




                |clients|  clients and/or reverse-proxy
                          |       _|_db
                       +--+--+   (___)
                       | web |   (___)
                       +-----+   (___)


        |           |     |     |     |       _|_db
     +--+--+      +-+-+ +-+-+ +-+-+ +-+-+    (___)
     | LB1 |      | A | | B | | C | | D |    (___)
     +-----+      +---+ +---+ +---+ +---+    (___)
     haproxy        4 cheap web servers

在LB1 haproxy上的配置信息如下:

    listen webfarm
       mode http
       balance roundrobin
       cookie SERVERID insert indirect
       option httpchk HEAD /index.html HTTP/1.0
       server webA cookie A check
       server webB cookie B check
       server webC cookie C check
       server webD cookie D check


  • LB1会接受客户端请求

  • 如果一个请求不包含cookie,它会被转发到一个有效的服务器

  • 回程时,cookie的“SERVERID”会被插入到响应报文,包含服务器名字(比如A)

  • 当客户端再次发来的数据包带cookie"SERVERID=A"的信息时,LB1会知道这个数据包要转发给服务器A。这个cookie信息会被LB1删除以至于服务器A看不到这个信息。

  • 如果服务器A挂掉了,这个请求会被发送到其他活着的服务器上,cookie信息将被重新安排。


(client)                           (haproxy)                         (server A)
  >-- GET /URI1 HTTP/1.0 ------------> |
               ( no cookie, haproxy forwards in load-balancing mode. )
                                       | >-- GET /URI1 HTTP/1.0 ---------->
                                       | <-- HTTP/1.0 200 OK -------------<
               ( the proxy now adds the server cookie in return )
  <-- HTTP/1.0 200 OK ---------------< |
      Set-Cookie: SERVERID=A           |
  >-- GET /URI2 HTTP/1.0 ------------> |
      Cookie: SERVERID=A               |
      ( the proxy sees the cookie. it forwards to server A and deletes it )
                                       | >-- GET /URI2 HTTP/1.0 ---------->
                                       | <-- HTTP/1.0 200 OK -------------<
   ( the proxy does not add the cookie in return because the client knows it )
  <-- HTTP/1.0 200 OK ---------------< |
  >-- GET /URI3 HTTP/1.0 ------------> |
      Cookie: SERVERID=A               |
                                    ( ... )

限制 :

  • 如果客户端使用keep-alive(HTTP/1.1),只有第一个响应会有一个cookie插入,并且只有每个session的第一个请求会被分析。

- if clients use keep-alive (HTTP/1.1), only the first response will have

a cookie inserted, and only the first request of each session will be

analyzed. This does not cause trouble in insertion mode because the cookie

is put immediately in the first response, and the session is maintained to

the same server for all subsequent requests in the same session. However,

the cookie will not be removed from the requests forwarded to the servers,

so the server must not be sensitive to unknown cookies. If this causes

trouble, you can disable keep-alive by adding the following option :

     option httpclose

  • if for some reason the clients cannot learn more than one cookie (eg: the

clients are indeed some home-made applications or gateways), and the

application already produces a cookie, you can use the "prefix" mode (see





        option httpclose
        option forwardfor

- 如果应用需要记录原来的目的IP地址,使用“originalto”选项将原始目的IP地址添加到“X-Original-To”头里去。你也必须使用“httpclose”来确保你会重写每一次请求而不是每个session的第一次请求:

        option httpclose
        option originalto

The web server will have to be configured to use this header instead.

For example, on apache, you can use LogFormat for this :

LogFormat "%{X-Forwarded-For}i %l %u %t \"%r\" %>s %b " combined

CustomLog /var/log/httpd/access_log combined


  • 有时候,在互联网上,你会发现有一小部分的客户端会在浏览器上禁用cookies功能。


It ensures that a given IP

address always reaches the same server as long as the number of servers remains

unchanged. Never use this behind a proxy or in a small network, because the

distribution will be unfair. However, in large internal networks, and on the

internet, it works quite well. Clients which have a dynamic address will not

be affected as long as they accept the cookie, because the cookie always has

precedence over load balancing :

    listen webfarm
       mode http
       balance source
       cookie SERVERID insert indirect
       option httpchk HEAD /index.html HTTP/1.0
       server webA cookie A check
       server webB cookie B check
       server webC cookie C check
       server webD cookie D check

2. 带cookie前缀和高可用性的HTTP负载均衡

Now you don't want to add more cookies, but rather use existing ones. The

application already generates a "JSESSIONID" cookie which is enough to track

sessions, so we'll prefix this cookie with the server name when we see it.

Since the load-balancer becomes critical, it will be backed up with a second

one in VRRP mode using keepalived under Linux.

Download the latest version of keepalived from this site and install it

on each load-balancer LB1 and LB2 :


You then have a shared IP between the two load-balancers (we will still use the

original IP). It is active only on one of them at any moment. To allow the

proxy to bind to the shared IP on Linux 2.4, you must enable it in /proc :

# echo 1 >/proc/sys/net/ipv4/ip_nonlocal_bind

    shared IP=
        |            |           |     |     |     |       _|_db
     +--+--+      +--+--+      +-+-+ +-+-+ +-+-+ +-+-+    (___)
     | LB1 |      | LB2 |      | A | | B | | C | | D |    (___)
     +-----+      +-----+      +---+ +---+ +---+ +---+    (___)
     haproxy      haproxy        4 cheap web servers
     keepalived   keepalived


    listen webfarm
       mode http
       balance roundrobin
       cookie JSESSIONID prefix
       option httpclose
       option forwardfor
       option httpchk HEAD /index.html HTTP/1.0
       server webA cookie A check
       server webB cookie B check
       server webC cookie C check
       server webD cookie D check

