Python Numpy


        NumPy(Numerical Python) 是 Python 语言的一个扩展程序库,支持大量的维度数组与矩阵运算,此外也针对数组运算提供大量的数学函数库。NumPy 是一个运行速度非常快的数学库,主要用于数组计算,包含:

  • 一个强大的N维数组对象 ndarray
  • 广播功能函数
  • 整合 C/C++/Fortran 代码的工具
  • 线性代数、傅里叶变换、随机数生成等功能

        NumPy 通常与 SciPy(Scientific Python)和 Matplotlib(绘图库)一起使用, 这种组合广泛用于替代 MatLab,是一个强大的科学计算环境,有助于我们通过 Python 学习数据科学或者机器学习。

        SciPy 是一个开源的 Python 算法库和数学工具包。

        SciPy 包含的模块有最优化、线性代数、积分、插值、特殊函数、快速傅里叶变换、信号处理和图像处理、常微分方程求解和其他科学与工程中常用的计算。

        Matplotlib 是 Python 编程语言及其数值数学扩展包 NumPy 的可视化操作界面。它为利用通用的图形用户界面工具包,如 Tkinter, wxPython, Qt 或 GTK+ 向应用程序嵌入式绘图提供了应用程序接口(API)。




      ndarray(全称The N-dimensional array)是存储着相同类型和大小的元素的多维数组。数组的维度和每个数组中的元素是由shape来决定的。数组中的元素类型是由dtype决定的。与其他python中的对象容器一样,ndarray中的内容可以由数组的下标来访问。


numpy.array(object, dtype = None, copy = True, order = None, subok = False, ndmin = 0)


import numpy as np

a = np.array([1, 2, 3], dtype='int')   # Create a rank 1 array 创建数组, 确定元素类型
print(type(a))            # Prints "<class 'numpy.ndarray'>" 打印数组矩阵的类型
print(a.shape)            # Prints "(3,)" 打印数组矩阵的维度
print(a[0], a[1], a[2])   # Prints "1 2 3"
a[0] = 5                  # Change an element of the array
print(a)                  # Prints "[5, 2, 3]"

b = np.array([[1,2,3],[4,5,6]])    # Create a rank 2 array
print(b.shape)                     # Prints "(2, 3)"
print(b[0, 0], b[0, 1], b[1, 0])   # Prints "1 2 4"



1、ndarray.T   矩阵转置

2、height,width = ndarray.shape  输出矩阵的行与列

3、ndarray[i,:]  取矩阵第i行的所有元素,结果是单行ndarray格式,拥有ndarray的所有属性(ndarray[:,j] 矩阵第j列的所有元素)

4、ndarray.max()   ndarray.min()  矩阵中的最大值最小值

5、ndarray.all()    矩阵中是否所有值都为非零    ndarray.any()   矩阵中是否有一个值为非零

6、ndarray = np.append(ndarray, 12)  在矩阵中插入一个数据,如果不是一维数组则会变成一维数组

7、np.ones((m,n))  生成m行,n列的全1矩阵

8、np.zeros((m,n))  生成m行,n列的零矩阵

9、np.eye(n)    生成n维单位矩阵

10、np.random.randint(0,100,(m,n))   生成m行,n列的随机矩阵,数值在0-100之间

11、np.arange(20)   将值20传递给arange函数会创建一个值范围为0到19的一维数组numpy.arange([start, ]stop, [step, ]dtype=None) 这是numpy中arange函数的使用方法,np.arange(20)相当于是np.arange(0,20,1)。np.arange(2,42,2).reshape(4,5)   使其成为二维数组,使用reshape函数链接其输出

12、np.linspace(1,10,num=50)   在1到10之间等间隔生成50个数字

13、np.random.shuffle(np.arange(ndarray))   随机打乱一个矩阵,np.random.shuffle(np.arange(10))输出如[1 7 5 2 9 4 3 6 0 8],注意这一操作没有返回值。shuffle为洗牌的意思,打乱一个矩阵


举例如下:(注意zeros,ones,full,random中需要有两个括号,第一个括号内部还可以设置dtype = 'int'等)

import numpy as np

a = np.zeros((2,2))   # Create an array of all zeros
print(a)              # Prints "[[ 0.  0.]
                      #          [ 0.  0.]]"

b = np.ones((1,2))    # Create an array of all ones
print(b)              # Prints "[[ 1.  1.]]"

c = np.full((2,2), 7)  # Create a constant array
print(c)               # Prints "[[ 7.  7.]
                       #          [ 7.  7.]]"

