


SELECT *  FROM (SELEct rownum t_rownum, T.*          FROM (SELECT L.*                  FROM LOT L, LOT_EXT LE                 WHERE L.LOT_RRN = LE.LOT_RRN                   AND L.LOT_STATUS NOT IN ('TERMINATED', 'SCRAPED')                   AND NOT EXISTS (SELECT 1                          FROM LOT_LABEL_PRINT                         WHERE LOT_ID = L.LOT_ID)                   AND NOT EXISTS                 (SELECT 1                          FROM PRINT_LOG                         WHERE LOT_ID = L.LOT_ID                           AND PRINTTYPE = 'barcode')                   AND LE.ATTRIBUTE_DATA2 = 'xxxxxxxxx'                 ORDER BY L.LOT_RRN) T         where rownum <= 1) WHERE T_ROWNUM > 0;

异常执行计划如下,原来的NL变成了 merge sort

Plan hash value: 2080666894--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------| Id  | Operation                          | Name                    | Rows  | Bytes | Cost (%CPU)| Time     |--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------|   0 | SELECT STATEMENT                   |                         |       |       |   746 (100)|          ||   1 |  VIEW                              |                         |     1 |  4794 |   746   (2)| 00:00:09 ||   2 |   COUNT STOPKEY                    |                         |       |       |            |          ||   3 |    VIEW                            |                         |     2 |  9562 |   746   (2)| 00:00:09 ||   4 |     NESTED LOOPS ANTI              |                         |     2 |   694 |   746   (2)| 00:00:09 ||   5 |      NESTED LOOPS ANTI             |                         |     2 |   664 |   744   (2)| 00:00:09 ||   6 |       MERGE JOIN                   |                         |     3 |   924 |   735   (2)| 00:00:09 ||   7 |        SORT JOIN                   |                         | 52321 |    14M|   680   (2)| 00:00:09 ||   8 |         TABLE ACCESS FULL          | LOT                     | 35190 |  9965K|   680   (2)| 00:00:09 ||   9 |        SORT JOIN                   |                         |  1488 | 26784 |    55   (0)| 00:00:01 ||  10 |         TABLE ACCESS BY INDEX ROWID| LOT_EXT                 |  1488 | 26784 |    55   (0)| 00:00:01 ||  11 |          INDEX RANGE SCAN          | INDX_LE_ATTRIBUTE_DATA2 |  1529 |       |    11   (0)| 00:00:01 ||  12 |       TABLE ACCESS BY INDEX ROWID  | PRINT_LOG               |  3398K|    77M|     3   (0)| 00:00:01 ||  13 |        INDEX RANGE SCAN            | IDX_PL_LOT_ID           |     1 |       |     2   (0)| 00:00:01 ||  14 |      INDEX UNIQUE SCAN             | SYS_C0017922            |     1 |    15 |     1   (0)| 00:00:01 |-------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------

其他库正常执行计划如下都是NL,问题的关键为 LOT表有没有走PK的索引
用coe_xfr_sql_profile.sql查过这个系统重绑定变量的sql 只有一个sql plan

一 . 尝试改写SQL
首先看到如果拿掉外层的两个rownum 后 执行计划正常,

SELEct rownum t_rownum, T.*          FROM (SELECT L.*                  FROM LOT L, LOT_EXT LE                 WHERE L.LOT_RRN = LE.LOT_RRN                   AND L.LOT_STATUS NOT IN ('TERMINATED', 'SCRAPED')                   AND NOT EXISTS (SELECT 1                          FROM LOT_LABEL_PRINT                         WHERE LOT_ID = L.LOT_ID)                   AND NOT EXISTS                 (SELECT 1                          FROM PRINT_LOG                         WHERE LOT_ID = L.LOT_ID                           AND PRINTTYPE = 'barcode')                   AND LE.ATTRIBUTE_DATA2 = 'xxxxxxxxx'                 ORDER BY L.LOT_RRN) T

内层虽然有个不太优的not in,但是还是正常的走了索引,执行结果秒出

问题关键在加了where rownum <= 1 执行计划就变成full table了。

尝试改写sql如下,将内层where rownum <= 1 拿掉改为放在外层加上WHERE T_ROWNUM <= 1 结果集一样,执行计划恢复正常。

把这个结果反馈给开发同事,但是开发同事不同意改代码原因有二 1.其他的数据库一样的sql,可以秒出结果(查过统计信息也都正常)