Notes: the proxy will modify EVERY cookie sent by the client and the server,

so it is important that it can access to ALL cookies in ALL requests for

each session. This implies that there is no keep-alive (HTTP/1.1), thus the

"httpclose" option. Only if you know for sure that the client(s) will never

use keep-alive (eg: Apache 1.3 in reverse-proxy mode), you can remove this



    vrrp_script chk_haproxy {           # Requires keepalived-1.1.13
        script "killall -0 haproxy"     # cheaper than pidof
        interval 2                      # check every 2 seconds
        weight 2                        # add 2 points of prio if OK

    vrrp_instance VI_1 {
        interface eth0
        state MASTER
        virtual_router_id 51
        priority 101                    # 101 on master, 100 on backup
        virtual_ipaddress {
        track_script {

描述 :

- LB1 is VRRP master (keepalived), LB2 is backup. Both monitor the haproxy

process, and lower their prio if it fails, leading to a failover to the

other node.

- LB1 will receive clients requests on IP

- both load-balancers send their checks from their native IP.

- if a request does not contain a cookie, it will be forwarded to a valid


- in return, if a JESSIONID cookie is seen, the server name will be prefixed

into it, followed by a delimiter ('~')

- when the client comes again with the cookie "JSESSIONID=A~xxx", LB1 will

know that it must be forwarded to server A. The server name will then be

extracted from cookie before it is sent to the server.

- if server "webA" dies, the requests will be sent to another valid server

and a cookie will be reassigned.

数据流 :

(client)                           (haproxy)                         (server A)
  >-- GET /URI1 HTTP/1.0 ------------> |
               ( no cookie, haproxy forwards in load-balancing mode. )
                                       | >-- GET /URI1 HTTP/1.0 ---------->
                                       |     X-Forwarded-For:
                                       | <-- HTTP/1.0 200 OK -------------<
                        ( no cookie, nothing changed )
  <-- HTTP/1.0 200 OK ---------------< |
  >-- GET /URI2 HTTP/1.0 ------------> |
    ( no cookie, haproxy forwards in lb mode, possibly to another server. )
                                       | >-- GET /URI2 HTTP/1.0 ---------->
                                       |     X-Forwarded-For:
                                       | <-- HTTP/1.0 200 OK -------------<
                                       |     Set-Cookie: JSESSIONID=123
    ( the cookie is identified, it will be prefixed with the server name )
  <-- HTTP/1.0 200 OK ---------------< |
      Set-Cookie: JSESSIONID=A~123     |
  >-- GET /URI3 HTTP/1.0 ------------> |
      Cookie: JSESSIONID=A~123         |
       ( the proxy sees the cookie, removes the server name and forwards
          to server A which sees the same cookie as it previously sent )
                                       | >-- GET /URI3 HTTP/1.0 ---------->
                                       |     Cookie: JSESSIONID=123
                                       |     X-Forwarded-For:
                                       | <-- HTTP/1.0 200 OK -------------<
                        ( no cookie, nothing changed )
  <-- HTTP/1.0 200 OK ---------------< |
                                    ( ... )


Sometimes, there will be some powerful servers in the farm, and some smaller

ones. In this situation, it may be desirable to tell haproxy to respect the

difference in performance. Let's consider that WebA and WebB are two old

P3-1.2 GHz while WebC and WebD are shiny new Opteron-2.6 GHz. If your

application scales with CPU, you may assume a very rough 2.6/1.2 performance

ratio between the servers. You can inform haproxy about this using the "weight"

keyword, with values between 1 and 256. It will then spread the load the most

smoothly possible respecting those ratios :

       server webA cookie A weight 12 check
       server webB cookie B weight 12 check
       server webC cookie C weight 26 check
       server webD cookie D weight 26 check


2.1 Variations involving external layer 4 load-balancers


Instead of using a VRRP-based active/backup solution for the proxies,

they can also be load-balanced by a layer4 load-balancer (eg: Alteon)

which will also check that the services run fine on both proxies :

              | VIP=
         | Alteon  |
              |  |
        |            |           |     |     |     |       _|_db
     +--+--+      +--+--+      +-+-+ +-+-+ +-+-+ +-+-+    (___)
     | LB1 |      | LB2 |      | A | | B | | C | | D |    (___)
     +-----+      +-----+      +---+ +---+ +---+ +---+    (___)
     haproxy      haproxy        4 cheap web servers

Config on both proxies (LB1 and LB2) :


    listen webfarm
       mode http
       balance roundrobin
       cookie JSESSIONID prefix
       option httpclose
       option forwardfor
       option httplog
       option dontlognull
       option httpchk HEAD /index.html HTTP/1.0
       server webA cookie A check
       server webB cookie B check
       server webC cookie C check
       server webD cookie D check

The "dontlognull" option is used to prevent the proxy from logging the health

checks from the Alteon. If a session exchanges no data, then it will not be


Config on the Alteon :


    /c/slb/real  11
           name "LB1"
    /c/slb/real  12
           name "LB2"
    /c/slb/group 10
           name "LB1-2"
           metric roundrobin
           health tcp
           add 11
           add 12
    /c/slb/virt 10
    /c/slb/virt 10/service http
           group 10

Note: the health-check on the Alteon is set to "tcp" to prevent the proxy from

forwarding the connections. It can also be set to "http", but for this the

proxy must specify a "monitor-net" with the Alteons' addresses, so that the

Alteon can really check that the proxies can talk HTTP but without forwarding

the connections to the end servers. Check next section for an example on how to

use monitor-net.


