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转载 移动级处理芯片岁末盘点

时间过得真快,不知不觉间又到了年关,这就说明一年一度做盘点汇总的时候也要到了。作为即将踏入这个科技行业快有三个年头的媒体人,笔者也这在这段时间内跟随新兴的移动互联网市场一起成长着,同时也看尽了这三年来行业里无情的变迁。感叹身在同一个行业里厂商们,处在不同的位置,站在不同的角度,玩儿法也各有不同。    回想起三年前,内个时候我们谈论移动互联网市场主要看的是终端产品,最初的HTC与MOTO是

2013-12-25 19:44:11 4490

转载 关注未来摄像头之新技术(作者 52RD gaolibin)


2013-12-12 12:50:27 4334

转载 任正非创业期间得抑郁症:研发失败我就跳楼

“饿狼逼饱狼”:华为人才如何脱颖而出?  稻盛和夫两年将日航扭亏为盈,没有别的招数,就两招:一是敬天爱人,尊重员工,让员工由被动工作变主动工作;二是阿米巴,用一套会计核算体系植 入人力资源管理,去量化组织中每个团队、每个人操作多少价值。我经常说小企业做大,大企业做小,华为和稻盛和夫的阿米巴经营是一样的,实际上就是拿一套量 化的会计核算体系来看每个人的价值。  华为人力资源分三个系统

2013-12-11 12:55:09 6315

转载 雷军:创业起飞要找肥的行业等待台风口

新浪财经讯 “2013(第十二届)中国企业领袖年会”于2013年12月7日-9日在北京举行。小米科技创始人兼CEO雷军先生在本次会议中做ted主题演讲,雷军认为最最重要的是自己遇到了一个“台风口”,这个“台风口”就是一头猪都能飞得起来的“台风口”。如果你的企业想获得成功,我觉得在这个能力的范围里面要寻找属于自己的“台风口”。  以下为雷军发言实录:  雷军:大家早晨好!感谢《中国企

2013-12-09 12:45:49 5832

转载 老杳:小米最终竞争对手是电商不是手机公司


2013-11-22 08:37:39 6176

转载 图集:人类史上信息储存技术重要里程碑回顾

各种数位储存/记忆体技术日新月异,还记得在几年前看到1G记忆卡就觉得稀奇得要命,现在市面上的大拇哥随身碟内建的快闪记忆体容量已经达到TB等级…以下图集是一位资深工程师Jeremy Cook分享的人类历史上资讯储存、记忆体技术演进历程重要里程碑;如果你手上也有一些「老古董」,欢迎与我们分享!书写虽然这并非是电子甚至机械技术,「书写」基本上就是人类历史一项了不起的发明,因为它不仅让相隔两地

2013-11-19 09:56:39 6105

转载 诺基亚透露未来摄像头创新技术

在近日举办的Slush 2013上,诺基亚投资部门“Nokia Growth Partners”向外界透露了一些正在研发中的拍照手机创新技术和基于诺基亚长期投资的其他一些公司的创新技术,这一切看起来都十分诱人!1、我们有能力制造拥有超过人眼分辨率的智能手机摄像头吗?InVisage,一家位于加州的诺基亚成长伙伴基金投资公司,他们开发了一种新的图像传感技术,这种技术基于定制设计的纳米材料

2013-11-15 18:54:46 2921

转载 杨元庆:联想的新目标是苹果

赵楠  [ 在PC业务方面,联想通过不断并购,以及对新兴市场的逐级渗透,继续巩固规模和营收优势,来为手机、平板电脑等PC+业务输血,为新业务的发展赢取时间机会 ]  与老牌PC厂商宏碁的亏损以及CEO更迭不同,联想在第三季度却取得了逆市增长。  昨日,联想集团发布截至今年9月30日的第三季度财报。财报显示,联想集团该季度营收97.7亿美元,较去年同期增长12.7%;净利润达

2013-11-08 08:50:55 3239

转载 李进良:TD-LTE高潮完全逆转 4G前景捏一把汗

C114讯 11月6日晚间消息 尽管4G牌照还没有发放,但充其量也不到两个月了。从6月底以来中国电信与中国联通两位运营商掌门人都表态要在人口密集、高话务量地区上TD-LTE,说明了他们审时度势响应国家自主创新国策的明智决策,随着三大运营商相继明确自己采用TD-LTE进行4G组网建设的规划,使期待已久的整个TD产业链欢欣鼓舞。  人们都期盼一旦4G牌照发放下来,必然很快在国内掀起大建TD-LTE

2013-11-08 08:46:22 3513

转载 百度借百分之百布局移动终端

刘佳 吴斯丹  挑战雷军、叫板小米,并多次力挺百度(150.09, -3.37, -2.20%)云ROM操作系统的百分之百董事长徐国祥,最终傍上了百度这棵“大树”。  昨日,百度公布战略投资深圳市百分之百数码科技有限公司,成为其最大的战略投资者。这是百度在花费18.5亿美元拿下91抢占移动入口之后,首次将投资切入硬件终端,布局移动生态。  双方并未透露投资金额,但一位业内人

