
English Vesion











English Vesion

  At the 2001 GE Operating Managers Meeting, Jack Welch took the stage for the 20th and last time as CEO of General Electric. He left the managers with 10 parting beliefs developed over two decades of leading GE. Further elaboration on these beliefs can be seen in Jack Welch's "Letter to Our Customers, Share Owners and Employees" in the 2000 Annual Report.

  On integrity. This company and its people are all about integrity. I'm often asked, "What worries you about GE? Keeps you up awake at night?" It is nothing about our businesses. It's just someone doing something stupid from a legal point and bringing tarnish to the company and destroying themselves and their families in the process. Never stop being diligent about it. Never leave anyone in the organization that works for you in doubt about where you stand on this subject. You can't talk about it too much. But integrity is a lot more than just legal stuff. It's a set of values that must guide all of us all the time. It's about always doing the right thing, not just the legal thing.

  On change. Always be thinking change is good. Don't stay up all night worrying about predicting it exactly right. Change is not bad. It creates an opportunity every second, not a crisis. Jump all over it and show the leadership so your organizations aren't paralyzed by it. Organizations can get scared by it. Make the change an energizing, exciting event. Relish it. I think it's the company's great strength - grab it.

  On the customer. This is where it all starts. Big companies often spend their time inside. I know two things will take GE to new levels of customer focus and satisfaction.

  One is SPAN - it's the first measure that I've seen that truly ties everything together - from the factory floor to the customer's hand, from the order-taking to the delivery. And second is our new chairman - a true customer focused leader. It's in his blood and I know he'll drive that focus across the company like it's never been driven before. A true customer focus is the hallmark of a great company. We've made great progress in the last few years but I see quantum improvements, quantum improvements from the new leadership team we have in place who've really got an understanding of the customer.

  On size and structure. Recognize we're big with all its inherent limitations. But use the size. Take technology bets, take the risk. Go to bat all the time. That's the one strength you've got. You can go to bat more often. You can go to bat and swing all the time - we've got these huge resources. And at the same time you're doing that - using the size - fight like hell to keep the small company spirit. Involve everyone. Reward broadly. Celebrate, celebrate, celebrate. Hate bureaucracy - hate it every day and don't be afraid to use the word "hate." Laugh at bureaucrats. And get rid of layers. Make fun of layers, joke about layers. They slow, they insulate.

  On self-confidence, simplicity, and speed. Self-confidence is a key ingredient. It comes from lots of life experiences that reinforce one. Some are lucky enough to get it from their mother's knee, from school, from grades, from lots of things. But you can build it in people and I've seen people in GE who didn't have it get it built by having continual reinforcing experiences. But you've got to give people a chance to try things, to take risks and win, because from each victory comes to each of us another building block of self-confidence. And one of the responsibilities of leadership is to constantly try and infuse with an injection self-confidence into people because self-confident people are so critical. It is the critical leadership skill. It permits bold action. It allows one to communicate simply. They can just talk simply and straightforwardly. There's no time for complexity. There is no time in a world that's moving this fast for complexity. And with speed so critical in this global information-based world, self-confidence and simplicity are keys to driving speed, to taking the bold straightforward actions that are needed. So your job in this subject is to build, to build self-confidence in your people. Your job is to demand simplicity in thought and actions.

  On leadership. It's built on that foundation of integrity. But after that, it's the four "E's." It's the four "E's" we all know. It's the energy to cope with fast globalization, the energizing capability to excite the organization, the edge to make the tough call, and the execution skills to make it happen. To deliver. To not disappoint.

  Those are the four "E's" that you've got to measure your people on and yourself on. And as you manage others, think about yourself, evaluate your team on the type of managers you have. Most of you might remember, some might not, the four types of managers we always talked about.

Type One, the one that has the values, makes the numbers - promote him.

Type Two, who doesn't have the values and doesn't make the numbers - shoot him.

Type Three, the one who has the values and hasn't made the numbers - give him another chance.

But Type Four is the one that is the one you've got to care about every day you come to work. Type Four is the one who doesn't have the values but makes the numbers. That's the
person we can't have in our organizations. That's the one that kills and saps the vitality out of any organization, whether it be a school, a business, a government, or anything. The go-to guy. "Always deliver the bacon" on the backs of people, always taking care of themselves versus somebody else. Always up, kissing up, kicking down. They can't exist.
And the company has to bleed them out of here.

  On training. A multi-business company like GE has more trouble defining functional training because of its diversity. Management development at Crotonville's come alive. It's a glue where people learn about the company, leadership, and themselves; form friendships that last for life. Make it better and even more important. But now I think we have a chance to really change the game. I think we have a training program for everyone. Six Sigma. I think we now have found the tool to change the game. I'm convinced the next CEO of GE will be a black belt. It'll happen. Because you wouldn't think of having, 20 years from now, somebody that wasn't an absolute black belt doing the job. The critical thinking and the skill bases it has. Every business must be sure that every one of their top 20% for sure are offered black belt assignments, two-year black belt assignments. If I were doing it - I won't be but I'll give you a suggestion - I would say after two to three years, between the third year and the sixth year, every high potential person must take a black belt assignment. And then we'll have critical thinking like the type of thinking that Marc Onetto does or Piet van Abeelen does or Gary Powell does or all kinds of people do. And if they don't make the cut to be black belts they haven't made it in the company.

  On people. Your job is to field the best global talent in the world every day. That's what your job is. Best global talent in the world every day. You are part of a winning team, the very best team. You've got to field the best team in the world. So regardless of race or gender, only the best is your leadership obligation. You must love, hug, reward in the wallet, in the soul your very best. It is a leadership failure to lose a top 20%. It's also a sin to keep the bottom 10.
On informality. Informality is an enormous competitive advantage when coupled with size. Self-confident leaders and self-confident people, comfortable in their own skin. We trust one another. We can't stand pomposity or pompous asses. Informality can never leave here. If you see some pompous ass acting as "the manager" sitting in the office, get him out of there. That isn't what you want. You want an informal company where everyone, independent of number of stripes on their shoulder, is able to deal with the issues. Informality is a competitive advantage that most big companies don't have. Never lose it.

  On global learning company. We're the global learning company. We know we can learn from each other. We know we can learn from other companies. Inside, outside, up and down the organization. The world's intellect is ours because we are always looking for it. Years ago Toyota taught us asset management. Motorola and Allied started us in Six Sigma. Trilogy and Cisco sure helped us digitize. We must wake up every day never forgetting find a better way every day. Never let that old NIH - not invented here - creep back anywhere.

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