2.2 Generic TCP relaying and external layer 4 load-balancers


Sometimes it's useful to be able to relay generic TCP protocols (SMTP, TSE,

VNC, etc...), for example to interconnect private networks. The problem comes

when you use external load-balancers which need to send periodic health-checks

to the proxies, because these health-checks get forwarded to the end servers.

The solution is to specify a network which will be dedicated to monitoring

systems and must not lead to a forwarding connection nor to any log, using the

"monitor-net" keyword. Note: this feature expects a version of haproxy greater

than or equal to 1.1.32 or 1.2.6.

                |  VIP=   |
           +----+----+         +----+----+
           | Alteon1 |         | Alteon2 |
           +----+----+         +----+----+  |  GW= |
                |                   |
          ------+---+------------+--+-----------------> TSE farm :  |            |
                 +--+--+      +--+--+
                 | LB1 |      | LB2 |
                 +-----+      +-----+
                 haproxy      haproxy


    listen tse-proxy
       bind :3389,:1494,:5900  # TSE, ICA and VNC at once.
       mode tcp
       balance roundrobin
       server tse-farm

The "monitor-net" option instructs the proxies that any connection coming from or will not be logged nor forwarded and will be

closed immediately. The Alteon load-balancers will then see the proxies alive

without perturbating the service.

Alteon上的配置 :

    /c/l3/if 1
    /c/slb/real  11
           name "LB1"
    /c/slb/real  12
           name "LB2"
    /c/slb/group 10
           name "LB1-2"
           metric roundrobin
           health tcp
           add 11
           add 12
    /c/slb/virt 10
    /c/slb/virt 10/service 1494
           group 10
    /c/slb/virt 10/service 3389
           group 10
    /c/slb/virt 10/service 5900
           group 10

SSL的特殊处理 :

Sometimes, you want to send health-checks to remote systems, even in TCP mode,

in order to be able to failover to a backup server in case the first one is

dead. Of course, you can simply enable TCP health-checks, but it sometimes

happens that intermediate firewalls between the proxies and the remote servers

acknowledge the TCP connection themselves, showing an always-up server. Since

this is generally encountered on long-distance communications, which often

involve SSL, an SSL health-check has been implemented to work around this issue.

It sends SSL Hello messages to the remote server, which in turns replies with

SSL Hello messages. Setting it up is very easy :

    listen tcp-syslog-proxy
       bind :1514      # listen to TCP syslog traffic on this port (SSL)
       mode tcp
       balance roundrobin
       option ssl-hello-chk
       server syslog-prod-site check
       server syslog-back-site check backup

3. 使用cookie插入的简单HTTP/HTTPS负载均衡示例


                |clients|  clients
                          |       _|_db
                       +--+--+   (___)
                       | SSL |   (___)
                       | web |   (___)

Since haproxy does not handle SSL, this part will have to be extracted from the

servers (freeing even more resources) and installed on the load-balancer

itself. Install haproxy and apache+mod_ssl on the old box which will spread the

load between the new boxes. Apache will work in SSL reverse-proxy-cache. If the

application is correctly developed, it might even lower its load. However,

since there now is a cache between the clients and haproxy, some security

measures must be taken to ensure that inserted cookies will not be cached.
        |           |     |     |     |       _|_db
     +--+--+      +-+-+ +-+-+ +-+-+ +-+-+    (___)
     | LB1 |      | A | | B | | C | | D |    (___)
     +-----+      +---+ +---+ +---+ +---+    (___)
     apache         4 cheap web servers

LB1上haproxy配置 :

       mode http
       balance roundrobin
       cookie SERVERID insert indirect nocache
       option httpchk HEAD /index.html HTTP/1.0
       server webA cookie A check
       server webB cookie B check
       server webC cookie C check
       server webD cookie D check

描述 :

  • LB1上的apache会在443端口接收客户端的请求

  • 然后转发给绑定在127.0.0.1:8000地址上的haproxy

  • 如果请求不包含cookie信息,这个请求会被转发给一个有效的服务器

  • 回包时,在响应包里cookie的“SERVERID”字段带上服务器名字信息如A,并且"Cache-control: private"头会被添加以便于apache不缓冲包含这个cookie的任何页。

  • 当客户端再次发来带着cookie为“SERVERID=A”的数据包时,LB1会知道这个数据包是要转发给服务器A的。转发时,cookie信息会被删掉以让服务器看不见cookie信息。

  • 如果服务器A宕机了,这个请求会被发送给其他的有效服务器,且cookie会被重新安排。


- if the cookie works in "prefix" mode, there is no need to add the "nocache"

option because it is an application cookie which will be modified, and the

application flags will be preserved.

- if apache 1.3 is used as a front-end before haproxy, it always disables

HTTP keep-alive on the back-end, so there is no need for the "httpclose"

option on haproxy.

- configure apache to set the X-Forwarded-For header itself, and do not do

it on haproxy if you need the application to know about the client's IP.

数据流 :

(apache)                           (haproxy)                         (server A)
  >-- GET /URI1 HTTP/1.0 ------------> |
               ( no cookie, haproxy forwards in load-balancing mode. )
                                       | >-- GET /URI1 HTTP/1.0 ---------->
                                       | <-- HTTP/1.0 200 OK -------------<
               ( the proxy now adds the server cookie in return )
  <-- HTTP/1.0 200 OK ---------------< |
      Set-Cookie: SERVERID=A           |
      Cache-Control: private           |
  >-- GET /URI2 HTTP/1.0 ------------> |
      Cookie: SERVERID=A               |
      ( the proxy sees the cookie. it forwards to server A and deletes it )
                                       | >-- GET /URI2 HTTP/1.0 ---------->
                                       | <-- HTTP/1.0 200 OK -------------<
   ( the proxy does not add the cookie in return because the client knows it )
  <-- HTTP/1.0 200 OK ---------------< |
  >-- GET /URI3 HTTP/1.0 ------------> |
      Cookie: SERVERID=A               |
                                    ( ... )

3.1 另一种解决方案,使用Stunnel

When only SSL is required and cache is not needed, stunnel is a cheaper

solution than Apache+mod_ssl. By default, stunnel does not process HTTP and

does not add any X-Forwarded-For header, but there is a patch on the official

haproxy site to provide this feature to recent stunnel versions.

