ICT50220 - Diploma of Information

Assessment Cover Sheet
(Print all details and attach to front of assessment task/assignment before submitting)
Course code & name     ICT50220 - Diploma of Information Technology
Unit code & name ICTNWK540 - Design, build and test network servers
Name of assessment     Assessment Task 6: Server build documentation and sign-off
Due Date    ….  / ….  /  2022  
Teacher name    
Declaration: Read, tick and sign below
I declare that the attached assessment I have submitted is my own original work and any contributions from and references to other authors are clearly acknowledged and noted. 
This document has been created for the purpose of this assessment only and has not been submitted as another form of assessment at Melbourne Polytechnic or any other tertiary institute. 
I have retained a copy of this work for my reference in the event that this application is lost or damaged.
I give permission for Melbourne Polytechnic to keep, make copies of and communicate my work for the purpose of investigating plagiarism and/or review by internal and external assessors. 
I understand that plagiarism is the act of using another person’s idea or work and presenting it as my own. This is a serious offence and I will accept that penalties will be imposed on me should I breach Melbourne Polytechnic’s plagiarism policy.

Student signature   ……………………………………………………        Date   ……  / .…..  /  …...    

Please note that your assignment will not be accepted unless you have:
•completed all sections of the assignment
•acknowledged all sources of other people’s contributions including references and students’ names for group work assessments
•filled in all areas of this student assignment cover sheet.

Assessment Task 6: Server build documentation and sign-off

Course code and name    ICT50220 Diploma of Information Technology
Unit code and name    ICTNWK540 - Design, build and test network servers
Due date    … / … / 2022 (You have 2 weeks to complete this task)
Resources required    Learner to provide:
•The learner may use his own laptop provided it meets the minimum requirements (refer to lab setup instructions in in Moodle)
Learner resources in Moodle 
Access to computer and Internet 
The computer used when working on tasks must have VirtualBox 6.x virtualisation software installed
Instructions to learners    This task involves demonstrating skills in deploying a server. Refer to the Task Details below, for further information.
This assessment will be conducted using a simulated environment where the conditions are typical of those in a working environment in the ICT industry.
This assessment task is a practical project that must be completed individually
It is to be completed in classroom delivery of this unit
You have two weeks to complete this task. 
Reasonable adjustments can be made if special circumstances apply, provided the integrity of the assessment is maintained and the intent is not compromised.  E.g., extension of time, oral questions and answers etc. 
You must complete the coversheet.  
All questions must be answered. 
You have to replace all occurrences of '99' in this document with the lab ID that was assigned to you at the beginning of the unit. 
Naming conventions for the lab environment must be followed. 
Unless stated otherwise, all virtual machines must use only the 'Internal Network' adapter. 
The Windows Firewall must be enabled for all profiles on the host and on the virtual machines at all times. All inbound connections that do not match a rule must be blocked. 
You have to complete the answers electronically and submit the completed assessment document electronically in Moodle by the due date.  
If you have any questions about the task or concerns about your ability to complete the task, please discuss this with your Assessor.

Task Overview
Note:    Activities in this task are a continuation of activities in the previous assessment task. 
You may use the server from assessment 3 to provide the documentation details required for the completion of this assessment. 
Read and review the scenario presented below. Then answer the questions in the tasks and questions area enacting the role you were assigned in the scenario. 
You are to demonstrate your ability to:
Prepare the sever build documentation. 
Note:    You may use the Active Directory (AD) server from assessment 3 to provide the documentation details.
Clean up and restore worksite to client’s satisfaction
Complete the final report and notify the client via email of the server status
Secure sign-off for the server
Note:    Prior to submitting your assessment in Moodle, you will have to obtain sign-off for the server deployment project from your manager. This may introduce 2-3 working days delays before you can submit your your assessment. Make sure you take this into consideration when planning your work schedule. 

The context for this scenario is the Case Study for Lean Development. You must be familiar with this case study before proceeding any further. 
Note:    The Case Study can be found in Moodle in the Assessments section and is published together with assessment 5.  
Your Role
You work as a system engineer for MP Tech Solutions Ltd (MP Tech). Your organisation provides consulting, system integration, network and support services to Lean Development Pty Ltd (LD). 
You are working on the server deployment project for LD and are responsible for all technical aspects of the project. The upgrade is managed by a MP Tech consultant on behalf of LD. This consultant is the central point of contact for all matters relating to LD and is also your manager.
Note:    Your teacher takes on the role of the MP Tech consultant and will act as your manager.  
You have installed and configured the new server according to the design specification and you have also successfully completed all required testing. 
To conclude the server deployment project, you now have to document the actual server configuration, clean up the work site, produce a final status report and obtain sign-off for the server you have deployed. 

