Symbian OS及通讯技术术语全解

    Symbian OS和一些相关资料,内容不少,而且有些很专业。刚刚才收集整理了一份 技术术语白皮书,在这儿先放上来,大家共享。



  In mobile telephony, first-generation systems were analog, circuit-switched. Voice links were poor, handoff unreliable, capacity low, and security non-existent. 1G systems are not now under active development – indeed, in some areas 1G spectrum is being auctioned for 2G and 3G use.

在移动电话技术中,第一代系统是模拟的电路交换系统。语音连接很差、越区切换不可靠、容量小且不具备安全性。目前,已不再积极开发1G 系统— 实际上,在某些地区,1G 频谱正针对2G 和3G 用途进行拍卖。



In mobile telephony, second-generation protocols use digital encoding and include GSM, D-AMPS (TDMA) and CDMA. 2G networks are in current use around the world. These protocols support high bit rate voice and limited data communications. They offer auxiliary services such as data, fax and SMS. Most 2G protocols offer different levels of encryption.

在移动电话技术中,第二代协议使用数字编码,其中包括GSM、D-AMPS (TDMA) 和CDMA。2G 网络目前正在全世界使用。这些协议支持高比特率语音和有限的数据通信功能。它们提供多种辅助服务,如数据、传真和SMS。大多数2G 协议提供不同级别的加密。



In mobile telephony, 2.5G protocols extend 2G systems to provide additional features such as packet-switched connection (GPRS) and enhanced data rates (HSCSD, EDGE).

在移动电话技术中,2.5G 协议将2G 系统扩展到提供诸如分组交换连接(GPRS) 的附加功能和更高的数据传输速率(HSCSD、EDGE)。


In mobile telephony, third-generation protocols support much higher data rates, measured in Mbps, intended for applications other than voice. 3G networks trials started in Japan in 2001. 3G networks are expected to be starting in Europe and part of Asia/Pacific by 2002, and in the US later. 3G will support bandwidth-hungry applications such as full-motion video, video-conferencing and full Internet access.

在移动电话技术中,第三代协议支持更高的数据传输速率(以兆比特/秒计算),它们不仅适合于传送语音,更可支持范围广泛的应用。3G 网络试验2001 年开始于日本。到2002 年,已有部分欧洲和部分亚太地区开始使用3G 网络,以后将在美国使用。3G 将支持占用大量带宽的应用程序,如全动感视频、视频会议和完全的Internet 访问。



Advanced Mobile Phone System: a 1G standard which operates in the 800-900MHz-frequency band. It is still widely used in the United States.

高级移动电话系统:工作于800-900MHz 波段下的1G 标准。它仍在美国广泛使用。


The simple way to transmit speech, which is translated into electronic signals of different frequency and/or amplitude. The first networks for mobile phones, as well as broadcast transmissions, were analog. Due to being longer established in some countries, analog networks may offer better coverage than digital networks, however analog phones are less secure and suffer more from interference where the signal is weak. Analog systems include AMPS, NMT and ETACS.

用于传输语音的简单方法,它们转换为不同频率和/或振幅的电子信号。第一个手机网络和广播传输网络都是模拟的。由于模拟网络在一些国家建立的时间较长,所以它可能比数字网络的覆盖面更宽,然而,模拟手机的安全性较差,且在信号较弱的情况下下更容易受到干扰。模拟系统包括AMPS、NMT 和ETACS。



Historically, "application programming interface". Practically, an API is any interface that enables one program to use facilities provided by another, whether by calling that program, or by being called by it. At a higher level still, an API is a set of functionality delivered by a programming system, and as such the mix of APIs in a particular system tells you what that system can do.

在历史上是指“应用程序编程接口”。实际上,API 是指允许一个程序使用另一个程序的功能(通过调用另一个程序或被另一个程序调用)的任何接口。从更高层面上讲,API是一组由编程系统提供的功能,同样,特定系统中的不同API 告诉您该系统可以执行的操作。



An open specification for seamless wireless short-range communications of data and voice between both mobile and stationary devices. For instance, it specifies how mobile phones, computers and PDAs interconnect with each other, with computers, and with office or home phones. The first generation of Bluetooth permits exchange of data up to a rate of 1 Mbps per second, even in areas with much electromagnetic disturbance. It transmits and receives via a short-range radio link using a globally available frequency band (2.4 GHz ISM band).