This time, stunnel will only process HTTPS and not HTTP. This means that

haproxy will get all HTTP traffic, so haproxy will have to add the

X-Forwarded-For header for HTTP traffic, but not for HTTPS traffic since

stunnel will already have done it. We will use the "except" keyword to tell

haproxy that connections from local host already have a valid header.
        |           |     |     |     |       _|_db
     +--+--+      +-+-+ +-+-+ +-+-+ +-+-+    (___)
     | LB1 |      | A | | B | | C | | D |    (___)
     +-----+      +---+ +---+ +---+ +---+    (___)
     stunnel        4 cheap web servers

LB1 stunnel上的配置 :


LB1上的haproxy配置 :

       mode http
       balance roundrobin
       option forwardfor except
       cookie SERVERID insert indirect nocache
       option httpchk HEAD /index.html HTTP/1.0
       server webA cookie A check
       server webB cookie B check
       server webC cookie C check
       server webD cookie D check

描述 :

- stunnel on LB1 will receive clients requests on port 443

- it forwards them to haproxy bound to port 80

- haproxy will receive HTTP client requests on port 80 and decrypted SSL

requests from Stunnel on the same port.

- stunnel will add the X-Forwarded-For header

- haproxy will add the X-Forwarded-For header for everyone except the local

address (stunnel).

4. 应用主功能的软终止

When an application is spread across several servers, the time to update all

instances increases, so the application seems jerky for a longer period.

HAProxy offers several solutions for this. Although it cannot be reconfigured

without being stopped, nor does it offer any external command, there are other

working solutions.


4.1 Soft-stop using a file on the servers


This trick is quite common and very simple: put a file on the server which will

be checked by the proxy. When you want to stop the server, first remove this

file. The proxy will see the server as failed, and will not send it any new

session, only the old ones if the "persist" option is used. Wait a bit then

stop the server when it does not receive anymore connections.

       mode http
       balance roundrobin
       cookie SERVERID insert indirect
       option httpchk HEAD /running HTTP/1.0
       server webA cookie A check inter 2000 rise 2 fall 2
       server webB cookie B check inter 2000 rise 2 fall 2
       server webC cookie C check inter 2000 rise 2 fall 2
       server webD cookie D check inter 2000 rise 2 fall 2
       option persist
       contimeout 5000

Description :


- every 2 seconds, haproxy will try to access the file "/running" on the

servers, and declare the server as down after 2 attempts (4 seconds).

- only the servers which respond with a 200 or 3XX response will be used.

- if a request does not contain a cookie, it will be forwarded to a valid


- if a request contains a cookie for a failed server, haproxy will insist

on trying to reach the server anyway, to let the user finish what they were

doing. ("persist" option)

- if the server is totally stopped, the connection will fail and the proxy

will rebalance the client to another server ("redispatch")

Usage on the web servers :


- to start the server :

    # /etc/init.d/httpd start
    # touch /home/httpd/www/running

- to soft-stop the server

   # rm -f /home/httpd/www/running

- to completely stop the server :

   # /etc/init.d/httpd stop


If the server is totally powered down, the proxy will still try to reach it

for those clients who still have a cookie referencing it, and the connection

attempt will expire after 5 seconds ("contimeout"), and only after that, the

client will be redispatched to another server. So this mode is only useful

for software updates where the server will suddenly refuse the connection

because the process is stopped. The problem is the same if the server suddenly

crashes. All of its users will be fairly perturbated.


4.2 Soft-stop using backup servers


A better solution which covers every situation is to use backup servers.

Version 1.1.30 fixed a bug which prevented a backup server from sharing

the same cookie as a standard server.

       mode http
       balance roundrobin
       cookie SERVERID insert indirect
       option httpchk HEAD / HTTP/1.0
       server webA cookie A check port 81 inter 2000
       server webB cookie B check port 81 inter 2000
       server webC cookie C check port 81 inter 2000
       server webD cookie D check port 81 inter 2000
       server bkpA cookie A check port 80 inter 2000 backup
       server bkpB cookie B check port 80 inter 2000 backup
       server bkpC cookie C check port 80 inter 2000 backup
       server bkpD cookie D check port 80 inter 2000 backup



Four servers webA..D are checked on their port 81 every 2 seconds. The same

servers named bkpA..D are checked on the port 80, and share the exact same

cookies. Those servers will only be used when no other server is available

for the same cookie.

When the web servers are started, only the backup servers are seen as

available. On the web servers, you need to redirect port 81 to local

port 80, either with a local proxy (eg: a simple haproxy tcp instance),

or with iptables (linux) or pf (openbsd). This is because we want the

real web server to reply on this port, and not a fake one. Eg, with

iptables :

  # /etc/init.d/httpd start
  # iptables -t nat -A PREROUTING -p tcp --dport 81 -j REDIRECT --to-port 80

A few seconds later, the standard server is seen up and haproxy starts to send

it new requests on its real port 80 (only new users with no cookie, of course).

If a server completely crashes (even if it does not respond at the IP level),

both the standard and backup servers will fail, so clients associated to this

server will be redispatched to other live servers and will lose their sessions.

