Nick Vujicic Interview

what makes someone extraordinary? their abilities? their talents? or simply their smile? when I first met Nick Vujicic, I knew I have just encountered someone extraordinary.

From  the moment when he began to share his amazing story with me. I witnessed first-hand of how god is using a man with no arms and legs to be god's hands and his feet.

My dad was saying that he was, you know, his head was next to my mom' head as i was being born and he saw my shoulder.  and he just went pale, he was hoping my mom didn't see me because he saw that I had no right arm. my dad had to leave the room and he couldn't believe what he saw. The doctor came in and my dad said,My son, he has not right arm. and the doctor said,"No, your son has no arms or legs."  And he said he nearly fell on the floor, he couldn't believe it..

And the whole church was mourning, you know, like,"Why would god let the pastor's son be born that way?" My mom at first, he just didn't want to hold me, she didn't want to, you know, breast-feed me and all that, Um... She just found very uncomfortable for the first 4 months, and it took them quite a while before they could trust in God that he didn't make a mistake, that he didn't forget them or me.

Nick's parents gave their fear and even disappointment and his son's disability over to the Lord. They chose to trust god and his promise that he had a plan and purpose, a hope and a future for their son. But the years passed, Nick on the other hand,had many challenges trusting in a god that he felt gave hime less. 

"I challenged god, I said, god, i know that i'm a sinner, I know that I won't probably have peace until you're in my heart, but i will not let you in my heart until you answer me why?why did you take my arms and legs?why didn't you give me when everybody else has?" and i said, "god, until you answer me that question,i will not serve you."

"coz i wanted to end it, if god wasn't to end my pain, i was going to end it myselt. so at age18,i tried to drown myself in a bathtub of 4 inches of water.i told my mom and dad that i'm just going to relax in the bathtub.can you put me into the bathtub? and ah.. yeah, i turned over a couple of times to see if i can do it. i couldn't do it. the thought that stopped me from going throught with this was the love of my parents. coz i love them so much and all they did was love me. and i thought to myself, if i actually went through with this, i pictured my funeral,i pictured my parents,and all i saw was guilt on their shoulders that they could have done more. "

that would be the last time that he attempted suicide, but it wouldn't be the last time he would come face to face for those deep issues that made him want to end the pain. Then one day, nick's mother had him read an article about a severe disabled man and that man's story made a hug impact on nick.

"i would choose either to be angry at god for i don't have or be thankfull for what i do have. 

and my mom, she said, "nick, god's going to use you, i donot know how, i don't know when, but god's going to use you" 

and those seeds start to penetrate in my heart. and that's what i started seeing that there is no point in being complete on the outside when you're broken on the inside. and i found out that god can heal you without changing the circumstance."

"I gave my life to Jesus christ when i read john 9 at age 15, when a man was coming through a village. and a man, this blind man from birth. Jesus saw him,people said,"why was this man born that way?" jesus said, "it was done so that the works of god may be revealed through him", and in 2 timothy 3 verse 16: it says all scripture is god breathed, and i believe god breathed in me, life and faith, this faith came over me,this pweach came over me,and i felt like god answered my question. and what was the question and what was the answer?
the question was why, why did you make me this way? and the answer was "Do you trust me?" that is the question, and when you say yes to that question, nothing eles matters.

but what was it, specifically for you, that made you say,"Lord, that i'm going to trust your word becasue i know it's be true. i'm going to trust you even if i don't know what you have in store for me tomorrow" right, because there was nothing else i can find, there was nothings else that can give me peace, i knew arms and legs wouldn't give me peace, anyway, arms and legs alone. i need to know the truth of who i'm, why i'm here and where i'm going when i'm not here. and i havenot found that truth in anywhere else except in jusus christ. and it was in jesus christ where nick found the strength to do what many thought would be the impossible.

It is so hard to be strong when people constantly say"you are not good enough, you know, go away, you know, we don't want to do anything with you. nick, you're nobody, nick, you cann't do this, nick, you can't do that, nick... In life, if you don't know the truth, then you can't be free. because then you'll believe the lies are the truth. but once we realize that when we read the world of god, then you know the truth of who you are. i'm not a man without arms and legs, i'm a child of god, i'm forgiven of my sins, i'm the ambassador of the king of kings, the Lord of lords, i'm nothing but the servant of the most high god, this is not about nick, it's not about nick's capacity and capability to become this conqueror. i'm nothing... god though lives in me and i now live in his trength and whatever jesus conquered, i conquer, i believe if god doesn't give you a miracle, you are a miracle of god, for somebody else's salvation. and i thank god that he didn't answer my prayer then i was begging him for arms and legs at age 8.  because guess what, because i have no arms and no legs, he is using me all around the world.

and we've seen so for, approximately, this is conservative, 200,000 souls come to jesus christ for their very first time in the last6,7 years.and what would you rather? would you rather have arms and legs nick here on earth? no, whatever his will is. because i'd rather have no arms and no legs temprorarily here on earth to be able to reach someone else for jesus christ,and then spend eternity with them there.

in the last dcade, nick has shared his story with 24 countres to over 3 million people, and whether he is talking in a stadium packed with people or one single person,his heart behind the message is the same. god loves you that he hasn't forgot your pain,he hasn't forgot your family, and maybe while you're watching this interview, you've compared your suffering to my suffering, and that's not where our hope is to know that someone else, in your opinion, is suffering more than you, that's not what our hope is, the hope is in the name of god, the name of the lord jesus christ. hope is where you compare your suffering to the infinite, imeasurable love and grace of god. Isaiah 40:31 says:"those who wait upon the lord will renew their strength, they shall mount up on wings as eagles." i didn't need my circumstance to change, i don't need arms and legs, i need the wings of the holy spirit and i'm flying because i know jesus is holding me up.

DON'T give up on god, coz god will not give up on you.





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