在移动设备和固定设备之间短距离传送数据和语音的无线通信的开放式规范。例如,它指定手机、计算机和PDA 之间如何互连、如何与计算机、办公室电话或家庭电话互连。第一代蓝牙允许以最高1Mbps/s 的速率交换数据,即便是在电磁干扰较为厉害的地区。它使用全球可用的波段(2.4 GHz ISM 波段),通过短程无线链路传输和接收数据。


Bits per second: a way of quantifying data transmission throughput. It is the number of pieces of information (bits) transmitted or received per second.




An industry standard object-oriented compiled language, formally standardized in 1998, but tracing its history to the early 1980s, with an heritage in C and Simula. C++ is a general-purpose programming language with a bias towards systems programming. C++ runs on most computers from the most powerful supercomputers to the ubiquitous personal computers. Symbian OS is written in C++.

一种工业标准的面向对象的编译语言,于1998 年正式标准化,但是其历史可追溯到二十世纪八十年代早期,它继承了C 和Simula。 C++ 是一种偏向于系统编程的通用编程语言。C++ 可在大多数计算机上运行:从最强大的超级计算机到普遍存在的个人计算机。Symbian 操作系统是用C++ 编写的。


Code Division Multiple Access: a digital wireless telephony transmission technique.

1. CDMA allows multiple frequencies to be used simultaneously (Spread Spectrum). The CDMA idea was originally developed for military use over 30 years ago.

2. The CDMA standards used for second-generation mobile telephony are the IS-95 standards championed by QUALCOMM.

1. CDMA 允许同时使用多个频率(扩展频谱)。CDMA 的概念最初是为军事用途开发的。
2. 用于第二代移动电话技术的CDMA 标准是由QUALCOMM支持的IS-95 标准。"

Cellular radio

The technology that has made large scale mobile telephony possible. Current cellular networks reuse the same radio frequencies by assigning them to cells far enough apart to reduce interference. A cell is the geographical area covered by one radio base station transmitting/receiving in the center. The size of each cell is determined by the terrain, transmission power, and forecasted number of users. Service coverage of a given area is based on an interlocking network of cells, called a cell system.



Means of creating a connection by setting up a dedicated end-to-end circuit, which remains open for the duration of the communication.

建立连接的方法— 通过设置一个在通信期间保持开放的专用的端对端电路。



J2ME Connected Limited Device Configuration. The CLDC serves the market consisting of personal, mobile, connected information devices. This configuration includes some new classes designed specifically to fit the needs of small-footprint devices.

J2ME 连接有限设备配置。CLDC 为由个人移动连接信息设备组成的市场提供服务。这种配置包括一些专为满足小型设备的需求而设计的新类别。

Content Provider


A company that provides services to mobile phone users or network operators. These services could be shopping, web surfing, chat rooms, playing games, accessing data such as music and books through a server.



Digital AMPS (Digital-Advanced Mobile Phone Service) is the digital wireless standard widely used throughout the Americas, Asia Pacific and other areas. D-AMPS uses digital TDMA on the one hand, and is required to be compatible with installed AMPS base station networks on the other. D-AMPS operates on the 800 and 1900 MHz bands.

数字AMPS(数字— 高级手机服务)是广泛用于美国、亚太地区和其他地区的数字无线标准。一方面,D-AMPS 使用数字TDMA,另一方面,D-AMPS 必须与已安装的AMPS基站网络兼容。D-AMPS 使用800 和1900MHz 波段。

DCS 1800

Digital Communications System: another name for GSM working on a radio frequency of 1800 MHz. Also known as GSM1800 or PCN, this digital network operates in Europe and Asia Pacific.

数字通信系统:在1800MHz 无线电频率下工作的GSM 的另一个名称。也称作GSM 1800 或PCN,该数字网络在欧洲和亚太地区使用。

Dual band

Dual band mobile phones can work on networks that operate on different frequency bands. This is useful if you move between areas covered by different networks. Some networks operate on two bands, for instance GSM-1800 in town centers and GSM-900 in the rest of the country.

