Option Explicit
Private Enum ImageSizingTypes
[sizeNone] = 0
End Enum
Private Enum LedgerColours
vbledgerWhite = &HF9FEFF
vbLedgerGreen = &HD0FFCC
vbLedgerYellow = &HE1FAFF
vbLedgerRed = &HE1E1FF
vbLedgerGrey = &HE0E0E0
vbLedgerBeige = &HD9F2F7
vbLedgerSoftWhite = &HF7F7F7
vbledgerPureWhite = &HFFFFFF
End Enum
'/* Below used for listview column auto-resizing
Private Const LVM_FIRST As Long = &H1000
Private Const LVM_SETCOLUMNWIDTH As Long = (LVM_FIRST + 30)
Private Const LVSCW_AUTOSIZE As Long = -1
Private Declare Function SendMessage Lib "user32" _
Alias "SendMessageA" _
(ByVal hwnd As Long, _
ByVal wMsg As Long, _
ByVal wParam As Long, _
lParam As Any) As Long
Private Sub SetListViewLedgerRows(lv As ListView, _
Bar1Color As LedgerColours, _
Bar2Color As LedgerColours, _
nSizingType As ImageSizingTypes, _
Optional nRowsPerBar As Long = 1)
Dim iBarHeight As Long '/* height of 1 line in the listview
Dim lBarWidth As Long '/* width of listview
Dim diff As Long '/* used in calculations of row height
Dim twipsy As Long '/* var holding Screen.TwipsPerPixelY
iBarHeight = 0
lBarWidth = 0
diff = 0
On Local Error GoTo SetListViewColor_Error
twipsy = Screen.TwipsPerPixelY
If lv.View = lvwReport Then
'/* set up the listview properties
With lv
.Picture = Nothing '/* clear picture
.Visible = 1
.PictureAlignment = lvwTile
lBarWidth = .Width
End With ' lv
'/* set up the picture box properties
With Picture1
.AutoRedraw = False '/* clear/reset picture
.Picture = Nothing
.BackColor = vbWhite
.Height = 1
.AutoRedraw = True '/* assure image draws
.BorderStyle = vbBSNone '/* other attributes
.ScaleMode = vbTwips
.Top = Form1.Top - 10000 '/* move it way off screen
.Width = Screen.Width
.Visible = False
.Font = lv.Font '/* assure font matches listview font
'/* match picture box font properties
'/* with those of listview
With .Font
.Bold = lv.Font.Bold
.Charset = lv.Font.Charset
.Italic = lv.Font.Italic
.Name = lv.Font.Name
.Strikethrough = lv.Font.Strikethrough
.Underline = lv.Font.Underline
.Weight = lv.Font.Weight
.Size = lv.Font.Size
End With 'Picture1.Font
'/* here we calculate the height of each
'/* bar in the listview. Several things
'/* can affect this height - the use
'/* of item icons, the size of those icons,
'/* the use of checkboxes and so on through
'/* all the permutations.
'/* Shown here is code sufficient to calculate
'/* this height based on three combinations of
'/* data, state icons, and imagelist icons:
'/* 1. text only
'/* 2. text with checkboxes
'/* 3. text with icons
'/* used by all sizing routines
iBarHeight = .TextHeight("W")
Select Case nSizingType
Case sizeNone:
'/* 1. text only
iBarHeight = iBarHeight + twipsy
Case sizeCheckBox:
'/* 2. text with checkboxes: add to TextHeight the
'/* difference between 18 pixels and iBarHeight
'/* all calculated initially in pixels,
'/* then converted to twips
If (iBarHeight / twipsy) > 18 Then
iBarHeight = iBarHeight + twipsy