(OK) CentOS7—mp4—avi—视频播放—SMPlayer

How to setup multimedia on CentOS 7

You will need to also install the EPEL repository as nux-dextop depends on this for some of its packages.

Step 1: Install the nux-dextop repository

Run this command to install the nux-dextop repository.

yum -y install http://li.nux.ro/download/nux/dextop/el7/x86_64/nux-dextop-release-0-5.el7.nux.noarch.rpm

Step 2: Install the adobe repository

Run this command to install the adobe repository.

yum -y install http://linuxdownload.adobe.com/linux/x86_64/adobe-release-x86_64-1.0-1.noarch.rpm

Step 3: Install the desired packages

This command will download the flash plugin for Firefox.

yum install flash-plugin

This command will download the java plugin for Firefox.

yum install icedtea-web

This command will install Handbrake, VLC and smplayer.

yum install vlc smplayer ffmpeg HandBrake-{gui,cli}

The following command installs a decoder and codecs which are required to play certain types of media. Their usage may be legally restricted in some areas. Obtain legal advice if you are uncertain about the laws in your locality.

rpm -ivh http://mirror.centos.org/centos/7/os/x86_64/Packages/fribidi-0.19.4-6.el7.x86_64.rpm

yum install libdvdcss gstreamer{,1}-plugins-ugly gstreamer-plugins-bad-nonfree gstreamer1-plugins-bad-freeworld

Final note

Notice that you have the CentOS, Nux-Dextop and Adobe repos enabled by default and there should be no issues with running "yum update" or "yum upgrade" in the future.


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MPlayer 中文特别版是一个强大的多媒体播放器,但它是个命令行程序所以对很多人来说都很难用 SMPlayer 让你能更方便的使用 MPlayer 的常用功能。 像选择音频或字幕轨道,启用视频过滤, 调节音频延迟,回放速度和很多其他选项,其界面友好直观。 一个完整的首选项对话框,有性能微调 改变颜色、字幕字体以及设置快捷键等功能…… 开源免费视频播放器 SMPlayer 中文多语特别版开源免费视频播放器 SMPlayer 中文多语特别版 SMPlayer 中文版是个用于屡获殊荣的 MPlayer 的图形化界面 (GUI), 它能够播放几乎所有已知的视频和音频格式。 查看所有受支持格式的列表。SMPlayer 可跨平台,支持Windows 和Linux 已被开发为使用 Qt 工具箱。 但是 SMPlayer 也添加了其他有趣的特性 如可以观看和下载Youtube视频, 搜索和下载字幕,创建视频预览图片…… SMPlayer 最有趣的一个功能是: 它会记住您播放过的所有文件的设置。 因此, 当您开始看一部电影, 但您必须得离开…… 不用担心, 当您再次打开那部电影时, 它将恢复到您离开时的播放位置,并使用相同的设置: 音轨、字幕、音量…… SMPlayer 是个适用于 Windows 和 Linux 的免费媒体播放器, 内置解码器,可以播放几乎所有格式的视频和音频文件。 无需再安装任何外部解码器。 只要安装了 SMPlayer, 你就能够播放所有的格式,不用再费事查找安装解码包。 SMPlayer 支持的输入格式 (S)VCD (Super Video CD) CDRwin’s .bin image file DVD, including encrypted DVD MPEG-1/2 (ES/PS/PES/VOB) AVI file format ASF/WMV/WMA format QT/MOV/MP4 format RealAudio/RealVideo format Ogg/OGM files Matroska NUT NSV (Nullsoft Streaming Video) VIVO format FLI format NuppelVideo format yuv4mpeg format FILM (.cpk) format RoQ format PVA format streaming via HTTP/FTP, RTP/RTSP, MMS/MMST, MPST, SDP TV grabbing SMPlayer 支持的视频和音频解码器 重要的视频解码器: MPEG-1 (VCD) and MPEG-2 (SVCD/DVD/DVB) video MPEG-4 ASP in all variants including DivX ;-), OpenDivX (DivX4), DivX 5 (Pro), Xvid MPEG-4 AVC aka H.264 Windows Media Video 7/8 (WMV1/2) Windows Media Video 9 (WMV3) (using x86 DLL) RealVideo 1.0, 2.0 (G2) RealVideo 3.0 (RP8), 4.0 (RP9) (using Real libraries) Sorenson v1/v3 (SVQ1/SVQ3), Cinepak, RPZA and other QuickTime codecs DV video 3ivx Intel Indeo3 (3.1, 3.2) Intel Indeo 4.1 and 5.0 (using x86 DLL or XAnim codecs) VIVO 1.0, 2.0, I263 and other H.263(+) variants (using x86 DLL) MJPEG, AVID, VCR2, ASV2 and other hardware formats FLI/FLC HuffYUV various old simple RLE-like formats 重要的音频解码器: MPEG layer 1, 2, and 3 (MP3) audio AC3/A52, E-AC3, DTS (Dolby Digital) audio (software or SP/DIF) AAC (MPEG-4 audio) WMA (DivX Audio) v1, v2 WMA 9 (WMAv3), Voxware audio, ACELP.net etc (using x86 DLLs) RealAudio: COOK, SIPRO, ATRAC3 (using Rea




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