# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
# 练习40:字典, 可爱的字典
# ******教材内容******
class Song (object):
def __init__(self, lyrics):
self.lyrics = lyrics
def sing_me_a_song(self):
for line in self.lyrics:
print (line)
happy_bday = Song(["Happy birthday to you",
"I don't want to get sued",
"So I'll stop right there"])
bulls_on_parade = Song(["They rally around the family",
"With pockets full of shells"])
# ******字典功能拓展******
# Do More Exercise of Dictionary
# Make a new empty dict
myDict = {}
# Or give it something
myDict = {'a1': 'Mike','a2': 'Jack','a3': 'Luck'}
# Now,read something of dict
stuff_1 = myDict['a1']
stuff_2 = myDict['a2']
print ("a1:" +stuff_1, "\na2:" +stuff_2)
# If want to show something not in dictionary
#stuff_4 = myDict['a4'] #-->will show error:
#print ("a4:" + stuff_4) #Traceback (most recent call last):
#[Finished in 0.1s with exit code 1] File "C:\PE\ex40.py", line 40, in <module>
# stuff_4 = myDict['a4']
#KeyError: 'a4'
# try to change something
myDict['a1'] = 'Mike_af'
print ("now a1 is:" + myDict['a1'])
# try to delete something
del myDict['a1'] # 删除key为'a1'的条目
Mydict.clear() # 清空dictionary所有条目
del myDict # 删除dictionary
#print (myDict['a1']) #-->will show error:
# File "C:\PE\ex40.py", line 53, in <module>
# print (myDict['a1'])
# KeyError: 'a1'
## -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
#cmp(dict1, dict2) python3已删除该功能
#len(dict) 返回字典元素总数
dict = {'Name': 'Runoob', 'Age': 7, 'Class': 'First'}
len(dict) # --> return 3
#str(dict) 输出字典可以打印的字符串表示
dict = {'Name': 'Runoob', 'Age': 7, 'Class': 'First'}
str(dict) # --> return {'Name': 'Runoob', 'Age': 7, 'Class': 'First'}
#type(variable ) type变量,如果是字典就返回字典类型
dict = {'Name': 'Runoob', 'Age': 7, 'Class': 'First'}
type(dict) # --> return <class 'dict'>
#dict.clear() 删除字典内所有元素
dict = {'Name': 'Runoob', 'Age': 7, 'Class': 'First'}
dict.clear() # --> {}
#dict.copy() 返回一个dict的副本
dict = {'Name': 'Runoob', 'Age': 7, 'Class': 'First'}
dict1 = dict
dict2 = dict.copy()
del dict['Name']
print (str(dict1)) # --> {'Class': 'First', 'Age': 7}
print (str(dict2)) # --> {'Name': 'Runoob', 'Age': 7, 'Class': 'First'}
# 使用直接赋值 dict1 = dict 时,dict1的值回随着dict的变化而变化。
# 而使用copy()方法时,会生成一个独立的副本,从下面的内存地址也可以看出其中区别。
print (id(dict)) # --> 6302896
print (id(dict1)) # --> 6302896
print (id(dict2)) # --> 6302696
#dict.fromkeys(seq[,value]) 创建一个新字典,以学列seq中元素做字典的键,val为字典所有键对应的初始值
seq = {'a', 'b', 'c'}
dict.fromkeys(seq) # --> {'b': None, 'c': None, 'a': None}
dict.fromkeys(seq, 10) # --> {'b': 10, 'c': 10, 'a': 10}
#dict.get(key, default=None) 返回指定键的值,如果没有则返回default值
dict = {'Name': 'Runoob', 'Age': 7, 'Class': 'First'}
dict.get('Name') # --> 返回Runoob,键区分大小写
dict.get('Not_in_Dict') # --> 返回None
dict.get('Not_in_Dict', 1) # --> 返回1
# key in dict如果键在字典dict里返回true,否则返回false
# python2 下该方法名为dict.has_key(key)
dict = {'Name': 'Runoob', 'Age': 7, 'Class': 'First'}
'Name' in dict # --> return True
'Not_in_Dict' in dict # --> return False
#dict.items() 以列表返回可遍历的(键, 值) 元组数组
dict = {'Name': 'Runoob', 'Age': 7, 'Class': 'First'}
dict.items() # --> dict_items([('Age', 7), ('Class', 'First'), ('Name', 'Runoob')])
#dict.keys() 以列表返回一个字典所有的键
dict = {'Name': 'Runoob', 'Age': 7, 'Class': 'First'}
dict.keys() # --> dict_keys(['Class', 'Age', 'Name'])
#dict.setdefault(key[,default=None]) 和get()类似, 但如果键不存在于字典中,将会添加键并将值设为default
dict = {'Name': 'Runoob', 'Age': 7, 'Class': 'First'}
dict.setdefault('Name') # --> return Runoob
dict.setdefault('Not_in_Dict') # --> return None,set a new key, key = None
dict.setdefault('Not_in_Dict', 'A_new_Key') # --> return None,set a new key, key = A_new_Key
#dict.update(dict2) 把字典dict2的键/值对更新到dict里
dict = {'Name': 'Runoob', 'Age': 7, 'Class': 'First'}
dict2 = {'Name': 'Runoob_2', 'Age': 14, 'Class': 'First_2'}
dict.update(dict2) # --> {'Class': 'First_2', 'Name': 'Runoob_2', 'Age': 14}
#dict.values() 以列表返回字典中的所有值
dict = {'Name': 'Runoob', 'Age': 7, 'Class': 'First'}
dict.values() # --> dict_values([7, 'Runoob', 'First'])