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原创 caffe训练时总是会占用0号GPU卡
Sometimes, we will change the default GPU 0 to others when we are training deep learning models using Caffe, however, we also find that gpu 0 is always used (~100 MBs) .To solver this, we can simp
2017-06-21 11:49:30 1562
原创 centos6.5 安装 ffmpeg
参考 http://blog.csdn.net/u012145581/article/details/51722699,第5步安装x264时,编译用 ./configure --enable-static --enable-shared
2016-11-13 22:28:50 549
转载 linux 硬盘挂载 fdisk parted命令
2016-04-12 00:57:06 748
原创 caffe中的iteration,batch_size, epochs理解
epoch: Forward and Backward pass of all training examples ( not used in Caffe)batch: how many images in one passiterations: how many batches1. Batch SizeBatch size in mainly depended to yo
2016-03-29 17:21:14 6348
原创 poj2840
#include #include #include using namespace std;int main(){ mapm; m[0]=12; for(int i=1;i if(i m[i]=12+i; continue; } m[i]=i-
2014-08-31 22:14:55 344
原创 poj1326
#include #include using namespace std;int acmPk(int mile,char clas){ int pk=0,tmp; switch(clas){ case 'F': pk=mile break; case 'B': tmp=(int)fl
2014-08-31 22:09:34 449
原创 检查元素1-n中是否有相同的元素,o(n)复杂度
#include using namespace std;const int maxn=1000;int a[maxn];bool flag[maxn];int main(){ int n; while(cin>>n){ memset(flag,false,sizeof(flag)); for(int i=0;
2014-08-31 22:06:51 448
原创 poj1046
找出颜色相距最近的一个映射,#include #include using namespace std;struct rgb{ int r; int g; int b;}color[17];int dis(rgb &c1,rgb &c2){ int d=(int)sqrt((float)(c1.r-c2.r)*(c1.r-c2.
2014-08-31 22:03:52 388
原创 poj2128
什么题来着,忘了,呵呵#include #include using namespace std;int main(){ int n; scanf("%d",&n); int x2,x3,mdis=1000000000,xi; scanf("%d",&x2); for(int i=2;i scanf("%d
2014-08-31 21:24:58 468
原创 快速排序 c++代码
#include using namespace std;int partition(int *l,int low,int high){ while(low while(low=l[low]){ high--; } swap(l[low],l[high]); while(low
2014-08-31 21:21:06 414
原创 poj3505
题目大意#include #include using namespace std;const int maxn=2605;struct car{ int f; int p;}car[maxn];int pos[55];//pos[i]表示第i层的传送带第pos[i]个位置在升降机口int main(){ int t;
2014-08-31 21:17:49 595
原创 poj2363
把小#include using namespace std;int main(){ int t,n; scanf("%d",&t); while(t--){ scanf("%d",&n); int i,j=1,k=1; int ans=0xfffffff,s=0; for(i=1
2014-08-31 21:13:34 462
原创 poj2562
#include using namespace std;int main(){ long int a,b; int s[10],t[10]; while(scanf("%ld%ld",&a,&b)&&(a+b)){ int i=0,j=0; while(a){ s[i++]=a%10;
2014-08-31 20:57:50 451
原创 poj1595
#include #include using namespace std;const int maxn=1001;bool prm[maxn];int main(){ memset(prm,true,sizeof(prm)); for(int i=3;i for(int j=3;j if(prm[i]){
2014-08-31 20:37:41 340
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