






交换排序(exchange sorts)算法大串讲

§1 冒泡(Bubble Sort)排序及其改进

§2 鸡尾酒(Cocktail Sort)排序

  §3 奇偶(Odd-even Sort)排序

§4 快速(Quick Sort)排序及其改进

§5 梳(Comb Sort)排序

  §6 地精(Gnome Sort)排序



选择排序(selection sorts)算法大串讲

§1 选择排序

§2 锦标赛排序

§3 堆排序

§4 Smooth Sort




插入排序(insertion sorts)算法大串讲

§1 基本插入排序算法和折半插入排序算法

§2 希尔排序(shell sort)算法

  §3 图书馆排序(library sort)算法

§4 耐心排序(patience sort)算法





归并排序(merge sorts)算法大串讲

§1 归并排序(Merge Sort)

§2 归并排序算法改进和优化

§3 Strand Sort排序




分布排序(distribution sorts)算法大串讲

§1 鸽巢排序(Pigeonhole)

§2 桶排序(Bucket Sort)

  §3 基数排序(Radix Sort)

§4 计数排序(Counting Sort)

§5 Proxmap Sort

  §6 珠排序(Bead Sort)



下面再附上维基百科的对Sort Algorithm的整理:


Comparison of algorithms

In this table, n is the number of records to be sorted. The columns "Average" and "Worst" give the time complexity in each case, under the assumption that the length of each key is constant, and that therefore all comparisons, swaps, and other needed operations can proceed in constant time. "Memory" denotes the amount of auxiliary storage needed beyond that used by the list itself, under the same assumption. These are all comparison sorts. The run time and the memory of algorithms could be measured using various notations like theta, omega, Big-O, small-o, etc. The memory and the run times below are applicable for all the 5 notations.

Comparison sorts  Name Best Average Worst
Memory Stable Method
Other notes
Quicksort \mathcal{} n \log n \mathcal{} n \log n \mathcal{} n^2 \mathcal{} \log n DependsPartitioning Quicksort is usually done in place with O(log(n)) stack space.[citation needed] Most implementations are unstable, as stable in-place partitioning is more complex. Naïve variants use an O(n) space array to store the partition.[citation needed]
Merge sort \mathcal{} {n \log n} \mathcal{} {n \log n} \mathcal{} {n \log n} Depends; worst case is  \mathcal{} n YesMerging Highly parallelizable (up to O(log(n))) for processing large amounts of data.
In-place Merge sort \mathcal{} -  \mathcal{} -  \mathcal{} {n \left( \log n \right)^2}  \mathcal{} {1} YesMerging Implemented in Standard Template Library (STL);[2]can be implemented as a stable sort based on stable in-place merging.[3]
Heapsort \mathcal{} {n \log n} \mathcal{} {n \log n} \mathcal{} {n \log n} \mathcal{} {1} NoSelection  
Insertion sort  \mathcal{} n  \mathcal{} n^2  \mathcal{} n^2  \mathcal{} {1} YesInsertion O(n + d), where d is the number of inversions
Introsort \mathcal{} n \log n \mathcal{} n \log n \mathcal{} n \log n \mathcal{} \log n NoPartitioning & Selection Used in SGI STL implementations
Selection sort  \mathcal{} n^2  \mathcal{} n^2  \mathcal{} n^2  \mathcal{} {1} NoSelection Stable with O(n) extra space, for example using lists.[4] Used to sort this table in Safari or other Webkit web browser.[5]
Timsort  \mathcal{} {n}  \mathcal{} {n \log n}  \mathcal{} {n \log n}  \mathcal{} n YesInsertion & Merging \mathcal{} {n}  comparisons when the data is already sorted or reverse sorted.
Shell sort \mathcal{} n \mathcal{} n (\log n)^2


