Morgan Stanley OA题库


【Q1】 Which of the following statements accurately describe unary operator overloading inC++?

A.    Aunary operator can be overloaded with one parameter when the operator functionis a class member.

B.    A unary operator can beoverloaded with one parameter when the operator function is free standingfunction (not a     class member).

C.    Aunary operator can only be overloaded if the operator function is a classmember.

D.    A unary operator can beoverloaded with no parameters when the operator function is a class member.

E.    A unary operator can beoverloaded with no parameters when the operator function is a free standingfunction (not a class member).


【Q2】 Which of the following statements correctly describe the code below in C++?

#definelanguage 437                   //Line1

#iflanguage < 400

#undeflanguage                          //Line2

#else                                          //Line3

#definelanguage850                   //Line4

#ifdeflanguage                           //Line5

printf("%d",language);        //Line 6



A.    Anerror or warning will occur on Line 6 because a macro cannot be used as part ofa preprocessor directive.

B.    Anerror or warning will occur on Line 2 because #undef is not a valid preprocessordirective.

C.    An error or warning willoccur on Line 4 because language has already been defined.

D.    IfLine 1 is changed to #define language 300, Line 6 will print "850".

E.    Anerror or warning will occur on Line 3 because #else can only be used as thelast conditional in the chain.


【Q3】 Whichof the following statements regarding the benefits of using template functionsover preprocessor #define macros are correct?

A.    Apreprocessor macro expansion cannot work when user-defined types are passed toit as arguments.

B.    Sincethe preprocessor does the macro expansion and not the compiler, the buildprocess takes a longer period of time.

C.    While expanding #definemacros, the preprocessor does no type checking on the arguments to the macro.

D.    Apreprocessor macro expansion incurs a performance overhead at runtime.

E.    It is simple to step into a template functioncode during the debugging process.


【Q4】 Whichof the following are container adapters in the STL (Standard Template Library)in C++?

A.    list

B.    map

C.    stack

D.    queue

E.    deque


【Q5】 Whichof the following correctly identify benefits of the getline() member functionfor cin over the extraction operator in C++?

A.    The getline()function by default, accepts whitespace, and returns on seeing the /ncharacter, whereas the extraction operator returns when it encounters anywhitespace character.

B.    Delimiters indicating end of input can be specified to the getline()function, whereas the extraction operator has no such facility.

C.    The getline() function can beoverloaded to accept different argument types, whereas the extraction operatorcannot be overloaded.

D.    The number of bytesto read can be specified to the getline() function, whereas it cannot be donewith the extraction operator.

E.    The getline() function can beused like a manipulator with cin, whereas the extraction operator cannot beused as a manipulator.


【Q6】 Inwhich of the following scenarios is a Copy Constructor called or invoked?

A.    Whenno conversion function exists for converting the class object to another classobject

B.    Whenan existing object is assigned an object of its own class

C.    When a function receives asan argument, an object of the class, by value

D.    When a function returns anobject of the class by value

E.    When creating an object andinitializing it with an object of its own class


【Q7】 Whichof the following statements describe the result when standard new cannotallocate the requested storage in C++?  (Note: older compilers maynot implement standard behavior).

A.    It throws a bad_allocexception.

B.    Itreturns null.

C.    Itreturns silently with no effect on the expression.

D.    Itthrows an insufficient_memory exception.

E.    Itlogs an error message to the mem_err.log file.


【Q8】 InC++, which of the following is the best declaration for an overloadedoperator[] to allow read-only access (and only read-only access) to the data?




//declaration goes here



A.    T&operator[](size_t i);

B.    constT& operator[](size_t i);

C.    const T&operator[](size_t i) const;

D.    T&operator[](size_t i)const;

E.    T&operator[](const size_t i);


【Q9】 Whichof the following declarations of function main are standard or standardconforming extensions? (Please note that some compilers accept ill-formed maindeclarations, these should be considered incorrect).

