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翻译 C++11线程,亲合与超线程

原作者:Eli Bendersky http://eli.thegreenplace.net/2016/c11-threads-affinity-and-hyperthreading/ 背景与简介 多年来,C与C++标准将多线程及并发处理排斥在外——在“目标机器依赖”世界的阴影之中,以“抽象机器”为目标的标准不包括它。在堆积如山,涉及并发的邮件列表及新闻组提问中,直接而冷血的“C++不知道线

2016-04-29 12:31:45 9395

翻译 理解x64代码模型

原作者:Eli Bendersky http://eli.thegreenplace.net/2012/01/03/understanding-the-x64-code-models 在编写x64架构代码时一个有趣的问题是使用哪个代码模型。这可能是一个不广为人知的议题,但如果想理解编译器生成的x64机器代码,熟悉代码模型是有教育意义的。这与优化及对哪些真正关心性能,从哪怕最小的指令也要抠性能的

2016-04-22 11:42:32 3263

翻译 x64共享库中的位置无关代码(PIC)

原作者:Eli Bendersky http://eli.thegreenplace.net/2011/11/11/position-independent-code-pic-in-shared-libraries-on-x64 之前的文章,以为x86架构编译的代码为例子,解释了位置无关代码(PIC)如何工作。我承诺在另一篇文章里涉及x64[1]上的PIC,现在就是了。本文将不会太进入细节,因

2016-04-15 11:45:29 3302 1

翻译 共享库中的位置无关代码(PIC)

原作者:Eli Bendersky http://eli.thegreenplace.net/2011/11/03/position-independent-code-pic-in-shared-libraries/ 在之前的文章里我已经描述过在将共享库载入程序地址空间时需要特殊的处理。简而言之,在链接器创建共享库时,它不能预先知道这个库将在哪里载入。这给在库里访问数据与代码带来了麻烦,应该使

2016-04-08 11:11:22 10611 3

翻译 共享库载入时重定位

共享库载入时重定位 原作者:Eli Bendersky http://eli.thegreenplace.net/2011/08/25/load-time-relocation-of-shared-libraries 本文的目的是解释现代操作系统如何使得共享库载入时重定位成为可能。它关注运行在32位x86的LinuxOS,但通用的原则也适用于其他OS与CPU。 共享库有许多名字——共享库,

2016-04-01 11:38:43 3248

Introduction to Theory of Computation

This is a free textbook for an undergraduate course on the Theory of Computation, which we have been teaching at Carleton University since 2002.Until the 2011/2012 academic year, this course was offered as a second-year course (COMP 2805) and was compulsory for all Computer Science students. Starting with the 2012/2013 academic year, the course has been downgraded to a third-year optional course (COMP 3803).


Survey on Instruction Selection

Instruction selection is one of three optimization problems involved in the code generator back-end of a compiler. The instruction selector is responsible of transforming an input program from its target-independent representation into a target-specific form by making best use of the available machine instructions. Hence instruction selection is a crucial part of efficient code generation.


Towards a Compilation infrastructure for network processors

Modern network processors (NPs) typically resemble a highly-multithreaded multiprocessor-ona-chip, supporting a wide variety of mechanisms for on-chip storage and inter-task communication. NP applications are themselves composed of many threads that share memory and other resources,and synchronize and communicate frequently. In contrast, studies of new NP architectures and features are often performed by benchmarking a simulation model of the new NP using independent kernel programs that neither communicate nor share memory. In this paper we present a NP simulation infrastructure that (i) uses realistic NP applications that are multithreaded, share memory, synchronize, and communicate; and (ii) automatically maps these applications to a variety of NP architectures and features. We use our infrastructure to evaluate threading and scaling, on-chip storage and communication, and to suggest future techniques for automated compilation for NPs.


the art of multiprocessor programming

The first third covers the principles of concurrent programming, showing how to think like a concurrent programmer. Like many other skills such as driving a car, cooking a meal, or appreciating caviar, thinking concurrently requires cultivation, but it can be learned with moderate effort. Readers who want to start programming right away may skip most of this section, but should still read Chapters 2


Crafting a Compiler

Brief Contents 1 Introduction 1 2 A Simple Compiler 31 3 Scanning—Theory and Practice 57 4 Grammars and Parsing 113 5 Top-Down Parsing 143 6 Bottom-Up Parsing 179 7 Syntax-Directed Translation 235 8 Symbol Tables and Declaration Processing 279 9 Semantic Analysis 343 10 Intermediate Representations 391 11 Code Generation for a Virtual Machine 417 12 Runtime Support 445 13 Target Code Generation 489 14 Program Optimization 547


How Debuggers Work

a total guide to debuggers: what they do, how they work, and how to use them to produce better programs


Elements of Compiler Design

This book is intended as a text for a one-term introductory course in compiler writing at a senior undergraduate level. It maintains a balance between a theoretical and practical approach to this subject. From a theoretical viewpoint, it introduces rudimental models underlying compilation and its essential phases.



category theory is a treasure trove of extremely useful programming ideas. Haskell programmers have been tapping this resource for a long time, and the ideas are slowly percolating into other languages, but this process is too slow. We need to speed it up. Second, there are many different kinds of math, and they appeal to different audiences. You might be allergic to calculus or algebra, but it doesn't mean you won't enjoy category theory. I would go as far as to argue that category theory is the kind of math that is particularly well suited for the minds of programmers. That’s because category theory — rather than dealing with particulars — deals with structure. It deals with the kind of structure that makes programs composable.



This book gives you just the tools you'll need to develop day-to-day language applications. You'll be able to handle all but the really advanced or esoteric situations. For example, we won't have space to cover topics such as machine code generation, register allocation, automatic garbage collection, thread models, and extremely efficient interpreters. You'll get good all-around expertise implementing modest languages, and you'll get respectable expertise in processing or translating complex languages


Compiler Construction-20th

the essays collection of conference of Compiler Construction-20th


Compiler Construction-19th

the essays collection of conference of Compiler Construction-19th


Compiler Construction-17th

the essays collection of conference of Compiler Construction-17th


Compiler Construction-16th

the essays collection of conference of Compiler Construction-16th


Compiler Construction-5th

the essays collection of conference of Compiler Construction-5th


Construction and Evolution of Code Generator

It describes the Construction and Evolution of Code Generator


Modern Embedded Computing Designing Connected, Pervasive, Media-Rich Systems

Modern Embedded Computing Designing Connected, Pervasive, Media-Rich Systems


Compiler Construction-11th

the essays collection of conference Compiler Construction-11th


The compiler design handbook

The compiler design handbook, which describes the design practice of compiler



Data Flow Analysis Theory And Practice for compiler development


The Compiler Design Handbook Optimizations and machine code generation

The Compiler Design Handbook Optimizations and machine code generation



C++ Coding Standards 101 Rule, Andrei Alexandrescu


instruction scheduling for instruction level parallel processor

instruction scheduling for instruction level parallel processor



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