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原创 COMPSCI 316: Cyber Security

Assignment 1COMPSCI 316: Cyber Security, Semester 2, 2024This assignment is worth 100 marks. The weight of this assignment is 10% of the course. The deadline to submit this assignment is Friday, September 13, 23:59 hrs NZ Time. No late submissions are acce

2024-09-11 16:16:35 453

原创 Introduction to data Science with Python


2024-09-11 16:14:56 634

原创 Interactive Employee Management System

••••••••system. ••••••••of data.•issues. •••••format.••。

2024-09-11 15:48:24 276

原创 Building Dynamic Memory Allocators

OutlineDue date:20%Policies:westronglymalloc()andfree()Backgroundmmapandmunmapbest fit, and thennextandpreviousfirst fitBest fitsmallestNext fitbest fitentirefree list!direction.nfree lists1, one foronly haven8*nmmaptime。

2024-09-11 15:47:40 423

原创 SWD604 Program Design and Construction

Page | 1PracticalLevel6Credits15Due date:60%100Tutor:Course aimPurposeandPage | 2LO 1LO 2LO 3Plagiarismmarked.Page | 3numberPage | 4AssessmentTASK 1:24 marksTheory:scenarioPage | 5TASK 2:10 marksd. PaymentTASK 3:10 marks。

2024-09-11 13:41:12 576

原创 COMP2230/COMP6230 Algorithms

SouthJunctionNorthCrossingEasternPlazaWesternMetroTallTowersSimpleShopsCentralStationTinyTrainyardPerfectParkBigBouldvardMauve Road2。

2024-09-11 13:28:21 459

原创 COMP SCI 3004/7064 Operating Systems

Aim0041f7a0 R13f5e2c0 R05e78900 R004758a0 R31348900 WReport。

2024-09-10 20:17:18 479

原创 FIT9137 Assignment 2

●ImportantSubmissioncheckforeverystudentItisthestudentstocheckif theirmakingadraftsubmissionit),everystudentdownloadtheirowndraftfiles(e.g.,recordedvideoPDFimnfileetcandcheckifthedraft。

2024-09-10 20:12:13 570

原创 ECOM 2001 Term Project Description

ECOM 2001 Term Project DescriptionDue 30 September at 9:00AMAWSTIntroductionThe aim of this project is to prepare, evaluate and analyse stock market data and to recommend an optimal portfo- lio consisting of two stocks. You have been assigned three stocks,

2024-09-10 19:46:16 619

原创 Digital Marketing Strategy Online Media Campaign

RationaleTypeSearchGoalObjectiveNetworksSchedule5 daysPerth CityTargetingBudget$100BiddingText AdSubstanceRationaleHeadlineSitelinksCalloutKeywordsConclusionText AdsSubstanceRationaleHeadlineSitelinksCalloutKeywordsConclusion。

2024-09-10 19:41:32 725

原创 FIT3031 - Network Security

Notes.(5 marks)

2024-09-10 19:37:12 702

原创 PHYS2012 Quantum Physics

PHYS2012 Quantum Physics AssignmentDue date: 10th September 2024 11.59pmQuestion 1A beam of spin-1/2 particles are prepared in the following quantum state:Answer the following questions.1. Normalise this quantum state vector.2. What are the possible result

2024-09-10 19:33:55 479

原创 Russell Cooper Exercise #1

dq(d01 Solution。

2024-09-10 07:51:07 277

原创 MDSB22 FMS Playlist Track 1

Who am I?Email:Example:s???try tobe on time?expect tocourse.in it?Next Week?

2024-09-10 07:48:01 758

原创 COMP3506/7505 Algorithms and Data Structures


2024-09-09 17:36:30 765

原创 MAST90083: Computational Statistics and Data Science

School of Mathematics and StatisticsMAST90083: Computational Statistics and Data ScienceAssignment 1Due date: No later than 08:00am on Monday 9th September 2024Weight: 20%Question 1 Linear RegressionIn this question, we will apply linear regression, ridge

2024-09-09 17:33:06 560

原创 comp10002 Foundations of Algorithms

nottabseparatedformatexactlydonotdonotand donotstableYearEventGenderCountryMedal2024CyclingWomensChina2024SwimmingWomensChina2024SwimmingWomensIndonesia2024CyclingWomens2024CyclingWomens2024SwimmingWomens<<>>

2024-09-09 17:31:34 754

原创 ACCT1101 Accounting for Decision Making

making.1.July 12.July 13.July 14.July 55.July 66.July 77.July 138.July 139.July 1410.July 1411.July 1412.July 1513.July 2414.July 2815.July 2816.July 3017.July 3118.July 311 Aug 20181 Jul 2023581215Cost$55,500。

2024-09-09 15:58:59 683

原创 COSC3088 Essentials of IT and Ethics

one(7 marks)(6 marks)(5 marks)OR(7 marks)(6 marks)(5 marks)(3 marks)(3 marks)(3 marks)AND/ORAND/OR(3 marks)

2024-09-09 15:56:20 656

原创 Arch 150 Problem Set 1: SF MoMA

(7.5pt)(2.5pt)(2.5 pt)(20pt)

2024-09-09 15:54:29 863

原创 FINM1416 Workshop 2

individualgroupRequired:standardThisiswhatyouwillbebringingtoyourmembersclearlystateanymadeand whyyoumadeialYoumustattendtheworkshoptogetmarkssolelyfinancialcriteriayouexplainboth。

2024-09-09 13:35:51 412 1



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