
  1. 概述


<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
<beans xmlns="http://www.springframework.org/schema/beans"
    xmlns:xsi="http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema-instance" xmlns:context="http://www.springframework.org/schema/context"
        http://www.springframework.org/schema/beans http://www.springframework.org/schema/beans/spring-beans-4.1.xsd
        http://www.springframework.org/schema/context http://www.springframework.org/schema/context/spring-context-4.1.xsd"
    <description>Spring公共配置 </description>

    <bean id = "testTarget" class = "com.sjj.aop.TestTarget"></bean>
    <bean id = "testAdvice1" class = "com.sjj.aop.TestAdvice1"></bean>
    <bean id = "testAdvice2" class = "com.sjj.aop.TestAdvice2"></bean>

    <bean id = "testPointcut" class = "org.springframework.aop.support.JdkRegexpMethodPointcut">
       <property name="pattern"  value = ".*itest"/>

    <bean id = "testAdvisor1" class = "org.springframework.aop.support.DefaultPointcutAdvisor">
       <property name="advice" ref="testAdvice1"/>
       <property name="pointcut" ref="testPointcut"/>

    <bean id = "testAdvisor2" class = "org.springframework.aop.support.DefaultPointcutAdvisor">
       <property name="advice" ref="testAdvice2"/>
       <property name="pointcut" ref="testPointcut"/>

    <bean id = "testAop" class = "org.springframework.aop.framework.ProxyFactoryBean" lazy-init="true">
       <!-- <property name="proxyInterfaces"  value = "com.sjj.aop.TestInterface" /> -->
       <property name="target" ref = "testTarget"/>
       <property name="interceptorNames" >
   public static void main(String[] args) {
        FileSystemXmlApplicationContext ctx = new 
        TestTarget testTarget = (TestTarget) ctx.getBean("testAop");
  1. 源码分析
    2.1 AOP初始化
    TestTarget testTarget = (TestTarget) ctx.getBean("testAop");
    上面这句代码看起来比较熟悉,没错,这句代码就是从spring上下文获取id=“testAop”的bean。从配置文件中看出,这是一个FactoryBean,这是spring专门设计为AOP服务的 ProxyFactoryBean,普通bean和FactoryBean的区别这里就不多说了。这里getBean方法直接会去调用getObject方法,


         public Object getObject() throws BeansException {
                if (isSingleton()) {
                    return getSingletonInstance();
                else {
                    if (this.targetName == null) {
                        logger.warn("Using non-singleton proxies with singleton targets is often undesirable. " +
                        "Enable prototype proxies by setting the 'targetName' property.");
                return newPrototypeInstance();
    private synchronized void initializeAdvisorChain() throws AopConfigException, BeansException {
        //Advisor/Advice 链被初始化过的话,直接返回
        if (this.advisorChainInitialized) {

        if (!ObjectUtils.isEmpty(this.interceptorNames)) {

            // Materialize interceptor chain from bean names.
            for (String name : this.interceptorNames) {
                if (logger.isTraceEnabled()) {
                    logger.trace("Configuring advisor or advice '" + name + "'");

                if (name.endsWith(GLOBAL_SUFFIX)) {
                    if (!(this.beanFactory instanceof ListableBeanFactory)) {
                        throw new AopConfigException(
                                "Can only use global advisors or interceptors with a ListableBeanFactory");
                    addGlobalAdvisor((ListableBeanFactory) this.beanFactory,
                            name.substring(0, name.length() - GLOBAL_SUFFIX.length()));

                else {
                    // If we get here, we need to add a named interceptor.
                    // We must check if it's a singleton or prototype.
                    Object advice;
                    if (this.singleton || this.beanFactory.isSingleton(name)) {
                        // Add the real Advisor/Advice to the chain.
                        //这里又看到了熟悉的方法,没错获取advice bean对象
                        advice = this.beanFactory.getBean(name);
                    else {
                        // It's a prototype Advice or Advisor: replace with a prototype.
                        // Avoid unnecessary creation of prototype bean just for advisor chain initialization.
                        advice = new PrototypePlaceholderAdvisor(name);
                    addAdvisorOnChainCreation(advice, name);

