ECMAScript APIs函数大全(一)

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/// <reference no-default-lib="true
/// ECMAScript APIs
declare const NaN: number;
declare const Infinity: number;
  * Evaluates JavaScript code and executes it.
  * @param x A String value that contains valid JavaScript code.
declare function eval(x: string): any;
  * Converts A string to an integer.
  * @param s A string to convert into a number.
  * @param radix A value between 2 and 36 that specifies the base of the number in numString.
  * If this argument is not supplied, strings with a prefix of '0x' are considered hexadecimal.
  * All other strings are considered decimal.
declare function parseInt(s: string, radix?: number): number;

  * Converts a string to a floating-point number.
  * @param string A string that contains a floating-point number.
declare function parseFloat(string: string): number;

  * Returns a Boolean value that indicates whether a value is the reserved value NaN (not a number).
  * @param number A numeric value.
declare function isNaN(number: number): boolean;

  * Determines whether a supplied number is finite.
  * @param number Any numeric value.
declare function isFinite(number: number): boolean;

  * Gets the unencoded version of an encoded Uniform Resource Identifier (URI).
  * @param encodedURI A value representing an encoded URI.
declare function decodeURI(encodedURI: string): string;

  * Gets the unencoded version of an encoded component of a Uniform Resource Identifier (URI).
  * @param encodedURIComponent A value representing an encoded URI component.
declare function decodeURIComponent(encodedURIComponent: string): string;

  * Encodes a text string as a valid Uniform Resource Identifier (URI)
  * @param uri A value representing an encoded URI.
declare function encodeURI(uri: string): string;

  * Encodes a text string as a valid component of a Uniform Resource Identifier (URI).
  * @param uriComponent A value representing an encoded URI component.
declare function encodeURIComponent(uriComponent: string): string;

  * Computes a new string in which certain characters have been replaced by a hexadecimal escape sequence.
  * @param string A string value
declare function escape(string: string): string;

  * Computes a new string in which hexadecimal escape sequences are replaced with the character that it represents.
  * @param string A string value
declare function unescape(string: string): string;

interface Symbol {
  /** Returns a string representation of an object. */
  toString(): string;

  /** Returns the primitive value of the specified object. */
  valueOf(): symbol;

declare type PropertyKey = string | number | symbol;

interface PropertyDescriptor {
    configurable?: boolean;
    enumerable?: boolean;
    value?: any;
    writable?: boolean;
    get?(): any;
    set?(v: any): void;

interface PropertyDescriptorMap {
    [s: string]: PropertyDescriptor;

interface Object {
    /** The initial value of Object.prototype.constructor is the standard built-in Object constructor. */
    constructor: Function;

    /** Returns a string representation of an object. */
    toString(): string;

    /** Returns a date converted to a string using the current locale. */
    toLocaleString(): string;

    /** Returns the primitive value of the specified object. */
    valueOf(): Object;

      * Determines whether an object has a property with the specified name.
      * @param v A property name.
    hasOwnProperty(v: PropertyKey): boolean;

      * Determines whether an object exists in another object's prototype chain.
      * @param v Another object whose prototype chain is to be checked.
    isPrototypeOf(v: Object): boolean;

      * Determines whether a specified property is enumerable.
      * @param v A property name.
    propertyIsEnumerable(v: PropertyKey): boolean;

interface ObjectConstructor {
    new(value?: any): Object;
    (): any;
    (value: any): any;

    /** A reference to the prototype for a class of objects. */
    readonly prototype: Object;

      * Returns the prototype of an object.
      * @param o The object that references the prototype.
    getPrototypeOf(o: any): any;

      * Gets the own property descriptor of the specified object.
      * An own property descriptor is one that is defined directly on the object and is not inherited from the object's prototype.
      * @param o Object that contains the property.
      * @param p Name of the property.
    getOwnPropertyDescriptor(o: any, p: PropertyKey): PropertyDescriptor | undefined;

      * Returns the names of the own properties of an object. The own properties of an object are those that are defined directly
      * on that object, and are not inherited from the object's prototype. The properties of an object include both fields (objects) and functions.
      * @param o Object that contains the own properties.
    getOwnPropertyNames(o: any): string[];

      * Creates an object that has the specified prototype or that has null prototype.
      * @param o Object to use as a prototype. May be null.
    create(o: object | null): any;