SELECT *  FROM (SELEct rownum t_rownum, T.*          FROM (SELECT L.*                  FROM LOT L, LOT_EXT LE                 WHERE L.LOT_RRN = LE.LOT_RRN                   AND L.LOT_STATUS NOT IN ('TERMINATED', 'SCRAPED')                   AND NOT EXISTS (SELECT 1                          FROM LOT_LABEL_PRINT                         WHERE LOT_ID = L.LOT_ID)                   AND NOT EXISTS                 (SELECT 1                          FROM PRINT_LOG                         WHERE LOT_ID = L.LOT_ID                           AND PRINTTYPE = 'barcode')                   AND LE.ATTRIBUTE_DATA2 = 'xxxxxxxxx'                 ORDER BY L.LOT_RRN) T         --where rownum <= 1 ##拿掉这个条件 sql秒出结果         ) WHERE T_ROWNUM <= 1;


更细致的分析这里建议使用 sqlhc 可以了

生成的文件可以关键看最下的tuning advisor

SQL>SELECT DBMS_SQLTUNE.REPORT_TUNING_TASK( '^^2._tuning_task') from DUAL;GENERAL INFORMATION SECTION-------------------------------------------------------------------------------Tuning Task Name   : 8g6k1uqth8d6c_tuning_taskTuning Task Owner  : SYSWorkload Type      : Single SQL StatementScope              : COMPREHENSIVETime Limit(seconds): 1200Completion Status  : COMPLETEDStarted at         : 05/16/2024 16:08:19Completed at       : 05/16/2024 16:09:46-------------------------------------------------------------------------------Schema Name: MYCIMSQL ID     : 8g6k1uqth8d6cSQL Text   : SELECT * FROM ( SELECT T.*, ROWNUM T_ROWNUM FROM ( SELECT L.*             FROM LOT L, LOT_EXT LE WHERE L.LOT_RRN = LE.LOT_RRN AND             L.LOT_STATUS NOT IN ('TERMINATED', 'SCRAPED')  AND NOT EXISTS             (SELECT 1 FROM LOT_LABEL_PRINT WHERE LOT_ID = L.LOT_ID) AND NOT             EXISTS (SELECT 1 FROM PRINT_LOG WHERE LOT_ID = L.LOT_ID AND             PRINTTYPE = 'barcode') AND LE.ATTRIBUTE_DATA2 = :1 ORDER BY             L.LOT_RRN )T WHERE ROWNUM <= 1) WHERE T_ROWNUM > 0Bind Variables : 1 -  (VARCHAR2(128)):1240566049-------------------------------------------------------------------------------FINDINGS SECTION (5 findings)-------------------------------------------------------------------------------1- SQL Profile Finding (see explain plans section below)--------------------------------------------------------  2 potentially better execution plans were found for this statement. Choose  one of the following SQL profiles to implement.  Recommendation (estimated benefit: 94.91%)  ------------------------------------------  - Consider accepting the recommended SQL profile.    execute dbms_sqltune.accept_sql_profile(task_name =>            '8g6k1uqth8d6c_tuning_task', task_owner => 'SYS', replace =>            TRUE);  Validation results  ------------------  The SQL profile was tested by executing both its plan and the original plan  and measuring their respective execution statistics. A plan may have been  only partially executed if the other could be run to completion in less time.                           Original Plan  With SQL Profile  % Improved                           -------------  ----------------  ----------  Completion Status:             PARTIAL          COMPLETE  Elapsed Time (s):           15.643824           .022347      99.85 %  CPU Time (s):               10.529276           .013999      99.86 %  User I/O Time (s):           5.290386                 0        100 %  Buffer Gets:                   227218             11607      94.89 %  Physical Read Requests:          2222                 0        100 %  Physical Write Requests:         8175                 0        100 %  Physical Read Bytes:       1840365568                 0        100 %  Physical Write Bytes:      1742979072                 0        100 %  Rows Processed:                     0                 0  Fetches:                            0                 0  Executions:                         0                 1  Notes  -----  1. Statistics for the original plan were averaged over 0 executions.  2. Statistics for the SQL profile plan were averaged over 10 executions.  Recommendation (estimated benefit: 99.92%)  ------------------------------------------  - Consider accepting the recommended SQL profile to use parallel execution    for this statement.    execute dbms_sqltune.accept_sql_profile(task_name =>            '8g6k1uqth8d6c_tuning_task', task_owner => 'SYS', replace =>            TRUE, profile_type => DBMS_SQLTUNE.PX_PROFILE);  Executing this query parallel with DOP 192 will improve its response time  99.10% over the SQL profile plan. However, there is some cost in enabling  parallel execution. It will increase the statement's resource consumption by  an estimated 72.69% which may result in a reduction of system throughput.  Also, because these resources are consumed over a much smaller duration, the  response time of concurrent statements might be negatively impacted if  sufficient hardware capacity is not available.  The following data shows some sampled statistics for this SQL from the past  week and projected weekly values when parallel execution is enabled.                                 Past week sampled statistics for this SQL                                 -----------------------------------------  Number of executions                                                   0  Percent of total activity                                              0  Percent of samples with #Active Sessions > 2*CPU                       0  Weekly DB time (in sec)                                                0                              Projected statistics with Parallel Execution                              --------------------------------------------  Weekly DB time (in sec)                                                02- Restructure SQL finding (see plan 1 in explain plans section)----------------------------------------------------------------  Predicate "L"."LOT_STATUS"<>'TERMINATED' used at line ID 8 of the execution  plan is an inequality condition on indexed column "LOT_STATUS". This  inequality condition prevents the optimizer from efficiently using indices  on table "MYCIM"."LOT".  Recommendation  --------------  - Rewrite the predicate into an equivalent form to take advantage of    indices.3- Restructure SQL finding (see plan 1 in explain plans section)----------------------------------------------------------------  Predicate "L"."LOT_STATUS"<>'SCRAPED' used at line ID 8 of the execution  plan is an inequality condition on indexed column "LOT_STATUS". This  inequality condition prevents the optimizer from efficiently using indices  on table "MYCIM"."LOT".  Recommendation  --------------  - Rewrite the predicate into an equivalent form to take advantage of    indices.4- Restructure SQL finding (see plan 1 in explain plans section)----------------------------------------------------------------  Predicate "L"."LOT_STATUS"<>'TERMINATED' used at line ID 8 of the execution  plan is an inequality condition on indexed column "LOT_STATUS". This  inequality condition prevents the optimizer from efficiently using indices  on table "MYCIM"."LOT".  Recommendation  --------------  - Rewrite the predicate into an equivalent form to take advantage of    indices.5- Restructure SQL finding (see plan 1 in explain plans section)----------------------------------------------------------------  Predicate "L"."LOT_STATUS"<>'SCRAPED' used at line ID 8 of the execution  plan is an inequality condition on indexed column "LOT_STATUS". This  inequality condition prevents the optimizer from efficiently using indices  on table "MYCIM"."LOT".  Recommendation  --------------  - Rewrite the predicate into an equivalent form to take advantage of    indices.-------------------------------------------------------------------------------ADDITIONAL INFORMATION SECTION-------------------------------------------------------------------------------- The optimizer could not merge the view at line ID 3 of the execution plan.  The optimizer cannot merge a view that contains an "ORDER BY" clause unless  the statement is a "DELETE" or an "UPDATE" and the parent query is the top  most query in the statement.- The optimizer could not merge the view at line ID 1 of the execution plan.  The optimizer cannot merge a view that contains a "ROWNUM" pseudo column.