Tasks and questions
Build documentation, final status report and sign-off request
You are to complete the build documentation using the MP Tech standard build document template. 
Note:    The build template document can be found in Moodle in the Assessments section and is published together with this assessment document.  
In the build template document, all parts marked with light-blue background must be completed. Instructions for obtaining relevant information are provided as needed and are presented in <italic purple print>. 
As part of the worksite clean-up, you are to remove the VMs ‘W99-Win2019-Full-1-DE-Eval’ and ‘W99-Win10-Eval-2‘ from your host and and record the list of remaining VMs in the build document. 
Note:    If you have not yet successfully completed assessment 1, 2 or 3, consult with your teacher before removing any of the VMs.
Once you have completed the build document, you have to compose a formal email to your manager containing: 
A message subject line indicating the context of the message
The completed build document as an attached Microsoft Word document. 
The message body must comply with workplace etiquette for communicating with customers and has to contain the following:
oA final status report for the server deployment project (in bullet form). The status report must address the following points: 
Whether the server was built according to the design specification
Whether the server is operational
Whether the attached documentation was completed according to the company’s standards
Whether the worksite has been cleaned up as agreed 
oA request for the project sign-off. The sign-off is to be recorded in the designated section at the bottom of the build document. 
oA request to return the signed build document via email. 
oA polite message conclusion. 
Your manager will reply to your email within 3 working days and inform you whether the sign-off has been approved. 
If the sign-off is rejected, you will have to address all issues raised before proceeding any further. 
You are to demonstrate that you have sent the email and the completed server build document to your manager.

1    To demonstrate that you have requested sign-off for the server build project, take a screenshot of the email you sent to your manager.  
This email must clearly show the following details: 
Recipients and date/time when the email was sent
Subject line relevant to the context of the email
Reference to the attachment file containing the build documentation
The message body must contain all parts identified above
Limit the body of your email to between 100 - 200 words. Paste the screenshot in the answer area below. 
Subject: Request for Sign-Off on Server Build Project
Recipients: [Your Manager’s Email]
Date/Time: [Date and Time of Email]
Dear [Manager's Name],
I hope this message finds you well. I am writing to request your sign-off for the completion of the server build project. The necessary documentation has been prepared and is attached to this email for your review. The document includes details on the build process, configurations, and testing results.
Please let me know if you require any additional information or adjustments. Your approval will allow us to move forward with the final deployment.
Looking forward to your feedback.
Best regards,
[Your Name]
Attachment: Server_Build_Documentation.pdf

Confirm you have obtained the project sign-off 
Your manager has replied to your previous email and confirmed the project sign-off. 
Note:    Do not proceed unless you received confirmation from your manager that the project has been signed off. 
If the sign-off was rejected, you will have to return to question 1 and resolve all issues until you obtain sign-off. 
You are to provide evidence that you received an email confirming the project sing off.  

2    To demonstrate the server deployment project has been successfully completed, take a screenshot of the email you received from your manager. 
This email must clearly show the following details: 
Sender and date/time when the email was sent
Subject line relevant to the context of the email
Message body containing confirmation of the sign-off
Reference to the PDF attachment file containing the build documentation with the completed sign-off section
Paste the screenshot in the answer area below.

Subject: Sign-Off Confirmation for Server Build Project
Sender: [Manager’s Name] <[manager@example.com]>
Date/Time: [Date and Time of Email]
Hi [Your Name],
Thank you for submitting the documentation for the server build project. I have reviewed the material and am happy to confirm that the project has been successfully completed. The sign-off section in the attached PDF is filled in as requested, marking the formal closure of this project.
Great job on delivering this project on time. If there are any further actions required, please don't hesitate to reach out.
Best regards,
[Manager’s Name]
Attachment: Server_Build_Documentation_Signed.pdf

Submit assessment and the build document containing the sign-off in Moodle 
You must submit the following two documents in Moodle:
1.This assessment document with the two questions completed
2.The server build document PDF file containing the sign-off section completed by your manager

Learner Declaration (hard copy submission only)
Please read, tick and sign below

I declare that the attached assessment I have submitted is my own original work and any contributions from and references to other authors are clearly acknowledged and noted. 

This document has been created for the purpose of this assessment only and has not been submitted as another form of assessment at Melbourne Polytechnic or any other tertiary institute. 

I have retained a copy of this work for my reference in the event that this application is lost or damaged.

I give permission for Melbourne Polytechnic to keep, make copies of and communicate my work for the purpose of investigating plagiarism and/or review by internal and external assessors. 

I understand that plagiarism is the act of using another person’s idea or work and presenting it as my own. This is a serious offence and I will accept that penalties will be imposed on me should I breach Melbourne Polytechnic’s plagiarism policy.

Student Signature    X    Date    
Please note that your assignment will not be accepted unless you have:
Completed all sections of the assignment
Acknowledged all sources of other people’s contributions including references and Students’ names for group work assessments
Completed all areas of this Student assignment cover sheet.





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