双频手机可以在不同波段的网络中使用。如果您在由不同网络覆盖的地区之间漫游,则这非常有用。一些网络使用两个波段,例如,GSM-1800 在城市中心使用,而GSM-900 在国家的其余地区使用。

Dual mode

Dual mode mobile phones have more than one air interface and hence can work on more than one network. One example is phones that operate on both digital and analog networks. They are quite useful if you want the advantages of a digital phone, but regularly visit areas where analog is the only service available.



Enhanced Data Rates for GSM Evolution. An enhanced modulation technique designed to increase network capacity and data rates in GSM networks. EDGE should provide data rates up to 384 Kbps. EDGE will let operators without a 3G license to compete with 3G networks offering similar data services. EDGE is not expected before 2001 at the earliest.

从GSM 演变来的增强的数据速率。它是一种增强的调制技术,旨在增加GSM 网络的容量和数据速率。EDGE 应当提供高达384Kbps 的数据速率。EDGE 将允许没有3G 许可证的运营商与提供类似数据服务的3G 网络进行竞争。预计EDGE 最早不会早于2001 年。


General Packet Radio Service: a radio technology for GSM networks that adds packet-switching protocols, shorter set-up time for ISP connections, and offer the possibility to charge by amount of data sent rather than connect time. GPRS promises to support flexible data transmission rates typically up to 20 or 30 Kbps (with a theoretical maximum of 171.2 Kbps), as well as continuous connection to the network. A 2.5G enhancement to GSM, GPRS is the most significant step towards 3G, needing similar business model, and service and network architectures. GPRS started to appear in some networks during 2000.

通用分组无线业务:一种GSM 网络技术,其中增加了分组交换协议,缩短了ISP 连接的设置时间。并实现了按发送的数据量(而非连接时间)收费的可能性。GPRS 承诺支持通常高达20 或30Kbps(最大理论值为171.2Kbps)的灵活的数据传输速率,以及与网络的不间断连接。GPRS 是对GSM 的2.5G 增强,它是面向3G 的最重要的步骤,它需要类似的业务模型以及服务和网络结构。GPRS 于2000 年开始出现在某些网络中。



Global System for Mobile communications, the most widely used digital mobile phone system and the de facto wireless telephone standard in Europe. Originally defined as a pan-European open standard for a digital cellular telephone network to support voice, data, text messaging and cross-border roaming. GSM is now one of the world's main 2G digital wireless standards. GSM is present in more than 160 countries and according to the GSM Association, accounts for approximately 70 percent of the total digital cellular wireless market. GSM is a time division multiplex (TDM) system. Implemented on 800, 900, 1800 and 1900 MHz frequency bands.

全球移动通信系统,使用最广泛的数字手机系统和欧洲事实上的无线电话标准。最初定义为数字蜂窝电话网络的泛欧洲开放式标准,用来支持语音、数据、文本消息和过境漫游。GSM 现在是世界上主要的2G 数字无线标准之一。GSM 存在于160 多个国家中,按照GSM 协会的数字,它约占整个数字蜂窝无线市场的70%。GSM 是一种时分多址(TDM) 系统。它在800、900、1800 和1900MHz 波段实现。


1. A suite of protocols for infrared (IR) exchange of data between two devices, up to 1 or 2 meters apart (20 to 30 cm for low-power devices). IrDA devices typically have throughput of up to either 115.2 Kbps or 4 Mbps. IrDA protocols are implemented in Symbian OS phones, many PDAs, printers and laptop computers.

2. The Infrared Data Association, the industry body that specifies IrDA protocols, originally founded by Hewlett-Packard and others.

"1. 一套用来在距离达到1 或2 米(对于低功率设备为20 到30 厘米)的两个设备之间交换数据的红外(IR) 协议。IrDA设备的吞吐率通常可以达到115.2Kbps 或4Mbps。IrDA 协议由Symbian 操作系统手机、许多PDA、打印机和膝上型计算机实现。
2. 红外数据同盟,用来指定IrDA 协议的业内机构,最初是由Hewlett-Packard 和其他公司成立的。"


Industry standard object-oriented language and virtual machine, invented by Sun Microsystems and formally released in 1996. Java is an ideal language for network applications and applets. Sun's Java specifications include many Java APIs and platforms, including the JavaPhone API and PersonalJava platform, which are included in Symbian OS.