        this.advisorChainInitialized = true;
    private void addAdvisorOnChainCreation(Object next, String name) {
        // We need to convert to an Advisor if necessary so that our source reference
        // matches what we find from superclass interceptors.
        Advisor advisor = namedBeanToAdvisor(next);
        if (logger.isTraceEnabled()) {
            logger.trace("Adding advisor with name '" + name + "'");


private List<Advisor> advisors = new LinkedList<Advisor>();
    public void addAdvisor(int pos, Advisor advisor) throws AopConfigException {
        if (advisor instanceof IntroductionAdvisor) {
            validateIntroductionAdvisor((IntroductionAdvisor) advisor);
        addAdvisorInternal(pos, advisor);


    private synchronized Object getSingletonInstance() {
        if (this.singletonInstance == null) {
            //获取target bean的对象
            this.targetSource = freshTargetSource();
            if (this.autodetectInterfaces && getProxiedInterfaces().length == 0 && !isProxyTargetClass()) {
                // Rely on AOP infrastructure to tell us what interfaces to proxy.
                Class<?> targetClass = getTargetClass();
                if (targetClass == null) {
                    throw new FactoryBeanNotInitializedException("Cannot determine target class for proxy");
                setInterfaces(ClassUtils.getAllInterfacesForClass(targetClass, this.proxyClassLoader));
            // Initialize the shared singleton instance.
            this.singletonInstance = getProxy(createAopProxy());
        return this.singletonInstance;
    protected final synchronized AopProxy createAopProxy() {
        if (!this.active) {
         *在ProxyCreatorSupport的构造函数中设置了的 this.aopProxyFactory = new DefaultAopProxyFactory();
        return getAopProxyFactory().createAopProxy(this);
         * 这里写明了spring内部创建代理对象的两种方式:
         * (1)jdk动态代理:适用于目标类实现了接口,且目标方法在接口中有定义。
         * (2)cglib动态代理,适用于目标类没有实现任何接口的情况。
        public AopProxy createAopProxy(AdvisedSupport config) throws AopConfigException {
        if (config.isOptimize() || config.isProxyTargetClass() || hasNoUserSuppliedProxyInterfaces(config)) {
            Class<?> targetClass = config.getTargetClass();
            if (targetClass == null) {
                throw new AopConfigException("TargetSource cannot determine target class: " +
                        "Either an interface or a target is required for proxy creation.");
            if (targetClass.isInterface()) {
                return new JdkDynamicAopProxy(config);
            return new ObjenesisCglibAopProxy(config);
        else {
            return new JdkDynamicAopProxy(config);
    protected Object getProxy(AopProxy aopProxy) {
        return aopProxy.getProxy(this.proxyClassLoader);
    public Object getProxy(ClassLoader classLoader) {
        if (logger.isDebugEnabled()) {
            logger.debug("Creating JDK dynamic proxy: target source is " + this.advised.getTargetSource());
        Class<?>[] proxiedInterfaces = AopProxyUtils.completeProxiedInterfaces(this.advised);
        return Proxy.newProxyInstance(classLoader, proxiedInterfaces, this);
    public Object getProxy(ClassLoader classLoader) {
        if (logger.isDebugEnabled()) {
            logger.debug("Creating CGLIB proxy: target source is " + this.advised.getTargetSource());

        try {
            Class<?> rootClass = this.advised.getTargetClass();
            Assert.state(rootClass != null, "Target class must be available for creating a CGLIB proxy");

            Class<?> proxySuperClass = rootClass;
            if (ClassUtils.isCglibProxyClass(rootClass)) {
                proxySuperClass = rootClass.getSuperclass();
                Class<?>[] additionalInterfaces = rootClass.getInterfaces();
                for (Class<?> additionalInterface : additionalInterfaces) {