d = np.eye(2)         # Create a 2x2 identity matrix
print(d)              # Prints "[[ 1.  0.]
                      #          [ 0.  1.]]"

e = np.random.random((2,2))  # Create an array filled with random values
print(e)                     # Might print "[[ 0.91940167  0.08143941]
                             #               [ 0.68744134  0.87236687]]"

>>> np.arange(3)
array([0, 1, 2])
>>> np.arange(3.0)
array([ 0.,  1.,  2.])
>>> np.arange(3,7)
array([3, 4, 5, 6])
>>> np.arange(3,7,2)
array([3, 5])





import numpy as np

# Create the following rank 2 array with shape (3, 4)
# [[ 1  2  3  4]
#  [ 5  6  7  8]
#  [ 9 10 11 12]]
a = np.array([[1,2,3,4], [5,6,7,8], [9,10,11,12]])  
( 上语句相当于 a = np.arange(1,13,1).reshape(3,4) )

# Use slicing to pull out the subarray consisting of the first 2 rows
# and columns 1 and 2; b is the following array of shape (2, 2):
# [[2 3]
#  [6 7]]
b = a[:2, 1:3]

# A slice of an array is a view into the same data, so modifying it
# will modify the original array.
print(a[0, 1])   # Prints "2"
b[0, 0] = 77     # b[0, 0] is the same piece of data as a[0, 1]
print(a[0, 1])   # Prints "77"


y = model.predict(x) # y为神经网络中预测的结果,维度为(1,24,64,7)
y_an = y # 将y赋值给y_an

y = np.squeeze(y, axis=0) # y的结果为(24,64,7),从数组的形状中删除单维度条目,即把shape中为1的维度去掉
y_an = y_an[0, :, :, :] # y_an的结果为(24,64,7)

y_an_0 = y_an[:, :, 0]  # y_an的结果为(24,64)



        使用切片索引到numpy数组时,生成的数组视图将始终是原始数组的子数组。 相反,整数数组索引允许你使用另一个数组中的数据构造任意数组。以下是索引的例子

import numpy as np

a = np.array([[1,2], [3, 4], [5, 6]])

# An example of integer array indexing.
# The returned array will have shape (3,) and
print(a[[0, 1, 2], [0, 1, 0]])  # Prints "[1 4 5]"

# The above example of integer array indexing is equivalent to this:
print(np.array([a[0, 0], a[1, 1], a[2, 0]]))  # Prints "[1 4 5]"

# When using integer array indexing, you can reuse the same
# element from the source array:
print(a[[0, 0], [1, 1]])  # Prints "[2 2]"

# Equivalent to the previous integer array indexing example
print(np.array([a[0, 1], a[0, 1]]))  # Prints "[2 2]"



import numpy as np

a = np.array([[1,2], [3, 4], [5, 6]])

bool_idx = (a > 2)   # Find the elements of a that are bigger than 2;
                     # this returns a numpy array of Booleans of the same
                     # shape as a, where each slot of bool_idx tells
                     # whether that element of a is > 2.

print(bool_idx)      # Prints "[[False False]
                     #          [ True  True]
                     #          [ True  True]]"

# We use boolean array indexing to construct a rank 1 array
# consisting of the elements of a corresponding to the True values
# of bool_idx
print(a[bool_idx])  # Prints "[3 4 5 6]"

# We can do all of the above in a single concise statement:
print(a[a > 2])     # Prints "[3 4 5 6]"



          与MATLAB不同,*是元素乘法,而不是矩阵乘法。 我们使用dot函数来计算向量的内积,将向量乘以矩阵,并乘以矩阵。 dot既可以作为numpy模块中的函数,也可以作为数组对象的实例方法。

import numpy as np

x = np.array([[1,2],[3,4]], dtype=np.float64)
y = np.array([[5,6],[7,8]], dtype=np.float64)

# Elementwise sum; both produce the array
# [[ 6.0  8.0]
#  [10.0 12.0]]
print(x + y)
print(np.add(x, y))

# Elementwise difference; both produce the array
# [[-4.0 -4.0]
#  [-4.0 -4.0]]
print(x - y)
print(np.subtract(x, y))

# Elementwise product; both produce the array
# [[ 5.0 12.0]
#  [21.0 32.0]]
print(x * y)
print(np.multiply(x, y))

# Elementwise division; both produce the array
# [[ 0.2         0.33333333]
#  [ 0.42857143  0.5       ]]
print(x / y)
print(np.divide(x, y))

