

Operator 的运行机制是作为自定义扩展资源注册到Controller Manager,通过List-Watch的方式监听对应资源的变化。controller-runtime 是 Kubernetes 社区提供可供快速搭建一套 实现了controller 功能的工具,对client-go进行了封装,用户无需自行实现Controller的功能了,只需关注Reconciler即可。


func main() {
    // 1.构建controllerManager
	mgr, err := ctrl.NewManager(ctrl.GetConfigOrDie(), ctrl.Options{
		Scheme:                 scheme,
		MetricsBindAddress:     metricsAddr,
		Port:                   9443,
		HealthProbeBindAddress: probeAddr,
		LeaderElection:         enableLeaderElection,
		LeaderElectionID:       "1de8eaa9.demo.kubebuilder.io",
    // 2.将reconciler添加到controllerManager中
	if err = (&controllers.MyNginxReconciler{
		Client: mgr.GetClient(),
		Scheme: mgr.GetScheme(),
	}).SetupWithManager(mgr); err != nil {
		setupLog.Error(err, "unable to create controller", "controller", "MyNginx")
	setupLog.Info("starting manager")
	// 3.启动controllerManager
	if err := mgr.Start(ctrl.SetupSignalHandler()); err != nil {
		setupLog.Error(err, "problem running manager")

2.1 SetupWithManager


  1. 构建一个controller,并加入到controllerManager中
  2. 为该controller设置watch对象,也就是myappv1.MyNginxUss{}
  3. 为该controller设置Reconciler,也就是MemcachedReconciler
// SetupWithManager sets up the controller with the Manager.
func (r *MyNginxReconciler) SetupWithManager(mgr ctrl.Manager) error {
	return ctrl.NewControllerManagedBy(mgr).
// Complete builds the Application Controller.
func (blder *Builder) Complete(r reconcile.Reconciler) error {
	_, err := blder.Build(r)
	return err
// Build builds the Application Controller and returns the Controller it created.
func (blder *Builder) Build(r reconcile.Reconciler) (controller.Controller, error) {
	if r == nil {
		return nil, fmt.Errorf("must provide a non-nil Reconciler")
	if blder.mgr == nil {
		return nil, fmt.Errorf("must provide a non-nil Manager")
	if blder.forInput.err != nil {
		return nil, blder.forInput.err
	// Checking the reconcile type exist or not
	if blder.forInput.object == nil {
		return nil, fmt.Errorf("must provide an object for reconciliation")

	// Set the ControllerManagedBy
	if err := blder.doController(r); err != nil {
		return nil, err

	// Set the Watch
	if err := blder.doWatch(); err != nil {
		return nil, err

	return blder.ctrl, nil


func (blder *Builder) doController(r reconcile.Reconciler) error {
	globalOpts := blder.mgr.GetControllerOptions()

	ctrlOptions := blder.ctrlOptions
	if ctrlOptions.Reconciler == nil {
		ctrlOptions.Reconciler = r

	// Build the controller and return.
	blder.ctrl, err = newController(blder.getControllerName(gvk), blder.mgr, ctrlOptions)
	return err
// New returns a new Controller registered with the Manager.  The Manager will ensure that shared Caches have
// been synced before the Controller is Started.
func New(name string, mgr manager.Manager, options Options) (Controller, error) {
	c, err := NewUnmanaged(name, mgr, options)
	if err != nil {
		return nil, err

	// Add the controller as a Manager components
	return c, mgr.Add(c)
func (cm *controllerManager) Add(r Runnable) error {
	defer cm.Unlock()
	return cm.add(r)

func (cm *controllerManager) add(r Runnable) error {
	// Set dependencies on the object
	if err := cm.SetFields(r); err != nil {
		return err
	return cm.runnables.Add(r)


func (blder *Builder) doWatch() error {
	// Reconcile type
	typeForSrc, err := blder.project(blder.forInput.object, blder.forInput.objectProjection)
	if err != nil {
		return err
	src := &source.Kind{Type: typeForSrc}
	hdler := &handler.EnqueueRequestForObject{}
	allPredicates := append(blder.globalPredicates, blder.forInput.predicates...)
	if err := blder.ctrl.Watch(src, hdler, allPredicates...); err != nil {
		return err
// Watch implements controller.Controller.
func (c *Controller) Watch(src source.Source, evthdler handler.EventHandler, prct ...predicate.Predicate) error {
	defer c.mu.Unlock()