      * Creates an object that has the specified prototype, and that optionally contains specified properties.
      * @param o Object to use as a prototype. May be null
      * @param properties JavaScript object that contains one or more property descriptors.
    create(o: object | null, properties: PropertyDescriptorMap & ThisType<any>): any;

      * Adds a property to an object, or modifies attributes of an existing property.
      * @param o Object on which to add or modify the property. This can be a native JavaScript object (that is, a user-defined object or a built in object) or a DOM object.
      * @param p The property name.
      * @param attributes Descriptor for the property. It can be for a data property or an accessor property.
    defineProperty(o: any, p: PropertyKey, attributes: PropertyDescriptor & ThisType<any>): any;

      * Adds one or more properties to an object, and/or modifies attributes of existing properties.
      * @param o Object on which to add or modify the properties. This can be a native JavaScript object or a DOM object.
      * @param properties JavaScript object that contains one or more descriptor objects. Each descriptor object describes a data property or an accessor property.
    defineProperties(o: any, properties: PropertyDescriptorMap & ThisType<any>): any;

      * Prevents the modification of attributes of existing properties, and prevents the addition of new properties.
      * @param o Object on which to lock the attributes.
    seal<T>(o: T): T;

      * Prevents the modification of existing property attributes and values, and prevents the addition of new properties.
      * @param o Object on which to lock the attributes.
    freeze<T>(a: T[]): ReadonlyArray<T>;

      * Prevents the modification of existing property attributes and values, and prevents the addition of new properties.
      * @param o Object on which to lock the attributes.
    freeze<T extends Function>(f: T): T;

      * Prevents the modification of existing property attributes and values, and prevents the addition of new properties.
      * @param o Object on which to lock the attributes.
    freeze<T>(o: T): Readonly<T>;

      * Prevents the addition of new properties to an object.
      * @param o Object to make non-extensible.
    preventExtensions<T>(o: T): T;

      * Returns true if existing property attributes cannot be modified in an object and new properties cannot be added to the object.
      * @param o Object to test.
    isSealed(o: any): boolean;

      * Returns true if existing property attributes and values cannot be modified in an object, and new properties cannot be added to the object.
      * @param o Object to test.
    isFrozen(o: any): boolean;

      * Returns a value that indicates whether new properties can be added to an object.
      * @param o Object to test.
    isExtensible(o: any): boolean;

      * Returns the names of the enumerable properties and methods of an object.
      * @param o Object that contains the properties and methods. This can be an object that you created or an existing Document Object Model (DOM) object.
    keys(o: {}): string[];

  * Provides functionality common to all JavaScript objects.
declare const Object: ObjectConstructor;

  * Creates a new function.
interface Function {
      * Calls the function, substituting the specified object for the this value of the function, and the specified array for the arguments of the function.
      * @param thisArg The object to be used as the this object.
      * @param argArray A set of arguments to be passed to the function.
    apply(this: Function, thisArg: any, argArray?: any): any;

      * Calls a method of an object, substituting another object for the current object.
      * @param thisArg The object to be used as the current object.
      * @param argArray A list of arguments to be passed to the method.
    call(this: Function, thisArg: any, ...argArray: any[]): any;

      * For a given function, creates a bound function that has the same body as the original function.
      * The this object of the bound function is associated with the specified object, and has the specified initial parameters.
      * @param thisArg An object to which the this keyword can refer inside the new function.
      * @param argArray A list of arguments to be passed to the new function.
    bind(this: Function, thisArg: any, ...argArray: any[]): any;

    /** Returns a string representation of a function. */
    toString(): string;

    prototype: any;
    readonly length: number;

    // Non-standard extensions
    arguments: any;
    caller: Function;

interface FunctionConstructor {
      * Creates a new function.
      * @param args A list of arguments the function accepts.
    new(...args: string[]): Function;
    (...args: string[]): Function;
    readonly prototype: Function;

declare const Function: FunctionConstructor;

 * Extracts the type of the 'this' parameter of a function type, or 'unknown' if the function type has no 'this' parameter.
type ThisParameterType<T> = T extends (this: unknown, ...args: any[]) => any ? unknown : T extends (this: infer U, ...args: any[]) => any ? U : unknown;

 * Removes the 'this' parameter from a function type.
type OmitThisParameter<T> = unknown extends ThisParameterType<T> ? T : T extends (...args: infer A) => infer R ? (...args: A) => R : T;

interface CallableFunction extends Function {
      * Calls the function with the specified object as the this value and the elements of specified array as the arguments.
      * @param thisArg The object to be used as the this object.
      * @param args An array of argument values to be passed to the function.
    apply<T, R>(this: (this: T) => R, thisArg: T): R;
    apply<T, A extends any[], R>(this: (this: T, ...args: A) => R, thisArg: T, args: A): R;