2013-11-07 08:47:57 3076

转载 同方国芯:从3000万到100亿发展纪实


2013-11-07 08:45:46 5566

转载 手机制造商齐发力 剑指可弯曲显示屏

网易科技讯 北京时间11月5日消息,据国外媒体报道,三星与LG两大韩国手机制造商不久前都推出了各自的曲面屏智能手机,但两家厂商真正想要的是可运用于可穿戴设备的可弯曲显示屏。这项技术在未来可能成为科技业的新宠,但该技术真正成熟尚需时日,还有多个难关需要克服。曲面屏手机是块踏脚石三星与LG相隔数周发布了各自的曲面屏智能手机,这也让人不禁要问:到底有没有人需要曲面屏手机?不过三星

2013-11-06 12:43:37 2466

转载 解密中概股的“杀手”:做空者

做空者们中国有句俗话:打人不打脸,骂人不揭短。但是很了解中国的浑水却非常喜欢中概股的短,而且往往喜欢在关键时刻来揭短,一如此次在网秦八周年活动庆典的前夜。而除了浑水之外,另外一家做空机构香橼也喜欢找中国企业的麻烦。那么,这些与中概股频频过不去的家伙到底是何许人也?美国《华尔街日报》在一篇对浑水的报道开篇中这样写道:“奇特的发型、使用假名以及细致入微的调查让布洛克(Carson Bl

2013-11-06 09:02:15 3121

转载 智能眼镜技术特点与挑战

在Google提出Google Glass后,智慧型眼镜成为业界关注焦点,并研究其系统、规格及设计。智慧型眼镜所采行的处理器、记忆体、储存等,大体上与智慧型手机无异,主要为Cortex-A9双核、1GHz以上的运作时脉,记忆体为1GB,仅少数达2GB,储存则多在4GB、8GB、16GB。若储存空间不足,也可外接Micro-SD记忆卡来扩展延伸空间,或在牺牲存取速度下,转移到云端空间

2013-11-06 08:56:14 3669

转载 中国电子报:中国IC业不创新思路没出路

本报记者 陈炳欣2013年中国IC行业在资本运作层面出现了一个小高潮:9月底澜起科技在美国Nasdaq成功上市,成为过去10年在美国上市的第4家中国集成电路设计企业,也是近3年来在美国上市的唯一的中国集成电路设计企业。在此之前,同方国芯以定向增发的方式实现了对深圳国微电子的合并;紫光集团斥资17.8亿美元收购了展讯通信,创造了中国集成电路设计业最大的资本并购案,展现出资本市场对集成电路设计

2013-11-06 08:53:53 5282

转载 小米的用户估值模式PK传统硬件出货模式


2013-11-06 08:53:15 4314

转载 雷军方法论:新估值模式与不对称战争


2013-11-06 08:49:56 4200

转载 ADS1.2进行嵌入式软件开发(ZT)

概述      嵌入式应用程序通常都是在样机环境下调试与开发的,这种环境与最终产品之间并不完全相同。因此,在系统调试阶段就考虑应用程序在最终目标硬件中的运行情况是非常重要的。     本文旨在讨论怎么将一个开发/调试环境下的嵌入式应用程序转移到最终独立运行的目标系统中去,并提到了ARM ADS1.2开发工具包的一些功能特性及其在这个过程中所起到的作用。    使用ADS开发嵌入式程序时

2013-11-05 16:20:50 4533

转载 Android 4.4 KitKat 更新发布 各种实用小改进纷至沓来

今天Google终于发布了Android 4.4 KitKat,虽然没有特别震撼的大改进,但各种实用小改进还是让人应接不暇,让Android系统更智能,UI的改进也更现代,比如新的半透明效果(Hello iOS 7):新的电话拨号应用,可快速搜索人名,甚至是地名Hangouts直接整合了原来的短信应用,现在用Hangouts可以解决短信、网络文字、视频、彩信所有事情,还可分享当前的

2013-11-01 13:03:15 1961

转载 凡客“小米化”改造:雷军与陈年最基友的商业故事


2013-11-01 13:00:18 1747

转载 美刊:聪明的定价策略让小米“超越”苹果

多年来,中国的手机市场给消费者提供了一个毫无吸引力的选择:要么购买一部高质量的进口手机(例如iPhone或者三星Galaxy手机),要么就勉强接受一部价低质次的国产手机。鉴于中国很少有人能买得起一部iPhone,中国的山寨手机市场如此强大也就丝毫不令人奇怪了。    美国《大西洋》月刊网站10月24日发文称,在这样的背景下,小米出现了。这家建立仅3年的公司制造了时髦、诱人的智能手机,功能与