A.    int main()

B.    voidmain(char* argv[], int argc)

C.    int main(int argc, char*argv[])

D.    voidmain()

E.    intmain(int argc, char* argv[], char* arge[])


【Q10】 Whatis the correct declaration for a file stream insertion operator for a classmy_stuff::my_class as indicated in the C++ code snippet below?





class my_class



int i;



//Declaration goes here




A.    std::ofstream&operator<<(std::ofstream& ofs, const my_class&);

B.    constmy_class& operator<<(const my_class&)

C.    std::fstream&operator<<(std::fstream& fs, const my_class&)

D.    std::ifstream&operator<<(std::ifstream& ifs, const my_class&)

E.    voidoperator<<(const my_class&)


【Q1】 Which of thefollowing statements accurately describe the new[] operator in C++?

A.    It calls the class defaultconstructor for each element of the array.

B.    Itcalls the class copy constructor for each element of the array.

C.    It calls operatornew[](size_t).

D.    Itcalls operator new[](size_t, int).

E.    It stores the number of objects allocated.


【Q2】 What is theorder of destructor calls for an object of class Y inherited from class X thathas an object of class A as data member of class Y in C++?

A.    ~Y()



B.    ~X()



C.    ~Y()



D.    ~A()



E.    ~X()




【Q3】 In C++, thereis a standard global object wcin of type wistream. What is the template type ofthe wistream typedef?

A.    std::basic_istream<wchar_t,char_traits<wchar_t> >

B.    std::basic_istream<char,char_traits<char> >

C.    std::istream<char,char_traits<char> >

D.    std::istream<wchar_t,char_traits<wchar_t> >

E.    std::wistream<char,char_traits<char> >


【Q4】 How can a C++developer use the placement new syntax to make new allocate an object of classSomeClass at a particular memory address stored in a pointer type variablenamed pmem?

A.    newSomeClass(pmem);

B.    new(pmem) SomeClass;

C.    newpmem SomeClass;

D.    newSomeClass pmem;

E.    new(pmem, SomeClass);


【Q5】 Under which ofthe following conditions will a C++ developer use polymorphism?

A.    Whenthere is a looping construct that uses a continue more than once

B.    When there is a needfor the code written today to call code written tomorrow

C.    When there is a needto check for the type of an object to determine which function must be called

D.    Whenthere is a need to check the value of a variable to determine which of two ormore functions to call

E.    Whenthere is a need to modify the existing interface of a class


【Q6】 Protected, orprivate, inheritance, as opposed to public inheritance, models which type ofrelationship in C++?

A.    Has-a

B.    Is-implemented-in-terms-of

C.    Was-a

D.    Can-only-have-one-of

E.    Shares-a-relationship-with


【Q7】 Which of thefollowing statements regarding functions' default arguments in C++ are correct?

A.    Defaultarguments cannot be of pointer type.

B.    Defaultarguments cannot be of a user-defined type.

C.    Default arguments cannever precede non-default arguments.

D.    Defaultarguments exist in the global heap and not on the function's stack.

E.    Defaultarguments are not considered for generating the function's signature.


【Q8】 In thedeclaration below, p is a pointer to an array of 5 int pointers:


Which ofthe following statements can be used to allocate memory for the first dimensionin order to make p an array of 3 arrays of 5 pointers to type int?

A.    p= new int [3][5]*;

B.    p= new int (*)[3][5];

C.    p= new int [3]*[5];

D.    p = new int *[3][5];

E.    p= new int (*[3])[5];


【Q9】 Which of thefollowing operators must be overloaded by function objects in the StandardTemplate Library?

A.    operator+()

B.    operator++()

C.    operator==()

D.    operator ()()

E.    operator[]()


【Q10】 A C++ developerwants to explicitly specialize the template function below for the char * type:

template<class T> void fn(T a){...}

Which ofthe following methods can the developer use to carry out this specialization?

A.    voidfn<char*>(char* a){...}





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