      * Calls the function with the specified object as the this value and the specified rest arguments as the arguments.
      * @param thisArg The object to be used as the this object.
      * @param args Argument values to be passed to the function.
    call<T, A extends any[], R>(this: (this: T, ...args: A) => R, thisArg: T, ...args: A): R;

      * For a given function, creates a bound function that has the same body as the original function.
      * The this object of the bound function is associated with the specified object, and has the specified initial parameters.
      * @param thisArg The object to be used as the this object.
      * @param args Arguments to bind to the parameters of the function.
    bind<T>(this: T, thisArg: ThisParameterType<T>): OmitThisParameter<T>;
    bind<T, A0, A extends any[], R>(this: (this: T, arg0: A0, ...args: A) => R, thisArg: T, arg0: A0): (...args: A) => R;
    bind<T, A0, A1, A extends any[], R>(this: (this: T, arg0: A0, arg1: A1, ...args: A) => R, thisArg: T, arg0: A0, arg1: A1): (...args: A) => R;
    bind<T, A0, A1, A2, A extends any[], R>(this: (this: T, arg0: A0, arg1: A1, arg2: A2, ...args: A) => R, thisArg: T, arg0: A0, arg1: A1, arg2: A2): (...args: A) => R;
    bind<T, A0, A1, A2, A3, A extends any[], R>(this: (this: T, arg0: A0, arg1: A1, arg2: A2, arg3: A3, ...args: A) => R, thisArg: T, arg0: A0, arg1: A1, arg2: A2, arg3: A3): (...args: A) => R;
    bind<T, AX, R>(this: (this: T, ...args: AX[]) => R, thisArg: T, ...args: AX[]): (...args: AX[]) => R;

interface NewableFunction extends Function {
      * Calls the function with the specified object as the this value and the elements of specified array as the arguments.
      * @param thisArg The object to be used as the this object.
      * @param args An array of argument values to be passed to the function.
    apply<T>(this: new () => T, thisArg: T): void;
    apply<T, A extends any[]>(this: new (...args: A) => T, thisArg: T, args: A): void;

      * Calls the function with the specified object as the this value and the specified rest arguments as the arguments.
      * @param thisArg The object to be used as the this object.
      * @param args Argument values to be passed to the function.
    call<T, A extends any[]>(this: new (...args: A) => T, thisArg: T, ...args: A): void;

      * For a given function, creates a bound function that has the same body as the original function.
      * The this object of the bound function is associated with the specified object, and has the specified initial parameters.
      * @param thisArg The object to be used as the this object.
      * @param args Arguments to bind to the parameters of the function.
    bind<T>(this: T, thisArg: any): T;
    bind<A0, A extends any[], R>(this: new (arg0: A0, ...args: A) => R, thisArg: any, arg0: A0): new (...args: A) => R;
    bind<A0, A1, A extends any[], R>(this: new (arg0: A0, arg1: A1, ...args: A) => R, thisArg: any, arg0: A0, arg1: A1): new (...args: A) => R;
    bind<A0, A1, A2, A extends any[], R>(this: new (arg0: A0, arg1: A1, arg2: A2, ...args: A) => R, thisArg: any, arg0: A0, arg1: A1, arg2: A2): new (...args: A) => R;
    bind<A0, A1, A2, A3, A extends any[], R>(this: new (arg0: A0, arg1: A1, arg2: A2, arg3: A3, ...args: A) => R, thisArg: any, arg0: A0, arg1: A1, arg2: A2, arg3: A3): new (...args: A) => R;
    bind<AX, R>(this: new (...args: AX[]) => R, thisArg: any, ...args: AX[]): new (...args: AX[]) => R;

interface IArguments {
    [index: number]: any;
    length: number;
    callee: Function;

interface String {
    /** Returns a string representation of a string. */
    toString(): string;

      * Returns the character at the specified index.
      * @param pos The zero-based index of the desired character.
    charAt(pos: number): string;

      * Returns the Unicode value of the character at the specified location.
      * @param index The zero-based index of the desired character. If there is no character at the specified index, NaN is returned.
    charCodeAt(index: number): number;