2013-11-01 12:58:33 1831

转载 雷军追随乔布斯 打造中国亚马逊


2013-11-01 12:56:46 1707

转载 乐视酝酿手机计划:小米模式+联想经验


2013-11-01 12:54:33 1324

转载 全球TDD 4G发展现状

国家工信部将于年内向运营商发放4G牌照,以促进国内自主创新的TD-LTE的大规模商用从而带动TD-LTE在国际上的大规模商用。笔者总结了TD-LTE的芯片与终端发展现状、国内及全球其他国家/地区TD-LTE网络建设现状。TD-LTE技术发展势头良好,芯片已经可以满足数据业务应用,TDD 4G智能终端(尤其是智能手机)正在被陆续推出。1、全球情况截至目前,全球新增6个商用网络,商业网

2013-11-01 12:51:09 2275

转载 TD-LTE芯片技术趋势 持续性的模式、频段竞赛

2012年TD-LTE(Time Division Long Term Evolution)成为通讯产业热门议题,对此DIGITIMES Research观察TD-LTE晶片的技术、业者、市场等发展,并推估未来发展走向。经1年发展,DIGITIMES Research再次观察比对,发现TD-LTE晶片业者已有不同的市场斩获,单模TD-LTE晶片的主要业者为Altair,多模TD-LTE晶片

2013-11-01 12:45:17 990

转载 移动战略博弈:看三星和微软如何挑战苹果和谷歌

移动平台权力和利润金字塔(腾讯科技配图)腾讯科技 乐学 10月31日编译三星正在吞并移动创业公司。微软已收购了诺基亚。谷歌(微博)的移动广告营收已初见成效。苹果正在谋求转型。在这些举措背后,是各家公司移动战略的角力。平台的权力和利润金字塔如图所示,在移动平台的“权力和利润金字塔”中,位于塔尖的是“服务”,从上往下依次是二级应用程序、主应用程序、操作系统、设备制造商和网络运营商。

2013-10-31 19:25:45 1271

转载 400%能效提升 ARM发布T760最快移动GPU

今天 AMR 正式发布了两款 Mali 系列 GPU(图形处理器),具体型号分别为 Mali-T720 和 Mali-T760。其中,Mali- T720 是一款中档 GPU,主要接任目前主流的 Mali-400 MP 和 450 MP GPU; Mali-T760 是代替 Mali- T604 的最新旗舰级移动 GPU,据称在能耗方面相较 Mali-T604 降低了 400%。目前在

2013-10-31 19:17:06 1897

转载 雷军:没想到红米会如此火 芯片也应免费

"芯片业应该借鉴互联网实现免费,按照成本价销售",10月30日,小米科技董事长雷军在2013年北京微电子国际研讨会预言:三五年之内一定会有一家新的芯片公司是按沙子卖芯片,而且取得巨大的成功。雷军预估:如果芯片免费的话,未来像小米这样高端的手机只需要500元人民币。当天,在北京市经信委主办此次峰会上,雷军做了《软件加硬件加互联网铁人三项引领世界》(附全文)的演讲。 雷军介绍:小米创业团队平均年龄

2013-10-31 19:11:23 1473

转载 linux 内核分析之list_head

本文详细分析了 2.6.x 内核中链表结构的实现,并通过实例对每个链表操作接口进行了详尽的讲解。一、 链表数据结构简介链表是一种常用的组织有序数据的数据结构,它通过指针将一系列数据节点连接成一条数据链,是线性表的一种重要实现方式。相对于数组,链表具有更好的动态性,建立链表时无需预先知道数据总量,可以随机分配空间,可以高效地在链表中的任意位置实时插入或删除数据。链表的开销主要是访问的顺序性和

2011-11-24 08:25:55 819

转载 GIF图片的文件储存结构和动画原理

原文地址:[转]GIF图片的文件储存结构和动画原理作者:serfan1.概述  GIF(Graphics Interchange Format,图形交换格式)文件是由CompuServe公司开发的图形文件格式,版权所有,任何商业目的使用均须 CompuServe公司授权。  GIF图象是基于颜色列表的(存储的数据是该点的颜色对应于颜色列表的索引值),最多只支

2011-11-10 14:42:47 8091 2

转载 Android JNI知识简介

Java Native Interface (JNI)标准是java平台的一部分,它允许Java代码和其他语言写的代码进行交互。JNI 是本地编程接口,它使得在 Java 虚拟机 (VM) 内部运行的 Java 代码能够与用其它编程语言(如 C、C++ 和汇编语言)编写的应用程序

2011-08-27 15:36:54 815

转载 linux curl使用简介

Curl是一个很强大的http命令行工具,其功能十分强大。1) 二话不说,先从这里开始吧!$ curl http://www.yahoo.com回车之后,www.yahoo.com 的html就稀里哗啦地显示在屏幕上了    ~2) 嗯,要想把读过来页面存下来

2011-07-06 12:35:36 911 2

转载 对CURL的一些研究

前两天看到有人求客户端socket 发HTTP包的代码,受flw版主启发找了一些perl的资料,不过对perl 还是不太熟悉。也没有深入的研究。无意中发现了libcurl.so 这个库。去google上搜索发现它是处理客户端发送HTTP请求的库 以及可以处理w