	// Inject Cache into arguments
	if err := c.SetFields(src); err != nil {
		return err
	if err := c.SetFields(evthdler); err != nil {
		return err
	for _, pr := range prct {
		if err := c.SetFields(pr); err != nil {
			return err

	// Controller hasn't started yet, store the watches locally and return.
	// These watches are going to be held on the controller struct until the manager or user calls Start(...).
	// Controller还未启动时,将watchDescription添加到startWatches中,就返回了。
	// Controller启动时会启动startWatches中的watch
	// controller启动时留意startWatches
	if !c.Started {
		c.startWatches = append(c.startWatches, watchDescription{src: src, handler: evthdler, predicates: prct})
		return nil

	c.Log.Info("Starting EventSource", "source", src)
	return src.Start(c.ctx, evthdler, c.Queue, prct...)


// watchDescription contains all the information necessary to start a watch.
type watchDescription struct {
	src        source.Source
	handler    handler.EventHandler
	predicates []predicate.Predicate

2.2 controllerManager启动


// Start implements controller.Controller.
func (c *Controller) Start(ctx context.Context) error {
	// use an IIFE to get proper lock handling
	// but lock outside to get proper handling of the queue shutdown
	if c.Started {
		return errors.New("controller was started more than once. This is likely to be caused by being added to a manager multiple times")


	// Set the internal context.
	c.ctx = ctx

    // 创建工作队列
	c.Queue = c.MakeQueue()
	go func() {

	wg := &sync.WaitGroup{}
	err := func() error {
		defer c.mu.Unlock()

		// TODO(pwittrock): Reconsider HandleCrash
		defer utilruntime.HandleCrash()

		// NB(directxman12): launch the sources *before* trying to wait for the
		// caches to sync so that they have a chance to register their intendeded
		// caches.
		// 遍历controller的startWatches,这是之前doWatch()添加进来的
		for _, watch := range c.startWatches {
			c.Log.Info("Starting EventSource", "source", fmt.Sprintf("%s", watch.src))
            // 调用src.Start,src是source.Kind
			if err := watch.src.Start(ctx, watch.handler, c.Queue, watch.predicates...); err != nil {
				return err

		// Start the SharedIndexInformer factories to begin populating the SharedIndexInformer caches
		c.Log.Info("Starting Controller")

		for _, watch := range c.startWatches {
			syncingSource, ok := watch.src.(source.SyncingSource)
			if !ok {

			if err := func() error {
				// use a context with timeout for launching sources and syncing caches.
				sourceStartCtx, cancel := context.WithTimeout(ctx, c.CacheSyncTimeout)
				defer cancel()

				// WaitForSync waits for a definitive timeout, and returns if there
				// is an error or a timeout
				if err := syncingSource.WaitForSync(sourceStartCtx); err != nil {
					err := fmt.Errorf("failed to wait for %s caches to sync: %w", c.Name, err)
					c.Log.Error(err, "Could not wait for Cache to sync")
					return err

				return nil
			}(); err != nil {
				return err

		// All the watches have been started, we can reset the local slice.
		// We should never hold watches more than necessary, each watch source can hold a backing cache,
		// which won't be garbage collected if we hold a reference to it.
		c.startWatches = nil