# Elementwise square root; produces the array
# [[ 1.          1.41421356]
#  [ 1.73205081  2.        ]]
x = np.array([[1,2],[3,4]])
y = np.array([[5,6],[7,8]])

v = np.array([9,10])
w = np.array([11, 12])

# Inner product of vectors; both produce 219
print(, w))

# Matrix / vector product; both produce the rank 1 array [29 67]
print(, v))

# Matrix / matrix product; both produce the rank 2 array
# [[19 22]
#  [43 50]]
print(, y))

              Numpy为在数组上执行计算提供了许多有用的函数;其中最有用的函数之一是 SUM。

import numpy as np

x = np.array([[1,2],[3,4]])

print(np.sum(x))  # Compute sum of all elements; prints "10"
print(np.sum(x, axis=0))  # Compute sum of each column; prints "[4 6]"
print(np.sum(x, axis=1))  # Compute sum of each row; prints "[3 7]"





import numpy as np

# We will add the vector v to each row of the matrix x,
# storing the result in the matrix y
x = np.array([[1,2,3], [4,5,6], [7,8,9], [10, 11, 12]])
v = np.array([1, 0, 1])
y = np.empty_like(x)   # Create an empty matrix with the same shape as x

# Add the vector v to each row of the matrix x with an explicit loop
for i in range(4):
    y[i, :] = x[i, :] + v

# Now y is the following
# [[ 2  2  4]
#  [ 5  5  7]
#  [ 8  8 10]
#  [11 11 13]]

        这会凑效; 但是当矩阵 x 非常大时,在Python中计算显式循环可能会很慢。注意,向矩阵 x 的每一行添加向量 v 等同于通过垂直堆叠多个 v 副本来形成矩阵 vv,然后执行元素的求和x 和 vv。 我们可以像如下这样实现这种方法:

import numpy as np

# We will add the vector v to each row of the matrix x,
# storing the result in the matrix y
x = np.array([[1,2,3], [4,5,6], [7,8,9], [10, 11, 12]])
v = np.array([1, 0, 1])
vv = np.tile(v, (4, 1))   # Stack 4 copies of v on top of each other
print(vv)                 # Prints "[[1 0 1]
                          #          [1 0 1]
                          #          [1 0 1]
                          #          [1 0 1]]"
y = x + vv  # Add x and vv elementwise
print(y)  # Prints "[[ 2  2  4
          #          [ 5  5  7]
          #          [ 8  8 10]
          #          [11 11 13]]"


import numpy as np

# We will add the vector v to each row of the matrix x,
# storing the result in the matrix y
x = np.array([[1,2,3], [4,5,6], [7,8,9], [10, 11, 12]])
v = np.array([1, 0, 1])
y = x + v  # Add v to each row of x using broadcasting
print(y)  # Prints "[[ 2  2  4]
          #          [ 5  5  7]
          #          [ 8  8 10]
          #          [11 11 13]]"


from scipy.misc import imread, imsave, imresize

# Read an JPEG image into a numpy array
img = imread('assets/cat.jpg')
print(img.dtype, img.shape)  # Prints "uint8 (400, 248, 3)"

# We can tint the image by scaling each of the color channels
# by a different scalar constant. The image has shape (400, 248, 3);
# we multiply it by the array [1, 0.95, 0.9] of shape (3,);
# numpy broadcasting means that this leaves the red channel unchanged,
# and multiplies the green and blue channels by 0.95 and 0.9
# respectively.
img_tinted = img * [1, 0.95, 0.9]




1、 如何从一维数组中提取满足指定条件的元素?&& 如何将满足条件的数置换?

       给定一个数组arr = np.array([0,1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8]),若要将这个数组中大于4的数取出。一般容易想到arr_select = arr>4,但此时得出的arr_select只是布尔类型的输出[false,false,false,false,false,true,true,true,true],需要这一布尔类型重新带入筛选,arr_select = arr[arr>4](注意是中括号)。可参照数组索引中的布尔索引。



        1中主要介绍了如何替换数组中满足条件的元素,但是1中的替换影响了原始数组。若要arr = np.array([0,1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8])数组中奇数项置为-1,保存于另一个out数组中,但又不影响arr数组,方法是调用np.where。具体方法为out = np.where(arr%2!=0, -1, arr)。

3、 如何改变数组的形状?(reshape)