Now if you want to enter a server into maintenance, simply stop it from

responding on port 81 so that its standard instance will be seen as failed,

but the backup will still work. Users will not notice anything since the

service is still operational :

  # iptables -t nat -D PREROUTING -p tcp --dport 81 -j REDIRECT --to-port 80

The health checks on port 81 for this server will quickly fail, and the

standard server will be seen as failed. No new session will be sent to this

server, and existing clients with a valid cookie will still reach it because

the backup server will still be up.

Now wait as long as you want for the old users to stop using the service, and

once you see that the server does not receive any traffic, simply stop it :

  # /etc/init.d/httpd stop

The associated backup server will in turn fail, and if any client still tries

to access this particular server, they will be redispatched to any other valid

server because of the "redispatch" option.

This method has an advantage : you never touch the proxy when doing server

maintenance. The people managing the servers can make them disappear smoothly.

4.2.1 Variations for operating systems without any firewall software


The downside is that you need a redirection solution on the server just for

the health-checks. If the server OS does not support any firewall software,

this redirection can also be handled by a simple haproxy in tcp mode :

        pidfile /var/run/haproxy-checks.pid
        mode tcp
        contimeout 1000
        clitimeout 10000
        srvtimeout 10000

To start the web service :

  # /etc/init.d/httpd start
  # haproxy -f /etc/haproxy/haproxy-checks.cfg

To soft-stop the service :

  # kill $(</var/run/haproxy-checks.pid)

The port 81 will stop responding and the load-balancer will notice the failure.

4.2.2 Centralizing the server management


If one finds it preferable to manage the servers from the load-balancer itself,

the port redirector can be installed on the load-balancer itself. See the

example with iptables below.

Make the servers appear as operational :

  # iptables -t nat -A OUTPUT -d -p tcp --dport 81 -j DNAT --to-dest :80
  # iptables -t nat -A OUTPUT -d -p tcp --dport 81 -j DNAT --to-dest :80
  # iptables -t nat -A OUTPUT -d -p tcp --dport 81 -j DNAT --to-dest :80
  # iptables -t nat -A OUTPUT -d -p tcp --dport 81 -j DNAT --to-dest :80

Soft stop one server :

  # iptables -t nat -D OUTPUT -d -p tcp --dport 81 -j DNAT --to-dest :80

Another solution is to use the "COMAFILE" patch provided by Alexander Lazic,

which is available for download here :


4.2.3 Notes :


- Never, ever, start a fake service on port 81 for the health-checks, because

a real web service failure will not be detected as long as the fake service

runs. You must really forward the check port to the real application.

- health-checks will be sent twice as often, once for each standard server,

and once for each backup server. All this will be multiplicated by the

number of processes if you use multi-process mode. You will have to ensure

that all the checks sent to the server do not overload it.


4.3 Hot reconfiguration


There are two types of haproxy users :

- those who can never do anything in production out of maintenance periods ;

- those who can do anything at any time provided that the consequences are


The first ones have no problem stopping the server to change configuration

because they got some maintenance periods during which they can break anything.

So they will even prefer doing a clean stop/start sequence to ensure everything

will work fine upon next reload. Since those have represented the majority of

haproxy uses, there has been little effort trying to improve this.

However, the second category is a bit different. They like to be able to fix an

error in a configuration file without anyone noticing. This can sometimes also

be the case for the first category because humans are not failsafe.

For this reason, a new hot reconfiguration mechanism has been introduced in

version 1.1.34. Its usage is very simple and works even in chrooted

environments with lowered privileges. The principle is very simple : upon

reception of a SIGTTOU signal, the proxy will stop listening to all the ports.

This will release the ports so that a new instance can be started. Existing

connections will not be broken at all. If the new instance fails to start,

then sending a SIGTTIN signal back to the original processes will restore

the listening ports. This is possible without any special privileges because

the sockets will not have been closed, so the bind() is still valid. Otherwise,

if the new process starts successfully, then sending a SIGUSR1 signal to the

old one ensures that it will exit as soon as its last session ends.

A hot reconfiguration script would look like this :

  # save previous state
  mv /etc/haproxy/config /etc/haproxy/config.old
  mv /var/run/haproxy.pid /var/run/haproxy.pid.old
  mv /etc/haproxy/config.new /etc/haproxy/config
  kill -TTOU $(cat /var/run/haproxy.pid.old)
  if haproxy -p /var/run/haproxy.pid -f /etc/haproxy/config; then
    echo "New instance successfully loaded, stopping previous one."
    kill -USR1 $(cat /var/run/haproxy.pid.old)
    rm -f /var/run/haproxy.pid.old
    exit 1
    echo "New instance failed to start, resuming previous one."
    kill -TTIN $(cat /var/run/haproxy.pid.old)
    rm -f /var/run/haproxy.pid
    mv /var/run/haproxy.pid.old /var/run/haproxy.pid
    mv /etc/haproxy/config /etc/haproxy/config.new
    mv /etc/haproxy/config.old /etc/haproxy/config
    exit 0

After this, you can still force old connections to end by sending

a SIGTERM to the old process if it still exists :

kill $(cat /var/run/haproxy.pid.old)

rm -f /var/run/haproxy.pid.old

Be careful with this as in multi-process mode, some pids might already

have been reallocated to completely different processes.

5. 带本地偏向的多网址负载均衡

5.1 问题描述

Consider a world-wide company with sites on several continents. There are two

production sites SITE1 and SITE2 which host identical applications. There are

many offices around the world. For speed and communication cost reasons, each

office uses the nearest site by default, but can switch to the backup site in

the event of a site or application failure. There also are users on the

production sites, which use their local sites by default, but can switch to the

other site in case of a local application failure.

