Paper reading (三十三):Personalized Nutrition by Prediction of Glycemic Responses(Experimental)


4. Experimental Procedures

4.1 Human cohorts

4.2 Study design

  • 描述了实验具体操作步骤,主要是数据采集过程。

4.3 Standardized meals

  • Participants were instructed to consume these meals immediately after their night fast, not to modify the meal, and to refrain from eating or performing strenuous physical activity before, and for 2 hr following consumption.

4.4 Stool sample collection

  • Participants sampled their stool following detailed printed instructions. 

4.5 Genomic DNA extraction and filtering

  • Genomic DNA Extraction and Filtering相关的一些技术介绍。

4.6 Microbial analysis

  • USearch8.0,GEM,MetaPhlAn2

4.7 Associating PPGRs with risk factors and microbiome profile

  • We also calculated the mean PPGR of replicates of each standardized meal (if performed) and correlated (Pearson) these values with (a) blood tests; (b) anthropometric measurements; (c) 16S rRNA RA at the species to phylum levels; (d) MetaPhlAn tag-level RA; and (e) RA of KEGG genes.
  • We capped RA at a minimum of 1e-4 (16S rRNA), 1e-5 (MetaPhlAn) and 2e-7 (KEGG gene). For 16S rRNA analysis we removed taxa present in less than 20% of participants.
  • Correlations on RAs were performed in logspace.

4.8 FDR correction

  • FDR was employed at the rate of 0.15

4.9 Meal preprocessing

  • We merged meals logged less than 30 min apart and removed meals logged within 90 min of other meals. We also removed very small (<15 g and <70 Calories) meals and meals with very large (>1 kg) components, meals with incomplete logging and meals consumed at the first and last 12 hr of the connection week.

4.10 PPGR predictor

  • The depth of the tree at each estimator was not limited, but leaves were restricted to have at least 60 instances (meals). 
  • We used 4000 estimators with a learning rate of 0.002.

4.11 Microbiome changes during dietary intervention

  • We determined the significantly changing taxa of each participant by a Z test of fold-change in RA between the beginning and end of each intervention week against a null hypothesis of no change and standard deviation calculated from at least 25-fold changes across the first profiling week (no intervention) of corresponding taxa from all participants with similar initial RA.
  •  We checked whether a change was consistent across the cohort for each taxa by performing Mann-Whitney U-test between the Z statistics of the “good” intervention weeks and those of the “bad” intervention weeks across all participants.
评论 1




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