
yum install -y sendmail*
rpm -aq | grep sendmail
cd /etc/mail
vim sendmail.mc
dnl MASQUERADE_DOMAIN(localhost.localdomain)dnl
Connect:10.19.1                         RELAY
Connect:219.232.254                     RELAY
Connect:219.239.93                      RELAY
Connect:219.141.176                     RELAY
Connect:114.255.44                      RELAY
m4 /etc/mail/sendmail.mc > /etc/mail/sendmail.cf
sendmail.mc:10: m4: cannot open `/usr/share/sendmail-cf/m4/cf.m4': No such file or directory
yum -y install sendmail-cf
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绑定主机 smtp.*.com test-43        localhost.localdomain localhost
::1     smtp.*.com test-43  localhost6.localdomain6 localhost6
/usr/local/webserver/php/bin/php send.php


/*~ class.phpmailer.php
|  Software: PHPMailer - PHP email class                                    |
|   Version: 5.1                                                            |
|   Contact: via sourceforge.net support pages (also www.worxware.com)      |
|      Info: http://phpmailer.sourceforge.net                               |
|   Support: http://sourceforge.net/projects/phpmailer/                     |
| ------------------------------------------------------------------------- |
|     Admin: Andy Prevost (project admininistrator)                         |
|   Authors: Andy Prevost (codeworxtech) codeworxtech@users.sourceforge.net |
|          : Marcus Bointon (coolbru) coolbru@users.sourceforge.net         |
|   Founder: Brent R. Matzelle (original founder)                           |
| Copyright (c) 2004-2009, Andy Prevost. All Rights Reserved.               |
| Copyright (c) 2001-2003, Brent R. Matzelle                                |
| ------------------------------------------------------------------------- |
|   License: Distributed under the Lesser General Public License (LGPL)     |
|            http://www.gnu.org/copyleft/lesser.html                        |
| This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful - WITHOUT  |
| ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or     |
| FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE.                                         |
| ------------------------------------------------------------------------- |
| We offer a number of paid services (www.worxware.com):                    |
| - Web Hosting on highly optimized fast and secure servers                 |
| - Technology Consulting                                                   |
| - Oursourcing (highly qualified programmers and graphic designers)        |

 * PHPMailer - PHP email transport class
 * NOTE: Requires PHP version 5 or later
 * @package PHPMailer
 * @author Andy Prevost
 * @author Marcus Bointon
 * @copyright 2004 - 2009 Andy Prevost
 * @version $Id: class.phpmailer.php 447 2009-05-25 01:36:38Z codeworxtech $
 * @license http://www.gnu.org/copyleft/lesser.html GNU Lesser General Public License

if (version_compare(PHP_VERSION, '5.0.0', '<') ) exit("Sorry, this version of PHPMailer will only run on PHP version 5 or greater!\n");

class PHPMailer {


   * Email priority (1 = High, 3 = Normal, 5 = low).
   * @var int
  public $Priority          = 3;

   * Sets the CharSet of the message.
   * @var string
  public $CharSet           = 'iso-8859-1';

   * Sets the Content-type of the message.
   * @var string
  public $ContentType       = 'text/plain';

   * Sets the Encoding of the message. Options for this are
   *  "8bit", "7bit", "binary", "base64", and "quoted-printable".
   * @var string
  public $Encoding          = '8bit';

   * Holds the most recent mailer error message.
   * @var string
  public $ErrorInfo         = '';

   * Sets the From email address for the message.
   * @var string
  public $From              = 'root@localhost';

   * Sets the From name of the message.
   * @var string
  public $FromName          = 'Root User';

   * Sets the Sender email (Return-Path) of the message.  If not empty,
   * will be sent via -f to sendmail or as 'MAIL FROM' in smtp mode.
   * @var string
  public $Sender            = '';

   * Sets the Subject of the message.
   * @var string
  public $Subject           = '';

   * Sets the Body of the message.  This can be either an HTML or text body.
   * If HTML then run IsHTML(true).
   * @var string
  public $Body              = '';
   *  if type==1 则可以传<script>标签的内容
   * @var string
  public $type              = '0';

