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原创 Dead Pixel

Screen resolution of Polycarp's monitor isa \times ba×bpixels. Unfortunately, there is one dead pixel at his screen. It has coordinates(x, y)(x,y)(0 \le x < a, 0 \le y < b0≤x<a,0≤y<b). You can consider columns of pixels to be numbered from...

2022-02-22 14:44:07 164

原创 Fast Food Restaurant

Tired of boring office work, Denis decided to open a fast food restaurant.On the first day he madeaaportions of dumplings,bbportions of cranberry juice andccpancakes with condensed milk.The peculiarity of Denis's restaurant is the procedure of or...

2022-02-21 16:07:57 142

原创 Lala Land and Apple Trees

Amr lives in Lala Land. Lala Land is a very beautiful country that is located on a coordinate line. Lala Land is famous with its apple trees growing everywhere.Lala Land has exactlynapple trees. Tree numberiis located in a positionxiand hasaiappl...

2022-02-18 17:37:50 116

原创 Cow and Friend

Bessie has way too many friends because she is everyone's favorite cow! Her new friend Rabbit is trying to hop over so they can play!More specifically, he wants to get from(0,0)(0,0)to(x,0)(x,0)by making multiple hops. He is only willing to hop from ...

2022-02-18 15:37:59 200

原创 Cow and Haybales

The USA Construction Operation (USACO) recently ordered Farmer John to arrangea rowofnnhaybale piles on the farm. Theii-th pile containsa_iai​haybales.However, Farmer John has just left for vacation, leaving Bessie all on her own. Every day, Bessi...

2022-02-18 14:36:28 717

原创 Longest Palindrome

Returning back to problem solving, Gildong is now studying about palindromes. He learned that apalindromeis a string that is the same as its reverse. For example, strings "pop", "noon", "x", and "kkkkkk" are palindromes, while strings "moon", "tv", and "..

2022-02-17 15:35:17 180

原创 Two Rabbits

Being tired of participating in too many Codeforces rounds, Gildong decided to take some rest in a park. He sat down on a bench, and soon he found two rabbits hopping around. One of the rabbits was taller than the other.He noticed that the two rabbits we

2022-02-17 14:01:33 112

原创 Ilya and Diplomas

Soon a school Olympiad in Informatics will be held in Berland,nschoolchildren will participate there.At a meeting of the jury of the Olympiad it was decided thateachof thenparticipants, depending on the results, will get a diploma of the first, sec...

2022-02-17 13:28:49 161

原创 Three Strings

You are given three stringsaa,bbandccof the same lengthnn. The strings consist of lowercase English letters only. Theii-th letter ofaaisa_iai​, theii-th letter ofbbisb_ibi​, theii-th letter ofccisc_ici​.For everyii(1 \leq i \leq n1≤i≤...

2022-02-16 14:50:59 196

原创 Case of Fake Numbers

Andrewid the Android is a galaxy-famous detective. He is now investigating a case of frauds who make fake copies of the famous Stolp's gears, puzzles that are as famous as the Rubik's cube once was.Its most important components are a button and a line of

2022-02-16 11:44:54 147

原创 Case of the Zeros and Ones

Andrewid the Android is a galaxy-famous detective. In his free time he likes to think about strings containing zeros and ones.Once he thought about a string of lengthnconsisting of zeroes and ones. Consider the following operation: we choose any twoad...

2022-02-16 10:15:32 999

原创 20211103

目录A. Linear Keyboard题意:思路:代码:B. Odd Grasshopper题意:思路:代码:C. Minimum Extraction题意:思路:代码:D. Blue-Red Permutation题意:思路:代码:A. Linear KeyboardYou are given a keyboard that consists of2626keys. The keys are arranged sequent..

2021-11-08 11:26:48 290

原创 20211101

目录A - Era题意:思路:代码:B - XOR Specia-LIS-t题意:思路:代码:C - Di-visible Confusion题意:思路:代码:D - Moderate Modular Mode题意:思路:代码:A - EraShohag has an integer sequencea_1, a_2, \ldots, a_na1​,a2​,…,an​. He can perform the following o.