            // Validate the class, writing log messages as necessary.
            validateClassIfNecessary(proxySuperClass, classLoader);

            // Configure CGLIB Enhancer...
            Enhancer enhancer = createEnhancer();
            if (classLoader != null) {
                if (classLoader instanceof SmartClassLoader &&
                        ((SmartClassLoader) classLoader).isClassReloadable(proxySuperClass)) {
            enhancer.setStrategy(new UndeclaredThrowableStrategy(UndeclaredThrowableException.class));

            Callback[] callbacks = getCallbacks(rootClass);
            Class<?>[] types = new Class<?>[callbacks.length];
            for (int x = 0; x < types.length; x++) {
                types[x] = callbacks[x].getClass();
            // fixedInterceptorMap only populated at this point, after getCallbacks call above
            enhancer.setCallbackFilter(new ProxyCallbackFilter(
                    this.advised.getConfigurationOnlyCopy(), this.fixedInterceptorMap, this.fixedInterceptorOffset));

            // Generate the proxy class and create a proxy instance.
            return createProxyClassAndInstance(enhancer, callbacks);
        catch (CodeGenerationException ex) {
            throw new AopConfigException("Could not generate CGLIB subclass of class [" +
                    this.advised.getTargetClass() + "]: " +
                    "Common causes of this problem include using a final class or a non-visible class",
        catch (IllegalArgumentException ex) {
            throw new AopConfigException("Could not generate CGLIB subclass of class [" +
                    this.advised.getTargetClass() + "]: " +
                    "Common causes of this problem include using a final class or a non-visible class",
        catch (Exception ex) {
            // TargetSource.getTarget() failed
            throw new AopConfigException("Unexpected AOP exception", ex);

2.2 切面(Advice)方法触发


testTarget是spring封装后的目标类的代理对象实例,在平常的spring AOP的使用中,咋看起来好像和这里的用法不太一样,这里是直接从上下文中直接获取封装后的bean对象
testAOP,而正常的spring AOP的使用中是使用aop标签在命令行中定义aop相关的元素,或者使用aop相关的注解,而且是直接调用目标方法,只要符合定义的aop切面的拦截规



        public Object invoke(Object proxy, Method method, Object[] args) throws Throwable {
        MethodInvocation invocation;
        Object oldProxy = null;
        boolean setProxyContext = false;

        TargetSource targetSource = this.advised.targetSource;
        Class<?> targetClass = null;
        Object target = null;

        try {
            if (!this.equalsDefined && AopUtils.isEqualsMethod(method)) {
                // The target does not implement the equals(Object) method itself.
                return equals(args[0]);
            if (!this.hashCodeDefined && AopUtils.isHashCodeMethod(method)) {
                // The target does not implement the hashCode() method itself.
                return hashCode();
            if (!this.advised.opaque && method.getDeclaringClass().isInterface() &&
                    method.getDeclaringClass().isAssignableFrom(Advised.class)) {
                // Service invocations on ProxyConfig with the proxy config...
                return AopUtils.invokeJoinpointUsingReflection(this.advised, method, args);

            Object retVal;

            if (this.advised.exposeProxy) {
                // Make invocation available if necessary.
                oldProxy = AopContext.setCurrentProxy(proxy);
                setProxyContext = true;

            // May be null. Get as late as possible to minimize the time we "own" the target,
            // in case it comes from a pool.
            target = targetSource.getTarget();
            if (target != null) {
                targetClass = target.getClass();

            // Get the interception chain for this method.
            List<Object> chain = this.advised.getInterceptorsAndDynamicInterceptionAdvice(method, targetClass);