2011-07-05 12:28:43 767

原创 Android2.2下camera应用程序支持GPS信息写入jpeg文件


2011-07-04 19:36:41 4670 3

转载 Android2.2下的EXIF信息处理

一.什么是ExifExif(Exchangeable Image File 可交换图像文件)是一种图象文件格式,它的数据存储与JPEG格式是完全相同的。实际上Exif格式就是在JPEG格式头部插入了数码照片的信息,包括拍 摄时的光圈、快门、白平衡、ISO、焦距、日期时间等各种和拍摄条件以及相机品牌、型号、色彩编码、拍摄时录制的声音以及全球定位系统(GPS)、缩略图 等。简单地说,Exif=JPEG

2011-07-02 17:48:30 3455 3

转载 Exif文件格式描述

该文档的日文版     该文档的 英文版   翻译 : Lymons Lau , l y m o n s @ g m a i l . c o m Exif文件格式描述当前,几乎新型的数码相机都使用Exif文件格式来存储图像. 它的规格是由 JEIDA 来制定的, 但是在互联网上还没有开放的文档可供浏览. 因此我根据从互联网上所能得到一些开放资料做成了这份Exif格式的描述文档.注: 现在我们能得到

2011-07-02 17:25:32 6077

转载 什么是Exif

Exif是英文Exchangeable Image File(可交换图像文件)的缩写,最初由日本电子工业发展协会(JEIDA --Japan Electronic Industry Development Association) 制订,目前的最新版本是2.21 版。国际标准化组织(ISO)正在制订的相机文件设计标准(DCF -- Design role for Camera

2011-07-02 17:02:02 1428

原创 Android2.2源代码中关于生成图片缩略图的一个bug


2011-07-02 16:49:31 2635

转载 Android游戏框架AndEngine使用入门

http://www.oschina.net/bbs/thread/15850项目站点:http://www.andengine.org 项目地址:http://code.google.com/p/andengine 示例地址:http://code.google.com/p/andengineexamples PS:本文中使用的AndEngine源码为2011年3月3日获得。

2011-06-05 18:20:00 1354

转载 最简洁Python语言教材

为非程序员准备的简洁Python语言教材,欢迎提问。Python 的中文意思是巨蟒,大蟒蛇。计算机编程主要概念¶ 计算机语言编程的主要内容就这些:数字,文字,循环,公式,变量数 字: 1, 2, 3, 5.6, 120, 32.4, 3.1415926, -3, -0.123 文字: 你好,我好,你太牛了,很黄很暴力,这类的文字。一般用双引号(")或者单引号()括起来。术语叫字符串

2011-06-05 18:03:00 3108





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深入理解 C & C++_Olve Maudal & Jon Jagger

深入理解 C & C++_Olve Maudal & Jon Jagger



coreutils-5.97-MSYS-1.0.11-snapshot.tar为MSYS补丁。 MSYS:Minimal GNU(POSIX)system on Windows,是一个小型的GNU环境,包括基本的bash,make等等。是Windows下最优秀的GNU环境。(是否厌倦了Cygwin蜗牛般的shell环境,试试MSYS中的rxvt吧)



FFmpeg是一个开源免费跨平台的视频和音频流方案,属于自由软件,采用LGPL或GPL许可证(依据你选择的组件)。它提供了录制、转换以及流化音视频的完整解决方案。它包含了非常先进的音频/视频编解码库libavcodec,为了保证高可移植性和编解码质量,libavcodec里很多codec都是从头开发的。FFmpeg在Linux平台下开发,但它同样也可以在其它操作系统环境中编译运行,包括Windows、Mac OS X等。



MinGW是指只用自由软件来生成纯粹的Win32可执行文件的编译环境,它是Minimalist GNU on Windows的略称。这里的“纯粹”是指「使用msvcrt.dll的应用程序」。无法使用MFC (Microsoft Foundation Classes微软基础类库)。



bash-2.05b-MSYS.tar是对MSYS 1.0.11的补丁。 MSYS:Minimal GNU(POSIX)system on Windows,是一个小型的GNU环境,包括基本的bash,make等等。是Windows下最优秀的GNU环境。(是否厌倦了Cygwin蜗牛般的shell环境,试试MSYS中的rxvt吧)



MSYS的安装文件,版本为1.0.11. MSYS:Minimal GNU(POSIX)system on Windows,是一个小型的GNU环境,包括基本的bash,make等等。是Windows下最优秀的GNU环境。(是否厌倦了Cygwin蜗牛般的shell环境,试试MSYS中的rxvt吧)。