   * Sets the text-only body of the message.  This automatically sets the
   * email to multipart/alternative.  This body can be read by mail
   * clients that do not have HTML email capability such as mutt. Clients
   * that can read HTML will view the normal Body.
   * @var string
  public $AltBody           = '';

   * Sets word wrapping on the body of the message to a given number of
   * characters.
   * @var int
  public $WordWrap          = 0;

   * Method to send mail: ("mail", "sendmail", or "smtp").
   * @var string
  public $Mailer            = 'mail';

   * Sets the path of the sendmail program.
   * @var string
  public $Sendmail          = '/usr/sbin/sendmail';

   * Path to PHPMailer plugins.  Useful if the SMTP class
   * is in a different directory than the PHP include path.
   * @var string
  public $PluginDir         = '';

   * Sets the email address that a reading confirmation will be sent.
   * @var string
  public $ConfirmReadingTo  = '';

   * Sets the hostname to use in Message-Id and Received headers
   * and as default HELO string. If empty, the value returned
   * by SERVER_NAME is used or 'localhost.localdomain'.
   * @var string
  public $Hostname          = '';

   * Sets the message ID to be used in the Message-Id header.
   * If empty, a unique id will be generated.
   * @var string
  public $MessageID         = '';


   * Sets the SMTP hosts.  All hosts must be separated by a
   * semicolon.  You can also specify a different port
   * for each host by using this format: [hostname:port]
   * (e.g. "smtp1.example.com:25;smtp2.example.com").
   * Hosts will be tried in order.
   * @var string
  public $Host          = 'localhost';

   * Sets the default SMTP server port.
   * @var int
  public $Port          = 25;

   * Sets the SMTP HELO of the message (Default is $Hostname).
   * @var string
  public $Helo          = '';

   * Sets connection prefix.
   * Options are "", "ssl" or "tls"
   * @var string
  public $SMTPSecure    = '';

   * Sets SMTP authentication. Utilizes the Username and Password variables.
   * @var bool
  public $SMTPAuth      = false;

   * Sets SMTP username.
   * @var string
  public $Username      = '';

   * Sets SMTP password.
   * @var string
  public $Password      = '';

   * Sets the SMTP server timeout in seconds.
   * This function will not work with the win32 version.
   * @var int
  public $Timeout       = 10;

   * Sets SMTP class debugging on or off.
   * @var bool
  public $SMTPDebug     = false;

   * Prevents the SMTP connection from being closed after each mail
   * sending.  If this is set to true then to close the connection
   * requires an explicit call to SmtpClose().
   * @var bool
  public $SMTPKeepAlive = false;

   * Provides the ability to have the TO field process individual
   * emails, instead of sending to entire TO addresses
   * @var bool
  public $SingleTo      = false;

   * If SingleTo is true, this provides the array to hold the email addresses
   * @var bool
  public $SingleToArray = array();

   * Provides the ability to change the line ending
   * @var string
  public $LE              = "\n";

   * Used with DKIM DNS Resource Record
   * @var string
  public $DKIM_selector   = 'phpmailer';

   * Used with DKIM DNS Resource Record
   * optional, in format of email address 'you@yourdomain.com'
   * @var string
  public $DKIM_identity   = '';

   * Used with DKIM DNS Resource Record
   * optional, in format of email address 'you@yourdomain.com'
   * @var string
  public $DKIM_domain     = '';

   * Used with DKIM DNS Resource Record
   * optional, in format of email address 'you@yourdomain.com'
   * @var string
  public $DKIM_private    = '';

   * Callback Action function name
   * the function that handles the result of the send email action. Parameters:
   *   bool    $result        result of the send action
   *   string  $to            email address of the recipient
   *   string  $cc            cc email addresses
   *   string  $bcc           bcc email addresses
   *   string  $subject       the subject
   *   string  $body          the email body
   * @var string
  public $action_function = ''; //'callbackAction';