"业内标准的面向对象的语言和虚拟机, 由SunMicrosystems 发明,于1996 年正式发布。Java 是网络应用程序和小程序的理想语言。Sun 的Java 规范包括许多Java API 和平台,其中包含Symbian 操作系统中包括的JavaPhone API 和PersonalJava 平台。"


Java 2 Platform, Micro Edition (J2ME): The edition of the Java platform that is targeted at small, standalone or connectable consumer and embedded devices. The J2ME technology consists of a virtual machine and a set of APIs suitable for tailored runtime environments for these devices. The J2ME technology has two primary kinds of components – configurations and profiles.

Java 2 平台,Micro Edition (J2ME):该版本的Java 平台面向小型的独立或可连接的消费者和嵌入设备。J2ME 技术由虚拟机和一组适用于为这些设备定制的运行时环境的API组成。J2ME 技术有两种主要类型的组件:配置和配置文件。


A Java API specification controlling contacts, power management, call control, and phonebook management, intended specifically for the programmability requirements of mobile phones.

一种用来控制联系人、电源管理、呼叫控制和电话簿管理的Java API 规范,它专门满足手机的可编程能力要求。


Core of an operating system, a kernel manages the machine’s hardware resources (including the processor and the memory), and provides and controls the way any other software component can access these resources. The kernel runs with a higher privilege than other programs (so-called user-mode programs). The power and robustness of an OS's kernel play a major role in shaping overall system design and reliability.

在移动设备和固定设备之间短距离传送数据和语音的无线通信的开放式规范。例如,它指定手机、计算机和PDA 之间如何互连、如何与计算机、办公室电话或家庭电话互连。第一代蓝牙允许以最高1Mbps/s 的速率交换数据,即便是在电磁干扰较为厉害的地区。它使用全球可用的波段(2.4 GHz ISM 波段),通过短程无线链路传输和接收数据。


Operating System: historically, the minimal set of software needed to manage a device's hardware capability and share it between application programs. Practically, "OS" is now used to mean all software including kernel, device drivers, comms, graphics, data management, GUI framework, system shell application, and utility applications. This would define Windows, Palm OS and MacOS as operating systems. Symbian provides an operating system – Symbian OS – tailored for data-enabled mobile phones.

操作系统:在历史上,是指管理设备能力并在应用程序之间共享该能力所必需的一组最少的软件。实际上,“OS”目前用来表示所有软件,其中包括内核、设备驱动程序、通信、图形、数据管理、GUI 框架、系统shell 应用程序和实用程序。这将把Windows、Palm OS 和MacOS 定义为操作系统。Symbian 提供了一个操作系统Symbian 操作系统,该操作系统是为允许使用数据的手机定制的。


Technique whereby the information (voice or data) to be sent is broken up into packets, of at most a few KB each, which are then routed by the network between different destinations based on addressing data within each packet. Use of network resources is optimized, as the resources are needed only during the handling of each packet. This is an ideal model for ad hoc data communication, and works well also for voice, video and other streamed data. Mobile phones with packet-switched communication appear to be "always connected" to the data network, whereas in the case of circuit-switched connections, setup time takes around 30 seconds to connect from a mobile phone to an ISP. Use of packet-switched network can be charged according to the volume of data transferred and not to any notion of time spent online.

该技术将所发送的信息(语音或数据)分成多个数据包,每个数据包最多有几个KB,这些数据包随后由网络基于每个数据包中的寻址数据在不同目标之间发送。由于只在处理每个数据包期间才需要资源,所以优化了网络资源的利用。这对于特别的数据通信是理想模型,且还适用于语音、视频和其他流化数据。具有分组交换通信功能的手机似乎“始终连接”到数据网络,但是,对于电路交换连接,设置时间大约需要30 秒才能将手机连接到ISP。在使用分组交换网络时,可以按照传输的数据量(而非在线时间)收费。


A set of technology, which acts as a foundation for real-world applications, or higher-level platforms. Symbian OS includes C++ APIs, a leading Java implementation, an application suite and integration with wireless and other communications protocols.

一组技术,它们充当现实应用程序或更高级平台的基础。Symbian 操作系统包括C++API、领先的Java 实现、应用程序套件以及与无线和其他通信协议的集成。


Subscriber Identity Module. The SIM card is the smart card inserted inside all GSM phones. It identifies the user account to the network, handles authentication and provides data storage for basic user data and network information. It may also contain some applications that run on a compatible phone (SIM Application Toolkit).