      * Returns a string that contains the concatenation of two or more strings.
      * @param strings The strings to append to the end of the string.
    concat(...strings: string[]): string;

      * Returns the position of the first occurrence of a substring.
      * @param searchString The substring to search for in the string
      * @param position The index at which to begin searching the String object. If omitted, search starts at the beginning of the string.
    indexOf(searchString: string, position?: number): number;

      * Returns the last occurrence of a substring in the string.
      * @param searchString The substring to search for.
      * @param position The index at which to begin searching. If omitted, the search begins at the end of the string.
    lastIndexOf(searchString: string, position?: number): number;

      * Determines whether two strings are equivalent in the current locale.
      * @param that String to compare to target string
    localeCompare(that: string): number;

      * Matches a string with a regular expression, and returns an array containing the results of that search.
      * @param regexp A variable name or string literal containing the regular expression pattern and flags.
    match(regexp: string | RegExp): RegExpMatchArray | null;

      * Replaces text in a string, using a regular expression or search string.
      * @param searchValue A string to search for.
      * @param replaceValue A string containing the text to replace for every successful match of searchValue in this string.
    replace(searchValue: string | RegExp, replaceValue: string): string;

      * Replaces text in a string, using a regular expression or search string.
      * @param searchValue A string to search for.
      * @param replacer A function that returns the replacement text.
    replace(searchValue: string | RegExp, replacer: (substring: string, ...args: any[]) => string): string;

      * Finds the first substring match in a regular expression search.
      * @param regexp The regular expression pattern and applicable flags.
    search(regexp: string | RegExp): number;

      * Returns a section of a string.
      * @param start The index to the beginning of the specified portion of stringObj.
      * @param end The index to the end of the specified portion of stringObj. The substring includes the characters up to, but not including, the character indicated by end.
      * If this value is not specified, the substring continues to the end of stringObj.
    slice(start?: number, end?: number): string;

      * Split a string into substrings using the specified separator and return them as an array.
      * @param separator A string that identifies character or characters to use in separating the string. If omitted, a single-element array containing the entire string is returned.
      * @param limit A value used to limit the number of elements returned in the array.
    split(separator: string | RegExp, limit?: number): string[];

      * Returns the substring at the specified location within a String object.
      * @param start The zero-based index number indicating the beginning of the substring.
      * @param end Zero-based index number indicating the end of the substring. The substring includes the characters up to, but not including, the character indicated by end.
      * If end is omitted, the characters from start through the end of the original string are returned.
    substring(start: number, end?: number): string;

    /** Converts all the alphabetic characters in a string to lowercase. */
    toLowerCase(): string;

    /** Converts all alphabetic characters to lowercase, taking into account the host environment's current locale. */
    toLocaleLowerCase(): string;

    /** Converts all the alphabetic characters in a string to uppercase. */
    toUpperCase(): string;

    /** Returns a string where all alphabetic characters have been converted to uppercase, taking into account the host environment's current locale. */
    toLocaleUpperCase(): string;

    /** Removes the leading and trailing white space and line terminator characters from a string. */
    trim(): string;

    /** Returns the length of a String object. */
    readonly length: number;

    // IE extensions
      * Gets a substring beginning at the specified location and having the specified length.
      * @param from The starting position of the desired substring. The index of the first character in the string is zero.
      * @param length The number of characters to include in the returned substring.
    substr(from: number, length?: number): string;

    /** Returns the primitive value of the specified object. */
    valueOf(): string;

    readonly [index: number]: string;

interface StringConstructor {
    new(value?: any): String;
    (value?: any): string;
    readonly prototype: String;
    fromCharCode( number[]): string;

  * Allows manipulation and formatting of text strings and determination and location of substrings within strings.
declare const String: StringConstructor;

interface Boolean {
    /** Returns the primitive value of the specified object. */
    valueOf(): boolean;

interface BooleanConstructor {
    new(value?: any): Boolean;
    (value?: any): boolean;
    readonly prototype: Boolean;

declare const Boolean: BooleanConstructor;

interface Number {
      * Returns a string representation of an object.
      * @param radix Specifies a radix for converting numeric values to strings. This value is only used for numbers.
    toString(radix?: number): string;

      * Returns a string representing a number in fixed-point notation.
      * @param fractionDigits Number of digits after the decimal point. Must be in the range 0 - 20, inclusive.
    toFixed(fractionDigits?: number): string;

