centos 7安装pypyodbc模块后,仍然报错 'ODBC Library is not found. Is LD_LIBRARY_PATH set?'
Hi, I'm the maintainer of pypyodbc. I noticed you meet the library
loading problem and I re-looked at the code, and I uploaded a
patch that will fix the library loading problem.
It's ture pypyodbc requires odbc (the unixodbc package), and like
pypyodbc, pyodbc also requires that on linux. However, in the previous
version, it seems pypyodbc didn't find your libodbc.so library
correctly. I updated the way how pypyodbc find the lib, and I think
this may be able to solve the problem.
You can download the latest verson at
其实主要是没找到libodbc.so文件,需要系统中有安装unixodbc 包,所以解决方案为 :
yum install unixODBC