The main constraints are :

- application persistence : although the application is the same on both

sites, there is no session synchronisation between the sites. A failure

of one server or one site can cause a user to switch to another server

or site, but when the server or site comes back, the user must not switch


- communication costs : inter-site communication should be reduced to the

minimum. Specifically, in case of a local application failure, every

office should be able to switch to the other site without continuing to

use the default site.

5.2 解决方案

- Each production site will have two haproxy load-balancers in front of its

application servers to balance the load across them and provide local HA.

We will call them "S1L1" and "S1L2" on site 1, and "S2L1" and "S2L2" on

site 2. These proxies will extend the application's JSESSIONID cookie to

put the server name as a prefix.

- Each production site will have one front-end haproxy director to provide

the service to local users and to remote offices. It will load-balance

across the two local load-balancers, and will use the other site's

load-balancers as backup servers. It will insert the local site identifier

in a SITE cookie for the local load-balancers, and the remote site

identifier for the remote load-balancers. These front-end directors will

be called "SD1" and "SD2" for "Site Director".

- Each office will have one haproxy near the border gateway which will direct

local users to their preference site by default, or to the backup site in

the event of a previous failure. It will also analyze the SITE cookie, and

direct the users to the site referenced in the cookie. Thus, the preferred

site will be declared as a normal server, and the backup site will be

declared as a backup server only, which will only be used when the primary

site is unreachable, or when the primary site's director has forwarded

traffic to the second site. These proxies will be called "OP1".."OPXX"

for "Office Proxy #XX".

5.3 网络拓扑

Note : offices 1 and 2 are on the same continent as site 1, while

office 3 is on the same continent as site 3. Each production

site can reach the second one either through the WAN or through

a dedicated link.

        Office1         Office2                          Office3
         users           users                            users
192.168  # # #   192.168 # # #                            # # #
.1.0/24  | | |   .2.0/24 | | |    | | |  
  --+----+-+-+-   --+----+-+-+-                   ---+----+-+-+- 
    |      | .1     |      | .1                      |      | .1
    |    +-+-+      |    +-+-+                       |    +-+-+
    |    |OP1|      |    |OP2|                       |    |OP3|  ...
  ,-:-.  +---+    ,-:-.  +---+                     ,-:-.  +---+
 (  X  )         (  X  )                          (  X  )        
  `-:-'           `-:-'             ,---.          `-:-'         
  --+---------------+------+----~~~(  X  )~~~~-------+---------+-
                           |        `---'                      |    
                           |                                   |    
                 +---+   ,-:-.                       +---+   ,-:-.  
                 |SD1|  (  X  )                      |SD2|  (  X  )
   ( SITE 1 )    +-+-+   `-:-'         ( SITE 2 )    +-+-+   `-:-'
                   |.1     |                           |.1     |     |       |     ,---.     |       |    
        -+-+-+-+-+-+-+-----+-+--(  X  )------+-+-+-+-+-+-+-----+-+--
         | | | | |   |       |   `---'       | | | | |   |       |
      ...# # # # #   |.11    |.12         ...# # # # #   |.11    |.12
          Site 1   +-+--+  +-+--+              Site 2  +-+--+  +-+--+   
          Local    |S1L1|  |S1L2|              Local   |S2L1|  |S2L2|   
          users    +-+--+  +--+-+              users   +-+--+  +--+-+   
                     |        |                         |        |    -+-+-+--+--++--    -+-+-+--+--++--   
                   |.1       |.4                       |.1       |.4
                 +-+-+     +-+-+                     +-+-+     +-+-+    
                 |W11| ~~~ |W14|                     |W21| ~~~ |W24|    
                 +---+     +---+                     +---+     +---+    
              4 application servers               4 application servers
                    on site 1                           on site 2

5.4 具体描述

5.4.1 Local users


- Office 1 users connect to OP1 =

- Office 2 users connect to OP2 =

- Office 3 users connect to OP3 =

- Site 1 users connect to SD1 =

- Site 2 users connect to SD2 =

5.4.2 Office proxies


- Office 1 connects to site 1 by default and uses site 2 as a backup.

- Office 2 connects to site 1 by default and uses site 2 as a backup.

- Office 3 connects to site 2 by default and uses site 1 as a backup.

The offices check the local site's SD proxy every 30 seconds, and the

remote one every 60 seconds.

Configuration for Office Proxy OP1


       mode http
       balance roundrobin
       cookie SITE
       option httpchk HEAD / HTTP/1.0
       server SD1 cookie SITE1 check inter 30000
       server SD2 cookie SITE2 check inter 60000 backup

Configuration for Office Proxy OP2


       mode http
       balance roundrobin
       cookie SITE
       option httpchk HEAD / HTTP/1.0
       server SD1 cookie SITE1 check inter 30000
       server SD2 cookie SITE2 check inter 60000 backup

Configuration for Office Proxy OP3


       mode http
       balance roundrobin
       cookie SITE
       option httpchk HEAD / HTTP/1.0
       server SD2 cookie SITE2 check inter 30000
       server SD1 cookie SITE1 check inter 60000 backup

5.4.3 Site directors ( SD1 and SD2 )


The site directors forward traffic to the local load-balancers, and set a

cookie to identify the site. If no local load-balancer is available, or if

the local application servers are all down, it will redirect traffic to the

remote site, and report this in the SITE cookie. In order not to uselessly

load each site's WAN link, each SD will check the other site at a lower

rate. The site directors will also insert their client's address so that

the application server knows which local user or remote site accesses it.

The SITE cookie which is set by these directors will also be understood

by the office proxies. This is important because if SD1 decides to forward

traffic to site 2, it will write "SITE2" in the "SITE" cookie, and on next

request, the office proxy will automatically and directly talk to SITE2 if

it can reach it. If it cannot, it will still send the traffic to SITE1

where SD1 will in turn try to reach SITE2.

