 19248
直接编译运行发现 Concat 层 crash,即图中蓝框,Concat axis 参数是负数 0=-3,ncnn 还不支持
根据 Concat 多个输入shape,发现是二维数据在 h axis concat,直接改成 0=0 就可以替代
Concat Concat_401 5 1 634 673 712 751 790 816 0=0
Concat Concat_402 5 1 646 685 724 763 802 817 0=0
Concat Concat_403 5 1 659 698 737 776 815 818 0=0
b820在softmax后面,确信是 conf,shape 81x19248 表示 81分类 x 19248个prior
b816 shape 4x19248,对应于每个priorbox的bbox的偏移值
b818 shape 32x19248,根据YOLACT的后处理看,表示的是 maskdim,即32个分割热图的系数
b620 shape 32x138x138,即32个分割热图,前面有个permute层是NCHW->NHWC的转换 prior没有在模型中输出
ncnn 处理 b620 NHWC shape 不方便,改为 extract permute 前的 NCHW 数据 b619,即图中绿框输出
ncnn::Extractor ex = yolact.create_extractor();
ncnn::Mat in(550, 550, 3);
ex.input("input.1", in);
ncnn::Mat maskmaps;
ncnn::Mat location;
ncnn::Mat mask;
ncnn::Mat confidence;
ex.extract("619", maskmaps);// 138x138 x 32
ex.extract("816", location);// 4 x 19248
ex.extract("818", mask);// maskdim 32 x 19248
ex.extract("820", confidence);// 81 x 19248
0x7 生成prior
原始代码在 yolact.py class PredictionModule make_priors,增加一些 print 获得全部 priorbox 生成规则超参
const int conv_ws[5] = {69, 35, 18, 9, 5};
const int conv_hs[5] = {69, 35, 18, 9, 5};
const float aspect_ratios[3] = {1.f, 0.5f, 2.f};
const float scales[5] = {24.f, 48.f, 96.f, 192.f, 384.f};
YOLACT的prior四个数值是 center_x center_y box_w box_h,值域 0~1
作者当初写了个bug,box_h = box_w 固定成方的了,我们也要把这个bug复现出来
// make priorbox
ncnn::Mat priorbox(4, 19248);
float* pb = priorbox;
for (int p = 0; p < 5; p++)
int conv_w = conv_ws[p];
int conv_h = conv_hs[p];
float scale = scales[p];
for (int i = 0; i < conv_h; i++)
for (int j = 0; j < conv_w; j++)
// +0.5 because priors are in center-size notation
float cx = (j + 0.5f) / conv_w;
float cy = (i + 0.5f) / conv_h;
for (int k = 0; k < 3; k++)
float ar = aspect_ratios[k];
ar = sqrt(ar);
float w = scale * ar / 550;
float h = scale / ar / 550;
// This is for backward compatability with a bug where I made everything square by accident
// cfg.backbone.use_square_anchors:
h = w;
pb[0] = cx;
pb[1] = cy;
pb[2] = w;
pb[3] = h;
pb += 4;
0x8 YOLACT全流程实现
data/config.py 有 ImageNet 的 MEAN STD,BGR顺序
# These are in BGR and are for ImageNet
MEANS = (103.94, 116.78, 123.68)
STD = (57.38, 57.12, 58.40)
const int target_size = 550;
int img_w = bgr.cols;
int img_h = bgr.rows;
ncnn::Mat in = ncnn::Mat::from_pixels_resize(bgr.data, ncnn::Mat::PIXEL_BGR2RGB, img_w, img_h, target_size, target_size);
const float mean_vals[3] = {123.68f, 116.78f, 103.94f};
const float norm_vals[3] = {1.0/58.40f, 1.0/57.12f, 1.0/57.38f};
in.substract_mean_normalize(mean_vals, norm_vals);
这部分和 SSD 后处理非常类似,sort nms 这些代码抠 ncnn/src/layer/detectionoutput.cpp
唯一要注意的地方就是 bbox 生成和 SSD 不一样,要用 center_x center_y box_w box_h 实现,YOLACT原代码在 layers/box_util.py decode 函数
YOLACT有fastnms方法 layers/funstions/detection.py,速度更快,可我觉得普通nms毕竟是现成代码,用着挺好的
// generate all candidates for each class
for (int i=0; i<num_priors; i++)
// find class id with highest score
// start from 1 to skip background
// ignore background or low score
if (label == 0 || score <= confidence_thresh)
// apply center_size to priorbox with loc
float var[4] = {0.1f, 0.1f, 0.2f, 0.2f};
float pb_cx = pb[0];
float pb_cy = pb[1];
float pb_w = pb[2];
float pb_h = pb[3];
float bbox_cx = var[0] * loc[0] * pb_w + pb_cx;
float bbox_cy = var[1] * loc[1] * pb_h + pb_cy;
float bbox_w = (float)(exp(var[2] * loc[2]) * pb_w);
float bbox_h = (float)(exp(var[3] * loc[3]) * pb_h);
float obj_x1 = bbox_cx - bbox_w * 0.5f;
float obj_y1 = bbox_cy - bbox_h * 0.5f;
float obj_x2 = bbox_cx + bbox_w * 0.5f;
float obj_y2 = bbox_cy + bbox_h * 0.5f;
// clip inside image
// append object candidate
// merge candidate box for each class
for (int i=0; i<(int)class_candidates.size(); i++)
// sort + nms
// sort all result by score
// keep_top_k
maskmaps 实际是 32 张 138x138 尺寸的热图,前面输出的每个 object 都自带 32 个 float 系数
object 的分割图就是每张热图 * 对应系数,求和,放大到原图尺寸,二值化,最后 crop inside 输出框
0x9 补充学习资料
☆ END ☆
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