BSP VS Web Dynpro ABAP

      新加了一个文章分类, SAP BSP, 用来记述一下自己学习BSP的经历吧.


      SAP WEB 开发的两种技术, BSP 和 WEB Dynpro, 还是先学下BSP吧, 大概了解了一下, 好像和ASP之类的差不多, 相信以我的WEB开发经验应该是很容易上手的啦, 这里引用一段《Advance BSP Programming》中的话, 算是凑一篇网文吧,该书成书较早,其中的观点仅做一观,作来一个ABAPer, 肯定两都要会的.

下的电子书是扫描版, 以下的文字可以我一个一个字每敲出来的哟, 虽是摘抄,也就算原创了, 没有功劳也有苦劳嘛.

In the past year, much of the attention within the SAP world has focused on SAP's next generation techonology: Web Dynpro. As this book goes to print, Web Dynpro for ABAP is scheduled for general availability ins spring of 2006.

In truth, Web Dynpro contains many of the enhancements that BSP developers have always wanted. Enhancements like built-in value-help and select options will become standard in Web Dynpro, but must be added by the customer into the BSP environment. Do not worry, however: the task of adding many of these enhancements to BSP is the subject of the last one-third of this book.

All this begs the questin: if Web dynpro ABAP(WDA) is so great, why contiune to use BSP(or for that matter why write a book about it?). There are several architectural differences between BSP and WDA. WDA may have some more advanced features compared to BSP. but it is a far more restrictive framework. First of all, WDA is stateful only. BSP supports bothe stateful and stateless programming models. Stateless programming is essential to high-performance internet-facing applications.

WDA is also designed to be future-proof, obscuring the specific client's rendering technology. As a consequence, the tool does not allow low-level access to include your own custom HTML, JavaScript, or other controls. WDA targets the browser today, but tommorrow is might well be running within a smart client using entirely different technologies(such as XML and native UI controls). To keep this technology switch possible, the rendering logic is completely hidden from the developer, presenting only an abstract UI layer with abstract controls. On the other hand BSP has no such restrictions. BSP is strictly centered on browser-based deployment and therefore allows an extreme level of custom rendering. This makes BSP a perfect platform for applications theat require pixel-perfect layout or specialized UI elemnets.

The other aspect ot consider is that Web dynpro ABAP will not be available until NetWeaver'04S. Therefore, you must upgrade your existing system to be able to use these new development tools. BSP, on hte other hand, has been available for several years and is included in the vast majority of supported SAP product releases. For several more years, BSP may be your only choice for Web development using the ABAP language.

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