   * Sets the PHPMailer Version number
   * @var string
  public $Version         = '5.1';


  private   $smtp           = NULL;
  private   $to             = array();
  private   $cc             = array();
  private   $bcc            = array();
  private   $ReplyTo        = array();
  private   $all_recipients = array();
  private   $attachment     = array();
  private   $CustomHeader   = array();
  private   $message_type   = '';
  private   $boundary       = array();
  protected $language       = array();
  private   $error_count    = 0;
  private   $sign_cert_file = "";
  private   $sign_key_file  = "";
  private   $sign_key_pass  = "";
  private   $exceptions     = false;


  const STOP_MESSAGE  = 0; // message only, continue processing
  const STOP_CONTINUE = 1; // message?, likely ok to continue processing
  const STOP_CRITICAL = 2; // message, plus full stop, critical error reached


   * Constructor
   * @param boolean $exceptions Should we throw external exceptions?
  public function __construct($exceptions = false) {
    $this->exceptions = ($exceptions == true);

   * Sets message type to HTML.
   * @param bool $ishtml
   * @return void
  public function IsHTML($ishtml = true) {
    if ($ishtml) {
      $this->ContentType = 'text/html';
    } else {
      $this->ContentType = 'text/plain';

   * Sets Mailer to send message using SMTP.
   * @return void
  public function IsSMTP() {
    $this->Mailer = 'smtp';

   * Sets Mailer to send message using PHP mail() function.
   * @return void
  public function IsMail() {
    $this->Mailer = 'mail';

   * Sets Mailer to send message using the $Sendmail program.
   * @return void
  public function IsSendmail() {
    if (!stristr(ini_get('sendmail_path'), 'sendmail')) {
      $this->Sendmail = '/var/qmail/bin/sendmail';
    $this->Mailer = 'sendmail';

   * Sets Mailer to send message using the qmail MTA.
   * @return void
  public function IsQmail() {
    if (stristr(ini_get('sendmail_path'), 'qmail')) {
      $this->Sendmail = '/var/qmail/bin/sendmail';
    $this->Mailer = 'sendmail';


   * Adds a "To" address.
   * @param string $address
   * @param string $name
   * @return boolean true on success, false if address already used
  public function AddAddress($address, $name = '') {
    return $this->AddAnAddress('to', $address, $name);

   * Adds a "Cc" address.
   * Note: this function works with the SMTP mailer on win32, not with the "mail" mailer.
   * @param string $address
   * @param string $name
   * @return boolean true on success, false if address already used
  public function AddCC($address, $name = '') {
    return $this->AddAnAddress('cc', $address, $name);

   * Adds a "Bcc" address.
   * Note: this function works with the SMTP mailer on win32, not with the "mail" mailer.
   * @param string $address
   * @param string $name
   * @return boolean true on success, false if address already used
  public function AddBCC($address, $name = '') {
    return $this->AddAnAddress('bcc', $address, $name);

   * Adds a "Reply-to" address.
   * @param string $address
   * @param string $name
   * @return boolean
  public function AddReplyTo($address, $name = '') {
    return $this->AddAnAddress('ReplyTo', $address, $name);

   * Adds an address to one of the recipient arrays
   * Addresses that have been added already return false, but do not throw exceptions
   * @param string $kind One of 'to', 'cc', 'bcc', 'ReplyTo'
   * @param string $address The email address to send to
   * @param string $name
   * @return boolean true on success, false if address already used or invalid in some way
   * @access private
  private function AddAnAddress($kind, $address, $name = '') {
    if (!preg_match('/^(to|cc|bcc|ReplyTo)$/', $kind)) {
      echo 'Invalid recipient array: ' . kind;
      return false;
    $address = trim($address);
    $name = trim(preg_replace('/[\r\n]+/', '', $name)); //Strip breaks and trim
    if (!self::ValidateAddress($address)) {
      $this->SetError($this->Lang('invalid_address').': '. $address);
      if ($this->exceptions) {
        throw new phpmailerException($this->Lang('invalid_address').': '.$address);
      echo $this->Lang('invalid_address').': '.$address;
      return false;
    if ($kind != 'ReplyTo') {
      if (!isset($this->all_recipients[strtolower($address)])) {
        array_push($this->$kind, array($address, $name));
        $this->all_recipients[strtolower($address)] = true;
        return true;
    } else {
      if (!array_key_exists(strtolower($address), $this->ReplyTo)) {
        $this->ReplyTo[strtolower($address)] = array($address, $name);
      return true;
  return false;