按着这里的建议理论可以加速99.92% 但是添加sql profile,但是并没有起作用。

  Recommendation (estimated benefit: 99.92%)  ------------------------------------------  - Consider accepting the recommended SQL profile to use parallel execution    for this statement.    execute dbms_sqltune.accept_sql_profile(task_name =>            '8g6k1uqth8d6c_tuning_task', task_owner => 'SYS', replace =>            TRUE, profile_type => DBMS_SQLTUNE.PX_PROFILE);

sql profile也不起作用,又不修改代码来优化,那么能够想到的就是改参数,但是这个涉及到什么参数呢?这个sql 变差是和rownum有关 那么先查一下隐含参数中有哪些涉及到了rownum


SELECT a.ksppinm "Parameter",       b.ksppstvl "Session Value",       c.ksppstvl "Instance Value"FROM   x$ksppi a,       x$ksppcv b,       x$ksppsv cWHERE  a.indx = b.indxAND    a.indx = c.indxAND    a.ksppinm like  '%rownum%';-------------------------------------_px_rownum_pd                     TRUE  TRUE_optimizer_rownum_pred_based_fkr  TRUE  TRUE_optimizer_rownum_bind_default    10     10

可以看到_optimizer_rownum_pred_based_fkr和(FKR,first k row)_optimizer_rownum_bind_default 都是和优化器,rowum相关,MOS中按这两个关键字检索能看到如下几篇doc和BUG,都是因为查询了NUM造成了sql执行缓慢,​

Query Containing a ROWNUM Predicate is Slow. Without it the Query is fast (Doc ID 833286.1)Bug 19710102 - wrong plan with _optimizer_enable_extended_stats(default value of true) (Doc ID 19710102.8)Pagination Query Became Slow When The Pagination Range Is Relatively Narrow (Doc ID 2941203.1)


1. session or system 级别将隐含参数g改为falsealter session set "_optimizer_rownum_pred_based_fkr" = FALSE;alter system set "_optimizer_rownum_pred_based_fkr" = FALSE;2. sql添加hint SELECT /*+ opt_param('_optimizer_rownum_pred_based_fkr','false') */


​三. 后记

 如果在12.2之前的版本,使用伪列rownum查询,出现莫名其妙的性能问题,可以试试session级别修改_optimizer_rownum_pred_based_fkr参数为false 可能会起到妙手回春的效果。




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