        在生成数组中有提到过用reshape的方法可以改变数组的维度。例如由10个数组成的数组arr = np.array([0,1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9])要组成2*5的矩阵,out = arr.reshape(2,5)(也可以是out = arr.reshape(2,-1),只需输入行数,列数输入-1会自动进行预测)。


          vstack中的v代表vertical水平,即vertical stack水平叠加的意思。对应垂直叠加为hstack。

          r_代表rows水平方向叠加, c_代表cols垂直方向叠加。

a = np.arange(10).reshape(2,-1)
b = np.repeat(1, 10).reshape(2,-1)

# 垂直叠加[水平叠加]
# Method 1:
np.concatenate([a, b], axis=0)  [ np.concatenate([a, b], axis=1) ]

# Method 2: vstack中的v代表vertical水平
np.vstack([a, b])  [ np.hstack([a, b]) ]

# Method 3: r_代表rows水平方向叠加, c_代表cols垂直方向叠加
np.r_[a, b]   [ np.c_[a, b] ]
# > array([[0, 1, 2, 3, 4],
# >        [5, 6, 7, 8, 9],
# >        [1, 1, 1, 1, 1],
# >        [1, 1, 1, 1, 1]])
# > array([[0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1],
# >        [5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1]])



>>> b = np.array([1],dtype = np.float32)
>>> print(b)
>>> print(np.tile(b,3))
[1. 1. 1.]
>>> print(np.repeat(b,3))
[1. 1. 1.]


>>> a = np.array([1,2,3])
>>> print(a)
[1 2 3]
>>> print(np.repeat(a,3))
[1 1 1 2 2 2 3 3 3]
>>> print(np.tile(a,3))
[1 2 3 1 2 3 1 2 3]
>>> arr = np.arange(10).reshape(2,5)
>>> print(arr)
[[0 1 2 3 4]
 [5 6 7 8 9]]
>>> print(np.repeat(arr,2))
[0 0 1 1 2 2 3 3 4 4 5 5 6 6 7 7 8 8 9 9]
>>> print(np.tile(arr,2))
[[0 1 2 3 4 0 1 2 3 4]
 [5 6 7 8 9 5 6 7 8 9]]
>>> print(np.c_[arr,arr])
[[0 1 2 3 4 0 1 2 3 4]
 [5 6 7 8 9 5 6 7 8 9]]

6、取出两个数组之间的公共项 && 从一个数组中删除在另外一个数组中的项


       np.intersect1d(a, b)

>>> b = np.array([7,2,10,2,7,4,9,4,9,8])
>>> a = np.arange(1,20,2).reshape(2,5)
>>> print(a)
[[ 1  3  5  7  9]
 [11 13 15 17 19]]
>>> print(np.intersect1d(a,b))
[7 9]

       np.setdiff1d(a, b)

a = np.array([1,2,3,4,5])
b = np.array([5,6,7,8,9])

# From 'a' remove all of 'b'
# > array([1, 2, 3, 4])


        np.where(a == b)   如果不同元素则 np.where(a != b)

a = np.array([1,2,3,2,3,4,3,4,5,6])
b = np.array([7,2,10,2,7,4,9,4,9,8])

np.where(a == b)
# > (array([1, 3, 5, 7]),)

8、交换数组的行与列 && 提取数组的行与列

       通过[:, [x,x,x]]方法实现交换

>>> a = np.arange(9).reshape(3,3)
>>> print(a)
[[0 1 2]
 [3 4 5]
 [6 7 8]]
>>> print(a[:,[2,0,1]])  # 交换列
[[2 0 1]
 [5 3 4]
 [8 6 7]]
>>> print(a[[2,0,1],:])  # 交换行
[[6 7 8]
 [0 1 2]
 [3 4 5]]
>>> print(a[:,[2,0]])  # 提取指定列
[[2 0]
 [5 3]
 [8 6]]


# Solution Method 1:
rand_arr = np.random.randint(low=5, high=10, size=(5,3)) + np.random.random((5,3))
#  np.random.randint中有low、high、size三个参数。默认high是None,如果只有low,那范围就是[0,low)。如果有high,范围就是[low,high)。

# Solution Method 2:
rand_arr = np.random.uniform(5,10, size=(5,3))
# > [[ 8.50061025  9.10531502  6.85867783]
# >  [ 9.76262069  9.87717411  7.13466701]
# >  [ 7.48966403  8.33409158  6.16808631]
# >  [ 7.75010551  9.94535696  5.27373226]
# >  [ 8.0850361   5.56165518  7.31244004]]


        判断numpy数组时,不能使用if语句。如a,b是两个数组,如果需要判断两数组之间的所有数值都是相等(a == b).all(),两个数组只要有一个相等即可(a == b).any()。












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