1. Nucleus Bolg

Nucleus CMS is an open-source blog management software package written in PHP, with a MySQL backend, primarily written and maintained by Wouter Demuynck. It is used to manage frequently-updated Web content. With a little tweaking (mainly to skins) it might be considered a lightweight content management system, although there is no facility to upload file types other than graphic files to be displayed within the blog pages.

Nucleus makes use of a callback function which has led to a plugin system that has inspired somewhere in the order of 50 to 100 distinct plugins. The general drive within the development community is that functionality should exist as plugins as totally as possible. This philosophy has led to a relatively light and uncluttered base install.

Blog:CMS is a (currently less stable) fork of Nucleus CMS with several plugins pre-installed and a number of other projects added in. Thus NucleusCMS plugins (on the whole) will work on this fork
Visit the official nucleus website

2. WordPress Bolg

WordPress has a templating system, which includes widgets that can be rearranged without editing PHP or HTML code, as well as themes that can be installed and switched between. The PHP and HTML code in themes can also be edited for more advanced customizations. WordPress also features integrated link management; a search engine-friendly, clean permalink structure; the ability to assign nested, multiple categories to articles; multiple author capability; and support for tagging of posts and articles. Automatic filters that provide for proper formatting and styling of text in articles (for example, converting regular quotes to smart quotes) are also included. WordPress also supports the Trackback and Pingback standards for displaying links to other sites that have themselves linked to a post or article. Finally, WordPress has a rich plugin architecture which allows users and developers to extend its functionality beyond the features that come as part of the base install.
Visit the official wordpress website Blog

3. WebCalendar Calendar

WebCalendar is a PHP-based calendar application that can be configured as a single-user calendar, a multi-user calendar for groups of users, or as an event calendar viewable by visitors. WebCalendar can be setup in a variety of ways, such as…

* A schedule management system for a single person
* A schedule management system for a group of people, allowing one or more assistants to manage the calendar of another user
* An events schedule that anyone can view, allowing visitors to submit new events
* A calendar server that can be viewed with iCalendar-compliant calendar applications like Mozilla Sunbird, Apple iCal or GNOME Evolution or RSS-enabled applications like Firefox, Thunderbird, RSSOwl, FeedDemon, or BlogExpress.
Visit the official webcalendar website Calendar

4. Drupal CMS

Drupal (pronounced /’dru’-p’l/) is a free and open source modular framework and Content Management System (CMS) written in PHP. It is used as a “back end” system for many different types of websites, ranging from small personal blogs to large corporate and political sites.

The standard release of Drupal, known as “Drupal core”, contains basic features common to most CMSs. These include the ability to register and maintain individual user accounts, administration menus, RSS-feeds, customizable layout, flexible account privileges, logging, a blogging system, an Internet forum, and options to create a classic “brochureware” website or an interactive community website.

Drupal was also designed to allow new features and custom behavior to be added by third parties. For this reason, Drupal is sometimes described as a “Content Management Framework”. Although Drupal offers a sophisticated programming interface for developers, no programming skills are required for basic website installation and administration.
Visit the official drupal website

5. Joomla CMS

What is Joomla? (MAYBE THE BEST CMS ?? )

Joomla is an award-winning content management system (CMS), which enables you to build Web sites and powerful online applications. Many aspects, including its ease-of-use and extensibility, have made Joomla the most popular Web site software available. Joomla! is a free open source content management system for publishing content on the World Wide Web and intranets as well as a Model view controller (MVC) Web Application Development framework. The system includes features such as page caching to improve performance, RSS feeds, printable versions of pages, news flashes, blogs, polls, website searching, and language internationalization. Joomla is licensed under the GPL, and is the result of a fork of Mambo. It is written in the PHP programming language and uses the MySQL database.
V isit the official joomla15 website

6. PHP Nuke CMS

PHP-Nuke is a web-based automated news publishing and content management system based on PHP and MySQL. The system is fully controlled using a web-based user interface. PHP-Nuke was originally a fork of the Thatware news portal system.

The main aim of PHP-Nuke is to allow a webmaster to create a community-based portal, with an automated web site allowing users and editors to post news items (user-submitted news items are selected by editors). Users can comment on these articles using the comments system.

Modules may be added to the PHP-Nuke system, allowing the webmaster to add more features (such as an Internet forum or calendar) to their PHP-Nuke installation in addition to the core modules such as News, FAQ and Private Messaging. The whole system is maintained by administrators using the web-based administration section.
Visit the official phpnuke website

7. phpWebSite CMS

phpWebSite provides a complete web site content management system. Web-based administration allows for easy maintenance of interactive, community-driven web sites.

phpWebSite’s growing number of modules allow for easy site customization without the need for unwanted or unused features. Client output from phpWebSite is valid XHTML 1.0 and meets the W3C’s Web Accessibility Initiative requirements.
Visit the official phpwebsite website

8. Post-Nuke CMS

PostNuke is software that creates an impressive, dynamic web site and provides the webmaster with a site they can administer with a minimal amount of HTML knowledge through a web browser. But, PostNuke’s functionality can be increased by installing modules, blocks and themes. For example, you can add a forum, a gallery and contact form. You can also change how your entire site looks by changing themes. All of this can be done with just a few clicks in the administration panel saving you hours of time, both in the initial creation of the website and in its day to day maintenance.