用户标识模块。SIM 卡是插到所有GSM 手机中的智能卡。它向网络标识用户帐户,处理身份验证,并为基本用户数据和网络信息提供数据存储。它还可以包含一些可在兼容的手机(SIM 应用程序工具包)上运行的应用程序。


A generic name for voice centric mobile phones with information capability. The Ericsson R380 Smartphone is an example of such a Symbian OS phone.

以语音为中心的具有信息功能的手机的通用名。爱立信R380 Smartphone 就是这样的Symbian 操作系统手机的例子。


Short Message Service: available on digital GSM networks allowing text messages of up to 160 characters to be sent and received via the network operator's message center to your mobile phone, or from the Internet, using a so-called "SMS gateway" website. If the phone is powered off or out of range, messages are stored in the network and are delivered at the next opportunity.

短消息服务:用在数字GSM 网络上,允许手机通过网络运营商的消息中心或者从Internet 上使用所谓的“短消息网关”网站收发最多160 个字符的短消息。如果手机处于关机状态或者不在服务区,短消息会存储在网络中,并在手机下次开机或者重新回到服务区时发送。

Symbian OS

Symbian’s advanced open standard operating system for data enabled mobile phones. It includes a multi-tasking multithreaded core, a user interface framework, data services enablers, application engines and integrated PIM functionality and wireless communications.

Symbian 的高级开放式标准操作系统,面向允许使用数据的手机。它包括一个管理多任务的多线程核心、一个应用界面框架、数据服务启用程序、应用程序引擎以及集成的PIM 功能和无线通信功能。


1. Time Division Multiple Access: a digital wireless telephony transmission technique. TDMA allocates each user a different time slot on a given frequency. GSM, D-AMPS, PDC and DECT use TDMA in one form or another.

2. A name generally used for D-AMPS. TDMA networks are operated in the US, Latin America, New Zealand, parts of Russia and Asia Pacific.

"1. 时分多址:一种数字无线电话传输技术。TDMA 在给定频率为每个用户分配不同的时隙。GSM、D-AMPS、PDC 和DECT 分别以某种形式使用TDMA。
2. 通常用于D-AMPS 的名称。TDMA 网络在美国、拉丁美洲、新西兰、俄罗斯部分地区和亚太地区使用。"


A 16-bit character encoding scheme allowing characters from Western European, Eastern European, Cyrillic, Greek, Arabic, Hebrew, Chinese, Japanese, Korean, Thai, Urdu, Hindi and all other major world languages, living and dead, to be encoded in a single character set. The Unicode specification also includes standard compression schemes and a wide range of typesetting information required for worldwide locale support. Symbian OS fully implements Unicode.

一种16 位的字符编码方案,允许用单个字符集对以下字符进行编码:西欧、东欧、西里尔文、希腊、阿拉伯文、希伯来文、中文、日文、韩文、泰文、乌尔都语、北印度语和所有其他世界主要语言(现存的和已消亡的)。Unicode 规范还包括用来支持世界区域设置的标准的压缩方案和广泛的排版信息。Symbian 操作系统完全实现了Unicode。


Standard defining the format of an electronic business card. All devices supporting vCard can exchange information such as phone numbers and addresses. For instance a user with a vCard-aware phonebook application on a handheld computer can easily transfer names and phone numbers to a vCard-aware mobile phone.

用来定义电子名片格式的标准。所有支持vCard 的设备都可以交换诸如手机号和地址的信息。例如,如果用户的手提电脑上有能够识别vCard 的电话簿应用程序,则他或她可以方便地将姓名和手机号传送到能够识别vCard 的手机上。


1. Wireless Application Protocol: a set of communication protocol standards to make accessing online services from a mobile phone simple.

2. WAP was conceived by four companies: Ericsson, Motorola, Nokia, and Unwired Planet (today called The WAP Forum is an industry association with over 200 members. Symbian is a full member of the WAP Forum.

"1. 无线应用协议:一组通信协议标准,用来简化手机中的联机访问服务。
2. WAP 由爱立信、摩托罗拉、诺基亚和Unwired Planet(现在称为等四家公司发明。WAP 论坛是包括200 多个成员的行业协会。Symbian 是WAP 论坛的正式成员。"





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