            // Check whether we have any advice. If we don't, we can fallback on direct
            // reflective invocation of the target, and avoid creating a MethodInvocation.
            if (chain.isEmpty()) {
                // We can skip creating a MethodInvocation: just invoke the target directly
                // Note that the final invoker must be an InvokerInterceptor so we know it does
                // nothing but a reflective operation on the target, and no hot swapping or fancy proxying.
                retVal = AopUtils.invokeJoinpointUsingReflection(target, method, args);
            else {
                // We need to create a method invocation...
                invocation = new ReflectiveMethodInvocation(proxy, target, method, args, targetClass, chain);
                // Proceed to the joinpoint through the interceptor chain.
                retVal = invocation.proceed();

            // Massage return value if necessary.
            Class<?> returnType = method.getReturnType();
            if (retVal != null && retVal == target && returnType.isInstance(proxy) &&
                    !RawTargetAccess.class.isAssignableFrom(method.getDeclaringClass())) {
                // Special case: it returned "this" and the return type of the method
                // is type-compatible. Note that we can't help if the target sets
                // a reference to itself in another returned object.
                retVal = proxy;
            else if (retVal == null && returnType != Void.TYPE && returnType.isPrimitive()) {
                throw new AopInvocationException(
                        "Null return value from advice does not match primitive return type for: " + method);
            return retVal;
        finally {
            if (target != null && !targetSource.isStatic()) {
                // Must have come from TargetSource.
            if (setProxyContext) {
                // Restore old proxy.
    public static Object invokeJoinpointUsingReflection(Object target, Method method, Object[] args)
            throws Throwable {

        // Use reflection to invoke the method.
        try {
            return method.invoke(target, args);
        catch (InvocationTargetException ex) {
            // Invoked method threw a checked exception.
            // We must rethrow it. The client won't see the interceptor.
            throw ex.getTargetException();
        catch (IllegalArgumentException ex) {
            throw new AopInvocationException("AOP configuration seems to be invalid: tried calling method [" +
                    method + "] on target [" + target + "]", ex);
        catch (IllegalAccessException ex) {
            throw new AopInvocationException("Could not access method [" + method + "]", ex);


            public Object intercept(Object proxy, Method method, Object[] args, MethodProxy methodProxy) throws Throwable {
            Object oldProxy = null;
            boolean setProxyContext = false;
            Class<?> targetClass = null;
            Object target = null;
            try {
                if (this.advised.exposeProxy) {
                    // Make invocation available if necessary.
                    oldProxy = AopContext.setCurrentProxy(proxy);
                    setProxyContext = true;
                // May be null. Get as late as possible to minimize the time we
                // "own" the target, in case it comes from a pool...
                target = getTarget();
                if (target != null) {
                    targetClass = target.getClass();
                List<Object> chain = this.advised.getInterceptorsAndDynamicInterceptionAdvice(method, targetClass);
                Object retVal;
                // Check whether we only have one InvokerInterceptor: that is,
                // no real advice, but just reflective invocation of the target.
                if (chain.isEmpty() && Modifier.isPublic(method.getModifiers())) {
                    // We can skip creating a MethodInvocation: just invoke the target directly.
                    // Note that the final invoker must be an InvokerInterceptor, so we know
                    // it does nothing but a reflective operation on the target, and no hot
                    // swapping or fancy proxying.
                    retVal = methodProxy.invoke(target, args);
                else {
                    // We need to create a method invocation...
                    retVal = new CglibMethodInvocation(proxy, target, method, args, targetClass, chain, methodProxy).proceed();
                retVal = processReturnType(proxy, target, method, retVal);
                return retVal;
            finally {
                if (target != null) {
                if (setProxyContext) {
                    // Restore old proxy.


