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原创 Blockchain Nanodegree 预修知识之三:RESTful APIs(3)

Lesson 3: API EndpointsAPI Endpoints with FlaskHello worldfrom flask import Flaskapp = Flask(__name__)@app.route('/')def hello_world(): return "Hello, world!"if __name__ == '__main__': ...

2018-11-26 00:25:18 214

原创 Blockchain Nanodegree 预修知识之三:RESTful APIs(2)

Lesson 2: Accessing Published APIsHTTPHTTP Requestsheader:request line (HTTP verb, URI, HTTP version number)optional request headersblank linebody (optional)Sending API Requests with Postman...

2018-11-24 15:28:38 211

原创 Blockchain Nanodegree 预修知识之三:RESTful APIs(1)

Lesson 1: What’s and Why’s of APIsWhat are APIsAPIs: Application Programming Interfacerefer to any method of communication between two entities of codeconnection points in code that allow one app...

2018-11-22 13:14:02 158

原创 Blockchain Nanodegree 预修知识之一:HTTP & Web Servers (3b)

Lesson 3: HTTP in the Real World #2Concurrencyhttp.server can only handle one request at a time, therefore the bookmarker server cannot fetch a page from itselfConcurrency: being able to handle tw...

2018-11-20 15:18:07 204

原创 Blockchain Nanodegree 预修知识之一:HTTP & Web Servers (3a)

Lesson 3 HTTP in the Real World #1Deploying to a hosting serviceDeploy web services to HerokuCheck your server code into a new local Git repository.Sign up for a free Heroku account.Download the...

2018-11-20 15:17:25 185

原创 Blockchain Nanodegree 预修知识之二:Full Stack Foundations (4)

Lesson 4: Iterative DevelopmentIterative DevelopmentThree ways of development:dive into it, write as much as possiblecode in piecesstart out simple and layer on complexityAgile Development: al...

2018-11-17 21:43:57 140

原创 Blockchain Nanodegree 预修知识之二:Full Stack Foundations (3)

Lesson 3: Developing with frameworksOverviewFrameworksdatabseTemplatesurl_forformsmessageflashingJSONStylingFlask: First AppA quick tutorial on decorators:http://simeonfranklin.com/blog...

2018-11-17 21:16:10 165

原创 Blockchain Nanodegree 预修知识之二:Full Stack Foundations (2)

Lesson 2: Making a Web ServerNote: this course was based on Python 2.7. The The BaseHTTPServer module has been merged into http.server inPython 3.Building a Server with HTTPBaseServerfrom BaseHTTP...

2018-11-17 21:15:14 167

原创 Blockchain Nanodegree 预修知识之二:Full Stack Foundations (1)

https://classroom.udacity.com/courses/ud088Lesson 1: CRUDPreparationInstall GitInstall Virtual BoxInstall VagrantFork the starter repo: https://github.com/udacity/fullstack-nanodegree-vmcd ful...

2018-11-17 21:14:31 185

原创 Blockchain Nanodegree 预修知识之一:HTTP & Web Servers (2)

HTTP & Web Servershttps://classroom.udacity.com/courses/ud303Lesson 2: The Web from PythonPython’s http.serverIn the exercises in this lesson, you’ll be writing code that runs on your own comp...

2018-11-13 23:43:27 214

原创 Blockchain Nanodegree 预修知识之一:HTTP & Web Servers (1)

HTTP & Web Servershttps://classroom.udacity.com/courses/ud303Lesson 1: Requests & ResponsesLessson2: The Web from PythonLesson 3: HTTP in the Real World

2018-11-12 16:15:00 205

原创 Blockchain Nanodegree 补充资源(随时更新)

LevelDBhttp://leveldb.org/A light-weight, single-purpose library for persistence with bindings to many platforms.JavaScript Promises规范https://cn.udacity.com/course/javascript-promises--ud898JavaS...

2018-11-12 16:06:07 683

原创 Blockchain Nanodegree Notes 20181111

Lesson 2 Web Services with Node.jsIntroductionRESTful Frameworks: gives you access to guidelines and tools that help you develop applications more efficiently.REST (Representational State Transfer)...

2018-11-11 15:36:28 130

原创 Blockchain Nanodegree Notes 20181109

Term 1 Session 4 Lesson 1: Planning a Web ServiceAnalyze blockchain use case to determine if it requires a web serviceDecide on a web service languageExplain Node.js framework and components for b...

2018-11-10 14:26:50 453

原创 Blockchain Nanodegree Notes 20181106

Term 1 S3 Lesson5: Private BlockchainsLesson IntroductionPublic and Private BlockchainsCompare and contrast a public blockchain vs a private blockchain and discuss methods for cross-chain functiona...

2018-11-10 14:25:09 340

原创 Blockchain Nanodegree Notes 20181103

Term 1 S3 Lesson 4: Blockchain DataCreate Raw TransactionMotivation for Creating TransactionsTo really leverage the full power of the protocol, we need to bypass the GUI and work directly with the ...

2018-11-10 14:24:12 350

原创 Blockchain Nanodegree Notes 20181031

Term 1 S3 Lesson 4: Blockchain DataLesson IntroductionBy the End of This Lesson…You will be able to…Recognize the data structure of blocks and transactions.Recognize the purpose of Bitcoin Scrip...

2018-11-10 14:23:10 215

原创 Blockchain Nanodegree Notes 20181030

Term 1 S3 Lesson 2: Bitcoin Core TestnetData Warnings and Bitcoin.config Setupbitcoin core download: https://bitcoin.org/en/downloadBitcoin Core - Getting Startedhttps://bitcoincore.org/bin/bitcoi...

2018-11-10 14:20:23 360

原创 Blockchain Nanodegree Notes 20181029

Term 1 S3 Lesson 2: Bitcoin Core TestnetLesson IntroductionGoals:Set up your own bitcoin core development environmentIntroduce bitcoin core - its purpose and the toolsCreate transactions between...

2018-11-10 14:19:02 155

原创 Blockchain Nanodegree Notes 20181026

Term 1 S3 Lesson 1: Blockchain Data OverviewBlockchain vs Traditional DatabasesBlockchain as a dataset - overviewBlockchain as a dataset?traditional database characteristicsblockchain characteri...

2018-11-10 14:13:22 269



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