Release Notes for NuMega SmartCheck (TM) Version 6.0 This document contains late-breaking technical and product information. Contents * What's New * Reporting Problems And Suggestions * Installation Prerequisites * Installation * Removing An Installation * Frequently Asked Questions * Bug Fixes * Known Anomalies * Technical Notes What's New ========== SmartCheck 6.0 is easier to use. You can start and stop event reporting to see just the events you are debugging. When SmartCheck detects an error, you can go directly to Visual Basic to fix it. SmartCheck 6.0 supports VB6 and several new operating systems. It also contains bug fixes and many enhancements. 1. New operating systems and compilers supported: * Microsoft Visual Basic 6 * Microsoft Visual C++ 6 * Windows CE emulation mode * Windows 98 2. Microsoft Visual Basic 6 support includes support for User defined types (UDTs) and CallByName, plus parameter checking and error analysis for these new VB intrinsics: Filter, FormatCurrency, FormatDateTime, FormatNumber, FormatPercent, InstrRev, Join, MonthName, Replace, Round, Split, StrReverse, WeekdayName, StrConv, CreateObject. In Examples, VBBugBench has examples for VB 6 intrinsics. These are disabled by default. To enable the VB 6 intrinsics add the following line to the Conditional Compilation Arguments edit control on the Make Property Page: VB6_INTRINSICS = 1. Set VB6_INTRINSICS = 0 (or leave the argument blank) to compile for VB 5. 3. When SmartCheck detects an error, you can go to your source code in Visual Basic and edit your code. You must launch SmartCheck from Visual Basic to use this feature. Go to Source is available from the Program Error Detected window, and from any line in the Program Results window that is associated with VB source code in the project you loaded before running SmartCheck. 4. You can start and stop collecting information in the event log while your program is running. This lets you reduce the size of your event file, and see just the events for the part of the run you are trying to debug. From SmartCheck, use the new toolbar button, or deselect Event reporting on the Program menu to turn off logging. You can also control reporting from the Program Error Detected window. Note: After you stop event reporting, you may still see a few events in the Program Results window if these events are needed to match up with events that occurred while reporting was enabled. You can set the initial event reporting state for your program on the Reporting tab of the Program Settings dialog. 5. SmartCheck provides an API for starting and stopping event reporting from within your program. The Event Reporting API can be used as a straight API from C/C++ programs, or as a COM object from VB. NMEVTRPT.dll is installed in the Windows System directory. The header and import library files are in ERptAPI under the SmartCheck installation directory (NMEvtRpt.lib, and NMEvtRpt.h). See Using the Event Reporting API (AboutAPI.txt) in ERptAPI for details. 6. SmartCheck collects version information and the complete filename of every module loaded by your program. Choose Version Information from the View menu to see the information. Click on column headers to sort in ascending order. You can also print a report of version information. 7. SmartCheck records environment information about your session in a new Session Information event. To see this event, use View-Specific Events, and check Comments. Session information is the first event after your program starts. SmartCheck also logs your username, machine name and run date in the Program Transcript window. 8. SmartCheck version 6 adds analysis for VB runtime errors resulting from a system exception (such as Access Violation or GPF) or C++ exception inside a property put or get, or method call. Previously, these errors tended to result in VB runtime error 80010108, with no information on the source of the problem. Also included is analysis for C++ or system exceptions while loading a DLL (VB runtime error 48). Previously, this resulted in a vague analysis such as "Invalid access to memory location. The new analyzers tell you the details of the exception, and where it occurred. 9. Help for detected errors includes more Visual Basic code samples. 10. You can turn off immediate reporting of detected errors from the Program Error Detected window. This is useful if SmartCheck is detecting lots of errors, and you want to continue your run without acknowledging each error as it is detected. 11. On the View menu, View suppressed errors lets you display suppressed errors in the Program Results window, or remove them from the view. This option only applies to errors you suppressed yourself, and not to errors suppressed by the standard libraries distributed with SmartCheck. 12. SmartCheck's new compliance report makes it easier for you to see just the API calls your program makes that aren't supported by a particular operating system. Compliance reporting moved from the Program menu to the View menu. 13. A new setting, Overwrite memory with fill pattern upon deallocation, was added to Advanced Error Detection settings. When a program runs under SmartCheck, Windows NT can overwrite freed memory with a fill pattern to increase the chance that a General Protection Fault will occur if the program uses the freed memory. In previous versions of SmartCheck, this behavior always occurred. As a result, some programs that continued to use freed memory appeared to work outside of SmartCheck, but failed to run under SmartCheck. Since the error was often in third party code the user could not control, it was not possible to continue checking the application under SmartCheck without modifying the Windows NT Registry. Now you determine whether or not Windows NT overwrites memory after it is freed. To perform the most rigorous check on your program, enable the Overwrite memory with fill pattern setting. This setting applies only to Windows NT. 14. SmartCheck remembers dlls and ocxs that your program loads dynamically. This makes it easier for you to do selective checking because you don't need to manually enter the names of dynamically loaded modules in the Files to check tab of the Program Settings dialog. 15. You can select where SmartCheck stores its temporary files on the Program Information tab of the Program Settings dialog. 16. SmartCheck appears on a new DevPartner menu and toolbar in the VB IDE. New releases of NuMega DevPartner for Visual Basic products such as CodeReview, TrueTime, and FailSafe also appear on the DevPartner menu when they are installed. 17. SmartCheck can check programs compiled with NuMega TrueTime 1.1 instrumentation, but cannot check programs compiled with TrueTime 1.0. 