2021-11-02 22:15:24 385

原创 20211029

目录A-Two Subsequences题意:思路:代码:B-Divine Array题意:思路:代码:C-Array Elimination题意:思路:代码:A-Two SubsequencesYou are given a stringss. You need to find two non-empty stringsaaandbbsuch that the following conditions are satisfied:S...

2021-10-31 12:17:52 336

原创 20211027

目录A - Luntik and Concerts题意:思路:代码:B - Luntik and Subsequences题意:思路:代码:C - Grandma Capa Knits a Scarf题意:思路:代码:D - Vupsen, Pupsen and 0题意:思路:代码:A - Luntik and ConcertsLuntik has decided to try singing. He hasaaone-minu..

2021-10-27 19:48:46 299

原创 20211025

目录A - Elections题意:思路:代码:B - Make it Divisible by 25题意:思路:代码:C - Save More Mice题意:思路:代码:D - All are Same题意:思路:代码:A - ElectionsThe elections in which three candidates participated have recently ended. The first candidate

2021-10-25 22:14:12 788

原创 10.11

目录A-Consecutive Sum Riddle题意:思路:代码:B-Special Numbers题意:思路:代码:C-Make Them Equal题意:思路:代码:A-Consecutive Sum RiddleTheofanis has a riddle for you and if you manage to solve it, he will give you a Cypriot snack halloumi for free (.

2021-10-24 07:49:16 254

原创 20211013

目录A - Drinks Choosing题意:思路:代码:B - Sport Mafia题意:思路:代码:C - Basketball Exercise题意:思路:代码:A - Drinks ChoosingOld timers of Summer Informatics School can remember previous camps in which each student was given a drink of his choice

2021-10-14 20:31:39 102

原创 20211008

目录A-Keanu Reeves题意:思路:代码:B-Number Circle题意:思路:代码:C-Candies!题意:思路:代码:A-Keanu ReevesAfter playing Neo in the legendary "Matrix" trilogy, Keanu Reeves started doubting himself: maybe we really live in virtual reality? To find if.

2021-10-10 20:58:11 100

原创 20211006

目录A-Nearest Interesting Number题意:思路:代码:B-Equalize Prices题意:思路:代码:C-Computer Game题意:思路:代码:D-Candy Box (easy version)题意:思路:代码:A-Nearest Interesting NumberPolycarp knows that if the sum of the digits of a number is divisi

2021-10-09 22:56:50 101

原创 20211004

A-Gamer HemoseOne day, Ahmed_Hossam went to Hemose and said "Let's solve a gym contest!". Hemose didn't want to do that, as he was playing Valorant, so he came up with a problem and told it to Ahmed to distract him. Sadly, Ahmed can't solve it... Could y

2021-10-06 10:56:33 205

原创 CQXYM Count Permutations

CQXYM is counting permutations length of2n2n.A permutation is an array consisting ofnndistinct integers from11tonnin arbitrary order. For example,[2,3,1,5,4][2,3,1,5,4]is a permutation, but[1,2,2][1,2,2]is not a permutation (22appears twice i...

2021-10-02 22:06:56 169

原创 Permutation Minimization by Deque

In fact, the problems E1 and E2 do not have much in common. You should probably think of them as two separate problems.A permutationppof sizennis given. Apermutationof sizennis an array of sizennin which each integer from11tonnoccurs exactl...

2021-10-02 21:48:55 154

原创 20210929

题意:Casimir有一个字符串s,只由大写的拉丁字母“A”、“B”和“C”组成。每个回合他可以选择以下两种行动中的一种:他可以从字符串的任意位置上精确地擦除一个字母“A”和一个字母“B”(这些字母不必相邻);或者他可以从字符串任意位置上精确地删除一个字母“B”和一个字母“C”(这些字母不必相邻)。因此,每转一圈,绳子的长度就减少2。所有回合都是独立的,所以在每个回合中,Casimir可以选择两种可能的行动中的任何一种。例如,使用s = "ABCABC",他可以在一次循环中获得一个字符串

2021-10-02 21:30:46 453



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