		// Launch workers to process resources
		c.Log.Info("Starting workers", "worker count", c.MaxConcurrentReconciles)
		for i := 0; i < c.MaxConcurrentReconciles; i++ {
			go func() {
				defer wg.Done()
				// Run a worker thread that just dequeues items, processes them, and marks them done.
				// It enforces that the reconcileHandler is never invoked concurrently with the same object.
				// 启动workers来处理资源
				for c.processNextWorkItem(ctx) {

		c.Started = true
		return nil
	if err != nil {
		return err

	c.Log.Info("Shutdown signal received, waiting for all workers to finish")
	c.Log.Info("All workers finished")
	return nil
// Start is internal and should be called only by the Controller to register an EventHandler with the Informer
// to enqueue reconcile.Requests.
func (ks *Kind) Start(ctx context.Context, handler handler.EventHandler, queue workqueue.RateLimitingInterface,
	prct ...predicate.Predicate) error {
	// Type should have been specified by the user.
	if ks.Type == nil {
		return fmt.Errorf("must specify Kind.Type")

	// cache should have been injected before Start was called
	if ks.cache == nil {
		return fmt.Errorf("must call CacheInto on Kind before calling Start")

	// cache.GetInformer will block until its context is cancelled if the cache was already started and it can not
	// sync that informer (most commonly due to RBAC issues).
	ctx, ks.startCancel = context.WithCancel(ctx)
	ks.started = make(chan error)
	go func() {
		var (
			i       cache.Informer
			lastErr error

		// Tries to get an informer until it returns true,
		// an error or the specified context is cancelled or expired.
		if err := wait.PollImmediateUntilWithContext(ctx, 10*time.Second, func(ctx context.Context) (bool, error) {
			// Lookup the Informer from the Cache and add an EventHandler which populates the Queue
			// 从Cache中获取Informer
			i, lastErr = ks.cache.GetInformer(ctx, ks.Type)
			if lastErr != nil {
				kindMatchErr := &meta.NoKindMatchError{}
				if errors.As(lastErr, &kindMatchErr) {
					log.Error(lastErr, "if kind is a CRD, it should be installed before calling Start",
						"kind", kindMatchErr.GroupKind)
				return false, nil // Retry.
			return true, nil
		}); err != nil {
			if lastErr != nil {
				ks.started <- fmt.Errorf("failed to get informer from cache: %w", lastErr)
			ks.started <- err
        // 向Informer中添加EventHandler
		i.AddEventHandler(internal.EventHandler{Queue: queue, EventHandler: handler, Predicates: prct})
		if !ks.cache.WaitForCacheSync(ctx) {
			// Would be great to return something more informative here
			ks.started <- errors.New("cache did not sync")

	return nil
type Kind struct {
	// Type is the type of object to watch.  e.g. &v1.Pod{}
	Type client.Object

	// cache used to watch APIs
	cache cache.Cache

	// started may contain an error if one was encountered during startup. If its closed and does not
	// contain an error, startup and syncing finished.
	started     chan error
	startCancel func()


// processNextWorkItem will read a single work item off the workqueue and
// attempt to process it, by calling the reconcileHandler.
func (c *Controller) processNextWorkItem(ctx context.Context) bool {
	obj, shutdown := c.Queue.Get()
	if shutdown {
		// Stop working
		return false

	// We call Done here so the workqueue knows we have finished
	// processing this item. We also must remember to call Forget if we
	// do not want this work item being re-queued. For example, we do
	// not call Forget if a transient error occurs, instead the item is
	// put back on the workqueue and attempted again after a back-off
	// period.
	defer c.Queue.Done(obj)

	defer ctrlmetrics.ActiveWorkers.WithLabelValues(c.Name).Add(-1)

	c.reconcileHandler(ctx, obj)
	return true
func (c *Controller) reconcileHandler(ctx context.Context, obj interface{}) {
	// Update metrics after processing each item
	reconcileStartTS := time.Now()
	defer func() {

	// Make sure that the the object is a valid request.
	req, ok := obj.(reconcile.Request)
	if !ok {
		// As the item in the workqueue is actually invalid, we call
		// Forget here else we'd go into a loop of attempting to
		// process a work item that is invalid.
		c.Log.Error(nil, "Queue item was not a Request", "type", fmt.Sprintf("%T", obj), "value", obj)
		// Return true, don't take a break

	log := c.Log.WithValues("name", req.Name, "namespace", req.Namespace)
	ctx = logf.IntoContext(ctx, log)