18. See the section on Bug Fixes for the most significant bug fixes. Reporting Problems and Suggestions ================================== NuMega Technical Support can assist you with all your technical problems, from installation to troubleshooting. To contact Technical Support: World Wide Web www.numega.com Go to Support E-Mail tech@numega.com Fax 603-578-8401 Telephone 888 NUMEGA-S (U.S. and Canada) 1-603-578-8100 (International) Telephone support is available as a paid Priority Support Service from 8:30 AM to 5:30 PM EST, Monday through Friday. Have your product version and serial number ready. Technical Support handles installation and setup issues free of charge. Problem reports should include: - Product name and version - Product serial number - System configuration (CPU, RAM, OS) - Detailed problem description (include exact error message text) - How to reproduce problem - Options used in compiling and linking - Your SmartCheck error detection settings Installation Prerequisites ========================== * PC-compatible Intel 486 system or above * Microsoft Windows NT 3.51 and 4.0. Refer to www.numega.com for the latest on Windows NT 5.0 support. * Microsoft Windows 98 * Microsoft Windows 95 * RAM: 32 MB minimum * Disk: 13.8 MB for full installation * Microsoft Visual Basic 5.0 or Visual Basic 6.0 must be installed prior to SmartCheck if you want Setup to install Visual Basic IDE integration. VB 5.0 SP1, SP2 and SP3 are supported. We recommend VB 5.0 SP3 or above for the best SmartCheck performance. Installation ============ To install SmartCheck, run SETUP.EXE, and the setup wizard will guide you to completion. Removing An Installation ======================== To remove this product, select Settings from the Windows Start menu. Select Control Panel, then run Add/Remove Programs. Files that were created after installation will not be removed automatically. Frequently Asked Questions ========================== How can I use SmartCheck to check my out-of-process server? ----------------------------------------------------------- SmartCheck automatically detects errors in your program executable and any in-process servers. Since SmartCheck only sees one process, it does not automatically check out-of-process servers. To detect errors in out-of-process servers started by your program, start multiple, concurrent SmartCheck sessions, one for each EXE to be checked, and one for your program. Start out-of-process servers from stand-alone SmartCheck sessions, and enter -Embedding as a command line option on the Program Info tab of the Program Settings dialog. Read Checking Multiple ActiveX Executables in Help for detailed instructions. Why does SmartCheck only work with compiled (non p-code) executables? Why can't I check my program while running under the Visual Basic development environment debugger? -------------------------------------------------------------------- When you build a Visual Basic 5.0 program in native mode with debug information, SmartCheck can treat the program much like a Visual C++ program. The debug information allows SmartCheck to correlate program addresses with a source file and line number. When built as a p-code executable, there is no debug information to work from. You can run Visual Basic 5.0 p-code executables under SmartCheck, and some features will still work. However, SmartCheck will not be able to show you source code for errors and events, and other SmartCheck features are not fully supported for p-code. When debugging a program in the Visual Basic IDE, the program is running in p-code mode. In addition, there are other critical differences in the way the code is executed. The result is that SmartCheck cannot operate on an executable while it is being debugged from the Visual Basic IDE. How do I get more information when SmartCheck doesn't diagnose a problem? -------------------------------------------------------------------- By default, SmartCheck doesn't show errors occurring in modules that don't have debug information. This includes the Visual Basic run time library DLL (MSVBVM50.DLL for VB 5, MSVBVM60.DLL for VB 6). Additional information about a bug in your program can be often be found by observing the invalid parameters and API failures that occur in the VB run time library. To see these errors, go to Error Detection settings (Program | Settings | Error Detection), click Advanced and select "Report errors even if no source code is available," and deselect "Suppress system API and OLE calls." After your run, use Specific Events on the View menu to display additional events such as API calls from C, C++ and System code. If you do this, you'll likely see many OLE interface leaks at the end of your program. Some of these are from the OLE interfaces that represent Visual Basic controls. Others are from the OLE system DLLs. Bug Fixes ========= 1. This version of SmartCheck supports checking Microsoft Internet Explorer 4 and Outlook Express, as well as programs that use fibers. 1. If your project group contains an OCX and test program to use the OCX, it is no longer necessary to use VB's "Make project group" to build the project group before running SmartCheck. 2. Non-English language versions of Microsoft Visual Basic can now launch SmartCheck. 3. When you print event files, long lines are no longer truncated. 4. If you run low on virtual memory, SmartCheck notifies you. 5. SmartCheck remembers the last position and size of all its windows. It remembers the maximized state of all windows except the Program Results window. Known Anomalies =============== 1. Applications and tools using a DLL compiled with some versions of Shrinker (from Blink Inc.) won't run under SmartCheck, and cause Shrinker to display an error. Shrinker issued a fix for this problem, so contact your tool vendor for a new version of each tool compiled with the new Shrinker. If you are using Stamina, from Microdexterity, a fix is available. If your vendor does not have the new version of Shrinker yet, a workaround is to use SmartCheck Program Settings-Files to Check to disable the DLL or OCX mentioned in the Shrinker dialog. 2. If your program uses a type library to declare win32 APIs, the VB compiler generates code that is identical to the C compiler. By default, these calls are not collected or displayed in SmartCheck program results. To see a function declared in a typelib, select Settings from the Program menu before running your program, press Advanced on the Error Detection tab, and deselect "Suppress system API and OLE calls." Run your program. After the run, use Specific Events on the View menu to select API calls from C, C++ and System Code. 3. There is a known bug in Visual Basic 5.0 that can cause an invalid page fault on closing the IDE due to the way Visual Basic 5.0 destroys command bars during shut down. If you experience this problem, refer to Microsoft Knowledge Base Article ID Q167213, for workarounds (http://www.microsoft.com/kb/articles/q167/2/13.htm). This problem is corrected in Visual Basic 5.0 SP2. 4. Microsoft Script Debugger causes SmartCheck analysis of Visual Basic run-time errors to fail. The SmartCheck Program Transcript window contains the message "Outer event not found". A similar problem may occur with any multithreaded program where the other threads keep running (and generating events) during SmartCheck analysis. 