The load-balancers checks are performed on port 81. As we'll see further,

the load-balancers provide a health monitoring port 81 which reroutes to

port 80 but which allows them to tell the SD that they are going down soon

and that the SD must not use them anymore.


       mode http
       balance roundrobin
       cookie SITE insert indirect
       option httpchk HEAD / HTTP/1.0
       option forwardfor
       server S1L1 cookie SITE1 check port 81 inter 4000
       server S1L2 cookie SITE1 check port 81 inter 4000
       server S2L1 cookie SITE2 check port 81 inter 8000 backup
       server S2L2 cookie SITE2 check port 81 inter 8000 backup


       mode http
       balance roundrobin
       cookie SITE insert indirect
       option httpchk HEAD / HTTP/1.0
       option forwardfor
       server S2L1 cookie SITE2 check port 81 inter 4000
       server S2L2 cookie SITE2 check port 81 inter 4000
       server S1L1 cookie SITE1 check port 81 inter 8000 backup
       server S1L2 cookie SITE1 check port 81 inter 8000 backup

5.4.4 Local load-balancers S1L1, S1L2, S2L1, S2L2


Please first note that because SD1 and SD2 use the same cookie for both

servers on a same site, the second load-balancer of each site will only

receive load-balanced requests, but as soon as the SITE cookie will be

set, only the first LB will receive the requests because it will be the

first one to match the cookie.

The load-balancers will spread the load across 4 local web servers, and

use the JSESSIONID provided by the application to provide server persistence

using the new 'prefix' method. Soft-stop will also be implemented as described

in section 4 above. Moreover, these proxies will provide their own maintenance

soft-stop. Port 80 will be used for application traffic, while port 81 will

only be used for health-checks and locally rerouted to port 80. A grace time

will be specified to service on port 80, but not on port 81. This way, a soft

kill (kill -USR1) on the proxy will only kill the health-check forwarder so

that the site director knows it must not use this load-balancer anymore. But

the service will still work for 20 seconds and as long as there are established


These proxies will also be the only ones to disable HTTP keep-alive in the

chain, because it is enough to do it at one place, and it's necessary to do

it with 'prefix' cookies.

Configuration for S1L1/S1L2


    listen # for S1L2
       grace 20000  # don't kill us until 20 seconds have elapsed
       mode http
       balance roundrobin
       cookie JSESSIONID prefix
       option httpclose
       option forwardfor
       option httpchk HEAD / HTTP/1.0
       server W11 cookie W11 check port 81 inter 2000
       server W12 cookie W12 check port 81 inter 2000
       server W13 cookie W13 check port 81 inter 2000
       server W14 cookie W14 check port 81 inter 2000
       server B11 cookie W11 check port 80 inter 4000 backup
       server B12 cookie W12 check port 80 inter 4000 backup
       server B13 cookie W13 check port 80 inter 4000 backup
       server B14 cookie W14 check port 80 inter 4000 backup
    listen # for S1L2
       mode tcp
       dispatch  # for S1L2

Configuration for S2L1/S2L2


    listen # for S2L2
       grace 20000  # don't kill us until 20 seconds have elapsed
       mode http
       balance roundrobin
       cookie JSESSIONID prefix
       option httpclose
       option forwardfor
       option httpchk HEAD / HTTP/1.0
       server W21 cookie W21 check port 81 inter 2000
       server W22 cookie W22 check port 81 inter 2000
       server W23 cookie W23 check port 81 inter 2000
       server W24 cookie W24 check port 81 inter 2000
       server B21 cookie W21 check port 80 inter 4000 backup
       server B22 cookie W22 check port 80 inter 4000 backup
       server B23 cookie W23 check port 80 inter 4000 backup
       server B24 cookie W24 check port 80 inter 4000 backup
    listen # for S2L2
       mode tcp
       dispatch  # for S2L2

5.5 结语


Since each site director sets a cookie identifying the site, remote office

users will have their office proxies direct them to the right site and stick

to this site as long as the user still uses the application and the site is

available. Users on production sites will be directed to the right site by the

site directors depending on the SITE cookie.

If the WAN link dies on a production site, the remote office users will not

see their site anymore, so they will redirect the traffic to the second site.

If there are dedicated inter-site links as on the diagram above, the second

SD will see the cookie and still be able to reach the original site. For

example :

Office 1 user sends the following to OP1 :

  GET / HTTP/1.0
  Cookie: SITE=SITE1; JSESSIONID=W14~123;

OP1 cannot reach site 1 because its external router is dead. So the SD1 server

is seen as dead, and OP1 will then forward the request to SD2 on site 2,

regardless of the SITE cookie.

SD2 on site 2 receives a SITE cookie containing "SITE1". Fortunately, it

can reach Site 1's load balancers S1L1 and S1L2. So it forwards the request

so S1L1 (the first one with the same cookie).

S1L1 (on site 1) finds "W14" in the JSESSIONID cookie, so it can forward the

request to the right server, and the user session will continue to work. Once

the Site 1's WAN link comes back, OP1 will see SD1 again, and will not route

through SITE 2 anymore.

However, when a new user on Office 1 connects to the application during a

site 1 failure, it does not contain any cookie. Since OP1 does not see SD1

because of the network failure, it will direct the request to SD2 on site 2,

which will by default direct the traffic to the local load-balancers, S2L1 and

S2L2. So only initial users will load the inter-site link, not the new ones.

6. 多地址均衡

Sometimes it may reveal useful to access servers from a pool of IP addresses

instead of only one or two. Some equipment (NAT firewalls, load-balancers)

are sensible to source address, and often need many sources to distribute the

load evenly amongst their internal hash buckets.

