Quick Sort

Quick sort and proof

  • Worst O(n2), expected running time O(nlgn), constant factors are small
  • In place algr.
  • With random sampling, no particular input elicits(evoke/draw out) worst case
  • Is a Divide & Conquer algr.
    • Divide: Partition O(n)
    • Conquer: Sort 2 subarray
    • Combine: N/A(in place, no extra step needed)
  • As procedure runs, the array is partitioned into 4 regions(loop invariant)(p, i, j, r)
    • <= pivot
    • > pivot
    • not yet partitioned
    • pivot itself
  • proof loop invariant
    • At begin it’s correct(0,0,…)
    • each loop maintains it
      • if arr[j] > pivot
      • if arr[j] <= pivot
    • termination all are in the 3 sets
		do if A[j] ≤ x
			then i ← i + 1
				exchange A[i] ↔ A[j] 
  • Q1: Modify PARTITION so that q = (p +r)/2 when all elements in the array A[p …r] have the same value.
    no good way, just if condition,
    if(alwayssame) return mid

  • Q2: How would you modify QUICKSORT to sort into nonincreasing order?
    A[j] <= x -------> A[j] >= x

Perf analysis

1. Worst-case – unbalanced

T ( n ) = T ( n − 1 ) + T ( 0 ) + Θ ( n ) = T ( n − 1 ) + Θ ( n ) = Θ ( n 2 ) \begin{aligned} T(n) &amp;= T(n-1)+T(0)+\Theta(n) \\ &amp;= T(n-1)+\Theta(n) \\ &amp;= \Theta(n^2) \end{aligned} T(n)=T(n1)+T(0)+Θ(n)=T(n1)+Θ(n)=Θ(n2)

  • Same with Insertion sort
  • Also if sorted, still Θ ( n 2 ) \Theta(n^2) Θ(n2), while insert sort is Θ ( n ) \Theta(n) Θ(n)
  • proof this is the worst case running time(use substitution, assume T ( n ) ≤ c n 2 T(n) \le cn^2 T(n)cn2)
    T ( n ) = m a x 0 ≤ q ≤ n − 1 T ( q ) + T ( n − q − 1 ) + Θ ( n ) ≤ m a x ( c q 2 + c ( n − q − 1 ) 2 + Θ ( n ) ) ≤ c n 2 \begin{aligned} T(n) &amp;= max_{0\le q\le n-1}T(q)+T(n-q-1)+\Theta(n) \\ &amp;\le max (cq^2+c(n-q-1)^2+\Theta(n) )\\ &amp;\le cn^2 \end{aligned} T(n)=max0qn1T(q)+T(nq1)+Θ(n)max(cq2+c(nq1)2+Θ(n))cn2

2. Best-case – balanced

T ( n ) ≤ 2 T ( n / 2 ) + Θ ( n ) = O ( n l g n ) \begin{aligned} T(n) &amp;\le 2T(n/2)+\Theta(n) \\ &amp;= O(nlgn) \end{aligned} T(n)2T(n/2)+Θ(n)=O(nlgn)
(using master theorem)

3. Constant proportionality

suppose 9-1split, intuitively is unbalanced

T ( n ) ≤ T ( 9 n / 10 ) + T ( n / 10 ) + c n = O ( n l g n ) \begin{aligned} T(n) &amp;\le T(9n/10)+T(n/10)+cn\\ &amp;= O(nlgn) \end{aligned} T(n)T(9n/10)+T(n/10)+cn=O(nlgn)

  • Depth is l o g 10 / 9 n = Θ ( l g n ) log_{10/9}n =\Theta(lgn) log10/9n=Θ(lgn)
  • Asymptotically same as best-case
  • Any split of constant proportionality yields a recursion tree of depth Θ ( l g n ) \Theta(lgn) Θ(lgn), each label O(n)

Average-case Intuition

Assume the best-case and worst-case splits alternate levels in the tree

  • worst-case array – 2 level – [0,(n-1)] – [0,(n-1)/2-1,(n-1)/2]
    • Θ ( n ) + Θ ( n − 1 ) = Θ ( n ) \Theta(n)+\Theta(n-1)=\Theta(n) Θ(n)+Θ(n1)=Θ(n)
  • best-case array – 1 level – [(n-1)/2,(n-1)/2]
    • Θ ( n ) \Theta(n) Θ(n)
  • between good and bad splits, is like the running time for good splits alone: still O(nlgn), but with a slightly larger constant hidden by the O-notation.

Random Sampling

  • Because the pivot element is randomly chosen, we expect the split of the input array to be reasonably well balanced on average.
  • no change in quick sort
  • random pivot in partition
    • i ← RANDOM(p,r)
    • exchange A[r] ↔ A[i]

Rigorously proof

We derive an O(nlgn) bound on the expected running time. This upper bound combined with the Θ ( n l g n ) \Theta(nlgn) Θ(nlgn) best-case bound yields a Θ ( n l g n ) \Theta(nlgn) Θ(nlgn) expected running time.
X i j = I z i i s c o m p a r e d t o z j X = ∑ ∑ X i j E ( X ) = ∑ ∑ E ( X i j ) X_{ij} = I{z_i is compared to z_j}\\ X = \sum\sum X_{ij} \\ E(X) = \sum\sum E(X_{ij} ) Xij=IziiscomparedtozjX=XijE(X)=E(Xij)
Pr{zi is compared to zj}
= Pr{zi or zj is first pivot chosen from Zij}
= Pr{zi isfirstpivotchosenfromZij} + Pr{zj isfirstpivotchosenfromZij}

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Quick sort is a popular sorting algorithm that works by partitioning an array into two sub-arrays, and then recursively sorting each sub-array. It is a divide-and-conquer algorithm that has an average time complexity of O(n log n), making it one of the fastest sorting algorithms. The basic idea behind quick sort is to select a pivot element, partition the array around the pivot element, and then recursively apply the same process to each of the sub-arrays. The partitioning process involves selecting a pivot element, rearranging the array so that all elements less than the pivot are on one side and all elements greater than the pivot are on the other side, and then returning the index of the pivot element. This pivot index is then used to divide the array into two sub-arrays, which are recursively sorted. Here's an example implementation of quick sort in Python: ``` def quick_sort(arr): if len(arr) <= 1: return arr else: pivot = arr[0] left = [] right = [] for i in range(1, len(arr)): if arr[i] < pivot: left.append(arr[i]) else: right.append(arr[i]) return quick_sort(left) + [pivot] + quick_sort(right) ``` This implementation selects the first element of the array as the pivot, and then uses list comprehensions to create the left and right sub-arrays. The left sub-array contains all elements less than the pivot, while the right sub-array contains all elements greater than or equal to the pivot. The function then recursively sorts the left and right sub-arrays and combines them with the pivot element to produce the final sorted array.


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