5. Abnormal termination of a program compiled with VB 5.0 may cause instability in SmartCheck and Windows 95. If this occurs, upgrade to Visual Basic Service Pack 3 (http://www.microsoft.com/vbasic). Until you upgrade, avoid terminating your program with SmartCheck's End command. This problem does not occur under Windows NT. We have noticed a similar problem with abnormal termination of a program compiled with VB 6.0 under Windows 98. If you experience this problem, check with Microsoft for service packs for VB 6.0 or Windows 98, and avoid terminating your program with the End command on the SmartCheck Program Error Detected window. 6. Some users have reported that a program compiled by SmartCheck was a different size and had different UserControl properties than what they set in the IDE. After this occurs, the only way to create a good EXE is to exit and restart VB. We can duplicate this problem without SmartCheck, and have confirmed with Microsoft that this is a problem in Visual Basic. 7. When displaying parameters of type Date, the event pane correctly decode and shows them (e.g., "1-1-97"). However, the underlying data type of a Date is a double. The details pane displays all Date parameters as double values. 8. If a VB intrinsic function takes an unlimited number of comma delimited parameters, SmartCheck will only log/show the parameters that are required. For example: write #1, var1, var2, var3, "abc", var4 - Only the first argument (the file number --> #1) is required, and so it's the only one SmartCheck can log. 9. If the source code shown for an event appears to be off by several lines, you may be running a project that was initially created in VB4. The solution is to load the affected form files in VB5, make a change (e.g., add a blank line, then delete it), and then save the project. The next time VB5 rebuilds the program, the source lines should be correct. 10. If your project is already loaded in SmartCheck from VB, and you change SmartCheck Settings from the VB DevPartner menu, the changes do not take effect immediately. Either close and reload your project in SmartCheck, or display the Settings dialog from SmartCheck activate the new settings. Technical Notes =============== 1. SmartCheck detects resource leaks and memory problems in C and C++ components, but these types of problems do not occur in Visual Basic code. SmartCheck does monitor memory allocation leaks from an OCX or DLL which is explicitly calling one of the memory allocation APIs. This also includes GDI resources (brushes, pens, bitmaps) which you or your OCXs may be using. This version of SmartCheck detects object leaks in C and C++ components, but does not detect them in Visual Basic code. 2. SmartCheck does not track the VB global object or VB debug object. Some Visual Basic commands such as Load, Unload and Debug.Print are actually methods of these objects, and are not tracked by this version of SmartCheck. 3. SmartCheck supports all of the built-in Visual Basic controls, and all of the controls that come with the Visual Basic 5.0 Enterprise edition. SmartCheck also has visibility into third-party OCXs that use IDispatch::Invoke to communicate with Visual Basic. SmartCheck does not log events fired by controls that use the "dual interface" mechanism. In addition, SmartCheck doesn't show the interactions from OLE objects that aren't "controls". These are objects that you can't drop onto a form (e.g., "Excel.Worksheet"). 4. Checking Third Party Controls - By default, SmartCheck only shows you errors for modules that have source code and debug information available. To check third party controls, press Advanced on the Program Settings Error Detection tab. Check "Report errors even if no source code is available." 5. Looking Under the Hood of Visual Basic - By default, SmartCheck filters out events that you are not aware of when you write VB code. To see the system interactions under your VB code, select Settings from the Program menu, press Advanced on the Error Detection tab, and deselect "Suppress system API and OLE calls." Run your program. When the program results window is displayed, use Specific Events on the View menu to show additional details such as API calls from C, C++ and System code, and OLE method calls. You'll see many APIs and OLE methods that aren't documented, such as EVENT_SINK_Release, ThunRTMain, and __vbaChkstk. These APIs and others like them are the inner workings of the Visual Basic run time library. 4. To turn off reporting of OnError statements, suppress this function in MSVBVM50.DLL. Open your program in SmartCheck, and select Settings from the Program menu. Go to the Error Suppression tab, select the suppression library for your program, and click Add API Function. Select MSVBVM50.DLL from the Select API dialog, and select OnError from the list of functions. 5. If you use Data Access Objects, you can make your program run faster under SmartCheck by enabling the DAO350 Suppression Library. Open your program in SmartCheck, and select Settings from the Program menu. On the Error Suppression tab, select the DAO350.DLL suppression library. 6. To turn off checking of Data Access Objects, run your program once under SmartCheck. Then select Settings from the Program menu. Go to the Files to Check tab, and deselect DAO350.DLL from the file list. 7. Programs instrumented with NuMega FailSafe contain error handlers, so SmartCheck will not notify you when run-time errors occur. To analyze errors trapped by FailSafe, load your program under SmartCheck, choose Settings from the Program Menu, and enable Perform Analysis of Handled Visual Basic Runtime Errors on the Reporting tab. After you run your program, display Handled Errors (Specific Events on the View menu). 8. SmartCheck uses a 16k event buffer to determine the cause of a runtime error. If the source code line that SmartCheck needs to know about is too far away to be in the buffer, SmartCheck will not analyze the error. 9. You can run C/C++ modules instrumented with BoundsChecker FinalCheck (BoundsChecker 5.0 or above, Visual C++ edition only) under SmartCheck. However, you must relink with the version of bcinterf.lib that shipped with BoundsChecker 5.03 (or above). 10. Startup performance and alternate DEFAULT.DAT files ------------------------------------------------------ If your program takes an unusually long time to start under SmartCheck, you may want to use one of the alternate DEFAULT.DAT files shipped with SmartCheck. First, backup your existing copy of DEFAULT.DAT by renaming DEFAULT.DAT (in the SmartCheck DATA directory) to DEFAULT.BAK. Then, copy one of the alternate DEFAULT.xxx files to DEFAULT.DAT: Microsoft C/C++ (includes Symantec) DEFAULT.MSC Borland C/C++ (include Watcom) DEFAULT.BOR Borland Object Pascal (Delphi 2.X) DEFAULT.DPH All of the above DEFAULT.ALL NOTE: By default, SmartCheck installs DEFAULT.MSC ----------------------------------------------------------------- Copyright 1997, 1998 NuMega Lab, Compuware Corp. August 1998 readmevb.txt