To do this, you simply have to use several times the same server with a

different source. Example :

       mode tcp
       balance roundrobin
       server from1to1 source
       server from2to1 source
       server from3to1 source
       server from4to1 source
       server from5to1 source
       server from6to1 source
       server from7to1 source
       server from8to1 source

7. 在应用服务器上管理高负载

One of the roles often expected from a load balancer is to mitigate the load on

the servers during traffic peaks. More and more often, we see heavy frameworks

used to deliver flexible and evolutive web designs, at the cost of high loads

on the servers, or very low concurrency. Sometimes, response times are also

rather high. People developing web sites relying on such frameworks very often

look for a load balancer which is able to distribute the load in the most

evenly fashion and which will be nice with the servers.

There is a powerful feature in haproxy which achieves exactly this : request

queueing associated with concurrent connections limit.

Let's say you have an application server which supports at most 20 concurrent

requests. You have 3 servers, so you can accept up to 60 concurrent HTTP

connections, which often means 30 concurrent users in case of keep-alive (2

persistent connections per user).

Even if you disable keep-alive, if the server takes a long time to respond,

you still have a high risk of multiple users clicking at the same time and

having their requests unserved because of server saturation. To work around

the problem, you increase the concurrent connection limit on the servers,

but their performance stalls under higher loads.

The solution is to limit the number of connections between the clients and the

servers. You set haproxy to limit the number of connections on a per-server

basis, and you let all the users you want connect to it. It will then fill all

the servers up to the configured connection limit, and will put the remaining

connections in a queue, waiting for a connection to be released on a server.

This ensures five essential principles :

- all clients can be served whatever their number without crashing the

servers, the only impact it that the response time can be delayed.

- the servers can be used at full throttle without the risk of stalling,

and fine tuning can lead to optimal performance.

- response times can be reduced by making the servers work below the

congestion point, effectively leading to shorter response times even

under moderate loads.

- no domino effect when a server goes down or starts up. Requests will be

queued more or less, always respecting servers limits.

- it's easy to achieve high performance even on memory-limited hardware.

Indeed, heavy frameworks often consume huge amounts of RAM and not always

all the CPU available. In case of wrong sizing, reducing the number of

concurrent connections will protect against memory shortages while still

ensuring optimal CPU usage.

示例 :

HAProxy is installed in front of an application servers farm. It will limit

the concurrent connections to 4 per server (one thread per CPU), thus ensuring

very fast response times.
        |             |     |     |           _|_db
     +--+--+        +-+-+ +-+-+ +-+-+        (___)
     | LB1 |        | A | | B | | C |        (___)
     +-----+        +---+ +---+ +---+        (___)
     haproxy       3 application servers
                   with heavy frameworks

LB1上的haproxy配置 :

    listen appfarm
       mode http
       maxconn 10000
       option httpclose
       option forwardfor
       balance roundrobin
       cookie SERVERID insert indirect
       option httpchk HEAD /index.html HTTP/1.0
       server railsA cookie A maxconn 4 check
       server railsB cookie B maxconn 4 check
       server railsC cookie C maxconn 4 check
       contimeout 60000

描述 :


The proxy listens on IP, port 80, and expects HTTP requests. It

can accept up to 10000 concurrent connections on this socket. It follows the

roundrobin algorithm to assign servers to connections as long as servers are

not saturated.

It allows up to 4 concurrent connections per server, and will queue the

requests above this value. The "contimeout" parameter is used to set the

maximum time a connection may take to establish on a server, but here it

is also used to set the maximum time a connection may stay unserved in the

queue (1 minute here).

If the servers can each process 4 requests in 10 ms on average, then at 3000

connections, response times will be delayed by at most :

3000 / 3 servers / 4 conns * 10 ms = 2.5 seconds

Which is not that dramatic considering the huge number of users for such a low

number of servers.

When connection queues fill up and application servers are starving, response

times will grow and users might abort by clicking on the "Stop" button. It is

very undesirable to send aborted requests to servers, because they will eat

CPU cycles for nothing.

An option has been added to handle this specific case : "option abortonclose".

By specifying it, you tell haproxy that if an input channel is closed on the

client side AND the request is still waiting in the queue, then it is highly

likely that the user has stopped, so we remove the request from the queue

before it will get served.

Managing unfair response times


Sometimes, the application server will be very slow for some requests (eg:

login page) and faster for other requests. This may cause excessive queueing

of expectedly fast requests when all threads on the server are blocked on a

request to the database. Then the only solution is to increase the number of

concurrent connections, so that the server can handle a large average number

of slow connections with threads left to handle faster connections.

But as we have seen, increasing the number of connections on the servers can

be detrimental to performance (eg: Apache processes fighting for the accept()

lock). To improve this situation, the "minconn" parameter has been introduced.

When it is set, the maximum connection concurrency on the server will be bound

by this value, and the limit will increase with the number of clients waiting

in queue, till the clients connected to haproxy reach the proxy's maxconn, in

which case the connections per server will reach the server's maxconn. It means

that during low-to-medium loads, the minconn will be applied, and during surges

the maxconn will be applied. It ensures both optimal response times under

normal loads, and availability under very high loads.

示例 :

    listen appfarm
       mode http
       maxconn 10000
       option httpclose
       option abortonclose
       option forwardfor
       balance roundrobin
       # The servers will get 4 concurrent connections under low
       # loads, and 12 when there will be 10000 clients.
       server railsA minconn 4 maxconn 12 check
       server railsB minconn 4 maxconn 12 check
       server railsC minconn 4 maxconn 12 check
       contimeout 60000
  • 0
  • 0
    觉得还不错? 一键收藏
  • 0


  • 非常没帮助
  • 没帮助
  • 一般
  • 有帮助
  • 非常有帮助




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