\mathcal{} n^{3/2}
Depends on gap sequence; best known is \mathcal{} n (\log n)^2 \mathcal{} 1 NoInsertion  
Bubble sort \mathcal{} n \mathcal{} n^2 \mathcal{} n^2 \mathcal{} {1} YesExchanging Tiny code size
Binary tree sort \mathcal{} n \mathcal{} {n \log n} \mathcal{} {n \log n} \mathcal{} n YesInsertion When using a self-balancing binary search tree
Cycle sort  \mathcal{} n^2  \mathcal{} n^2 \mathcal{} {1} NoInsertion In-place with theoretically optimal number of writes
Library sort  \mathcal{} {n \log n}  \mathcal{} n^2  \mathcal{} n YesInsertion  
Patience sorting \mathcal{} n \log n \mathcal{} n NoInsertion & Selection Finds all the longest increasing subsequences within O(n log n)
Smoothsort \mathcal{} {n} \mathcal{} {n \log n} \mathcal{} {n \log n} \mathcal{} {1} NoSelection An adaptive sort - \mathcal{} {n}  comparisons when the data is already sorted, and 0 swaps.
Strand sort \mathcal{} n \mathcal{} n^2 \mathcal{} n^2 \mathcal{} n YesSelection  
Tournament sort \mathcal{} n \log n \mathcal{} n \log n  Selection  
Cocktail sort \mathcal{} n \mathcal{} n^2  \mathcal{} n^2 \mathcal{} {1} YesExchanging  
Comb sort \mathcal{} n \mathcal{} n \log n  \mathcal{} n^2  \mathcal{} {1} NoExchanging Small code size
Gnome sort  \mathcal{} n  \mathcal{} n^2  \mathcal{} n^2  \mathcal{} {1} YesExchanging Tiny code size
Bogosort  \mathcal{} n  \mathcal{} n \cdot n!  \mathcal{} {n \cdot n! \to \infty}  \mathcal{} {1} NoLuck Randomly permute the array and check if sorted.
[6] \mathcal{} -  \mathcal{} n \log n  \mathcal{} {n \log n}  \mathcal{} {1} Yes   


Non-Comparison of algorithms


The following table describes integer sorting algorithms and other sorting algorithms that are not comparison sorts. As such, they are not limited by a \Omega\left( {n \log n} \right) lower bound. Complexities below are in terms of n, the number of items to be sorted, k, the size of each key, and d, the digit size used by the implementation. Many of them are based on the assumption that the key size is large enough that all entries have unique key values, and hence that n << 2k, where << means "much less than."


Non-comparison sorts Name Best Average Worst
Stable  n  << 2 k  Notes
Pigeonhole sort \;n + 2^k \;n + 2^k\;2^k YesYes 
Bucket sort (uniform keys) \;n+k \;n^2 \cdot k\;n \cdot k YesNoAssumes uniform distribution of elements from the domain in the array.[7]
Bucket sort (integer keys) \;n+r \;n+r\;n+r YesYesr is the range of numbers to be sorted. If r = \mathcal{O}\left( {n} \right) then Avg RT = \mathcal{O}\left( {n} \right)[8]
Counting sort \;n+r \;n+r\;n+r YesYesr is the range of numbers to be sorted. If r = \mathcal{O}\left( {n} \right) then Avg RT = \mathcal{O}\left( {n} \right)[7]
LSD Radix Sort \;n \cdot \frac{k}{d} \;n \cdot \frac{k}{d}\mathcal{} n YesNo[7][8]
MSD Radix Sort \;n \cdot \frac{k}{d} \;n \cdot \frac{k}{d}\mathcal{} n + \frac{k}{d} \cdot 2^d YesNoStable version uses an external array of size n to hold all of the bins
MSD Radix Sort \;n \cdot \frac{k}{d} \;n \cdot \frac{k}{d}\frac{k}{d} \cdot 2^d NoNoIn-Place. k / d recursion levels, 2d for count array
Spreadsort \;n \cdot \frac{k}{d} \;n \cdot \left( {\frac{k}{s} + d} \right)\;\frac{k}{d} \cdot 2^d NoNoAsymptotics are based on the assumption that n << 2k, but the algorithm does not require this.








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