byte[] classFile = sun.misc.ProxyGenerator.generateProxyClass("$Proxy11", TestTarget.class.getInterfaces());  


import com.sjj.aop.TestInterface;
import java.lang.reflect.InvocationHandler;
import java.lang.reflect.Method;
import java.lang.reflect.Proxy;
import java.lang.reflect.UndeclaredThrowableException;

public final class $Proxy11
  extends Proxy
  implements TestInterface
  private static Method m1;
  private static Method m0;
  private static Method m3;
  private static Method m2;

  public $Proxy11(InvocationHandler paramInvocationHandler)

  public final boolean equals(Object paramObject)
      return ((Boolean)this.h.invoke(this, m1, new Object[] { paramObject })).booleanValue();
    catch (Error|RuntimeException localError)
      throw localError;
    catch (Throwable localThrowable)
      throw new UndeclaredThrowableException(localThrowable);

  public final int hashCode()
      return ((Integer)this.h.invoke(this, m0, null)).intValue();
    catch (Error|RuntimeException localError)
      throw localError;
    catch (Throwable localThrowable)
      throw new UndeclaredThrowableException(localThrowable);

  public final void itest()
       * 这里调用了invoke方法,解释开始的疑问,cglib的方式应该与此类似
      this.h.invoke(this, m3, null);
    catch (Error|RuntimeException localError)
      throw localError;
    catch (Throwable localThrowable)
      throw new UndeclaredThrowableException(localThrowable);

  public final String toString()
      return (String)this.h.invoke(this, m2, null);
    catch (Error|RuntimeException localError)
      throw localError;
    catch (Throwable localThrowable)
      throw new UndeclaredThrowableException(localThrowable);

      m1 = Class.forName("java.lang.Object").getMethod("equals", new Class[] { Class.forName("java.lang.Object") });
      m0 = Class.forName("java.lang.Object").getMethod("hashCode", new Class[0]);
      m3 = Class.forName("com.sjj.aop.TestInterface").getMethod("itest", new Class[0]);
      m2 = Class.forName("java.lang.Object").getMethod("toString", new Class[0]);
    catch (NoSuchMethodException localNoSuchMethodException)
      throw new NoSuchMethodError(localNoSuchMethodException.getMessage());
    catch (ClassNotFoundException localClassNotFoundException)
      throw new NoClassDefFoundError(localClassNotFoundException.getMessage());


    public List<Object> getInterceptorsAndDynamicInterceptionAdvice(
            Advised config, Method method, Class<?> targetClass) {

        // This is somewhat tricky... We have to process introductions first,
        // but we need to preserve order in the ultimate list.
        List<Object> interceptorList = new ArrayList<Object>(config.getAdvisors().length);
        Class<?> actualClass = (targetClass != null ? targetClass : method.getDeclaringClass());
        boolean hasIntroductions = hasMatchingIntroductions(config, actualClass);
        AdvisorAdapterRegistry registry = GlobalAdvisorAdapterRegistry.getInstance();

        for (Advisor advisor : config.getAdvisors()) {
            if (advisor instanceof PointcutAdvisor) {
                // Add it conditionally.
                PointcutAdvisor pointcutAdvisor = (PointcutAdvisor) advisor;
                if (config.isPreFiltered() || pointcutAdvisor.getPointcut().getClassFilter().matches(actualClass)) {
                     *AfterReturningAdviceAdapter --- AfterReturningAdviceInterceptor
                     *MethodBeforeAdviceAdapter --- MethodBeforeAdviceInterceptor
                     *ThrowsAdviceAdapter --- ThrowsAdviceInterceptor
                    MethodInterceptor[] interceptors = registry.getInterceptors(advisor);
                    MethodMatcher mm = pointcutAdvisor.getPointcut().getMethodMatcher();
                    if (MethodMatchers.matches(mm, method, actualClass, hasIntroductions)) {
                        if (mm.isRuntime()) {
                            // Creating a new object instance in the getInterceptors() method
                            // isn't a problem as we normally cache created chains.
                            for (MethodInterceptor interceptor : interceptors) {
                                interceptorList.add(new InterceptorAndDynamicMethodMatcher(interceptor, mm));
                        else {
            else if (advisor instanceof IntroductionAdvisor) {
                IntroductionAdvisor ia = (IntroductionAdvisor) advisor;
                if (config.isPreFiltered() || ia.getClassFilter().matches(actualClass)) {
                    Interceptor[] interceptors = registry.getInterceptors(advisor);
            else {
                Interceptor[] interceptors = registry.getInterceptors(advisor);

        return interceptorList;
public abstract class GlobalAdvisorAdapterRegistry {

     * Keep track of a single instance so we can return it to classes that request it.
    private static AdvisorAdapterRegistry instance = new DefaultAdvisorAdapterRegistry();