PostNuke can do anything from traditional blog websites, to a community members’ only website with hundreds of users. PostNuke can scale to thousands of uses but is just as easy to create a small website for friends and family.
Visit the official postnuke website


XOOPS is a free content management system, written in PHP, for websites. It uses a modular architecture allowing users to customize, update and theme their websites. XOOPS is released under the terms of the GNU General Public License (GPL) and is free to use, modify and redistribute. XOOPS is supposed to be pronounced phonetically as it would be in English, as “zoo’ps”.


XOOPS is an acronym of eXtensible Object Oriented Portal System. Though started as a portal system, XOOPS is developing as a Web Application Platform. It aims to serve as a web framework for use by small, medium and large sites, through the installation of modules. For example, a small XOOPS installation can be used as a personal weblog or journal, but this can be expanded upon and customised, for example users might add the appropriate modules (freeware and commercial) to store content in news, forums, downloads, and more
Visit the official xoops website

10. osCommerce Commerce

osCommerce has attracted a large growing e-commerce community that consists of over 208,000 store owners and developers who support each other and extend osCommerce Online Merchant with add-ons being contributed on a daily basis. To date there are over 5,300 add-ons that are available for free to customize osCommerce Online Merchant online stores and to help increase sales.

osCommerce Online Merchant is an Open Source online shop e-commerce solution that is available for free under the GNU General Public License. It features a rich set of out-of-the-box online shopping cart functionality that allows store owners to setup, run, and maintain online stores with minimum effort and with no costs, fees, or limitations involved.

With over 8 years of operation, osCommerce has built a showcase of over 14,100 online shops that have been voluntarily added to the live shops section, and powers many thousands of more online shops worldwide.
Visit the official osCommerce website

11. Zen Cart Commerce

Zen Cart truly is the art of e-commerce; free, user-friendly, open source shopping cart software. The ecommerce web site design program is being developed by group of like-minded shop owners, programmers, designers, and consultants that think ecommerce web design could be and should be done differently.

Some shopping cart solutions seem to be complicated programming exercises instead of responding to users’ needs, Zen Cart puts the merchants and shoppers requirements first. Similarly, other shopping cart software programs are nearly impossible to install and use without an IT degree, Zen Cart can be installed and set-up by anyone with the most basic web site building and computer skills.

There are hundreds of shopping cart programs available, but none come close to offering the level of options, features and support available with Zen Cart. Even the commercial programs have a hard time competing.
Visit the official zencart website

12. Crafty Syntax Live Help Customer Relationship

Crafty Syntax Live Help (CSLH) is an open source live support solution that helps customer support with live help functionality that can be pro-actively pushed to visitors to your site or requested by the consumer. Crafty Syntax includes a large range of features to allow multiple operators, multiple departments and multiple languages to be used. Crafty Syntax Live Help is free and is progammed in PHP with Mysql for the datatabase. Other highlighted features include the ability to create your own questions, auto inviting visitors, referer tracking, page tracking, ability to view what the customer is typing as they type, multiple chat sessions, sound alert, leave a message if offline, push urls, quick responses, Customizable graphics, and multiple operators.
Visit the official craftysyntax website

13. Help Center Live Customer Relationship

“Help Center Live is a leading open source Live Chat application, dedicated to provided top quality support products to help you meet your chat and support demands.”
What is Help Center Live?

Help Center Live is an open-source, community driven live chat & support system. You may easily provide live support on your website just like large companies do with very little work. With Help Center Live, you can provide a real-time, live support or sales person experience.
Visit the official helpcenterlive website

14. osTicket Customer Relationship

osTicket is a widely-used open source support ticket system. It seamlessly integrates inquiries created via email and web-based forms into a simple easy to use multi-user web interface. Easily manage, organize and archive all your support requests and responses in one place while providing your clients with accountability and responsiveness they deserve.

osTicket is an attractive alternative to higher-cost and complex customer support systems; simple, lightweight, reliable, open source, and easy to setup and use.
Visit the official osticket website

15. PHP Support Tickets Customer Relationship

PHP support tickets customer helpdesk made easy.

“At Triangle we have the motto `Keep it simple`, and hopefully our Ticketing application does that. The Front end is both intuitive for the user and administrator alike, keeping the main focus of the application on the tickets; and removing screen clutter to provide a simple and elegant solution for your helpdesk needs.”
Visit the official phpsupportticket website

16. FAQMasterFlex FAQ

This is a free, database-driven web-based application for creating and maintaining Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs) on your web site.

It allows the ability to simply create a FAQ page.
Visit the official faqmaster website

17. phpBB Forums

phpBB is a popular Internet forum package written in the PHP scripting language. The name “phpBB” is an abbreviation of PHP Bulletin Board.