 * Set the From and FromName properties
 * @param string $address
 * @param string $name
 * @return boolean
  public function SetFrom($address, $name = '',$auto=1) {
    $address = trim($address);
    $name = trim(preg_replace('/[\r\n]+/', '', $name)); //Strip breaks and trim
    if (!self::ValidateAddress($address)) {
      $this->SetError($this->Lang('invalid_address').': '. $address);
      if ($this->exceptions) {
        throw new phpmailerException($this->Lang('invalid_address').': '.$address);
      echo $this->Lang('invalid_address').': '.$address;
      return false;
    $this->From = $address;
    $this->FromName = $name;
    if ($auto) {
      if (empty($this->ReplyTo)) {
        $this->AddAnAddress('ReplyTo', $address, $name);
      if (empty($this->Sender)) {
        $this->Sender = $address;
    return true;

   * Check that a string looks roughly like an email address should
   * Static so it can be used without instantiation
   * Tries to use PHP built-in validator in the filter extension (from PHP 5.2), falls back to a reasonably competent regex validator
   * Conforms approximately to RFC2822
   * @link http://www.hexillion.com/samples/#Regex Original pattern found here
   * @param string $address The email address to check
   * @return boolean
   * @static
   * @access public
  public static function ValidateAddress($address) {
    if (function_exists('filter_var')) { //Introduced in PHP 5.2
      if(filter_var($address, FILTER_VALIDATE_EMAIL) === FALSE) {
        return false;
      } else {
        return true;
    } else {
      return preg_match('/^(?:[\w\!\#\$\%\&\'\*\+\-\/\=\?\^\`\{\|\}\~]+\.)*[\w\!\#\$\%\&\'\*\+\-\/\=\?\^\`\{\|\}\~]+@(?:(?:(?:[a-zA-Z0-9_](?:[a-zA-Z0-9_\-](?!\.)){0,61}[a-zA-Z0-9_-]?\.)+[a-zA-Z0-9_](?:[a-zA-Z0-9_\-](?!$)){0,61}[a-zA-Z0-9_]?)|(?:\[(?:(?:[01]?\d{1,2}|2[0-4]\d|25[0-5])\.){3}(?:[01]?\d{1,2}|2[0-4]\d|25[0-5])\]))$/', $address);


   * Creates message and assigns Mailer. If the message is
   * not sent successfully then it returns false.  Use the ErrorInfo
   * variable to view description of the error.
   * @return bool
  public function Send() {
    try {
      if ((count($this->to) + count($this->cc) + count($this->bcc)) < 1) {
        throw new phpmailerException($this->Lang('provide_address'), self::STOP_CRITICAL);

      // Set whether the message is multipart/alternative
      if(!empty($this->AltBody)) {
        $this->ContentType = 'multipart/alternative';
      $this->error_count = 0; // reset errors
      $header = $this->CreateHeader();
      $body = $this->CreateBody();
      if (empty($this->Body)) {
        throw new phpmailerException($this->Lang('empty_message'), self::STOP_CRITICAL);

      // digitally sign with DKIM if enabled
      if ($this->DKIM_domain && $this->DKIM_private) {
        $header_dkim = $this->DKIM_Add($header,$this->Subject,$body);
        $header = str_replace("\r\n","\n",$header_dkim) . $header;
      // Choose the mailer and send through it
      switch($this->Mailer) {
        case 'sendmail':
          return $this->SendmailSend($header, $body);
        case 'smtp':
		  //var_dump( $header );
		  //var_dump( $body );
          return $this->SmtpSend($header, $body);
          return $this->MailSend($header, $body);
    } catch (phpmailerException $e) {
      if ($this->exceptions) {
        throw $e;
      echo $e->getMessage()."\n";
      return false;