      * Returns a string containing a number represented in exponential notation.
      * @param fractionDigits Number of digits after the decimal point. Must be in the range 0 - 20, inclusive.
    toExponential(fractionDigits?: number): string;

      * Returns a string containing a number represented either in exponential or fixed-point notation with a specified number of digits.
      * @param precision Number of significant digits. Must be in the range 1 - 21, inclusive.
    toPrecision(precision?: number): string;

    /** Returns the primitive value of the specified object. */
    valueOf(): number;

interface NumberConstructor {
    new(value?: any): Number;
    (value?: any): number;
    readonly prototype: Number;

    /** The largest number that can be represented in JavaScript. Equal to approximately 1.79E+308. */
    readonly MAX_VALUE: number;

    /** The closest number to zero that can be represented in JavaScript. Equal to approximately 5.00E-324. */
    readonly MIN_VALUE: number;

      * A value that is not a number.
      * In equality comparisons, NaN does not equal any value, including itself. To test whether a value is equivalent to NaN, use the isNaN function.
    readonly NaN: number;

      * A value that is less than the largest negative number that can be represented in JavaScript.
      * JavaScript displays NEGATIVE_INFINITY values as -infinity.
    readonly NEGATIVE_INFINITY: number;

      * A value greater than the largest number that can be represented in JavaScript.
      * JavaScript displays POSITIVE_INFINITY values as infinity.
    readonly POSITIVE_INFINITY: number;

/** An object that represents a number of any kind. All JavaScript numbers are 64-bit floating-point numbers. */
declare const Number: NumberConstructor;

interface TemplateStringsArray extends ReadonlyArray<string> {
    readonly raw: ReadonlyArray<string>;

 * The type of `import.meta`.
 * If you need to declare that a given property exists on `import.meta`,
 * this type may be augmented via interface merging.
interface ImportMeta {

interface Math {
    /** The mathematical constant e. This is Euler's number, the base of natural logarithms. */
    readonly E: number;
    /** The natural logarithm of 10. */
    readonly LN10: number;
    /** The natural logarithm of 2. */
    readonly LN2: number;
    /** The base-2 logarithm of e. */
    readonly LOG2E: number;
    /** The base-10 logarithm of e. */
    readonly LOG10E: number;
    /** Pi. This is the ratio of the circumference of a circle to its diameter. */
    readonly PI: number;
    /** The square root of 0.5, or, equivalently, one divided by the square root of 2. */
    readonly SQRT1_2: number;
    /** The square root of 2. */
    readonly SQRT2: number;
      * Returns the absolute value of a number (the value without regard to whether it is positive or negative).
      * For example, the absolute value of -5 is the same as the absolute value of 5.
      * @param x A numeric expression for which the absolute value is needed.
    abs(x: number): number;
      * Returns the arc cosine (or inverse cosine) of a number.
      * @param x A numeric expression.
    acos(x: number): number;
      * Returns the arcsine of a number.
      * @param x A numeric expression.
    asin(x: number): number;
      * Returns the arctangent of a number.
      * @param x A numeric expression for which the arctangent is needed.
    atan(x: number): number;
      * Returns the angle (in radians) from the X axis to a point.
      * @param y A numeric expression representing the cartesian y-coordinate.
      * @param x A numeric expression representing the cartesian x-coordinate.
    atan2(y: number, x: number): number;
      * Returns the smallest integer greater than or equal to its numeric argument.
      * @param x A numeric expression.
    ceil(x: number): number;
      * Returns the cosine of a number.
      * @param x A numeric expression that contains an angle measured in radians.
    cos(x: number): number;
      * Returns e (the base of natural logarithms) raised to a power.
      * @param x A numeric expression representing the power of e.
    exp(x: number): number;
      * Returns the greatest integer less than or equal to its numeric argument.
      * @param x A numeric expression.
    floor(x: number): number;
      * Returns the natural logarithm (base e) of a number.
      * @param x A numeric expression.
    log(x: number): number;
      * Returns the larger of a set of supplied numeric expressions.
      * @param values Numeric expressions to be evaluated.
    max(...values: number[]): number;
      * Returns the smaller of a set of supplied numeric expressions.
      * @param values Numeric expressions to be evaluated.
    min(...values: number[]): number;
      * Returns the value of a base expression taken to a specified power.
      * @param x The base value of the expression.
      * @param y The exponent value of the expression.
    pow(x: number, y: number): number;
    /** Returns a pseudorandom number between 0 and 1. */
    random(): number;
      * Returns a supplied numeric expression rounded to the nearest number.
      * @param x The value to be rounded to the nearest number.
    round(x: number): number;
      * Returns the sine of a number.
      * @param x A numeric expression that contains an angle measured in radians.
    sin(x: number): number;
      * Returns the square root of a number.
      * @param x A numeric expression.
    sqrt(x: number): number;
      * Returns the tangent of a number.
      * @param x A numeric expression that contains an angle measured in radians.
    tan(x: number): number;
/** An intrinsic object that provides basic mathematics functionality and constants. */
declare const Math: Math;

