

Fortify安装过程中有一个步骤是安装插件,提供Visual Studio、eclipse、IDEA的插件,选取后会自动检测已安装的IDE安装对应的插件。


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fortify扫描工具的说明手册,对实际工作有指导作用,讲的比较清晰。 Fortify SCA分析原理 Front-End 3rd party IDE Java Pug-In C/C++ MicrOsoL NET IBM.eclipse Audit workbench PLSQL XML Analysis Engine Semantic fdi/ fpr Gobal Data flow N Control Flow Configuration Structural Fortify Manager NST Rules builder Custom Pre-Packaged FORTIFY Fortify SCA分析过程 SCA Engine Intermediate Scan phase fles Using Analyzers Tt transation (NST) .Rules Analysis Result File -b build id 阶段一:转换阶段( Translation) 阶段二:分析阶段(Scan o sourceanalyzer-b <build-id>-clean o sourceanalyzer -b <build-id> sourceanalyzer-b <build-id> -Xmx1250m-scan-f results fpr FORTIFY Fortify SCA扫描的工作 Visual studio Eclipse, IBM RAD 面 Audit Workbench Java,. Net Fortify Global Build Tool C, C/C++ Analysis JSP Touchless Build Fortify PL/SQL IDE Intermediate FPR TSOL Model Cold Command Line Interface Fusion 运己 Fortify I m Manager Secure Coding Rules Fortify Customized Rules Rules FORTIFY Fortify SCA扫描的五种方式 插件方式: Plug-In(Eclipse, vs WsAd,rad) 命令行方式 Command line ●扫描目录方式: Audit workbench scan Folder 与其他工具集成: Scan with ANt, Makefile ●编译监控器方式: Fortify SCA Build Monitor FORTIFY Fortify SCA扫描的四个步骤 Fortify SCA扫描总共可以分为四个步骤: ●1. Clean:清除阶段: sourceanalyzer -b proName -clean 2. Translation:转换阶段 3.ShoW-fe:查看阶段 sourceanalyzer -b proName -show-files 4.scan:扫描阶段 sourceanalyzer-b proName -Xmx1250m -scan -f proName. fpr FORTIFY Fortify SCA命令行参数说明 查看SCA扫描命令及参数→> sourceanalyzer ca\ C:\VIRDoS\syste32\cd. exe 川 icrosoft Windows XP[版不5.1268g Kc版权所有1985-2 061 Microsoft Gorp :Documents and settings anming >sourceanalyzer --he lp Fortify Source Code Analyze4..日.回153 Copyright (c>2003-2006 Fortify Software Usage Bu⊥1d Java: sourceanalyzer -b <buildid> <files> sourceanalyzer -b <buildid> javac <compiler opts> <files> G/C++: sourceanalyzer -b <buildid> <compiler> <compiler opts> <files> NET: sourceanalyzer -b <buildin> <exe file> scan〓 sourceanalyzer -b <buildid> -scan -f results. fpr Output opt ions -format <fmt> Controls the output format. Valid options are auto, fpr. fvdl, and text. Default is auto for which type will be determined automatically based on file extension 一£<fi1e> The file to which results are written Default is stdout build-pro ject <name> The name of the project being scanned. Will be inc luded in the output bu⊥1d-1abe1<labe1> The1abe1 of the project being scanned.W主工1 be inc luded in the output build-version <version> The version of the project being scanned. wil1RTIFY. e uale OFTWARE Fortify SCA转换源代码 转换Java代码 Java程序命令行语法 JaVa命令行语法例子 转换J2EE应用程序 使用 Find bugs 转换NET源代码 o. NET Versions 1.1 and 2.0 Visual studio. net version 2003 o Visual studio.net version 2005 转换CC++代码 ●转换 PL/SQLITSQL FORTIFY SCA转换JAVA代码命令 sourceanalyzer -b <build-id> -cp <classpath> <file-list> ●附注参数:-Xmx;- encoding-jdk;- appserver- appserver- veron -appserver-home Table 1: File specifiers File specifier Description darna盈e All files found under the named directory or any subdirectories dx己盈e/古古 Any file named Example. java found under the named Example java directory or any subdirectories dx22盈e/,ava Any file with the extension. j ava found in the named directory dxna盈e吉/古,java Any file wth the extension j ava found under the named directory or any subdirectories d工22a盈e/方/吉 All files found under the named directory or ary subdirectories (same as dirname FORTIFY
要使用Fortify进行C语言代码扫描,可以按照以下步骤进行操作: 1. 首先,使用Fortify的sourceanalyzer.exe进行编译处理和扫描。您可以在fortify bin目录下找到sourceanalyzer.exe。使用以下命令行选项可以扫描单个C文件: sourceanalyzer.exe -b build_id gcc.exe <编译选项> 2. 接下来,执行以下命令进行扫描: sourceanalyzer.exe -b build_id -scan -verbose -f build_id.fpr 3. 如果您希望扫描更大的项目或代码文件较大,可以选择拆分成一个文件夹一个文件夹进行扫描,这样可以提高扫描速度。 4. 扫描完成后,您可以使用Fortify的Audit Workbench进行进一步的分析。双击启动Audit Workbench,并点击选择Advanced Scan。 5. 在Advanced Scan中,选择要扫描的源代码,并点击Next。 6. 选择要扫描的选项和规则包,根据您的情况进行配置。您还可以根据需要配置内存大小,以确保扫描过程中不会出现内存不足的情况。 7. 最后,点击Scan按钮开始扫描。 通过以上步骤,您就可以使用Fortify对C语言代码进行扫描,并获取安全漏洞的检测结果。请注意,具体的操作细节可能会因不同版本的Fortify而有所差异,建议您参考Fortify的文档或官方指南以获取更准确的操作步骤和信息。<span class="em">1</span><span class="em">2</span><span class="em">3</span> #### 引用[.reference_title] - *1* [windows fortifySCA 扫描 c/c++ 项目](https://blog.csdn.net/SHELLCODE_8BIT/article/details/130170199)[target="_blank" data-report-click={"spm":"1018.2226.3001.9630","extra":{"utm_source":"vip_chatgpt_common_search_pc_result","utm_medium":"distribute.pc_search_result.none-task-cask-2~all~insert_cask~default-1-null.142^v93^chatsearchT3_2"}}] [.reference_item style="max-width: 50%"] - *2* *3* [Fortify 代码扫描安装使用教程](https://blog.csdn.net/qq_41648820/article/details/116937035)[target="_blank" data-report-click={"spm":"1018.2226.3001.9630","extra":{"utm_source":"vip_chatgpt_common_search_pc_result","utm_medium":"distribute.pc_search_result.none-task-cask-2~all~insert_cask~default-1-null.142^v93^chatsearchT3_2"}}] [.reference_item style="max-width: 50%"] [ .reference_list ]


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