   * Sends mail using the $Sendmail program.
   * @param string $header The message headers
   * @param string $body The message body
   * @access protected
   * @return bool
  protected function SendmailSend($header, $body) {
    if ($this->Sender != '') {
      $sendmail = sprintf("%s -oi -f %s -t", escapeshellcmd($this->Sendmail), escapeshellarg($this->Sender));
    } else {
      $sendmail = sprintf("%s -oi -t", escapeshellcmd($this->Sendmail));
    if ($this->SingleTo === true) {
      foreach ($this->SingleToArray as $key => $val) {
        if(!@$mail = popen($sendmail, 'w')) {
          throw new phpmailerException($this->Lang('execute') . $this->Sendmail, self::STOP_CRITICAL);
        fputs($mail, "To: " . $val . "\n");
        fputs($mail, $header);
        fputs($mail, $body);
        $result = pclose($mail);
        // implement call back function if it exists
        $isSent = ($result == 0) ? 1 : 0;
        if($result != 0) {
          throw new phpmailerException($this->Lang('execute') . $this->Sendmail, self::STOP_CRITICAL);
    } else {
      if(!@$mail = popen($sendmail, 'w')) {
        throw new phpmailerException($this->Lang('execute') . $this->Sendmail, self::STOP_CRITICAL);
      fputs($mail, $header);
      fputs($mail, $body);
      $result = pclose($mail);
      // implement call back function if it exists
      $isSent = ($result == 0) ? 1 : 0;
      if($result != 0) {
        throw new phpmailerException($this->Lang('execute') . $this->Sendmail, self::STOP_CRITICAL);
    return true;

   * Sends mail using the PHP mail() function.
   * @param string $header The message headers
   * @param string $body The message body
   * @access protected
   * @return bool
  protected function MailSend($header, $body) {
    $toArr = array();
    foreach($this->to as $t) {
      $toArr[] = $this->AddrFormat($t);
    $to = implode(', ', $toArr);

    $params &
//初始化邮件类 void InitEmail(C01waSendMail* m_globalEmail,String sendermail,String sender,String senderpwd,String srv,int port = 25,bool bSsl = false) { m_globalEmail->m_Auth = CPJNSMTPConnection::AuthenticationMethod::AUTH_AUTO; m_globalEmail->m_bAutoDial = true; m_globalEmail->m_bSSL = bSsl; m_globalEmail->m_sUsername = sender.c_str(); m_globalEmail->m_sAddress = sendermail.c_str(); m_globalEmail->m_sPassword = senderpwd.c_str(); m_globalEmail->m_sHost = srv.c_str(); m_globalEmail->m_nPort = port; m_globalEmail->m_sEncodingFriendly = _T("Chinese Simplified (GB2312)"); m_globalEmail->m_sEncodingCharset = _T("gb2312"); m_globalEmail->m_bMime = 1; m_globalEmail->m_bHTML = 1; m_globalEmail->m_Priority = CPJNSMTPMessage::PRIORITY::NormalPriority; m_globalEmail->m_bDSN = FALSE; m_globalEmail->m_bDSNSuccess = FALSE; m_globalEmail->m_bDSNFailure = FALSE; m_globalEmail->m_bDSNDelay = FALSE; m_globalEmail->m_bDSNHeaders = FALSE; m_globalEmail->m_bDNSLookup = FALSE; } //发送邮件 void SendEmail(const char* recvemail,const char* subject,const char* body,const char * sCC=NULL,const char * bCC = NULL,const char * attach = NULL) { //初始化邮箱 //注意释放内存 C01waSendMail *m_globalEmail = new C01waSendMail; if(strlen(m_con1.m_eamil)>0&&strlen(m_con1.m_pwd)&&strlen(m_con1.m_smtpsrv)&&m_con1.port>0) { char * p = strdup(m_con1.m_eamil); char * pp = strstr(p,"@"); if(pp>0) pp[0] = '\0'; InitEmail(m_globalEmail,m_con1.m_eamil,p,m_con1.m_pwd,m_con1.m_smtpsrv,m_con1.port,m_con1.ssl); free(p); if(subject>0) m_globalEmail->m_sSubject.Format("%s",subject); if(sCC>0) m_globalEmail->m_sCC.Format("%s",sCC); if(bCC>0) m_globalEmail->m_sBCC.Format("%s",bCC); if(body>0) m_globalEmail->m_sBody.Format("%s",body); if(attach>0) m_globalEmail->m_sFile.Format("%s",attach); if(recvemail>0) m_globalEmail->m_sTo.Format("%s",recvemail); m_globalEmail->SendEmail(); } }




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