     * Return the singleton {@link DefaultAdvisorAdapterRegistry} instance.
    public static AdvisorAdapterRegistry getInstance() {
        return instance;

     * Reset the singleton {@link DefaultAdvisorAdapterRegistry}, removing any
     * {@link AdvisorAdapterRegistry#registerAdvisorAdapter(AdvisorAdapter) registered}
     * adapters.
    static void reset() {
        instance = new DefaultAdvisorAdapterRegistry();

public class DefaultAdvisorAdapterRegistry implements AdvisorAdapterRegistry, Serializable {

    private final List<AdvisorAdapter> adapters = new ArrayList<AdvisorAdapter>(3);

     * Create a new DefaultAdvisorAdapterRegistry, registering well-known adapters.
    public DefaultAdvisorAdapterRegistry() {
        registerAdvisorAdapter(new MethodBeforeAdviceAdapter());
        registerAdvisorAdapter(new AfterReturningAdviceAdapter());
        registerAdvisorAdapter(new ThrowsAdviceAdapter());


    public Object proceed() throws Throwable {
        //  We start with an index of -1 and increment early.
        if (this.currentInterceptorIndex == this.interceptorsAndDynamicMethodMatchers.size() - 1) {
            return invokeJoinpoint();

         * 这里interceptorsAndDynamicMethodMatchers和currentInterceptorIndex都是全局变量,
         * 这样设计的巧妙之处就在于,当具体的interceptor里的invoke方法递归调用这里proceed方法的时候,
         * 其实是对拦截器链做顺序访问,即依次调用拦截器链里的拦截器。
        Object interceptorOrInterceptionAdvice =
        if (interceptorOrInterceptionAdvice instanceof InterceptorAndDynamicMethodMatcher) {
            // Evaluate dynamic method matcher here: static part will already have
            // been evaluated and found to match.
            InterceptorAndDynamicMethodMatcher dm =
                    (InterceptorAndDynamicMethodMatcher) interceptorOrInterceptionAdvice;
            if (dm.methodMatcher.matches(this.method, this.targetClass, this.arguments)) {
                return dm.interceptor.invoke(this);
            else {
                // Dynamic matching failed.
                // Skip this interceptor and invoke the next in the chain.
                // 如果拦截器和方法不匹配,则递归调用proceed方法,遍历拦截器链
                return proceed();
        else {
            // It's an interceptor, so we just invoke it: The pointcut will have
            // been evaluated statically before this object was constructed.
            return ((MethodInterceptor) interceptorOrInterceptionAdvice).invoke(this);
    public Object invoke(MethodInvocation mi) throws Throwable {
        // 这里调用proceed方法,而不是目标方法,这样可以递归调用整个拦截器链的拦截器
        Object retVal = mi.proceed();
        this.advice.afterReturning(retVal, mi.getMethod(), mi.getArguments(), mi.getThis());
        return retVal;
    public Object invoke(MethodInvocation mi) throws Throwable {
        this.advice.before(mi.getMethod(), mi.getArguments(), mi.getThis() );
        // 这里调用proceed方法,而不是目标方法,这样可以递归调用整个拦截器链的拦截器
        return mi.proceed();
        protected Object invokeJoinpoint() throws Throwable {
            if (this.publicMethod) {
                return this.methodProxy.invoke(this.target, this.arguments);
            else {
                return super.invokeJoinpoint();
  1. 之前对spring一直停留在用的层面,知道springAOP是通过动态代理实现,动态代理有两种实现方式:jdk dynamic proxy和cglib字节码增强,但并不知道具体的实




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