Perl语言编程第三版 中文版

Perl是一门自由且功能强大的编程语言。自1987年初次登台亮相以来,它的用户数一直急剧膨胀。本书的第一版于1991年正式摆上书架,之后迅速成为这门语言无可争议的宝典。 本书不仅仅是一本关于Perl的书籍,更是一本独一无二的开发者自己介绍该语言及其文化的书籍。Larry Wall是Perl的开发者,并就Perl的未来发展方向提出了自己的看法。 Tom Christiansen是Perl最早的几个拥护者之一,也是少数几个在错综复杂的Perl中游刃有余的人之一。Jon Orwant是《Perl Journal》的主编,该杂志把Perl社区组合成了一个共同的论坛,以进行Perl新的开发。 任何Perl书籍都会介绍Perl函数的语法,但是只有这本权威指南包括这门语言的所有内幕。任何Perl书籍都会列出许多的特性,但是只有这本书会告诉你为什么会有这些特性以及如何自然地使用它们。任何Perl书籍都可能有一个头衔,但是只有这本书会被所有Perl程序员动情地称之为“骆驼书”。 从最初被当作一种在跨平台环境中书写可移植工具的高级语言开始,Perl就已经被广泛地认为是一种工业级的强大工具,可以在任何地方用来完成你的工作。Perl特别适合系统管理和Web编程。Perl实际上已经被所有Unix(包括Linux)捆绑在一起作为标准部件发布,而且也被广泛用于Microsoft Windows和几乎所有其他操作系统。Amiga、BeOS、VMS、MVS和 Apple Macintosh等也只是Perl已经完成移植的平台的一小部分。 本书有哪些新的内容呢?老实说几乎所有都是新的。本书第三版涵盖了新的Perl 5.6版本,不仅完全重新组织了一遍,而且还用无数个例子强化了这些内容。大多数现有的主题都是从头重写的,如面向对象编程和正则表达式,并添加了许多全新的章节,包括描述、pod、Unicode、线程、编译和Perl本质。 既是圣经,又是百科全书,也是年鉴,这就是本书的内涵。 前言 第一部分 概述 第一章 Perl概述 从头开始 自然语言与人工语言 一个平均值例子 文件句柄 操作符 控制结构 正则表达式 列表处理 你不知道但不会伤害你的东西(很多) 第二部分 细节 第二章 集腋成裘 原子 分子 内置的数据类型 变量 名字 标量值 环境 列表值和数组 散列 typeglob和文件句柄 输入操作符 第三章 一元和二元操作符 项和列表操作符(左向) 箭头操作符 自增和自减操作符 指数运算 表意一元操作符 绑定操作符 乘号操作符 附加操作符 移位操作符 命名一元操作符和文件测试操作符 关系操作符 相等操作符 位操作符 C 风格的逻辑(短路)操作符 范围操作符 条件操作符 赋值操作符 逗号操作符 列表操作符(右向) 逻辑与、或、非和异或 Perl中没有的C操作符 第四章语句和声明


















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