/** Enables basic storage and retrieval of dates and times. */
interface Date {
    /** Returns a string representation of a date. The format of the string depends on the locale. */
    toString(): string;
    /** Returns a date as a string value. */
    toDateString(): string;
    /** Returns a time as a string value. */
    toTimeString(): string;
    /** Returns a value as a string value appropriate to the host environment's current locale. */
    toLocaleString(): string;
    /** Returns a date as a string value appropriate to the host environment's current locale. */
    toLocaleDateString(): string;
    /** Returns a time as a string value appropriate to the host environment's current locale. */
    toLocaleTimeString(): string;
    /** Returns the stored time value in milliseconds since midnight, January 1, 1970 UTC. */
    valueOf(): number;
    /** Gets the time value in milliseconds. */
    getTime(): number;
    /** Gets the year, using local time. */
    getFullYear(): number;
    /** Gets the year using Universal Coordinated Time (UTC). */
    getUTCFullYear(): number;
    /** Gets the month, using local time. */
    getMonth(): number;
    /** Gets the month of a Date object using Universal Coordinated Time (UTC). */
    getUTCMonth(): number;
    /** Gets the day-of-the-month, using local time. */
    getDate(): number;
    /** Gets the day-of-the-month, using Universal Coordinated Time (UTC). */
    getUTCDate(): number;
    /** Gets the day of the week, using local time. */
    getDay(): number;
    /** Gets the day of the week using Universal Coordinated Time (UTC). */
    getUTCDay(): number;
    /** Gets the hours in a date, using local time. */
    getHours(): number;
    /** Gets the hours value in a Date object using Universal Coordinated Time (UTC). */
    getUTCHours(): number;
    /** Gets the minutes of a Date object, using local time. */
    getMinutes(): number;
    /** Gets the minutes of a Date object using Universal Coordinated Time (UTC). */
    getUTCMinutes(): number;
    /** Gets the seconds of a Date object, using local time. */
    getSeconds(): number;
    /** Gets the seconds of a Date object using Universal Coordinated Time (UTC). */
    getUTCSeconds(): number;
    /** Gets the milliseconds of a Date, using local time. */
    getMilliseconds(): number;
    /** Gets the milliseconds of a Date object using Universal Coordinated Time (UTC). */
    getUTCMilliseconds(): number;
    /** Gets the difference in minutes between the time on the local computer and Universal Coordinated Time (UTC). */
    getTimezoneOffset(): number;
      * Sets the date and time value in the Date object.
      * @param time A numeric value representing the number of elapsed milliseconds since midnight, January 1, 1970 GMT.
    setTime(time: number): number;
      * Sets the milliseconds value in the Date object using local time.
      * @param ms A numeric value equal to the millisecond value.
    setMilliseconds(ms: number): number;
      * Sets the milliseconds value in the Date object using Universal Coordinated Time (UTC).
      * @param ms A numeric value equal to the millisecond value.
    setUTCMilliseconds(ms: number): number;