	// RunInformersAndControllers the syncHandler, passing it the Namespace/Name string of the
	// resource to be synced.
	// 调用Reconciler函数来处理,这是用户真正去编写业务逻辑的地方
	result, err := c.Reconcile(ctx, req)
	switch {
	case err != nil:
	    // 如果业务逻辑处理出错,重新添加到限速队列中去
		ctrlmetrics.ReconcileTotal.WithLabelValues(c.Name, labelError).Inc()
		log.Error(err, "Reconciler error")
	case result.RequeueAfter > 0:
		// The result.RequeueAfter request will be lost, if it is returned
		// along with a non-nil error. But this is intended as
		// We need to drive to stable reconcile loops before queuing due
		// to result.RequestAfter
		c.Queue.AddAfter(req, result.RequeueAfter)
		ctrlmetrics.ReconcileTotal.WithLabelValues(c.Name, labelRequeueAfter).Inc()
	case result.Requeue:
	    // 重新加入队列
		ctrlmetrics.ReconcileTotal.WithLabelValues(c.Name, labelRequeue).Inc()
		// Finally, if no error occurs we Forget this item so it does not
		// get queued again until another change happens.
		// 正常处理了资源
		ctrlmetrics.ReconcileTotal.WithLabelValues(c.Name, labelSuccess).Inc()

2.3 cache


// Cache knows how to load Kubernetes objects, fetch informers to request
// to receive events for Kubernetes objects (at a low-level),
// and add indices to fields on the objects stored in the cache.
type Cache interface {
	// Cache acts as a client to objects stored in the cache.

	// Cache loads informers and adds field indices.


func (cm *controllerManager) Start(ctx context.Context) (err error) {
	// Start and wait for caches.
	if err := cm.runnables.Caches.Start(cm.internalCtx); err != nil {
		if err != wait.ErrWaitTimeout {
			return err


// pkg/cache/internal/deleg_map.go
func (m *InformersMap) Start(ctx context.Context) error {
	go m.structured.Start(ctx)
	go m.unstructured.Start(ctx)
	go m.metadata.Start(ctx)
	return nil

// pkg/cache/internal/informers_map.go
func (ip *specificInformersMap) Start(ctx context.Context) {
	func() {
		defer ip.mu.Unlock()

		ip.stop = ctx.Done()

		// 启动Informer
		for _, informer := range ip.informersByGVK {
			go informer.Informer.Run(ctx.Done())

		ip.started = true


type EnqueueRequestForObject struct{}

// Create implements EventHandler.
func (e *EnqueueRequestForObject) Create(evt event.CreateEvent, q workqueue.RateLimitingInterface) {
	if evt.Object == nil {
		enqueueLog.Error(nil, "CreateEvent received with no metadata", "event", evt)
	q.Add(reconcile.Request{NamespacedName: types.NamespacedName{
		Name:      evt.Object.GetName(),
		Namespace: evt.Object.GetNamespace(),

// Update implements EventHandler.
func (e *EnqueueRequestForObject) Update(evt event.UpdateEvent, q workqueue.RateLimitingInterface) {
	switch {
	case evt.ObjectNew != nil:
		q.Add(reconcile.Request{NamespacedName: types.NamespacedName{
			Name:      evt.ObjectNew.GetName(),
			Namespace: evt.ObjectNew.GetNamespace(),
	case evt.ObjectOld != nil:
		q.Add(reconcile.Request{NamespacedName: types.NamespacedName{
			Name:      evt.ObjectOld.GetName(),
			Namespace: evt.ObjectOld.GetNamespace(),
		enqueueLog.Error(nil, "UpdateEvent received with no metadata", "event", evt)

// Delete implements EventHandler.
func (e *EnqueueRequestForObject) Delete(evt event.DeleteEvent, q workqueue.RateLimitingInterface) {
	if evt.Object == nil {
		enqueueLog.Error(nil, "DeleteEvent received with no metadata", "event", evt)
	q.Add(reconcile.Request{NamespacedName: types.NamespacedName{
		Name:      evt.Object.GetName(),
		Namespace: evt.Object.GetNamespace(),





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