
 近期在给深圳移动做的项目中遇到要在web页面显示excel文件的需求,在网上查了一些解决方案都不全,现把完整的解决方案贴出来:    必备资料:        1. jawin.dll(这个文件需要放到win32目录下,系统不需要重启)        2. jawin.jar,jawin-stubs.jar(这两个jar包要copy到自己的web类库中,主要是用来把excel文件格式转换为在web 页面可显示的xml格式)       3. 操作系统必须是windows,并且必须安装了office2003控件    主要功能代码:  package com.topman.util.excel; import com.topman.util.Util; import com.topman.util.type.StringUtil; import com.topman.util.file.FileUtil; import com.topman.util.web.WebUtil; import com.topman.util.log.GeneralLogger; import org.jawin.win32.Ole32; import org.jawin.DispatchPtr; import java.io.File; import java.io.UnsupportedEncodingException; public class ExcelUtil {     /**      * TODO:下面这个方法,可以直接获取xls文件转换为xml文件的内容,能够直接在web页面以xls形式显示     public static String fetchXmlContentOfXls(String xmlFileAbsPath) throws UnsupportedEncodingException {         if (StringUtil.empty(xmlFileAbsPath)) {             return "";         }         String xml = FileUtil.file2String(xmlFileAbsPath);         String xmlContent = WebUtil.XmltoHtml(xml);         return xmlContent;     }     // TODO: 需要先复制jawin.dll到C:/winnt/system32目录下    // src 为excel文件的路径,dest为输出的xml文件的路径     public static void saveXlsAsXml(String src, String dest) {         final String hintHead = "saveXlsAsXml, ";         GeneralLogger logger = Util.getLogger();         try {             Ole32.CoInitialize(); //            String src = "E://work//zsm//jawin_sms//data//2.xls"; //            String dest = "E://work//zsm//jawin_sms//data//2.xml";             logger.info(hintHead + "src = " + src + ", dest = " + dest);             logger.info(hintHead + ", check dest existing...");             File f = new File(dest);             if (f.exists()) {                 f.delete();             }             logger.info(hintHead + "open excel");             DispatchPtr app = new DispatchPtr("Excel.Application");             logger.info(hintHead + "set visible to false");             app.put("Visible", false);             logger.info(hintHead + "get workbooks");             DispatchPtr books = (DispatchPtr) app.get("Workbooks");             logger.info(hintHead + "open src");             DispatchPtr book = (DispatchPtr) books.invoke("Open", src);             /**              * for the benefit of others, here is the complete list of canstant values for the saveas function :              18=Excel * * *-in              6=Comma-seperated values format              22=Macintosh comma-separated values format              24=MSDOS comma-seperated values format              23=MS Windows comma-separated values format              -4158=O/S boing used comma-separated values format              7=DBase II format              8=DBase III format              11=DBase IV format              9=Data interchange format              16=Excel 2.0 format              27=Excel 2.0 (Far East) format              29=Excel 3.0 format              33=Excel 4.0 format              35=Excel 4.0 Workbook format              39=Excel 5.0 & Excel 97 format              43=Excel 95 & Excel 97 format              44=HTML              26=Excel international add-in              25=Excel international marco              2=symbolic link format              17=template file format              19=Mcintosh test file format              21=MSDOS test file format              36=text printer file (.prn)              20=MS Windows text file format              42=Unicode              45=Web archive format (.mht)              5=Lotus 2.x format              31==Lotus 2.x .all format              30=Lotus 2.x .fmt format              15=Lotus 3.x format              32=Lotus3.x and Lotus 123 for Windows format              38=Lotus 4.0 format              4=MS Works format              -4143=Excel workbook format              28=MS Works (far east) format              34=Quattro Pro for MSDOS format              46=XML format              */             logger.info(hintHead + "save dest as xml ");             book.invoke("SaveAs", dest, new Integer(46));             logger.info(hintHead + "quit excel");             app.invoke("Quit");             Ole32.CoUninitialize();         } catch (Exception e) {             logger.error(hintHead + "failure, please check the jawin.dll path", e);         }     } } public WebUtil{     //TODO:根据需要可以在添加     public static String XmltoHtml(String xml) {         StringBuffer txt = new StringBuffer(xml);         StringBuffer buf = new StringBuffer(100);         for (int i = 0, n = txt.length(); i < n; i++) {             char ch = txt.charAt(i);             if (ch == '&') {                 buf.append("&amp;");             } else if (ch == '<') {                 buf.append("&lt;");             } else if (ch == '>') {                 buf.append("&gt;");             } else if (ch == '/r') {                 buf.append("&#13;");             } else if (ch == '/n') {                 buf.append("&#10;");             } else if (ch == '"') {                 buf.append("&quot;");             } else if (ch == '¥') {                 buf.append("&yen;");             } else if (ch == '$') {                 buf.append("&yen;");             } else {                 buf.append(ch);             }         }         return new String(buf);     } }         web页面显示方式:       <object id="Spreadsheet"      classid="CLSID:0002E559-0000-0000-C000-000000000046" width="100%" height="700px">       <param name=DisplayTitleBar value=false>      <param name=Autofit value=true> (注:这个地方如果设置为false,excel显示的宽度可能会出现问题)      <param name=DataType value=XMLData>       <param name=XMLData value="<%=xmlContent%>">      </object>                                                                   




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