      * Sets the seconds value in the Date object using local time.
      * @param sec A numeric value equal to the seconds value.
      * @param ms A numeric value equal to the milliseconds value.
    setSeconds(sec: number, ms?: number): number;
      * Sets the seconds value in the Date object using Universal Coordinated Time (UTC).
      * @param sec A numeric value equal to the seconds value.
      * @param ms A numeric value equal to the milliseconds value.
    setUTCSeconds(sec: number, ms?: number): number;
      * Sets the minutes value in the Date object using local time.
      * @param min A numeric value equal to the minutes value.
      * @param sec A numeric value equal to the seconds value.
      * @param ms A numeric value equal to the milliseconds value.
    setMinutes(min: number, sec?: number, ms?: number): number;
      * Sets the minutes value in the Date object using Universal Coordinated Time (UTC).
      * @param min A numeric value equal to the minutes value.
      * @param sec A numeric value equal to the seconds value.
      * @param ms A numeric value equal to the milliseconds value.
    setUTCMinutes(min: number, sec?: number, ms?: number): number;
      * Sets the hour value in the Date object using local time.
      * @param hours A numeric value equal to the hours value.
      * @param min A numeric value equal to the minutes value.
      * @param sec A numeric value equal to the seconds value.
      * @param ms A numeric value equal to the milliseconds value.
    setHours(hours: number, min?: number, sec?: number, ms?: number): number;
      * Sets the hours value in the Date object using Universal Coordinated Time (UTC).
      * @param hours A numeric value equal to the hours value.
      * @param min A numeric value equal to the minutes value.
      * @param sec A numeric value equal to the seconds value.
      * @param ms A numeric value equal to the milliseconds value.
    setUTCHours(hours: number, min?: number, sec?: number, ms?: number): number;
      * Sets the numeric day-of-the-month value of the Date object using local time.
      * @param date A numeric value equal to the day of the month.
    setDate(date: number): number;
      * Sets the numeric day of the month in the Date object using Universal Coordinated Time (UTC).
      * @param date A numeric value equal to the day of the month.
    setUTCDate(date: number): number;
      * Sets the month value in the Date object using local time.
      * @param month A numeric value equal to the month. The value for January is 0, and other month values follow consecutively.
      * @param date A numeric value representing the day of the month. If this value is not supplied, the value from a call to the getDate method is used.
    setMonth(month: number, date?: number): number;
      * Sets the month value in the Date object using Universal Coordinated Time (UTC).
      * @param month A numeric value equal to the month. The value for January is 0, and other month values follow consecutively.
      * @param date A numeric value representing the day of the month. If it is not supplied, the value from a call to the getUTCDate method is used.
    setUTCMonth(month: number, date?: number): number;
      * Sets the year of the Date object using local time.
      * @param year A numeric value for the year.
      * @param month A zero-based numeric value for the month (0 for January, 11 for December). Must be specified if numDate is specified.
      * @param date A numeric value equal for the day of the month.
    setFullYear(year: number, month?: number, date?: number): number;
      * Sets the year value in the Date object using Universal Coordinated Time (UTC).
      * @param year A numeric value equal to the year.
      * @param month A numeric value equal to the month. The value for January is 0, and other month values follow consecutively. Must be supplied if numDate is supplied.
      * @param date A numeric value equal to the day of the month.
    setUTCFullYear(year: number, month?: number, date?: number): number;
    /** Returns a date converted to a string using Universal Coordinated Time (UTC). */
    toUTCString(): string;
    /** Returns a date as a string value in ISO format. */
    toISOString(): string;
    /** Used by the JSON.stringify method to enable the transformation of an object's data for JavaScript Object Notation (JSON) serialization. */
    toJSON(key?: any): string;

interface DateConstructor {
    new(): Date;
    new(value: number | string): Date;
    new(year: number, month: number, date?: number, hours?: number, minutes?: number, seconds?: number, ms?: number): Date;
    (): string;
    readonly prototype: Date;
      * Parses a string containing a date, and returns the number of milliseconds between that date and midnight, January 1, 1970.
      * @param s A date string
    parse(s: string): number;
      * Returns the number of milliseconds between midnight, January 1, 1970 Universal Coordinated Time (UTC) (or GMT) and the specified date.
      * @param year The full year designation is required for cross-century date accuracy. If year is between 0 and 99 is used, then year is assumed to be 1900 + year.
      * @param month The month as an number between 0 and 11 (January to December).
      * @param date The date as an number between 1 and 31.
      * @param hours Must be supplied if minutes is supplied. An number from 0 to 23 (midnight to 11pm) that specifies the hour.
      * @param minutes Must be supplied if seconds is supplied. An number from 0 to 59 that specifies the minutes.
      * @param seconds Must be supplied if milliseconds is supplied. An number from 0 to 59 that specifies the seconds.
      * @param ms An number from 0 to 999 that specifies the milliseconds.
    UTC(year: number, month: number, date?: number, hours?: number, minutes?: number, seconds?: number, ms?: number): number;
    now(): number;

declare const Date: DateConstructor;

interface RegExpMatchArray extends Array<string> {
    index?: number;
    input?: string;

interface RegExpExecArray extends Array<string> {
    index: number;
    input: string;

interface RegExp {
      * Executes a search on a string using a regular expression pattern, and returns an array containing the results of that search.
      * @param string The String object or string literal on which to perform the search.
    exec(string: string): RegExpExecArray | null;