“Since its creation in 2000, phpBB has become the most widely used Open Source forum solution. Like its predecessors, phpBB 3.0 ‘Olympus’ has an easy to use administration panel and a user friendly installation process, which allows you to have a forum set up in minutes.

With a large and highly customisable set of key features coupled with a standards compliant interface, phpBB will grow with, and complement your website. With millions of installations worldwide, it is no wonder phpBB is one of the most popular ways to create and support a community”
Visit the official phpBB2 website

18. SMF Forums

Simple Machines Forum SMF in short is a free, professional grade software package that allows you to set up your own online community within minutes.

Its powerful custom made template engine puts you in full control of the lay-out of your message board and with our unique SSI – or Server Side Includes – function you can let your forum and your website interact with each other.

SMF is written in the popular language PHP and uses a MySQL database. It is designed to provide you with all the features you need from a bulletin board while having an absolute minimal impact on the resources of the server. SMF is the next generation of forum software – and best of all it is and will always remain completely free!
Visit the official smf website

19. 4images Gallery

4images – Image Gallery Management System or 4images is a PHP and Database MySQL based Web Gallery for management, administration and presentation of images in the Internet.

4images can be configured by a browser-based password protected administration area. 4images supports not only the common image formats like JPG, GIF and PNG but also any other data format. Furthermore 4images includes a template system to modify the design of the gallery. An external language file affords an easy translation in other languages.
4images includes the follow Features:
* Menu-driven installation on the webserver
* Password protected administration area
* Backup function for the Database
* unlimited categories and subcategories
* Ratings and countable download function
* Image formats and data types integrated by default: jpg, gif, png, aif, au, avi, mid, mov, mp3, mpg, swf, wav, ra, rm, zip
* Extendable for every file format
* Display of IPTC and Exif data of the images
* Upload function by web browser or FTP
* Comments and e-cards
* RSS Feeds
* CAPTCHA protection of forms
* Protection against hotlinking
* User administration, usergroups
* Multilingualism
Visit the official 4images website

20. CopperMine Gallery

(RECOMMENDED GALLERY SCRIPT) Coppermine Photo Gallery is a photo-gallery web application with multimedia capabilities. It requires PHP, MySQL, and ImageMagick or the GD Graphics Library, and works with most web server software such as Apache.

Coppermine Photo Gallery has interfaces with many popular software packages, including e107, Invision Power Board, Joomla!, Mambo, phpBB, PostNuke, PunBB, Simple Machines Forum, vBulletin, Woltlab Burning Board, and YaBB SE.
Visit the official coppermine website

21. PHProjekt Groupware Suite

PHProjekt is a modular application for the coordination of group activities and to share informations and document via the web.
Components of PHProjekt: Group calendar, project management, time card system, [Features] General Projects Time card system Contact manager Calendar Chat Forum Request tracker Mail client Files Notes Bookmarks Voting system Administration Todo list Reminder Search System
Visit the official phpprojeckt website

22. Dew New PHP-Links Links List

A Link Directory featuring categories, reviews, popular links, new links, links approval.
Visit the official phplinks website

23. phpESP Polls and Surveys


PHP scripts to let non-technical users create surveys, administer surveys, gather results, view statistics. All managed online after database
Visit the official phpesp website

24. Open-Realty Real estate listing management

Open-Realty is an open source web based real estate listing management application. It is intended to be both easy to setup and use. Written in PHP, Open-Realty is designed to be a fast and flexible tool for your real estate website. With a large open-source community working with this application, and solid management from Transparent Technologies, Inc. Open-Realty is the top choice for use on your website.

Open-Realty has been the first choice in open source real estate web site solutions since 2003. Open-Realty provides easy installation, highly customizable templates, virtual tour support, advanced search capabilities, and many other features. Combine this with commercial add-ons such as our IDX data importer, RETS data importer, and advanced Google map integration and you have all tools needed to have a top real estate website in your market.
Visit the official openreality website

25. php Form Generator Web Form Generator

phpFormGenerator is a an easy, online tool for creating reliable, efficient, and aesthetically pleasing web forms in a snap. No programming of any sort is required: phpFormGenerator generates the HTML code, the form processor code (PHP), and the field validation code automatically via an easy, point-and-click interface.

phpFormGenerator provides several delivery formats. You can choose to have your form results delivered via email, sent to a MySQL database, and written to a data file (which you can then open in Excel and other programs).
Visit the official phpformgen website

26. PhpWiki Wiki

A WikiWikiWeb is a web site where anyone can edit the pages through an HTML form. Linking is done automatically on the server side; all pages are stored in a database.

This may sound rather simplistic, but a Wiki is a very unique way to collaborate on the Web. I, Steve Wainstead, set up a few while working at the New York Times on the Web, and the technical staff really took to them in a big way. They wrote 500 pages in just a few months (all to document the internal systems).

The addictive quality of a Wiki is that making pages is as simple as making a link to them. If they don’t yet exist, the page link will be followed by a hyperlinked question mark; follow that link and you can define the new page.

With this setup, you can update and create pages from anywhere there is a web browser handy.
Visit the official phpwiki website