      * Returns a Boolean value that indicates whether or not a pattern exists in a searched string.
      * @param string String on which to perform the search.
    test(string: string): boolean;

    /** Returns a copy of the text of the regular expression pattern. Read-only. The regExp argument is a Regular expression object. It can be a variable name or a literal. */
    readonly source: string;

    /** Returns a Boolean value indicating the state of the global flag (g) used with a regular expression. Default is false. Read-only. */
    readonly global: boolean;

    /** Returns a Boolean value indicating the state of the ignoreCase flag (i) used with a regular expression. Default is false. Read-only. */
    readonly ignoreCase: boolean;

    /** Returns a Boolean value indicating the state of the multiline flag (m) used with a regular expression. Default is false. Read-only. */
    readonly multiline: boolean;

    lastIndex: number;

    // Non-standard extensions
    compile(): this;

interface RegExpConstructor {
    new(pattern: RegExp | string): RegExp;
    new(pattern: string, flags?: string): RegExp;
    (pattern: RegExp | string): RegExp;
    (pattern: string, flags?: string): RegExp;
    readonly prototype: RegExp;

    // Non-standard extensions
    $1: string;
    $2: string;
    $3: string;
    $4: string;
    $5: string;
    $6: string;
    $7: string;
    $8: string;
    $9: string;
    lastMatch: string;

declare const RegExp: RegExpConstructor;

interface Error {
    name: string;
    message: string;
    stack?: string;

interface ErrorConstructor {
    new(message?: string): Error;
    (message?: string): Error;
    readonly prototype: Error;

declare const Error: ErrorConstructor;

interface EvalError extends Error {

interface EvalErrorConstructor {
    new(message?: string): EvalError;
    (message?: string): EvalError;
    readonly prototype: EvalError;

declare const EvalError: EvalErrorConstructor;

interface RangeError extends Error {

interface RangeErrorConstructor {
    new(message?: string): RangeError;
    (message?: string): RangeError;
    readonly prototype: RangeError;

declare const RangeError: RangeErrorConstructor;

interface ReferenceError extends Error {

interface ReferenceErrorConstructor {
    new(message?: string): ReferenceError;
    (message?: string): ReferenceError;
    readonly prototype: ReferenceError;

declare const ReferenceError: ReferenceErrorConstructor;

interface SyntaxError extends Error {

interface SyntaxErrorConstructor {
    new(message?: string): SyntaxError;
    (message?: string): SyntaxError;
    readonly prototype: SyntaxError;

declare const SyntaxError: SyntaxErrorConstructor;

interface TypeError extends Error {

interface TypeErrorConstructor {
    new(message?: string): TypeError;
    (message?: string): TypeError;
    readonly prototype: TypeError;

declare const TypeError: TypeErrorConstructor;

interface URIError extends Error {

interface URIErrorConstructor {
    new(message?: string): URIError;
    (message?: string): URIError;
    readonly prototype: URIError;

declare const URIError: URIErrorConstructor;

interface JSON {
      * Converts a JavaScript Object Notation (JSON) string into an object.
      * @param text A valid JSON string.
      * @param reviver A function that transforms the results. This function is called for each member of the object.
      * If a member contains nested objects, the nested objects are transformed before the parent object is.
    parse(text: string, reviver?: (key: any, value: any) => any): any;
      * Converts a JavaScript value to a JavaScript Object Notation (JSON) string.
      * @param value A JavaScript value, usually an object or array, to be converted.
      * @param replacer A function that transforms the results.
      * @param space Adds indentation, white space, and line break characters to the return-value JSON text to make it easier to read.
    stringify(value: any, replacer?: (key: string, value: any) => any, space?: string | number): string;
      * Converts a JavaScript value to a JavaScript Object Notation (JSON) string.
      * @param value A JavaScript value, usually an object or array, to be converted.
      * @param replacer An array of strings and numbers that acts as a approved list for selecting the object properties that will be stringified.
      * @param space Adds indentation, white space, and line break characters to the return-value JSON text to make it easier to read.
    stringify(value: any, replacer?: (number | string)[] | null, space?: string | number): string;

  * An intrinsic object that provides functions to convert JavaScript values to and from the JavaScript Object Notation (JSON) format.
declare const JSON: JSON;

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